
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime und Comics
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110 Chs

Saga VS Snack

As the moon hung high in the sky, casting its silvery glow over the battlefield, Saga and Snack faced off against each other, their swords gleaming in the moonlight. Saga, who is an extremely skilled swordsman who trained at the Isshin Dojo in Shimotsuki Village from childhood, stood calmly in front of the wide and towering Snack, his keen eyes focused on his opponent.

Snack is a very wide man with a long nose, his height is comparable to his siblings and wielding a large katana. He is also one of the Four Sweet Commanders of Big Mom suggesting that he is most likely more skilled that his other fellow brothers and sisters.

Saga tightened his grip on his sword, coating it with Armament Haki to strengthen its edge, turning it pitch black while his keen Observation Haki on stand, ready to predict Snack's movement. Snack, likewise, infused his blade with Haki, his senses sharpened by Observation Haki as he analyzed Saga's stance and prepared to counter his attacks.

Saga knew he needed to grow stronger to defeat Snack, who was not only a skilled swordsman with a formidable Devil Fruit power but also a proficient Haki user. Armed with only Haki and his swordsmanship, Saga understood he had to surpass his opponent in both to emerge victorious.

'During our training, Kai spoke of different types of Haki and their advanced applications…' Saga recalled Kai's words. '…Being able to strike an opponent without even touching them by letting your Haki flow instead of hardening, Emission. It's supposedly the next level of Armament Haki that only skilled people achieve…' 

'I gotta do it, this my only chance. A life and death battle, Haki bloom in situations like this' Saga thought with an excited grin.

The two swordsmen locked eyes for a second before they dashed towards each other, swords swinging as they clashed with a resounding clang, sending sparks flying into the night air. Saga darted forward with blinding speed, his body flickering as he utilized Soru to close the distance between them in an instant. Snack, however, was ready and swiftly backed away before Saga could strike him before he proceeded to use his Devil Fruit Power to strike back.

<Caramel Bind> 

Snack hurled a glob of liquid caramel that he created from his left palm at Saga, which exploded upon impact, showering him in sticky goo and hindering his movements as he struggled to free himself.

"??!...Caramel?" Saga remarked as he tried to cut it with his katana only for it to get stuck as well "Damn it! This thing--" 

Snack has eaten the Paramecia Devil Fruit, Kara Kara no Mi/ Caramel-Caramel Fruit that allows him to create and manipulate caramel at will, making him a caramel human.

'A chance!' Looking at the vulnerable Saga, Snack saw his chance to get a direct strike now that he is open. He quickly hardened his weapon with Armament Haki and lunged towards Saga while slashing his sword diagonally, aiming to cut his chest open.

Seeing this, Saga used all his force to pull out his weapon. "AGHHH--…Clang-!!" Saga managed to free his katana just in time, blocking Snack's blade. Sparks flew as their blades met, the clash echoing across the battlefield, each pushing to overpower the other.

Saga's feet were still stuck to the ground as Snack relentlessly attacked from all sides. Despite Saga's proficiency with Observation Haki, his immobility caused him to miss a few of Snack's attacks, leaving him with several cuts.

"I'm curious to see how long you would last against me like that" Snack said as he leaped into the air while grasping his weapon with both hands, raising his sword above him and then descending towards Saga with a powerful downwards slash. 

Saga quickly raised his sword and blocked the attack; the impact of their clash generated a small shock wave.

"Enough of this!" Saga's patience was wearing thin. He channeled all his strength into his arms, swiftly retracted his weapon, and struck Snack's blade again, forcing him back.

"HAAAAAA!!...*Clang*-*BAAAAM*--!!!" Saga immediately raised his katana, coated it with Armament Haki, and struck the floor with such force that he shattered the entire section they were standing on, forcing them to fall to the lower floor and freeing himself from Snack's caramel. 

"I gotta be careful while dealing with that ability he has, can't afford to get stuck like that again" Saga muttered as he kicked away the rubbles, wiping the dust off as he stood.

Snack scratched his head as he grabbed his weapon and got up. "What a mess… Mama is gonna kill us after this."

"Worry about yourself for now," Saga said, tightening his grip on his katana. Charging forward with a thunderous battle cry, he unleashed a series of thrusts aimed to overwhelm Snack's defenses.

However, Snack was quick to defend himself. He swiftly conjured a solid barrier of hardened caramel, blocking the incoming attacks while remaining incredibly sticky, causing Saga's sword to slow down with each strike.

<Sugary Shield>

"This is really annoying!" Saga decided to disengage, spinning away and creating distance. He took a deep breath, his eyes locked on Snack before slashing the air around him in a circular manner, launching a Haki-imbued, crescent-shaped air projectile toward him.

"One-Sword Style… Crescent Moon Slash!"

VWOOOSH!!... SPLASH!! Unexpectedly, Saga's flying slash cut through the caramel barrier and almost hit Snack, who was quick and perceptive enough to parry the slash with his katana, sending it blasting through several walls.

Saga awaited Snack's next move, holding his katana with both hands over his back. When Snack attacked with his sword, slashing diagonally, Saga countered with an extremely swift and forceful downward slash.


<One-Sword Style: Lunar Eclipse>



Snack backed away immediately after the clash, both of them holding their injured torsos with a groan as they gazed at each other, having managed to land their attacks.

"I gotta admit, you're a skilled swordsman, 'Moon Knight' Saga. However, my Devil Fruit ability is still giving me the advantage here. Maybe if you were lucky enough to consume one during your journey, this fight would be fairer," Snack admitted, showing brief respect.

"This is the pirate world. 'Fairness' has no place here. Plus, who said I need a Devil Fruit to get stronger? All I need is this katana and my skills," Saga responded with a confident grin, pointing the tip of his weapon at Snack. "Bring it on, Big Mom's brat!"

"As you wish… Molten Caramel!!" Snack coated his weapon with a hot layer of caramel before thrusting it toward Saga from a distance, launching a torrent of hot caramel that rained down on Saga, causing damage and adhering to everything it touched, forcing him to back away.

Seeing he couldn't press forward on land, Saga used Geppo along with Soru to close the distance from the air, raining down on Snack with a rapid flurry of strikes, unleashing a dozen Haki-imbued sword slashes that cascaded like falling stars, overwhelming Snack with their speed.

<One-Sword Style: Starlight Flurry>

CLANG! CLANG!... SPLASH! Even with their high speed, Snack's Observation Haki allowed him to predict and parry the flying slashes, though he still received a small cut on the cheek from one of them.

Saga jumped back, performing a somersault, and landed on the floor again with some distance away from Snack. "This is not it… I have to let the unused Haki flow. I shouldn't use force. Just focus and breathe deeply…"

Snack wiped the blood from his cheek with the back of his hand before addressing Saga. "I guess you weren't kidding before. I gotta go all out and end you quickly before we cause even more damage to the castle than we already did."

"Caramel Crush!!" Snack leaped upward, generating a massive fist of hardened caramel, coating it with Armament Haki before slamming it down at Saga.

Saga stood calmly with his eyes closed while breathing deeply, slowly inhaling and exhaling 'Don't force the Haki out, let it smoothly flow out of your body…imagine yourself wearing an invisible armor made of Haki…'

"Inhale… exhale…" Saga opened his eyes, meeting the sight of a massive fist descending upon him. Swiftly, he hardened his arm muscles until they bulged, allowing his Haki to flow around his arm and katana, infusing them.

His katana glowed with a red-colored aura as he employed Advanced Armament Haki, enhancing his cutting power and strength.

<One-Sword Style: Moon Dicing Blade>

Clang! Clang! Clang!... BOOOOM!! In an instant, Saga executed a series of upward slices, culminating in a wide Haki-imbued flying slash that shredded the massive fist and sent Snack crashing into a wall.

With a few agile jumps, Saga evaded the falling caramel, avoiding entrapment.

"NGHH--CRASH… what the hell was that?" Snack, kicking away the rubble, grabbed his katana and stood up. "I'm sure I used Haki on my attack, how did he cut it to pieces like that?!" He gazed at Saga, who menacingly approached and waited for him to rise before responding.

"It's simple, my Haki is superior to yours." Saga stopped a few feet away, giving Snack a menacing look that sent shivers down his spine. He raised his katana, positioning it between his eyes with the tip aimed upward.

"What are you--"


"Mythical Aura One-Sword Style… Khonshu!" Through sheer will, Saga created the illusion of a radiant white light enveloping his katana. A humanoid silhouette with a falcon head appeared behind him, resembling the Moon God Khonshu.

"What in the world is that? It's like an angel or a god of some sort! Did he manifest that through sheer will?!" Snack remarked in awe, unable to believe what he saw.

With his eyes closed, Saga took a deep breath, focusing his Haki on his entire body. 'Just like Kai said… Let it flow like water from a vessel… don't force it, let it smoothly flow around your body.'

"You are a worthy opponent, but I can't afford to be defeated here… especially not by a rookie pirate," Snack exclaimed, letting out a loud battle cry. He coated himself in a layer of hot caramel, providing protection while sticking and burning anything it touches.


"Molten Mantle!!"


"Your sword will stick to this caramel coat, and your limbs will burn the moment they touch it!" Snack declared confidently, standing ready to face any attack. "Let's see what you can do about that!"

Saga slowly opened his eyes, unfazed by Snack's words. "Then I only need to cut you down without touching you," he replied calmly.

His entire body became engulfed in a red-colored aura as he infused himself with Advanced Armament Haki. Snack assumed a defensive stance, holding his weapon with both hands.

<Soru >

SWOOOSH!! In a blinding speed, Saga charged at him, executing a swift diagonal slash. His blade gleamed with brilliant white light, powered by strengthened Advanced Armament Haki. It easily cut through Snack's hard and molten caramel coat, shattering his weapon and slicing his torso open.


"Khonshu's Moonlight Sword!!"


SPLASH!! Blood splashed from Snack's injured chest as he collapsed unconscious. Saga sheathed his katana, moved to a nearby wall, and sat against it for support.

"Huff… huff… I wonder how the others are doing."