
One Piece: Ragnarok

In an age where the sails of pirates billowed in pursuit of glory and gold, the tides of time have shifted. Enter Brontes, a wayward spirit cast adrift thirty years before the legendary tales of One Piece unfold. Thrust into a maelstrom of chaos, Brontes devours the mighty Rumble-Rumble Fruit, a treasure destined for the original Enel. With the might of lightning at his command, he finds his destiny intertwined with the formidable forces of the Marine, standing shoulder to shoulder with legends in the making—Sakazuki and Borsalino. Let's embark on a riveting journey with Brontes, now hailed as the God of Thunder, Ragnarök. Witness a man's solemn vow to uphold justice and reshape the fate of the Marine. His saga is one of thunderous ambition and a quest to rewrite destiny itself. Join the odyssey and behold the rise of a new legend in the making. --------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers, Welcome to my opening raid into the realm of One Piece Fanfic. I must clarify that the elements within this fanfiction, including the cover image, are not my original creations. My intention is to present you with a new chapter on a near-daily basis, with the exception of Fridays. ----------------------------------------------------- Above all, I hope this work brings you joy and stirs your imagination. Now, without further ado, let us embark on this journey together. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------- You can enjoy more chapters in my Patreon:- patreon.com/RK98

Ragnarok98 · Anime und Comics
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142 Chs

The End of Edward Weevil

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In a pivotal and chilling moment, Brontes dominated the scene with his right foot arrogantly placed on Buckin's head.

His voice, devoid of warmth, pierced the heavy air as he said: "Now, you can go on your way."


In an instant, the eerie silence was shattered by the explosive sound of lightning surged forth, completely engulfing Buckin's body.

"Boom! Rumble!"

This powerful force of nature rapidly expanded in every direction, kicking up massive clouds of dust and once again leaving destruction in its wake as several buildings succumbed to Brontes's devastating lightning attack.


Buckin was left in a state of tormented stillness, her body charred beyond recognition, her eyes frozen open in a look of sheer terror, her limbs contorted in unnatural positions on the ground. The once steady rhythm of her heart stuttered, slowed, and ultimately ceased, signaling the end of her life.


In this moment of utter despair, the sound of Weevil's voice, filled with shock and grief, cut through the chaos.

Crawling out from under the debris, Weevil's simple mind comprehended the horrific scene before him.

Despite his naivety, even he could grasp the grim reality that Buckin, his mother figure, was truly gone.

Weevil, ever gullible and straightforward, had always looked up to Buckin. She had been more than just a caretaker; she was his world.

Feeding him, providing for him, and bringing joy into his life, Buckin had nurtured the bond they shared, becoming the embodiment of a mother in Weevil's heart.

But with her demise, that nurturing presence was abruptly and heartbreakingly ripped away.

In a rush of raw emotion and fueled by a sense of vengeance, Weevil brandished his naginata, his resolve hardening as he charged towards Brontes.

"I'll kill you!"

His thick voice was filled with rage and sorrow.


Brontes, unphased and dismissive, merely snorted at Weevil's approach.

Once again, the atmosphere was charged with electricity as Weevil, his arms fortified with Armament Haki, advanced with the unstoppable force of a moving tank.

However, in the face of Weevil's determination, Brontes displayed his formidable power, transforming into lightning.


With this, he effortlessly dodged Weevil's ferocious slash, only to reappear unharmed, standing defiantly in front of him.

"You really want to die, don't you? Don't worry, I will send you to your mother." Brontes said in a chilling tone.

"Boom! Rumble!"

The haunting sounds echoed across Greed Island, as the cries pierced the silence.

High above on the Ark Maxim, marine soldiers exchanged glances filled with both shock and awe.

The scene unfolding below was unlike anything they had witnessed before. Brontes, known for his preference to capture pirates alive during his hunts, had taken a drastically different approach this time—opting to kill his adversaries directly, a decision that left the marines in disbelief.

"Is the Fleet-Admiral...?" One marine soldier couldn't help but voice out loud, bewildered by the cries emanating from below.

"You don't get it, do you? The relationship between Fleet-Admiral Brontes and Admiral Zephyr." Another marine responded after shaking his head.

"Relationship...?" Said the first marine, confusion lacing his words.

Although not having been with Brontes since the beginning of his journey, the marine who responded held an understanding of Brontes deeper than those recently assigned to the Ark Maxim.

"Fleet-Admiral Brontes had no family when he joined the Marines. His dedication and hard work caught the eye of Admiral Zephyr while at the Elite Camp." He began to explain with a tone of respect: "I've been told by those who were at the Elite Camp at the time that Admiral Zephyr saw something in Brontes, treating him nearly like a son after noticing his relentless diligence in his training."

He continued: "Though Admiral Zephyr taught many students, it was clear he had a special place for Fleet-Admiral Brontes. According to Vice-Admiral Momonga, while the common expectation for others during their internship was merely to survive, Admiral Zephyr held Brontes to a much higher standard. He was particularly strict with him, pushing him beyond limits. It's well-known that Admiral Zephyr saved Fleet-Admiral Brontes's life on numerous occasions during their time at the Elite Camp."

The marine's voice carried a mixture of admiration and solemnity as he recounted the tale, shedding light on the deep and complex bond between Brontes and his erstwhile mentor, Zephyr.

"So, Fleet-Admiral Brontes would never mistreat those close to him, or those he owes a debt to, like Admiral Zephyr." The marine's gaze hardened with a fierce intent as his eyes landed on Weevil.

The unspoken message was clear; Brontes's principle is loyalty and respect were paramount, and betrayal was met with swift retribution.

"Let's go down!"

The marine soldiers made their descent from the warship, coordinating their approach towards where Brontes was.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, the echoes of battle resonating through the air.

As they navigated through the devastated landscape, it was evident that Brontes had dominated the battlefield.

Weevil was a sight of utter defeat; his body was riddled with wounds, bleeding profusely. The scars that once marred his skin now seemed trivial compared to the fresh, gaping injuries.

Brontes had inflicted devastating damage on Weevil, most notably shattering both of his legs.

Notably shorter to begin with, Weevil now took on a distorted, conical shape, barely held upright by his diminished lower body.

His hands were especially grotesque, punctured by lightning strikes that left holes so large that bone was visible through the missing flesh.

"Whhh! Please stop hurting me! Mama, please save me!" Weevil cried out in desperation, his voice a childlike wail of anguish. The pain had overpowered him, stripping away any facade of strength.

"When you cut off one of Instructor Zed's arms and killed many young marine recruits, you showed no mercy. Why should I extend you any mercy now?" Brontes's reply was a cold sneer, devoid of empathy for the man before him.

The sight of Weevil was pitiful. His weapon, a naginata, lay in ruins around him, shattered by Brontes's overwhelming power.

His body, a canvas of deep, severe wounds, left him no option but to plead for an end to his torment.

"You damn bastard!"

As Brontes's chilling words hung in the air, a grim realization dawned on Weevil.

There would be no mercy, no reprieve from his suffering. With what little resolve he could muster, Weevil charged at Brontes, a last-ditch effort to defy his grim fate.

Lacking his legs, his movement was predictably futile, yet he pressed on, driven by sheer desperation.

The marine soldiers, having just arrived, bore witness to Weevil's feeble attempt at retaliation.

They were momentarily taken aback by his sudden burst of energy, but it was clear his efforts were in vain against Brontes's impenetrable defenses. The outcome, it seemed, was already decided.

In his futile attempt against Brontes, Weevil's speed proved to be nowhere near enough to make an impact.


In a sudden blur of movement, Weevil's perception shifted, and he witnessed a familiar figure crumple to the ground, head and feet absent.

Brontes's spear had swiftly severed Weevil's head from his body, leaving the gory scene before the marine soldiers.

Confusion clouded Weevil's eyes as the reality of Brontes's lightning-fast strike dawned on him. Before he could comprehend the horror that had befallen him, it was too late.



In a simultaneous and grim conclusion, both Weevil's head and body slumped to the ground.

Brontes remained stoic, his spear still crackling with remnants of lightning as a haunting symbol of his power.


The marine soldiers hurried to Brontes's side, their expressions a mix of shock and awe.

Without acknowledging their presence, Brontes simply gestured towards a direction: "There should be survivors over there. Find them."

"Yes, sir!"

Though momentarily stunned, the marine soldiers sprang into action, obediently carrying out Brontes's order.

They diligently searched through the debris, uncovering a hidden dungeon where several pirates had managed to survive the onslaught of Brontes's formidable World's End technique.

Efficiently securing the surviving pirates, Brontes directed the Ark Maxim to set course for Marineford.


Brontes's actions did not remain hidden; the following day, visitors arrived at Greed Island, discovering the lifeless bodies of Edward Weevil and Buckin.

Piecing together the aftermath of the intense lightning storm witnessed the day before, they concluded that Brontes was responsible for the tragic events.

The collapse of such a formidable stronghold within the shadowy world cast a chilling reminder that even vast wealth held no defense against overwhelming power.

The once-hidden realm trembled at the display of Brontes's might.

As for the captured pirates, they were entrusted to a Marine Base in the New World, with arrangements swiftly made to transfer them to the infamous penitentiary, Impel Down.

Meanwhile, Brontes and his team journeyed across the Red Line, making their way back to Navy headquarters at Marineford.

Upon Brontes's return, the Marineford personnel greeted him with profound admiration.

The brief absence of just over twenty days belied the monumental impact of the recent events, leaving the staff in awe.

The epic saga of Brontes's three-day clash with Whitebeard had rippled through the world.

Whitebeard, revered as the strongest man alive, a title neither bestowed by the Marines nor claimed by the man himself but universally recognized.

Brontes had managed to hold his ground against Whitebeard for an astonishing three days and nights, the fierce battle only coming to a halt when another Yonko, Shanks intervened, a testament to Brontes's unyielding strength and resolve.


The prevailing belief at Marineford was that Brontes could have emerged victorious over Whitebeard, and if Shanks had not intervened at the crucial moment.

Many in the Marine ranks now saw Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok—Brontes—as the new pinnacle of power, surpassing even Whitebeard in strength and potential due to his youth and promise.

In addition to his clash with Whitebeard, Brontes's actions extended to the demise of Edward Weevil, often dubbed as Whitebeard's son by many.

The aftermath of Weevil's death was met with eerie silence from the Whitebeard Pirates. Given the outcome of Brontes's battle with Whitebeard, even Weevil's connection to the legendary pirate did not provoke the anticipated retaliation.

Brontes's strategic approach was evident in his initial encounters with Whitebeard, where he carefully navigated the situation before ultimately taking down Weevil.

The subsequent clash between Brontes and Whitebeard concluded without a clear victor, leaving Whitebeard to protect his crew in resigned silence.

"Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok, Fleet-Admiral Sengoku wants to see you." A Colonel saluted upon seeing Brontes at the dock.

"I will go there later. I have something to take care of first." Brontes said in a calm voice, as he headed straight to the infirmary.

The surprised Colonel quickly reported Brontes's actions back to Sengoku upon his return to the office.

"It's doesn't matter. I have already expected that he will go to the infirmary right away after coming back." Sengoku shook his head and said.

Sengoku, unfazed by Brontes's independent demeanor, understood their equal standing, recognizing the limitations each held in influencing the other.

While Sengoku's relationship with Brontes remained neutral, unlike the close bonds shared between Garp, Zephyr, and Brontes, who had played significant roles in Brontes's earlier years before his rise within the Marine ranks.