
The Gathering of Seven Shichibukai

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Over at Marineford, the sight of a pirate ship suddenly showing up and heading straight for them caused quite a stir. The soldiers in the watchtower were quick to sound the alarm as the ship drew closer.

Inside the conference hall, a group of high-ranking Marine officers had already come together. Each one held a rank of at least Rear-Admiral, and among them were several Vice-Admirals.

"They've arrived sooner than we thought. Let's stay calm; we might find ourselves working alongside them in the future." Tsuru advised, noticing the tension in the room.

She could tell the Marines were struggling with the idea. Pirates working within the law went against everything they stood for.

"The Seven Shichibukai system is an insult to us." Doberman grumbled, he was clearly very upset.

"It's a decision that came out of the World Conference." Tsuru reminded them with a calm voice.

"If Admiral Ragnarok were still with us, we wouldn't need these pirates to do our work." Momonga chimed in, clearly troubled by his friend Brontes's situation.

"There's no point in dwelling on what-ifs. I'll handle this. Remember Sengoku's words and stay put." Tsuru instructed.

"We understand, Tsuru-san." Vice-Admiral Dalmatian responded with a nod.

"I'll go with Tsuru-san." A laid-back voice came from behind, attracting everyone's attention.


"Admiral Kuzan!"

The room filled with murmurs of surprise as Kuzan stood up.

"I'm just bored, that's all. It's a good chance to see these so-called Seven Warlords for myself since I've never met them." Kuzan said casually.

"You haven't met them?" Tsuru asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Of course, I know about them. But if I had met them, they'd be locked up in Impel Down, not coming here." Kuzan replied with a smirk.

"Alright, let's go." Tsuru said, her face was showing no emotion.

She knew Kuzan shared her disdain for the Seven Shichibukai System. The higher you climb, the more your hands are tied.


At Marineford's bay, the pirate ship made its bold entrance.

The Marines watched, seething as the ship, which bore a striking resemblance to a flamingo, pulled up to the dock. A ladder was thrown down, and a man with a confident stride descended.

"Fufufufu! It's been a while since we've met like this, without a chase. Vice-Admiral Tsuru." Doflamingo greeted with a wicked chuckle.

"Doflamingo!" Tsuru was at a loss for words. She had been on this man's trail for years. He was the embodiment of evil, and Tsuru's instincts told her he would be a significant threat to the world.

Yet, here he was, a member of the Shichibukai, having blackmailed the World Nobles with the stolen Heavenly Tribute. This made him an even more difficult to deal with.

"You're the first one here, I see. We haven't met before, Doflamingo." Kuzan remarked, standing behind Tsuru as he eyed Doflamingo.

"Fufufu! Indeed, it's my first time seeing you in the flesh, Admiral Aokiji." Doflamingo responded with an evil smile.

He could feel a formidable presence emanating from Kuzan, not as overwhelming as Brontes's, but still not someone he could take lightly.

"Let's just wait for the others to show up. That way, you can all head over together. It'll save us the hassle of making multiple trips." Kuzan suggested in his usual lazy voice.

"I'm not in any rush. Besides, Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok warned me to behave, or he'd come after me himself. And that's something I'd rather avoid. I do wonder, though, who's stronger—you or the Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok." Doflamingo mused, his voice serious despite the grin on his face.


Not long after, another pirate ship made its appearance, its flag emblazoned with a golden hook.

"Looks like another has arrived. Crocodile's here." Doflamingo noted, watching the new ship approach.

A man in a black coat disembarked, and upon spotting Doflamingo on the dock, he took a drag from his cigar and remarked: "Didn't think they'd invite you too."

"If they invited trash like you, how could I not be included?" Doflamingo retorted, his smile was sharp as ice.

"What did you just say?!" Crocodile snapped, and shouted angrily.

"Fufufu! What's wrong? Did I speak the truth?" Doflamingo taunted with a laugh.

"You damn bastard!" Crocodile was livid, ready to attack.

"Enough, both of you! This is Marineford. Start any trouble here, and I'll personally ensure you're locked up in Impel Down." Kuzan interjected, his icy tone instantly stopped them.


Two hours passed, and the third pirate, Gecko Moria, arrived.

"Kishishishi! Crocodile, Doflamingo, I didn't expect to see you two joining the Seven Shichibukai!" Moria's laughter echoed I'm their ears.

The three of them shared a history. Twelve years ago, on the day of Roger's execution, they had all been in Loguetown. They had seen each other and started their pirating careers, becoming known as the Supernovas of their era.

They were all aware of each other's reputations, and none were willing to concede superiority. The only one who had any sway over them was Brontes.

"You're the third to arrive. The representatives from the New World are already here, and we've got enough to proceed. Brontes said not to wait for the late ones; we'll head to Mariejois now." Tsuru said in a calm voice, hanging up the Den Den Mushi after receiving the message.

Once Brontes was informed of Moria's arrival, he knew no one else would be joining them. Hancock wouldn't show up in Mariejois again; she had no intention of returning to that place. So, with the first three pirates assembled, he instructed Tsuru to bring them directly to Mariejois.


On the other side, at the New World's G-1 Base, three uniquely dressed men arrived at the dock, each in their own distinctive manner, and without any crew accompanying them.

Mihawk, known as "Hawkeye," reached the G-1 Base in his small, coffin-shaped boat, gently swaying with the waves.

Jinbe, the "Knight of the Sea," emerged from the ocean itself and waited patiently on the dock for the Marines to greet him.

The last to arrive was Kuma, whose entrance was the most startling. He appeared out of nowhere on the dock as if by magic, and with that, the trio stood side by side.

The Marines at the dock were taken by surprise at the sudden appearance of these three, each with a formidable reputation in the New World.

They were not to be underestimated, and as soon as they were spotted, the higher-ups were immediately notified.


In a burst of light, a figure descended from the office building, landing smoothly in front of the three men.

Dressed in a yellow-striped suit and donning a Marine coat, the man stood before them.

"So, you've made it! 'Hawkeye' Dracule Mihawk, 'Knight of the Sea' Jinbe, and 'Tyrant' Bartholomew Kuma." Said Borsalino, as he looked at the three pirates.

"Admiral Kizaru." Jinbe greeted him in a calm tone.

"Woo! Notorious pirates of the New World, anyone unaware might think you're here to attack the base. Each of you is a force to be reckoned with; I doubt I could take on all three of you by myself. Only Brontes could manage to bring you together." Borsalino said, his voice tinged with mock fear, though his expression suggested he was quite at ease.

"Just us three?" Asked Hawkeye.

"The others are already at Marineford. We're ready to head to Mariejois." Borsalino said to them.


Borsalino led the three Shichibukai from the G-1 Base to Mariejois, while on the other side, Kuzan was escorting the other three.

As time passed, the six Shichibukai arrived at Mariejois almost simultaneously and laid eyes on each other.

"Fufufu, what a magnificent assembly. Hawkeye, Jinbe, and Kuma have joined us." Doflamingo said with an evil laughter as he observed the new arrivals.

"This lineup... The Seven Shichibukai truly live up to their reputation. The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, the fish-man Jinbe, the 'Tyrant' Kuma, along with Doflamingo and Crocodile, they could indeed form the strongest pirate crew, just below the Four Emperors." Moria mused with a thrill of excitement.

He fantasized that if these individuals were under his command, he could immediately mount an assault on the Beasts Pirates and exact his revenge.

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