
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Street Fight

Four years later…Kid and Kai At the age of five…

It's been years since our parents died in that unfortunate incident, the event didn't have any impact on me as I already grew up and had a life before. I also didn't have any time to develop any feelings for my new parent as they died too early, so I was indifferent about it, but for Kid…The story is different.

Although he never met them, but the lack of parents affection caused him to feel more alienated, hostile and aggressive. Even at such a young age, Kid was already known as troublemaker.

We also don't get along that well, both of us, as we keep fighting all the time…Or at least it appears to be on the outside. Mostly because of his bratty attitude, but the reality is that he cares a lot about me, even though he doesn't show it. He's like an open book, easy to read, but it's understandable as I'm the only family left for him.

He also somehow keeps reminding me a lot of my younger brother, so that caused me to develop a little soft spot for him if I'm being honest.

We were left orphaned when our parents were killed in that tragic incident. We were taken in by an orphanage in one of the four towns of this island, where we spent the next few years of our lives.

It might seem like a good thing saying that but, the orphanage is a harsh place, with limited resources and crowded conditions. The children are often hungry and lacked basic necessities. Kid and I are no exception, and we had to quickly learned to fend for ourselves.

Despite the tough circumstances and constant fights, Kid and I were inseparable. We were each other's only family, and we relied on each other for comfort and support.

Becoming a child again is pretty nice, not going to lie, but I'd prefer if I had a more normal childhood than this.

Another normal morning in Kinzoku Island,

Kid woke up to the sound of Kai's shuffling around their small room. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and looked at him. He was digging through the small bag of coins they had managed to steal from a fruit vendor the previous day.

"What are you doing?" Kid asked, his voice still groggy from sleep.

"We need to eat," Kai replied, not looking up from the coins. "I'm going to buy us some bread."

"Why should we buy food if we can just steal it?!" Kid exclaimed with a frown, he was very energetic for someone who just woke up, and he was ready to start an argument over anything.

"Keep it down before someone hears you!" Kai responded with a scowl, while trying to shut down his brother "Why risk being caught if we have money to do that? You know we could get kicked out from the orphanage if we cause too much trouble?...Don't think they care about us the slightest, the place is already overcrowded, they wouldn't mind kicking out one or two troublemakers"

"Tch…Again acting like you know everything, I should be the one doing that, since I'm the older brother!" Kid said with a stern expression, while pointing his thumb to his chest.

"We don't know who's the older one, and if you really want to do that then stop acting like an annoying brat and start being more responsible…Though I don't expect that from a five years old child" Kai casually said.

"Hmph…I'll just beat you up until you admit it…That I'm the older brother" Kid said with a smirk, while trying to crack his knuckles which he failed to do so. Kai didn't mind him and continued what he was doing without paying much attention "You're ignoring me huh?...as I though you are scared to fight me back…Well, I'll let you go this once since I don't want people to think that I'm bullying my younger brother"

Kid watched his brother ignoring him as he counted out a few coins and tucked them into his pocket before grabbing his coat and heading out the door, leaving the orphanage. Kid followed him, pulling on his own coat. They were both wearing torn and worn-out clothes.

They also have the exact same appearance, except for the hair style. Kai's red hair falls in thick, wavy locks around his face and shoulders. His hairstyle is somewhat unkempt, with the top of his hair swept back and several strands falling in front of his forehead.

As for Kid he has the same wild, fiery red hair that stands tall and spiky on his head. On top of that, he wears a pair of studded, square shaped goggles on his forehead, which he found in the landfill. Kid also has an obsession of gathering scrap metal and making stuff out of it, mostly dolls.

"…Let's go"

Kai said, as the twins headed to the local marketplace after that. The streets were busy, but they were used to navigating them by now. Kai led the way, his eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of trouble. Kid stayed close behind him, trying to blend in as best he could.

A few minutes later they arrived at a bakery, and Kai motioned for Kid to wait outside while he went in to buy the bread. Kid leaned against the wall, watching the people walk by.

After Kai finished buying the food, they proceeded to quickly leave, making their way to the orphanage. But as they were walking back, a group of older children suddenly appeared in front of them. They looked at them with sneers and began to circle them, they were around five of them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A couple of little kids trying to play tough?" one of them said, as he grabbed Kid's shirt.

"Hey, let go!" Kid protested, trying to pull away.

The others laughed and started to pat down their pockets, searching for anything valuable they could steal.

Kai felt anger boiling inside him. He wasn't going to let them take anything without a fight. He still had some coins left from buying the food, but even that much is a lot for them.

"Hey! Leave us alone!" Kai shouted, and he balled his fists.

"What are you going to do about it, you petty street rats" He said, as a mischievous grin slowly crept across his face.

"We're not street rats, we live in an orphanage" Kai responded while stepping in front of him. A moment passed as they both stood there, silently sizing each other up, before the bullies just started laughing at him, but before they could do anything, Kid suddenly launched himself at one of them, fists flying.

"Who the hell, do you think your laughing at?!" Kid shouted in anger, and with a quick right punch, he landed a powerful blow to his nose causing him to bleed "I'm the only one allowed to bully my brother!" He said in confidence as he landed back next to Kai.

"I don't know about the last sentence, but your damn right about the first one!" Kai said as he got ready to fight, before the five bullies surrounded them with hostile looks.

"You little shits!...I'm going to beat you up until you can't stand up again!" The leader of the bullies declared, his eyes widening in anger and pain as he clutched his nose.

"We're in trouble…" Kai uttered to himself as he and Kid were standing back-to-back on guard. He was still calm about it, as gangster in his previous life he went through countless similar situations like this, so it wasn't the first time for him. Although they are just children, but they are older, and they outnumbered them.

"Don't shit yourself, little brother" Kid said with a grin before he lunged forward, throwing a punch at one of the bullies, taking him by surprise. The punch landed solidly on the boy's jaw, sending him stumbling backwards. Kai quickly followed his brother kicking another one in the stomach.

The other bullies rushed forward, surrounding the Eustass twins. They kicked and punched at them, but the two brothers fought back with all their might. Kai who had more experience in street fights from his past life took advantage of it, smaller and faster, he darted in and out of the group of bullies, delivering quick jabs and kicks before darting away again.

Kid, being more straight forward in his fighting style, stood his ground and traded blows with the bullies. He took several hard hits, but he refused to give up. His determination inspired his brother even more, and together they fought harder than they ever had before.

But unfortunately, they were still overwhelmed by their numbers, adding to that their opponents were bigger in size and much stronger, they were in a big disadvantage. Just when it seemed like they were about to be overwhelmed, about three figures appeared at the end of the alleyway.

Two children lead by a taller child who has a lean and agile frame, with blonde, short hair styled upwards in a spiky fashion. His eyes were sharp and piercing. His facial features were sharp and angular. He had a small nose and thin lips that curved upwards.

The three of them were carrying rocks and metal pipes, before their leader shouted at the bullies "Kyle! Finally found you!"

The leader of the bullies quickly changed his gaze to him with a look of surprise "Killer?! You again?!...Stop meddling in our business every time and piss off!"

"You bunch of cowards. You keep using your numbers to bully other kids" Killer said as he and the other two kids started running towards Kai and Kid "But it seems that you are having a hard time, this time!" He said before the three of them joined the fight.

"Appreciate the help" Kai said still fixing his eyes on his enemy.

"We don't need your help. We can take care of this ourselves!" Kid glared at Killer, before the latter calmly responded.

"You guys look the exact same but act very differently" Killer remarked before the five of them engaged with the five bullies. With their help they quickly overpowered them. breathless and bruised, the group of five bullies ran away soon after that.

"Phew!...You guys are very strong for your age" said the nine years old kid, before he proceeded to introduce himself and his friends "I'm Killer by the way, I believe you already heard my name from Kyle…These are my friends, Heat and Wire" he said as he pointed at the two kids behind him.

"Nice to meet you killer, I'm Kai and this is my brother Kid" Kai said, reaching for a handshake "You guys live around here?"

"Well, kind of…We are homeless, so we are always on the move" Killer said while scratching the back of his head.

"That sucks, we could sneak you in the orphanage at night if you want to" Kid said casually.

"Faffaffaffa!...I appreciate that, but we are used to living in the streets" Killer said while laughing in a unique way.

"Huh? What a wei--" Before Kid could comment on Killer's distinct laugh, Kai quickly put his hand on his mouth stopping him, as he remembered how Killer in the anime hated people who laugh at his laugh to the point of willing to kill them for it.

"What--What the hell?!" Kid glared at Kai while moving his hand away. The later quickly changed the subject.

"I see, Hahaha!...By the way, you seem to know that guy from before" Kai asked him.

"Ah, those guys are a bunch of cowards who keep bulling kids younger than them. They once tried to pick a fight with us, though that didn't go well for them" Killer mentioned, then added "You guys are pretty strong, how about you join our group? we could have each other's back while fending for ourselves" Killer gave them an offer.

"Sounds good" Kai accepted Killer's offer without much thoughts about it.

"Wait, you should talk with me first before you decide that!" Kid shouted at him "But I do agree with you this time, so I'll let it slide"

"Faffaffaffa!...You guys are really weird, even though you look exactly the same. But your still different from each other…I like you though, so we'll be counting on each other from now on"