
The Conversation Between The Teacher and Student

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"I'm back!" Brontes announced his arrival with a gentle voice as he pushed open the door of the room.

"Fleet-Admiral Ragnarok!" Ain and Binz called out in unison. 

They were worried about Zed. His mood had been low, and they feared his health might deteriorate further. So, they decided to keep him company by taking turns.

After a brief pause, Brontes, with a smile, asked: "Well, it's been a while. How are you feeling now, Instructor Zed?"


Suddenly, the room filled with Zed's loud laughter. 

In an unexpected turn of events, Zed leaped from his sickbed and, with a swift motion, punched Brontes right in the face. 

The force sent Brontes flying across the room. 

"Bang! Boom!"

"What are you doing, Instructor Zed?!"

Ain and Binz were shocked. They exclaimed.

The impact caused Brontes to crash into a wall, creating a loud noise that echoed through the halls. 

This commotion caught the attention of several nearby marines and doctors. 

They were in Marineford's private hospital, renowned worldwide for its capacity to treat injuries too severe for any other facility.

It was a place where marines, who got injured on a daily basis, could find the best possible care.

Marines and doctors, not just any ordinary medics but strong soldiers who had seen many battles, rushed towards the source of the noise. 

These fierce individuals hurried to the scene, only to find Brontes, the person they least expected, sprawled against the wall.

Immediately, their expressions mirrored those of Ain and Binz, mouths wide open in shock. 

Witnessing Brontes against the wall, marked clearly by a punch to his face, left everyone speechless.

With a soft sound, Brontes vanished, only to reappear at the doorway, casually walking back into the ward as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. 

When the onlookers reached the source of the noise, they realized it was Zed's current room.

Seeing Brontes's gentle and seemingly resigned look as he re-entered the room, everyone almost instantly pieced together the series of events. 

Within the vast Marineford, no one but Zed would dare confront or physically challenge Brontes.


Relief washed over them as they realized the situation. 

It was precisely because Zed was the one involved that they felt relieved. Everyone was glad that it wasn't a case of someone thoughtlessly provoking Brontes.

Without a word, the bystanders left the room, leaving the scene behind. 

Inside, Zed was sitting on his bed, showing clear signs of recovery. Over the last twenty days, Zed's injuries had significantly healed, a testament to his resilience despite advancing age.

Despite his overall excellent physical condition, the loss of his arm served as a permanent reminder of his courageous and tumultuous past.

"Was it necessary to welcome me with a punch?" Brontes asked helplessly, rubbing the spot on his face where the punch landed. 

Remarkably, the mark was already fading, showcasing his amazing ability to heal.

"You're less and less human each day. You're nearly forty but could pass for someone in their mid-twenties, thanks to whatever you're becoming."

Zed, unfazed by his actions, remarked from his position on the bed. His tone was light, almost teasing, as he smiled at Brontes.

"What else can I say? You trained me well, Instructor." Brontes couldn't help but return the smile. He responded, acknowledging the compliment and the bond they shared.

Despite his curiosity about Brontes's youthful appearance, Zed didn't press further. Their relationship had always had an element of mystery.

Ain and Binz watched, completely taken aback by the casualness with which Zed and Brontes interacted.

"Ain, Binz, Would you two mind giving us a moment alone?" Zed looked towards Ain and Binz, his voice gentle yet commanding.

"Yes, Instructor Zed."

Without hesitation,  they replied and left the ward, securing privacy by keeping others away from the corridor.

Now, it was just Zed and Brontes, the mentor and his student, alone together.

"Cigar." Zed simply said, a request rather than a demand.


With a spark of electricity, Brontes lit the cigar he handed to Zed.


Zed inhaled deeply, the smoke swirling around him as he exhaled.  

"I'm getting old."

Zed said, a simple statement filled with introspection

After a brief silence, Zed began to reflect aloud. 

"I've suddenly realized I'm already sixty-five. Time really does fly. Before you know it, all of you young ones have grown into the very backbone of the Marine." There was a laugh from Zed, but it carried a hint of sadness as he shook his head.

Brontes responded with firm seriousness: "You don't need to worry, Instructor. I've got it from here."

Zed continued, a reflective note in his voice: "You know, when I was younger, I always dreamed of being a hero. But the truth is, heroes are the stuff of fairy tales. And because of what I believed in, many good people lost their lives. They call me Black Wrist Zefa, even after losing my wrist, they still call me that." His laughter was tinged with pain as tears began to form in his eyes.

He expressed his gratitude to Brontes: "Thank you for avenging me. If we had left it to the World Government, they would've done nothing. They were uncertain about the relationship between Edward Weevil and Edward Newgate, likely never acting against Weevil and preventing the Marines from intervening."

Zed paused before continuing: "Your actions as my student prevented a potential all-out war between the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates. The so-called stability in the New World, even those absurd decisions like organizing the Seven Warlords, it all just shows how corrupt the World Government has become."

"I won't let the Marine fall into decay, Instructor. You have my word." Brontes assured Zed with determination.

Zed reflected on the past: "The four of us - Me, Karp, Sengoku, and Tsuru - once held great hopes for two individuals: you and Karp's son, Drogon. However, Drogon chose a different path, leaving the Marine to found the Revolutionary Army and fight against the World Government. That left us placing our trust in you. You've not only lived up to our expectations but surpassed them, becoming the youngest Marine-Admiral. Yet, our ambitions were disrupted by the interference of the World Government." Zed said, exhaling smoke as he glanced out of the window.

Brontes revealed his internal struggle: "I never wanted to align myself with the World Government, but I felt trapped. Going against their orders would have likely led to my expulsion from the Marine. Recognizing my unique position in the New World at that time, they decided to contain me by limiting my influence within the Marine." He disclosed with a tinge of bitterness in his voice.

With a determined smile, Brontes reassured Zed: "But worry not, Instructor. I will not falter in my commitment to you and the Marine. My goal has always been, and always will be, to bring peace to this world and elevate the Marine to its pinnacle."

"You've mentioned that before. That's why, from the moment you joined the Elite Camp, I made it a priority to nurture you. It wasn't just your resilience that caught my eye, but your genuine heart of a true marine, much like Garp and myself. The essence of justice resides within the Marines." Zed said with a grin.

Brontes responded: "I see. Rest well, Instructor. I've already reached out to Dr. Vegapunk to craft a mechanical arm for you. Once it's ready, you can test it out and see how it suits you."

With a hint of humor, Zed brushed off the offer: "Get lost! I'll handle it myself. It may be time for me to retire for real." He added, relief evident in his smile.

"Keep guiding the new recruits. Your presence is still vital to the Marine." Brontes advised before pausing at the doorway.

"Very well, for your sake and the future of the Marines." Zed responded, no longer burdened by his previous demeanor. 

He now appeared as a natural, contented old man. It was evident that Brontes' actions had not only avenged him but also illuminated a path for the future of the Marines.

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