
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

RAR_BLANK · Bücher und Literatur
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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 167

The time of the morning passed without knowing it~ What made the toy soldier feel speechless is that his tireless teaching this morning, the end result was actually that Rebecca changed from one wrong stroke to two wrong strokes. Strokes...

  Sometimes there are even three wrong strokes...

  This...what's wrong with this?

  Is my daughter so stupid?

Chapter 307 Collapse Jade Fusion Without Side Effects (1/6)

  In the afternoon class, Qin Tian arranged for Rebecca to perform auditory illusions.

  The method is very simple. Ask Rebecca to write dozens of more than a hundred characters that the toy soldier taught her before, and then read it to the toy soldier one by one.

  In the process of reading, Rebecca used the ability to control the hearing of the toy soldiers, so as to achieve the effect of making the toy soldiers have hearing errors.

  During the afternoon's training, Rebecca improved from "mispronounced one word" to "mispronounced four words..."

  Practice writing in the morning, the more you practice, the more regressive.

  Practice word recognition in the afternoon, and the more you practice, the more regressive.

  Which father can't be angry with this?

  After a day of sparring, the toy soldiers can be pissed off!

  If it weren't for the fact that he is now a toy body and no entity, he would be mad with high blood pressure!

  But thinking that Rebecca was her own daughter, the toy soldier couldn't bear to blame.

  Especially when Rebecca's mother is dead, and the memory of his father is erased from Rebecca's mind. For such a lonely daughter, the toy soldiers can't bear to blame even more~

  Before you know it, the sun is about to set.

  The toy soldier looked at time 24, then bid Rebecca goodbye and went back to the toy house.

  This is the rule set by Doflamingo, the current King of Dresrosa. If anyone does not comply, he will be put to death~

  "Rebecca, you didn't sleep all night last night, go to bed early today and take a good rest." Qin Tian knew that Rebecca is very active in cultivation, but she cares about Rebecca's body, so she ordered Rebecca to rest early today. .

  "No, teacher. Didn't you say that there are classes in the evening? I still want to continue practicing." The pink cheeks are full of red, and the little girl looks very energetic~

  "Well, but I mean I will start practicing from tomorrow night, and forget it today. You have to sleep a little longer~" Qin Tian said with a smile.

  However, Rebecca was not happy anymore. She pouted her small mouth and said confidently, "But I still can't sleep now. Rather than lying dry on the wooden couch, I might as well spend my time practicing~"

  Qin Tian hesitated for a moment, thinking that although he should cherish the students' bodies, he still couldn't dispel the students' enthusiasm.

  Since Rebecca is so easy to learn, let her be headstrong all night~

  So Qin Tian said, "Well, the course I will arrange for you from dinner to before going to bed is to perceive another power in the body."

  "Another power? What is that?" Rebecca asked curiously.

  "The name of this power is called Bengyu! But it has not yet integrated with you. Once you can integrate Bengyu with yourself, then your strength will be very powerful!" Qin Tianxian introduced Bengyu to Rebecca. How powerful.

  Before deciding to teach Rebecca to integrate Bengyu, Qin Tian studied the teaching resources about Bengyu during the day.

  Qin Tian was worried about one thing before, that is, once Bengyu and Rebecca were completely fused, would it make Rebecca look like the ugly appearance when Blue Dyed and Bengyu merged.

  Qin Tian remembered that when Lan Ran finally completed the final fusion state of Bengyu in the world of death, he could no longer be called a "person", it was completely a monster~

  If Rebecca would become like that, Qin Tian would rather not let Rebecca fuse with collapsed jade.

  However, after Qin Tian studied the teaching resources about Bengyu, all his worries disappeared completely.

  I think it has been clearly stated in the teaching resources that the collapse of the jade as a teaching resource has no side effects.

  Therefore, even if Rebecca is fused with Bengyu, her body will not undergo any changes, and she will still be in her original appearance.

  Seeing this explanation, Qin Tian was completely relieved! That night, Qin Tian began to follow the instructions in the teaching resources to let Rebeka carry out the fusion practice of Bengyu.

  Bengyu's fusion practice is different from the previous illusion practice. This does not require Rebecca to move, she just needs to sit on a wooden couch, cross her legs, and control the spiritual power in her body to communicate with Bengyu~

  This kind of "meditation" practice will pass for a long time if you are not paying attention.

  Before I knew it, it was night.

  Rebecca's sleepiness struck, and she fell asleep while practicing.

  Qin Tian noticed Rebecca's state, and immediately felt sorry for her. She controlled Rebecca's left hand and left leg, and took off her coat and outer pants.

  This is not because Qin Tian has any bad thoughts, but because if he doesn't take off his clothes and sleeps, he will easily catch a cold the next morning~

  Controlling his left hand to arrange Rebecca's clothes, Qin Tian slowly lay on the wooden couch and covered himself with the quilt...

  It seems like Qin Tian is sleeping by himself~

  "Hey... She was supposed to be a happy princess, because of Doflamingo's selfish desires, Rebecca's childhood was so miserable. The Pirate's world is really the weak and the strong..."

  Qin Tian couldn't help but sighed.

  Without his appearance, Rebecca would have to endure at least 9 years of painful life!

  Time is quiet like flowing water~

  In a flash, two months passed~

  In two months, Rebecca has made tremendous progress!

  The words she writes to the toy soldiers are not just a question of whether the strokes are correct, but clearly "I am a little girl", but what the toy soldiers see is "the blue sky, white clouds and sunshine are good~"

  Of course, this was because Rebecca wanted the toy soldiers to see this sentence.

  If she wants the toy soldier to see anything else, she can do it all.

  Basically, Rebecca's visual illusion has been learned!

  The auditory illusion is also very advanced! The "reading error rate" has also reached 100%~

  These two months have made the toy soldier irritable, but he still couldn't bear to get angry at Rebecca, so he could only sulk himself.

  But fortunately, there is no real body in toys, so you don't have to worry about getting sick~

  These two achievements made Qin Tian very satisfied, but they were not all of Rebecca's achievements.

  Rebecca also used his spare time to master the 63 Thunder Cannon and Twenty-six Quguang of Bound Dao.

  The Thunder Cannon can release a blast with thunder and lightning!

  Quguang can cover the body with a transparent canvas made by Reiki to achieve the effect of invisibility. Comparable to invisible fruit!

  Of course, what makes Qin Tian most satisfied is that Bengyu's first fusion state has been completed by 40%!

  Although there is still a long way to go from the complete fusion of the first fusion state, this 40% fusion state is a huge improvement for Rebecca!

  I believe that as long as Rebecca continues to practice like this, the first fusion state will be completed sooner or later!

Chapter 308 Invisibility Cloak (2/6)

  The reason why Qin Tian was most satisfied with completing 40% of Bengyu's first fusion state was because the results of both illusion and Dao breaking were only external forces!

  But the fusion of collapsed jade is a huge enhancement and improvement to Rebecca's body directly!

  Qin Tian remembered that in the world of Reaper, when Lan Ran completed the first fusion state, his maximum cutting power was strengthened to be able to knock down the "Black Rope Scourge Ming King" with one blow.

  The maximum defense power was strengthened to the point that even a zero-range cremation and a crescent moon could only cause slight injuries to him.

  The maximum resilience is strengthened so that even wounds deep in the body will recover quickly.

  Since Xin Beng Jade will instinctively protect the host, the strength of Aizen who completed the first fusion state at that time exceeded the sum of the ten blades, and was almost indestructible!

  And now, although Rebecca has only completed 40% of the first fusion state, its body's attack power, defense power and recovery power have reached a very powerful existence!

  In this way, Rebecca won't happen to be suddenly dropped by someone~

  Inside the stone house, toy soldiers made breakfast for Rebecca.

  While Rebecca was having breakfast, Qin Tian began to arrange courses for Rebecca for the next period of time.

  Morning: illusion training for smell and taste.

  According to Qin Tian's instructions, Rebecca asked the toy soldier to help her find a kitten back, and then began to solve the problem with the kitten.

  After that, Qin Tian asked Rebecca to place some grass not far from the kitten.

  The kitten does not eat grass, so it will not touch the grass.

  And Rebecca's learning task is to let the kitten smell the scent of fish soup on these green grasses, and then take the initiative to eat it.

  Of course, if the smell of grass is in the mouth, the kitten will vomit it.

  Therefore, Rebecca should not only let the kitten smell the fragrance of the grass and fish soup, but also let the kitten feel the deliciousness of the fish in the mouth...

  Tsk, %poor kitty~

  Afternoon: Tactile illusion training.

  In the afternoon, kittens like to bask in the sun. The learning task Qin Tian arranged for Rebecca is to let the kittens sleep in a fixed circle.

  The method is to make the kitten's sense of touch deviate. Except for the dry touch in this circle, the other places are wet~

  As long as Rebecca can keep the kitten sleeping in this circle, it means that the tactile illusion training is effective~

  Evening: It is still Bengyu fusion practice.

  In the rest of his free time, Rebecca took the time to learn other ghost ways.

  Qin Tian had arranged the study tasks, and Rebecca happened to have finished her breakfast, and began a day of training.

  Soon, the day was over, and it was time for the curfew.

  The toy soldiers went back to the toy house, and Rebecca continued to train for the collapse of jade.

  Suddenly, the voices of several big men came from the alley outside. "It's coming soon, it should be around this generation!"

  "Brother, your information must be inaccurate? This place has long been unoccupied, where are the children?"

  "Hey, when did Lao Tzu fool you? I saw a toy running here during the day, and I felt strange at the time, so I followed it quietly. I seemed to hear a little girl's voice from a long distance away. It must be nearby! "

  "Okay, let's look for it again. The little girl still finds and sells the valuables. We can also exchange some money and go to the kiln."

  "Let's move faster, and the curfew will be coming soon. If the king's army finds out that we are still on the street, we will be over!"

  Rebecca heard the sound coming from outside, she reflexively jumped off the wooden couch, and quickly walked to the table to blow out the small oil lamp.

  This is a good habit that toy soldiers helped her develop.

  For more than a year, the toy soldier reminds Rebecca every day to know how to protect herself.

  In order to allow Rebecca to better protect herself, the toy soldiers often deliberately turn back after leaving to make a little noise, so that Rebecca develops the habit of blowing on the light as soon as the sound is heard.

  "Teacher, the trafficker outside." Rebecca couldn't help becoming nervous when she heard these people's conversations.

  Although her current strength is very good, she herself hasn't realized that she is already a strong one.

  "Rebecca, turn on the light." Qin Tian ordered.

  "Acridine? But there are bad guys out there..." Rebecca's small face showed a nervous look after hearing this.

  "It doesn't matter, Rebecca, you have been cultivating for two months, but you have never engaged in actual combat. These human traffickers can just let you practice." Qin Tian explained.

  Given that Rebecca is now fused with 40% of the first fusion state of the collapsed jade, even if these human traffickers stand still and let them chop, they will not be able to chop Rebecca.

  So Qin Tiansi didn't worry about Rebecca's safety. However, Rebecca has never had a fight before, and her little white hand unconsciously grabbed the tender arm of the lotus root. She said with a little fear: "But... But... Teacher, can I beat them?"

  "Relax, the teacher said that if you can beat them, you must be able to beat them. But this time, instead of asking you to fight, let you use Jinghuashuiyue to launch illusions on them and check your practice results at this stage." Qin Tian explained with a smile.

  After these two months, Rebecca had established a complete trust in Qin Tian, ​​so although she was very timid, she still did what Qin Tian said.

  She picked up the match and lit the oil lamp that had just been blown out.

  After that, she quickly chanted: "~ Blind the windows of the soul, cover people's eyes, floating clouds, looking at the eyes, everything is empty! Twenty-six and one light of the binding way!"

  As soon as the voice fell, a transparent canvas formed by Rebecca covered Rebecca's body.

  Her figure disappeared in an instant~

  "Look! There is a fire there!"

  "Haha, third brother, you are right! There are people living in this deserted street, it seems that it must be an orphan!"

  "Go, let's go!"

  The big guys outside saw a room not far away suddenly lit up, and immediately ran over with a smile.

  When they came to the door of this room, the headed "three brothers" raised land and everyone rushed in.

  "Huh? No one?"