
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Anime und Comics
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110 Chs

Krieg Dominate and Gin's Awakening

Daifuku stood firmly in his spot, rubbing his belly with both hands and gradually increasing the speed.

"Does he have a rash?" Gin, standing opposite him with a serious expression, pulled out his tonfas and spun them rapidly, adopting a fighting stance and waiting for Daifuku to make his move.

A few seconds later, a light blue smoke began to emerge from Daifuku's belt buckle. "Go, Genie!" he exclaimed as a muscular, blue-skinned genie with a long pink beard and hair materialized.

"That thing again. Does he summon it with his Devil Fruit ability?" Gin wondered, holding his ground as the genie flew erratically around him.

"Geniiie!" the genie cried, descending upon Gin at high speed and wielding a massive halberd that seemed to appear from nowhere. The genie struck with immense force, and Gin quickly hardened his tonfas with Armament Haki, crossing them above him to block the attack. Despite his efforts, the force of the blow sent him hurtling backwards.

"Strange, I've never seen anything like this before," Gin remarked. The genie, undeterred, continued to fly around him at incredible speed before launching another attack, this time from the right.

As the genie approached and came within striking range, he swung his halberd down with great force, creating a flying slash attack.

"Genie Guillotine!"

VWOOOSH!...Clang! Thanks to his quick reflexes and sharp Observation Haki, Gin reacted just in time. He quickly turned to his right to face the genie, and with one swift motion, he parried the flying slash, redirecting it away from him.

Gin's eyes narrowed as he assessed the genie's movements, recognizing the pattern of its attacks. With a quick step to the side, he evaded another powerful swing of the halberd, feeling the rush of wind as it passed dangerously close. 

"You're fast, I'll give you that," Gin muttered, his grip tightening on his tonfas "But speed alone won't be enough"

The genie, with an almost eerie grin, launched itself again at Gin, this time from above. The halberd came crashing down with a force that seemed to shake the very ground beneath them. Gin, using his Observation Haki, anticipated the strike and rolled forward, narrowly dodging the attack. He sprang to his feet, his tonfas spinning in a defensive arc.

"Genie, don't let up!" Daifuku shouted, his hands moving faster over his belly, increasing the genie's ferocity.

With a guttural roar, the genie obeyed, unleashing a flurry of strikes, each more aggressive than the last. Gin deflected and parried, the metallic clang of his tonfas meeting the halberd echoing across the battlefield. Sparks flew with each clash, the intensity of the battle escalating.

"I need to find an opening" Gin thought, his mind racing "This thing's strength is monstrous, but there must be a way to disrupt it"

The genie lunged forward, attempting a sweeping horizontal slash. Gin jumped back, the blade missing him by inches. As the genie recovered from the swing, Gin saw his chance. He dashed forward with blinding speed, closing the gap between him and Daifuku.

'This guy didn't budge a muscle since he summoned the Genie while he kept rubbing his belly without stop, which means…he can't summon and keep the genie around without doing that, if I can strike him directly, he'll have no choice but to fight me himself'

"Now!" Gin shouted, his tonfas glowing with Armament Haki as he aimed a powerful strike at Daifuku using the 'Man-Demon Tactics' his unique fighting style, he thrusted his weapons into Daifuku's chest at high speed.

"Demonic Thrust!!"

Before the blow could land, the genie intercepted, its halberd crashing down in an attempt to protect its master. Gin anticipated this, using the momentum of his forward dash to pivot on his heel, redirecting his strike towards the genie instead. The tonfas connected with the genie's side, the force of the impact causing a shockwave that reverberated through the air.

The genie roared in pain, momentarily destabilized. Gin didn't waste a second, following up with a rapid series of strikes, each one hitting the genie with precision and power.

"Demonic Thrashing!!" 

The genie's form flickered, the connection between it and Daifuku weakening.

"Not yet!" Daifuku growled, intensifying his efforts to control the genie. The blue smoke around him thickened, and the genie's eyes glowed brighter as it regained its composure.

Gin stepped back, breathing heavily "This is tougher than I thought," he admitted, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.

Daifuku's eyes met Gin's, a sinister smile playing on his lips "You think you can beat me? My genie is invincible!"

Gin smirked, twirling his tonfas "We'll see about that"

Immediately afterwards Gin clenched his teeth, his veins bulged while groaning as he started transforming into his Hybrid Zoan form. His skin was replaced by a distinct glossy black fur, his eyes now resemble cat eyes with yellow pupils and his fingers turned to sharp claws.

"A Zoan user, huh? I heard about your ability. Zoan's are known for their toughness, let's see how tough you are" Daifuku remarked.

"*GROWL*!!!...I'll smash your head into pieces"


Not far away, Krieg and Oven's earlier skirmishes had intensified, and the two combatants were now fully serious, especially after witnessing the chaos spreading across Whole Cake Island.

"Kuhahaha! It's laughable that a worm like you believes he can stand against me. I'll show you why they once called me the 'Ruler of East Blue'!" Krieg proclaimed, shedding his coat to reveal an array of ten gun-barrels: two beneath each shoulder plate and three beneath each waist flap of his armor. In one swift motion, he imbued them all with Armament Haki, enhancing the bullets' potency and destructive power.

"Die!" With a single movement, Krieg fired all his weapons, unleashing a hail of bullets at Oven.

Remaining calm, Oven drew his weapon from his back—a large naginata with a handle longer than the blade. He quickly infused it with Armament Haki and, with a series of rapid swings, deflected all the bullets.

"Hmph… you're pretty skilled with that, I see," Krieg remarked, unperturbed by the ease with which his attack was thwarted. He smirked confidently, "Let's see how you handle my next move."

"Cocky bastard. Are all of your crew like that?"

"You can ask them after I break all your limbs and chain you up," Krieg replied nonchalantly.

Incensed by Krieg's arrogance, Oven gripped his naginata with both hands, veins bulging and teeth clenched. He used his Heat-Heat Fruit ability to superheat his weapon, increasing its attack power.

Oven charged at Krieg, leaping into the air with his weapon raised high before descending with a mighty downward swing.

"Heat Cleaving!!"


Krieg's eyes narrowed as he watched his opponent flying toward him. He discarded his coat and braced himself, rolling his fists back. "I've upgraded my armor to withstand extreme heat!" he declared, crossing his hardened arms above him to intercept Oven's attack.

Clang…BAAAAM!! The moment they clashed, the floor beneath them shattered, and they were both pushed back before quickly moving to avoid falling into the newly formed chasm.

"Tsk, I thought my armor was heatproof, but it looks like this guy's ability can even melt this," Krieg muttered, inspecting his right vambrace, which was partially melted.

Krieg circled Oven, scanning him and the battlefield. Suddenly, he reached into his pocket and tossed a smoke grenade, which exploded, filling the area with red smoke and momentarily disorienting Oven.

"Smoke grenade?!" Oven exclaimed, caught off guard. Seizing the opportunity, Krieg deployed a massive weighted metal net from his left armguard, entangling Oven.


"Got you!" Krieg shouted triumphantly. He removed his left shoulder plate and aimed it at Oven, firing dozens of spears in a gatling gun-like barrage. As he fired, he used his More-More Fruit to enlarge the spears a hundredfold.

"More-More Hundredfold Spears!!"

Oven's eyes widened in disbelief as the giant spears crashed down on him, slamming him into a wall and demolishing the floor beneath him, sending him plummeting to the lower section of the castle.

"Kuhahahaha! He fell for that pathetic trick so easily," Krieg gloated, approaching the hole in the ground and jumping down, landing a few feet away from Oven.

Oven glared at him with hostility, wiping blood from his mouth as he slowly stood. He bore a few bruises but no serious injuries.

"I'm gonna melt you down, Don Krieg!!" Oven roared, lunging at Krieg with a fierce battle cry. He heated his forearm and delivered a punch with tremendous force.

"Heat Beating!!"

Oven's immense size and strength, courtesy of his Big Mom lineage, gave him a significant advantage. His fist, as large as Krieg's chest, struck with monstrous power. The blow landed hard, causing burns and damaging Krieg's armor.

"You little--!!... Huff… Huff… I need to be careful not to get hit again. My armor can't take much more of this heat," Krieg panted, realizing the gravity of Oven's power.

On the battlefield between Gin and Daifuku, the advantage clearly lay with the latter. Gin was being steadily pushed back, growing tired and losing his energy. Daifuku, with the aid of his bizarre Devil Fruit ability that allowed him to summon a genie, managed to overwhelm Gin.

For Gin, this battle was a crucial opportunity to prove his strength and earn his place as an officer in an Emperor's crew by defeating another officer. A victory here would guarantee that the Eustass brothers replace Big Mom. For Daifuku, it was a matter of pride—the pride of the Big Mom pirates to not be defeated by an upstart crew.

The genie's relentless assault continued, each strike from its halberd more powerful than the last. Gin found himself on the defensive, his arms growing heavy with each parry. Sweat dripped down his face, mixing with the dirt and blood from minor cuts inflicted during the battle.

With a roar, the genie swung its halberd in a wide arc, catching Gin off guard. The blade sliced through the air, too fast for Gin to fully evade. It connected with his side, sending a searing pain through his body. Gin staggered, clutching his wound as blood seeped through his fingers.

"Damn it," he muttered, his vision blurring. He fell to one knee, struggling to stay upright. The genie loomed over him, its eyes glowing with a menacing light.

Daifuku laughed triumphantly. "It's over, Gin! You're no match to me nor my genie!"

Gin's mind raced, desperate for a way out. His strength was fading, and the pain was becoming unbearable. He fought to stay conscious, blood gushed out from his wounds, drowning him in it. He was forced back into his human form.

"Hmph, it was annoying dealing with this one. But now that one of their comrades is down the Eustass Pirates moral will drop" Daifuku remarked, he stopped rubbing his stomach seeing that Gin was already down he sought to finish him off himself "Now, just to be careful I'll have to bash your skull to pieces in order to make sure you don't get up again"

Gin's eyes were growing lifeless, his consciousness slipping away as his heartbeat slowed. 'Am I… gonna die here?'


'Am I gonna die…just like this?'


'Not achieving anything significant…am I gonna die as a nobody?'

Gin's eyes slowly closed…


Daifuku paused, gazing down at Gin. "I guess I won't need to do that," he said, kicking Gin aside.

"Now, let's see… should I help my brothers or go down and assist Mama?" Daifuku turned and began to walk away.

Footsteps echoed… Just as Daifuku was about to leave, he stopped abruptly, eyes wide with shock as he sensed Gin behind him.


"…I'm still not done with you bastard!" Gin stood tall, grinning wickedly, his body drenched in blood.

"You little shit, I was sure you were dead a moment ago," Daifuku said, turning to face him "Whatever, I'll finish you off quickly. You're already at your limit"

Closing his eyes, Gin focused inward, searching for the spark of power within him. He felt a surge of energy, raw and untamed, bubbling up from deep inside. The pain in his side intensified, then began to dull, replaced by a strange, invigorating sensation.

Gin's eyes snapped open, now glowing with a fierce, primal light. His body began to transform, muscles bulging and skin hardening. His hair lengthened and darkened, taking on a wild, almost feral appearance. His senses sharpened, the world around him coming into startling clarity.

He let out a guttural growl, his voice deepening with the power of the beast within him. Transforming back to his Zoan Human-Beast form, however this time it was different…

His size increased, his body became muscular, but the most notable thing is a dark flame forming a "mane" down his back and arms, and a stream of floating fire wrapping around his shoulders.

[Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Black Panther – Awakened Form]

"Something's different about him, he didn't have those dark flames around his shoulders before" Daifuku, sensing the change, hesitated for a moment. Gin took advantage of the pause, lunging forward with newfound speed and strength. He swung his tonfas with devastating force, smashing them into Daifuku's chest. The impact sent him flying back, crashing into the ground with a thunderous boom.

"He's a lot faster!! What the hell happened to him?!"

Gin didn't give him a chance to recover. He moved with the swiftness of a predator, closing the distance between them in an instant. With a powerful roar, he unleashed a barrage of attacks.

"Demonic Thrashing!!"

BAM! BAM! BAM! Though Daifuku attempted to defend himself, the power and speed of Gin's attacks overwhelmed him, landing several hard blows

"AUGH--!!...You bastard!" Daifuku enraged, he attempted to counterattack by hardening his fist with Armament Haki and throwing a mighty right punch, but with Gin's heightened speed and reflexes, easily dodged by sidestepping.

After that he spun himself vertically with enough speed and strength to create a spiral, bashing Daifuku's head and back, forcing him down to the ground with injuries.

"Demonic Overkill Spiral!!"

BAAAM!! Daifuku threw a mouthful of blood as he found himself lying face down on the ground, his head bleeding.

"Y-You're done for, GIIIIN!!!" Daifuku immediately got up, disoriented and dizzy but he quickly rubbed his belly again, summoning his genie once more "GO, GENIE!!!"

Genie grabbed his halberd again and swung with a high speed and great strength, unleashing dozens of large flying slashes towards Gin.

"Genie Rage Hunt!!"

Gin looked calm and menacing, his Awakened Human-Beast form gave him a menacing aura. He clenched his tonfas tightly, hardening them with Armament Haki before charged forward, dodging and redirecting the flying slashes away with ease.

He moved swiftly, closing the distance between them in an instant like the speed of a bullet. With a powerful roar, he unleashed a barrage of attacks.

The genie struggled to defend its master, but Gin's attacks were too fast, too ferocious. He struck the genie's halberd, shattering it into pieces, then delivered a final, crushing blow to the genie's head. The creature let out a pained wail before dissolving into a cloud of blue smoke.

Daifuku looked up at Gin, disbelief in his eyes "You... you can't defeat me! I won't allow it!"

Gin's eyes blazed with determination "This is the end!"

With a swift motion, Gin thrust his weapons forward, spinning sideways as he charged, creating a powerful, drill-like attack.

"Man-Demon…Black Drill!!"



Gin struck Daifuku, the impact sending him sprawling to the ground with serious injuries. Daifuku lay there, unconscious and defeated, not moving a single muscle.

Gin stood over him, breathing heavily. His transformation slowly began to fade, his body returning to its normal state. He glanced down at Daifuku, his expression hardening.

"Huff…Huff…this one is for the captains" Gin said, his voice low and dangerous.

With that, Gin turned and walked away, leaving Daifuku drowning in his own blood. Gin limped around, observing the battles of the rest before his eyes fell onto a hole on the ground, approaching it he saw Krieg and Oven fighting down there.



"Heat Match Guy!!" Oven roared, launching himself at Krieg with his entire body ablaze. Hot smoke billowed from him, melting anything he touched, including the ground beneath him.

As Oven closed in, Krieg threw his naginata upwards, unleashing a flurry of Haki-infused punches. The blows battered Krieg's armor, leaving him with serious burns.

In response, Krieg swiftly donned the Kenzan Mantle, a secondary cape bristling with fist-sized metal spikes stored in his left shoulder plates. Imbuing it with Armament Haki, he shielded himself from Oven's scorching attacks.

BANG! BANG! Oven unleashed dozens of punches in an instant before grabbing his naginata mid-air and slashing horizontally. The strike shredded Krieg's cape and sent him hurtling backward.

"You talked big earlier, but now you look like a trapped puppy waiting for rescue!" Oven taunted, relentlessly pressing his attack.

"More More…Hundredfold Speed!!" Krieg shouted, increasing his speed a hundredfold and vanishing into thin air to create some distance.

"His speed increased?!" Oven exclaimed.

"I'll blast your heated ass away!" Krieg quickly pulled out a pistol and shot several bullets while enlarging them to 50 times their original size, making them comparable to cannonballs

"More-More Fiftyfold Cannon!"

BOOOOM! BOOOOM! BOOOOM! Oven sliced through the cannonballs with his heated naginata, but the explosions distracted him long enough for Krieg to close the distance. He quickly took off his gloves, revealing a set of diamond fists, metal gauntlets with a small diamond over each knuckle and a larger one on the back of each hand. Combined with an Impact Dial, Haki and his physical strength, they could cause massive destructions with just normal punches.

Using his Devil Fruit ability to boost his speed and strength, Krieg closed in on Oven, landing a punch that caused a massive explosion, breaking Oven's nose and sending him crashing through several walls.

Krieg didn't let up. He quickly approached the fallen Oven, removed the rubble, and sat on top of him. Taking advantage of Oven's disorientation, Krieg rained punches on his face until it was bruised and bleeding before Oven finally used his ability to heat himself up.

"Huff…Huff…don't think that's gonna be enough to take me down…Heat Goat!!" Oven heated his head up and tackled Krieg, forcing him to back away.

"Tsk, you're so persistent. Just lay down and let me finish you off already you fucking looser! You're just delaying the inevitable, you're Mama's era is over. It's time for the New Generation to shine and take the spot!" Krieg declared, he then added "And you're on the way…bitch" 

Oven's eyes widened and reddened with fury, veins bulging, but he didn't respond. He charged at Krieg, heating up both forearms and throwing a barrage of powerful punches.

Krieg took off his left shoulder plate, imbued it with Haki and used it as a shield to block the attacks, waiting for an opportunity to strike back. When he saw an opening, he picked up specks of dust and blew on them while enlarging them to 10 times at Oven.


The distraction allowed Krieg to land a powerful punch to Oven's stomach, pushing him back, gasping in pain.

"These cheap tricks won't work on me!" Oven roared, glaring at Krieg with hostility.

"I'm done playing with you…" With a serious expression, Krieg grabbed his right shoulder plate as well and together with the left one, he locked them against one another and activating internal devices that produced a shaft and a blade from between, producing a large spear.

The spear's head explodes on impact with any solid surface, with heavier impacts producing proportionally larger explosions; thus, even glancing hits or near-misses can wreak severe damage, on top of that it's also equipped with an Impact and Flame Dial.


"Let's end this in the next move…I'll melt you down all with everything around before you could reach me!" With a loud cry, Oven proceeded to heat himself up to maximum temperature possible, slowly melting his surroundings and increasing the temperature of the place.

Despite the extreme heat, Krieg didn't back down. In a shocking move, he pointed the spear upwards, enlarging it a hundredfold, creating a humongous weapon that broke through the roof and out of the castle, catching everyone's attention.


"That's Krieg's spear!" Killer remarked, watching the gigantic weapon rise from Big Mom's castle.

"It must be one of your friends" Katakuri said.


"That blockhead is going all out" Bonney commented with a grin.


"Krieg…" Gin watched in disbelief.


"Bring it on!" Oven shouted.

He didn't stop there. He used the Flame Dial on his weapon to light it up after imbuing it with Armament Haki. With a mighty downward swing, he caused an enormous explosion that shook the entire castle, destroying a large section and crushing Oven, dropping him through the castle floors until he crashed into the ground below.

"Krieg, always win!"