
One Piece: Reign

Embark on a swashbuckling adventure like no other in the world of One Piece with Gale D Magnus, the most audacious pirate to ever sail the Grand Line! Inheritor of the enigmatic Will of D, Magnus is no ordinary pirate. Feared by even the lofty Celestial Dragons themselves, his exploits make the legendary Pirate King seem tame in comparison! But Magnus isn't just in it for the plunder and glory. No, he's on a mission to defy the very gods themselves! Escaping the depths of Impel Down's Level Six, he's determined to challenge the World Government and snatch their prized possessions right from under their noses. And what's more prized to the gods than their own women? Join Magnus as he builds his own harem of fearless beauties, plundering not just gold and riches but the hearts of the wives of supposed deities! From daring heists on celestial palaces to steamy encounters with divine consorts, Magnus proves that he's not just a pirate – he's a legend in the making.

True_Seeker · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Magnus & Blackbeard

In the wild world of pirates, legends are born, and dreams are chased with reckless abandon. Here, one name strikes fear into the hearts of even the Celestial Dragons, the supposed gods of the world. This name overshadows even Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King, whose legendary words sparked the Great Pirate Age. This name is so feared, so reviled, that history itself has tried to bury it. This is the story of the man who, after 800 years of peace, rekindled the terror associated with the "Will of D," but for a reason unknown even to the brilliant archaeologists of Ohara. Had they unraveled the truth, perhaps even surviving the Buster Call wouldn't have shielded them from a heart attack. This is the story of Gale D. Magnus.

To the unlucky Celestial Dragons who knew of him, his name whispered of terrible shame and endless rage. To the rest of the world, he was a forbidden myth. The mere mention of his name could unearth his dark deeds, reopening wounds on the souls of the people.

Why? Because he was known as the Seeker of Holes - The Siren's Bane!

Pirates were after treasures and power, but he was after the women, including those of others!

The only ones who stole women openly were the Celestial Dragons, but this man defied the gods by stealing their women and bedding them in front of them! His crimes were such that they were beyond redemption! After all, he made them feel little and insecure in ways they couldn't even dare to state! And so, he remained a ghost in the history books.

As the chaos of the Summit War at Marineford loomed, our story begins, or perhaps continues, in the depths of Impel Down, the maximum-security prison.

The aftershock of Luffy's daring escape still hung heavy in the air as Blackbeard and his motley crew ventured deeper into the prison. Leading the way was Laffitte, a former West Blue policeman with a talent for navigation. Following him were the sharp-eyed sniper Van Augur, the hulking helmsman Jesus Burgess, the creepy doctor Doc Q with his unsettling horse Stronger, and their newest recruit – Shiryu of the Rain, the recently fired head jailer.

Their destination?

Level Six, a place reserved for the most dangerous criminals, their crimes and identities buried by the World Government.

Blackbeard, a man with an unsettling charisma, grinned with anticipation. Here, amidst the despair, resided the perfect candidates to strengthen his crew. In a booming voice, he offered the convicts freedom - but only to the strongest.

"Zehahaha! Listen up, scums! You're supposed to be the world's worst criminals! Legends locked away to rot in this glorified coffin!" Blackbeard bellowed, spreading his arms. "Well, I'm here to offer you a taste of freedom! A chance to crawl out of this hole and make the world tremble again!"

The chance? A brutal battle royale within the cramped cells.

The prisoners smirked, a chance was exactly what they craved!

The battle royale erupted in a frenzy of violence.

In one of the cells sat Gale D Magnus, silent and seemingly uninterested in the offer.

Defined by his handsome features and a chest etched with battle scars, he was a beacon of calm amidst the storm. Unlike the others who lunged and clawed in a desperate fight, Magnus simply sat. It wasn't surrender though.

The first challenger, a brute built like a brick wall, charged. Magnus twisted with lightning speed, using the brute's momentum to slam his head into the stone wall with a sickening crack. The man crumpled, unconscious.

The next attacker, a wiry man with a makeshift knife fashioned from a bed frame, lunged from the corner. Anticipating the move, Magnus snatched the knife in mid-air. With a flick of his wrist, he sent it spinning through the cell, embedding it in the opposite wall an inch from another prisoner's throat. The would-be attacker froze, terror widening his eyes.

A woman with wild hair and feral hunger saw her opening. Using a shard of pottery as a makeshift knife, she lunged for Magnus's back. As if possessing eyes in the back of his head, Magnus tilted just enough for the shard to scrape harmlessly past his ear. In one fluid motion, he grabbed her wrist, squeezed with terrifying force, and slammed her into the wall. A choked gasp escaped her lips before she slumped to the floor.

The fight wasn't a flashy display of martial arts, but a terrifying display of calculated efficiency. Each move spoke of countless battles, showcasing a predator honed by years of brutal survival.

During this display, a dying prisoner with a withered arm managed a final act of defiance. He ripped the worn shirt from Magnus's back, revealing a tattoo that sent a jolt through the cell.

It was the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon, a symbol known throughout the world. But this mark was different.

The hoof itself was caged, a chilling alteration that sent shivers down the spines of those who saw it. Even Blackbeard's hardened crew watched the scene with a mix of morbid curiosity and unease. They were impressed by Magnus's prowess, but the mark, this enigma etched into his flesh, baffled them.

"Don't look at me," Shiryu of the Rain said, his voice raspy. "Not even Magellan knows who he is."

What crime could this man have committed to warrant such complete erasure?

Silence descended as the last death throes echoed through the cells. With a flourish, Blackbeard and his crew unlocked the cells powered by seastone.

The victors, faces etched with excitement, surged towards Blackbeard. But Magnus surprised everyone. Ignoring Blackbeard and his crew, he turned in the opposite direction and stretched his own body, the first true sign of movement after what seemed like an eternity of confinement.

"Appreciate the help," Magnus whispered politely. "Goodbye."

"You seem to have forgotten the captain's words," Van Augur growled, his sharpshooter instincts kicking in. He aimed his rifle at the anomaly.

Before he could squeeze the trigger, an invisible force slammed into his gut, sending him crashing into a pile of corpses.

"Devil fruit user?" Blackbeard boomed, unleashing his signature Darkness-Darkness Fruit power, a swirling vortex attempting to engulf Magnus. But Magnus resisted the pull, his own devil fruit power clashing with Blackbeard's within close range. Blackbeard, accustomed to nullifying devil fruit abilities, was bewildered.

"How?" he roared, momentarily forgetting his theatrical persona.

"You seem formidable."

Magnus countered, his voice a steady rumble that seemed to emanate from the very stones of the prison. A glint of challenge flickered in his icy blue eyes.

"But so have those who now slumber in hell…"

As he spoke, a low tremor vibrated through the Level Six. Blackbeard's crew exchanged nervous glances, their bravado momentarily flickering.

With a motion so swift it seemed to defy physics, Magnus flung his arms wide. The air itself crackled with unseen energy.

Then, with a thunderous BOOM that echoed through the entire prison, the walls on either side of the cell block imploded inwards. A torrent of dust and debris erupted, slamming into Blackbeard and his crew with the deafening clang of a cymbal. Rocks the size of melons ricocheted off Doc Q's hat, leaving him momentarily stunned.

Van Augur, caught off guard, was thrown back against the far wall, his rifle clattering uselessly to the floor.

Blackbeard, his signature guffaw cut short, roared in fury, his darkness power erupting outward in a desperate attempt to shield himself. The debris rained down, swallowed whole by the inky tendrils, but the force of the telekinetic blast had sent them flying. As the dust settled, the space ahead was empty.

Magnus, the enigma with a terrifying display of power, had vanished, leaving only the stunned silence and the groans of the injured pirates in his wake.

"That man ran away?" Catarina Devon frowned in disappointment.

She craved a true test of strength against the anomaly who had defied the man who has become their captain. And she didn't know why, but after looking at his physique, she craved him.

She was the most dangerous female pirate in history, and she felt he might be the male equivalent!

"He's clever," Doc Q rasped, a disturbing grin splitting his face. "Probably weakened from his time in this prison. Retreat was the only logical choice for any of us in that situation."

The others seemed to agree with the doctor's assessment.

"That's a pity," Catarina Devon giggled. "I thought I could have him as my toy!"

"I thought you craved only female toys," Vasco Shot remarked.

"I can make an exception for him!" Catarina Devon replied.

"That bastard!" Blackbeard, however, seethed. While recruitment was the goal, he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate a potential threat.

"Not now captain!"

Van Augur, nursing his bruised ego, reminded Blackbeard of their bigger picture. Blackbeard let out a hearty guffaw.

"Right, Van Augur. After I deal with Whitebeard, no one will dare stand in my way!"

Blackbeard's boisterous laughter echoed through the broken cell block, a chilling reminder of the chaos he intended to unleash. But a new wrinkle had formed in his plans.

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