
One Piece: Reborn as Civilian

The story: A young child, devoid of memories and thrust into the unfamiliar World of One Piece, Stands alone in the desolate unknown. Clad in the remnants of a tormented past, he carries the weight of his suffering. Yet, in this foreign world, where freedom becomes his elusive quarry, he embarks on a transcendent odyssey, determined to conquer every obstacle that dares impede his path. Brace yourself for a harrowing journey through a world steeped in the relentless echoes of bloodshed and unyielding danger. ________________________ pls leave a review ________________________ I don't own anything except that some character that I made.

ahiro · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 1: The Start Of A Journey

"Where am I?" With a bewildered expression, an unknown individual lay on the ground amidst an unfamiliar forest. 

Upon opening his eyes, he was taken aback to find himself in this peculiar place, unaware of his whereabouts. 

"A jungle... How did I end up in a place like this? The last place I remember is my small apartment in London." 

As he realized his inability to recall what had transpired, he set aside the thought and attempted to rotate his body to survey his surroundings. 

However, he experienced aching sensations emanating from various parts of his body. 

Consciously composed, he gradually turned his head towards his right side, where he noticed a small toad-like insect lying on its back, frantically flailing its legs in an attempt to regain its upright position and escape. 

"So, it was this tiny insect that roused me from slumber." While he was asleep, he had felt a tickling sensation in his hand, prompting him to awaken and move his hand until the sensation subsided. Apparently, the insect had flipped over during that process.

"Hold on a moment." 


After taking a long scrutinizing look at his hand, he discovered that it was now soft and shorter. 

"This is beyond belief." The stranger swiftly rose to his feet, disregarding the pain coursing through his body. 

Lowering himself onto his knees, he commenced examining his own face using his two diminutive hands. He felt the smoothness and lack of any hair growth on his youthful countenance. 

If anyone else were present, they would witness nothing more than a little boy, approximately 5 or 6 years old, amusingly playing with his own face like a child would. 

A tiny bead of cold sweat trickled down the young boy's forehead. He was filled with terror at the inexplicable turn of events, yet peculiarly, he regained his customary composure and all traces of fear vanished from his visage.

As he continued inspecting his appearance, a realization slowly dawned upon him - he was regressing in age. With each passing moment, he seemed to be growing younger. 

This revelation only fueled his growing list of questions, but he understood that his immediate priority was to determine his whereabouts and assess any potential threats that could endanger his life. 

The little boy made an attempt to stand, but his oversized clothes hindered his movements. Upon closer examination, he realized that he was still clad in the same garments he had worn the previous night. 

However, due to his shrinking stature, his clothes now hung loosely on his small frame. 

"First things first, I need to adjust my clothing and then find a safe haven," he muttered to himself. 

With a pointed stone by his side, the young boy began tearing his oversized garments. Lacking any sewing tools, his only option was to tie together the torn sections after removing the parts that restricted his mobility.


With his makeshift adjustments complete, the young boy observed his peculiar appearance, but such concerns seemed trivial in his current situation. 

When stranded in an unfamiliar place, practical matters take precedence over appearances. 

"Now that I can move more freely, the question remains: where am I?" he pondered aloud. 

Taking a moment to survey his surroundings, he realized he was situated in the heart of a vast forest bathed in the soft sunlight, accompanied by the lively symphony of chirping birds and buzzing insects. 


Startled by the sound of breaking branches, the child swiftly turned around, assuming a defensive stance, ready to face any potential danger. However, what stood before him was nothing more than a small white rabbit. 

A fleeting sense of relief washed over the young boy's face, only to be quickly replaced by lingering panic.

After catching sight of the rabbit's peculiar features—four eyes and a long black horn—the boy couldn't help but exclaim, "What the hell is that?!" 

Confusion engulfed him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. "A rabbit with horns and four eyes? What kind of place is this?" 

Taking a deep breath, he consciously attempted to calm himself. Panicking would only hinder his ability to assess the situation. Drawing on his observations, he reached a tentative conclusion.

' Based on my transformation into a young child and the presence of these bizarre creatures that defy common sense in my world, there is only one possibility that comes to mind. '

"I've been transported to another world... I'll proceed with this assumption until proven otherwise," the boy affirmed to himself. 

Aware of the urgency to find a human settlement and escape the potential dangers of the forest, he set out on his quest. 

With caution in every step, he navigated through the woods, avoiding any encounters that could prove hazardous. 

After a brief period of wandering, a distant sound resembling the rhythmic crashing of waves reached his ears. Intrigued, he followed the sound, leading him to a small beach. 

The vast expanse of the sea unfolded before his eyes, its tranquil waters stretching endlessly, accompanied by the familiar and somewhat comforting cries of seagulls. 

' I'm fortunate to have found the sea. Walking along the shore is a wise choice, as human societies often gather near coastal areas. It will provide me with a sense of direction, especially since I lack a compass or any navigational tools. 

Without a clear sense of direction, I run the risk of endlessly wandering in circles within the forest, eventually succumbing to thirst and hunger. '


[after 4 hours] 

"I'm incredibly thirsty, and this small body is hindering my movement. If I were still in my original form, I would have covered twice the distance by now." 

Despite feeling fatigued, the little boy continued walking. 

He noticed that the density of trees gradually decreased until he found himself standing in a vast grassy plain. However, his attention was solely focused on the distant village nestled by the sea. 

Finally, it seemed he had come across a human community. 

Excitement surged through the boy's veins, urging him to quicken his pace and reach the village. He yearned to find answers amidst the confusion and uncertainty that had filled his journey thus far. 

The sight of civilization sparked a glimmer of hope within him. 

With each step, his imagination soared with the possibilities of encountering someone who could provide him with much-needed information. However, as he drew nearer to the village, his steps gradually slowed down.

He berated himself for his initial lack of caution. Blindly heading towards the village without considering the potential dangers was a foolish move. 

Though he appeared calm on the outside, deep inside, he was still gripped by fear, fully aware that he had entered a different world. In order to prepare for the worst-case scenario, he had to be cautious. 

Coming to a halt, he reflected on the situation, realizing that hesitating would only hinder his progress. With determination coursing through his veins, he clenched his fists and resolved to proceed cautiously. 

He stealthily made his way towards the village, ensuring he remained inconspicuous to avoid any potential problems. 

As he drew closer to the village, the sounds of human activity grew louder. He could hear voices, laughter, and the occasional clatter of objects. 

The aroma of beverages and cooked food filled the air, causing his stomach to rumble with hunger. He hadn't eaten anything since awakening in the woods.

Approaching the village with utmost care, he ensured that he remained unnoticed by anyone. Once he confirmed that he hadn't been spotted, he swiftly ran and took cover behind a cart parked near one of the houses. 

From his concealed position, he raised his head and cast a long gaze upon the village. The houses were modest and simple, their roofs adorned with fluttering banners in the gentle breeze. 

His eyes scanned the familiar structures and caught glimpses of people of varying ages and appearances going about their daily activities. 

At the sight of his fellow human beings, a surge of joy filled the boy's heart. 

A sense of relief washed over him, as his previous encounters with unfamiliar creatures in the forest and the distorted landscapes had instilled a fear of encountering strange humanoid beings. However, amidst his excitement, a hint of apprehension remained, tempering his emotions.

'Something seems amiss... Why do they appear so different? ' 

As he observed the villagers and the children playing in the neighborhood, he couldn't help but notice their varying forms. 

Some were enormous, towering over three meters in length, while others had unusually elongated arms or disproportioned bodies compared to their limbs. 

"Could this place be affected by radiation or something?" The sight of these peculiar individuals made him reconsider his plan of entering the village and seeking answers from its residents.

"The best course of action now is to conceal myself and observe them until I can ensure they pose no threat to me." The boy's expression regained its composure as he surveyed the village. 

Standing up, he realized that his previous hesitation would serve him no purpose in this moment. 

With newfound determination to survive and adapt, he resolved to find his place in this unfamiliar land. 

Taking a deep breath, the boy ventured into the village, enveloped by the bustling and vibrant atmosphere. Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being an outsider. 

The first chapter of his extraordinary journey had begun, and with each step, the boy embarked on unraveling the mysteries of this strange world.