
One Piece: Ragnarok

In an age where the sails of pirates billowed in pursuit of glory and gold, the tides of time have shifted. Enter Brontes, a wayward spirit cast adrift thirty years before the legendary tales of One Piece unfold. Thrust into a maelstrom of chaos, Brontes devours the mighty Rumble-Rumble Fruit, a treasure destined for the original Enel. With the might of lightning at his command, he finds his destiny intertwined with the formidable forces of the Marine, standing shoulder to shoulder with legends in the making—Sakazuki and Borsalino. Let's embark on a riveting journey with Brontes, now hailed as the God of Thunder, Ragnarök. Witness a man's solemn vow to uphold justice and reshape the fate of the Marine. His saga is one of thunderous ambition and a quest to rewrite destiny itself. Join the odyssey and behold the rise of a new legend in the making. --------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers, Welcome to my opening raid into the realm of One Piece Fanfic. I must clarify that the elements within this fanfiction, including the cover image, are not my original creations. My intention is to present you with a new chapter on a near-daily basis, with the exception of Fridays. ----------------------------------------------------- Above all, I hope this work brings you joy and stirs your imagination. Now, without further ado, let us embark on this journey together. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------- You can enjoy more chapters in my Patreon:- patreon.com/RK98

Ragnarok98 · Anime und Comics
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142 Chs

Unveiling the Left Arm

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Big Mom wasn't mad. She knew that if Kaido, one of the strongest out there, couldn't beat him, then it was unrealistic to think that her children could. She shook her head, dismissing the thought.

 "You think you can take them away? I'd like to see you try." Brontes said, a grin spreading across his face.

"And just who do you think you are?!" Big Mom's temper flared up in an instant, as she shouted, her eyes wide and fierce as she fixed her gaze on Brontes.

Her Conqueror's Haki exploded outwards with a forceful "Boom!!!"

In just a moment, the marine soldiers standing behind Brontes were knocked to the ground. Even the higher-ranking marines couldn't stand up to the overwhelming power of an Overlord's Conqueror's Haki.

They dropped like flies, unconscious in a blink.

"Hum, using Conqueror's Haki from the beginning." Brontes just stood there, muttering in a low voice.

Then, the atmosphere changed dramatically. A massive pressure erupted from Brontes, surging towards Big Mom.

"Did you think you were the only one here with Conqueror's Haki?" He sneered.


In an intense aura burst forth from Brontes, clashing with Big Mom's own Conqueror's Haki.

The collision sent out a shockwave.

"Bang!! Boom!!"

The air itself seemed to compress and then explode, the loud impact causing everyone nearby to stagger back.

Members of the Big Mom Pirates who were already down were sent flying, crashing into the trees around them.

Their eyes were wide with shock and fear.

"T-This... How is this even possible!" Daifuku stammered, his mind struggling to comprehend the scene before him.

"Conqueror's Haki! But how?! He's a marine; how could he possibly awaken Conqueror's Haki?" Compote was equally baffled.

Perospero was in disbelief, his voice rising in pitch: "It's said that only those destined to be kings can awaken Conqueror's Haki. How can a marine, who serves the World Government, possess it?!" His eyes were bulging, nearly popping out of his head.

Big Mom herself was taken aback. "Conqueror's Haki!" She exclaimed, staring at Brontes.

In that moment, with his marine coat billowing around him, Brontes seemed to stand as tall as her in the world of power.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!!!"

The black and red lightning that erupted from their clashing Haki was intense, reminding onlookers of the epic battle between Luffy and Doflamingo.

"Booom!!" The two forces of Conqueror's Haki continued to collide, and it was clear that Brontes's Conqueror's Haki was as strong as Big Mom's.

"Impressive! Now let's see if you can match me in strength." She reached out and grabbed Prometheus, who was floating behind her.

In an instant, Prometheus transformed into a ball of fire and then wrapped around Big Mom's head, setting her hair ablaze like a fiery crown.

Napoleon, her trusty bicorne hat, also came to her hand, morphing into a sharp, menacing blade.

"Zeus!" She called out.

With a powerful leap, she was in the air, and Zeus was there to catch her, turning into a dark thundercloud beneath her.


"Originally, I wanted to find Kaido, but you were closer, and it seems Kaido is staying in Wano Country. It's too much trouble to go there."

As Brontes spoke, he reached into his marine coat and slowly pulled out his left arm, unwrapping the bandages that concealed it. "What is that?!" Big Mom couldn't hide her shock at the sight of Brontes's bare arm.

Big Mom wasn't the only one taken aback. Even the marines, including Kasie, looked on with curiosity.

They had known Brontes for long time and had never seen any ink on his skin. But now, there it was—a tattoo that resembled dragon scales covering his left arm.

Brontes himself was somewhat mystified by the tattoos. They had appeared quickly and without explanation.

After undergoing a transplant, his left arm had begun to transform, and these mysterious tattoos had emerged as if by magic.

He had a hunch that this might be inherited from Kaido, but he didn't ponder on it too much.

The tattoos not only made him stronger but also looked impressive. To keep from drawing too much attention, he had kept them hidden under bandages, quietly increasing his strength.

"Your tattoo, it looks very familiar." Big Mom said, her voice tinged with recognition.

"Oh, is that so?" Brontes replied with a smile, offering no further details. This secret was known only to him, Vegapunk, and a select few researchers within the Marine.

"Rumble!! Rumble!!"

Without waiting for Big Mom to press for answers, Brontes let loose a surge of lightning from his body, launching an attack directly at her.

Big Mom understood that Brontes wasn't going to tell the story behind his tattoo. She felt a sense of familiarity with it but didn't push the matter. Instead, she charged forward, her sword at the ready.

"Spear of Elbaf: Vengeance!"


A powerful, destructive slash aimed straight at Brontes cut through the air.


As the attack struck, Brontes's figure disappeared from view.

Big Mom's gaze sharpened, and she burst into flames, her fists engulfed in both fire and Armament Haki.


Her fist collided with Brontes's smaller one.

The clash wasn't just physical; it was also a battle of Conqueror's Haki. At their level, the strength of one's spirit could tip the scales in a fight. Without an indomitable will, one had no place among the world's top players.

"This power!" Big Mom was taken aback. Brontes was much younger than her, in his late twenties, and she hadn't expected him to possess such formidable strength.

She had previously thought that Brontes's rise to Admiral was due to his Rumble-Rumble Fruit powers and hadn't taken him too seriously.

Even after he had held his own against Kaido for three days and nights, she had assumed it was his elemental abilities at play. She had never imagined that Brontes's Haki and physical strength would be so formidable.

It was a common belief that those who wielded Logia-type Devil Fruit powers often relied too heavily on their abilities, which could lead to rapid increases in power but at the cost of neglecting their physical strength and Haki development.

However, as Big Mom and Brontes clashed, it became clear that Brontes was an exception to this rule.

He had not only developed his Devil Fruit powers to an extreme level, but his physical prowess and Haki were also incredibly advanced.

His Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki were particularly noteworthy. At the young age of twenty-eight, Brontes's strength was reminiscent of Marine Vice-Admiral Garp in his prime.

Garp, known for his immense physical strength and Haki, had become a legend without ever consuming a Devil Fruit.

"It seems I have underestimated you." Big Mom said with a serious voice.

"Is that so? I haven't even used my full strength yet." Brontes responded with a smile.

"Don't get cocky!" Big Mom retorted.


She launched a fiery punch that sent Brontes soaring, her fist erupting with flames reminiscent of Ace's Fire Fist, engulfing Brontes in a fiery blaze.


Instead of evading, Brontes countered with his own power. His body discharged a surge of lightning, quelling the flames and directing the electric current into Big Mom's body.

"This level of lightning is useless against me, MaMaMa!" Big Mom laughed heartily.

Zeus, the cloud beneath her, also unleashed a fierce bolt of lightning, repelling Brontes's attack.

"Rumble!! ZliZli!!"

The lightning from their fists met in a clash, creating a short circuit. The resulting explosion pushed them apart, each sliding back from the force of the impact.

Brontes shook his arm, which had grown slightly numb. He had deliberately used his right arm, not involving his modified left one, to gauge his current level of Haki.

It was clear that his Haki had improved significantly over the past year. While there was still a gap between him and Big Mom, he was confident that it was only a matter of time before he could match the power of these titans.

"Is that all you've got?" It was Big Mom's turn taunt Brontes.

"Definitely not." Brontes said, crossing his arms and letting loose a burst of lightning.

"ZliZli!! ZliZli!!"

"In that case, let's try, Thor Mode..." Brontes channeled the lightning through his body, stimulating his cells.

His stature didn't increase much, but he glowed like a human light bulb, his body shining intensely as lightning danced around him.


"Thor: Speed Mode!"

In this state, Brontes became invincible, his movement speed reaching the maximum velocity of lightning itself. He could instantly move to any location connected by his lightning, almost as if he were teleporting.

However, this mode had its drawbacks. The energy consumption was even higher than that of Thor's Enhancement, as it required a full-body transformation into his elemental state.

While Logia users could become their element, they couldn't maintain it indefinitely. If they could, they would be truly unbeatable. Each use of their elemental powers drained stamina, much like a game where abilities have cooldown periods.