
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 162

In the secluded deep sea, at this moment fell into deathly silence!

  After a long while, Neptune, Zefa and others finally recovered from their shock. They looked at the countless ship shards and pirates scattered in the sea. They looked at each other face to face, this... this is true. What the weak princess did?

  Judging by the power of that punch just now, this 6-year-old princess of Mermaid Island is firmly above the four emperors!

  "It seems that I don't know my daughter..." Neptune shook his head and sighed with a wry smile. As Bai Xing's father, he didn't know that his daughter had such terrifying strength~

  And Zefa beside Neptune also smiled awkwardly with a trembling face. The corners of his mouth twitched. It seems that when facing Edward and Weibull last time, the little princess of the common people showed her strength. Just the tip of the iceberg~

  But just the strength of the tip of the iceberg at that time also saved his remaining nearly two hundred trainees.

  Thinking of the words that Bai Xing said in the Dragon Palace that he was going to clean up the Aunt Pirates, it seemed that it was not a joke~

  Isn't it ridiculous? They are still worried that Bai Xing will be okay, but how can they expect that Bai Xing is so powerful...

  "Aw! Aw—"

  Among the scattered pirates, a very tall woman with white hair, a hat, long hair and legs was holding her badly injured right leg and screaming.

  This person is Charlotte Smoky, who is ranked second in strength among the four dessert stars. Since she was only affected by the power of the King's Fist, her membrane was not shattered.

  Charlotte Smoky screamed in pain, then looked at Charlotte Mondor not far away and shouted: "Quick! Book World!"

  In this case, the combat power of the two sides is no longer comparable.

  That's it with one punch, how can you beat it later? Without waiting for Charlotte Lingling's order, Charlotte Smoky asked Charlotte Mundor to quickly lead everyone to retreat.

  "Got it, sister!"

  Charlotte Mondor was also seriously injured. His hunger was sunken but not dead. He quickly took out a book and yelled at everyone: "Book World, I!"

  "I still want to use this trick!?"

  When Qin Tian saw this, he sneered. The last time he used Guyina's body to use the King's Fist, the Aunt Pirates used this trick to escape.

  But this time, Qin Tian will not give the aunt Pirates such an opportunity again!

  He raised his left hand and pointed at Charlotte: Mundor~

  Point the gun!

  Although the power of a single-shot finger cannon is not as terrible as the King's Fist, this thing does not need to be charged, it recovers quickly, and it is used casually~

  A super air cannon flew over while crushing the sea water, and its attack area was only a little smaller than the fist of the king just now...

  Take a look at the other pirates who haven't died yet, Nima, we haven't done anything, don't have to affect us!

  "Damn! Brother Mondor, put away your mother quickly, and I'll block it for you!"

  Seeing the raging air cannon, Charlotte: Smoky's face turned pale, and he pulled Charlotte Mondor behind her, and then pushed the big sword in his hand forward.

  "Juicing, super blender!" Om~

  At this moment, the sea water crazily scrolled, forming a cone-shaped tangible vortex, which came up against the air cannon!

  The sea water vortex collapsed in an instant, and the air cannon then hit Charlotte Smoky's body, and then Charlotte Smoky's body hit Charlotte Mundor's body again, and the two vomited blood. , The body shot out at the same time~

  Charlotte Mondore stopped moving, not knowing whether he was dead or unconscious.

  And although Charlotte Smoky didn't faint immediately, but it was choking, she shook Charlotte Mondor with a trembling, her face extremely anxious.

  "Bray, hurry up, save mom first!"

  When Qin Tian watched Charlotte Smoky's side, Charlotte and Kata Kuri had regained their human form at some point. He pulled Charlotte Bree and rushed to his mother. Around.

  Although his membrane was shattered by the King's Fist just now, he immediately pressed a small pot when he recovered his human form, and two new membranes covered him and Charlotte Bree respectively.

  Although Charlotte Bree had been seriously injured, she still desperately turned into a huge mirror, which was enough to cover Charlotte Lingling's huge body.

  Sure enough, it is still a familiar routine!

  "Hehe, is this the trump card you dare to brazenly come to the deep sea?"

  Qin Tian sneered, then controlled Bai Xing's left leg and kicked it out!

  Break the foot in one fell swoop!

  The terrifying slashing wave cut the sea in an instant, as if it was about to divide the sea in two, and it was forced to Kata Kuri and Charlotte Bree in the blink of an eye.

  "Asshole! It's too late!"

  Kata Kuri's domineering appearance broke out. He has seen a short future. If he continues to take Charlotte Bree to save his mother, then Charlotte Bree will be cut into two pieces with a single knife, and he will die on the spot!

  "Little Bree, go in!"

  Kata Kuri yelled, he put Charlotte Bree into the mirror, and then he activated the elementalization in an instant!

  The chopped wave instantly chopped Kata Kuri into two parts!

  The huge mirror shattered!

  This chopping wave still didn't stop, directly piercing Charlotte Lingling not far away.

  "~ My mother is not dead yet!"

  Charlotte Lingling turned over and stood upright in the sea. She also pressed a small jar, and a huge membrane wrapped her body.

  Afterwards, Charlotte Lingling blasted out with a punch, smashing the chopping wave that broke the foot in two.

  "Asshole! This chopping wave can actually hurt my old lady!" Feeling a burst of pain from her hand, Charlotte Lingling looked down, and deep scars appeared on the back of her punched hand!

  You know, she is known as a steel balloon, and even the slashing wave of the great swordsman can't break her defense!

  "Little Ruth! Are you okay!" Charlotte Lingling suddenly yelled after the chopping wave was cancelled out with a punch.

  "Just good, mom!"

  The answer to Charlotte Lingling was a woman's voice with a low price comparison, and then the voice said again: "Dream world and dream turn around!"

  Hearing this woman's voice, Qin Tian's heart was filled with a bad premonition~

  Sure enough, somewhere in this sea, a dark hole suddenly appeared, just like a black hole in cosmic space, the surrounding sea water madly poured into it!

  As for the members of the Aunt Pirates, everyone who was still conscious took out a small white pill and ate it in.

  Charlotte Smoky first took out a pill from Charlotte Mondor and stuffed it in, and then took out one and ate it himself.

  "Pointing to the gun!"

  Qin Tian felt bad, so when he raised his hand, he shot out!

  Those pirates who did not take the pills were directly crushed by this blow of the air cannon!

  And the pirates who took the pills seemed to have become illusory, and the air cannon actually passed through them!

  Afterwards, they were all sucked in by the black hole like a wandering soul!

Chapter 299 stunned the navy! (5/6)

"That's... Dream Fruit..."

  Looking at the black hole in the sea, Zefa frowned, and he muttered, "There have been rumors that he missed the sixth daughter of the Charlotte family, and Charlotte Ruth ate a superhuman dream. Fruit. Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

  "Mengmeng fruit?" Qin Tian looked back at Zefa when he heard this.

  Zefa's face was startled. He didn't expect that Bai Xing would have heard his mumbling from such a distance. It was too terrifying to see and hear!

  Of course it's scary~

  That's Qin Tian's top-notch look and domineering~

  Although Zefa could also hear the voice of Bai Xing asking now, it was obvious that Bai Xing had deliberately forced the voice over.

  Zefa immediately replied loudly: "Yes, that is a kind of devil fruit that can transform dreams and reality into each other. The reason why your attack penetrated those people just now was because their reality became a dream, and They turned the dream world they entered into reality."

  "So amazing..."

  Qin Tian smacked his lips, and had to marvel that the Devil Fruit of the Superman system was really unbelievable, there was no upper limit!

  Especially when encountering this kind of devil fruit with law ability, no matter how strong it is, you have to deal with it carefully.

  Otherwise, it will be very troublesome in case you get caught!

  Zefa thought for a while, and then said: "However, according to the navy's intelligence, this kind of devil fruit is extremely difficult to develop. When the ability person develops the fruit ability, he often loses himself in the gap between reality and dream because he can't distinguish between dreams and reality. It's easy to have a mental breakdown! In the Navy's records, the last person with the ability of Dream Fruits committed suicide because of a mental disorder!"

  "That's right! The power of this fruit is also risky to use. Although they have entered the dream world now, if they can't get it right, they may never get out." Zefa added.

  Hearing Zefa's words, Qin Tian had some understanding of Mengmeng Fruit. He frowned slightly, looked at the black hole in the sea, pondered for a moment, and finally gave up his plan to enter~

  "Pointing to the gun! Thirty bursts!"

  As soon as he raised his hand, he fired thirty finger cannons, one after another huge air cannons, like a blue dragon going out to sea, crushed out!

  Zefa's eyes widened suddenly, and he murmured in exclamation: "This terrible air cannon, Princess White Star can fire so densely..."

  He couldn't help making a secret comparison with the strong in the navy, and he was shocked to discover that there seemed to be no existence comparable to it in the navy!

  All thirty air cannons blasted into the black hole!

  I only heard screams that seemed to come from inside, and then the black hole got smaller and smaller, until finally it slowly disappeared!

  The sea is quiet again!

  In the next few days, Qin Tian asked Bai Xing to summon several Neptunes to stay here.

  If anything happens, these Neptunes will immediately notify the White Star through telepathy.

  But what disappointed Qin Tian was that he hadn't found a trace of the Aunt Pirates for several days.

  It seems that the Auntie Pirates seems to survive~ Or, as Zefa said, they are really trapped in the dream world.

  A few days later, Zefa returned to the navy headquarters with the navy. The navy headquarters is holding a meeting.

  "Zefa, you just came back, we need your information now." Seeing Zefa coming in, the Warring States Period said.

  When Zefa was about to sit down, he was taken aback for a moment. His gaze fell on the side of the conference table. There were three men with strange masks sitting there, one by one in suits and pens, and they looked very pretentious~

  "CPO?" Zefa frowned and looked at the three of them.

  Especially the person sitting in the middle attracted Zefa's attention.

  This man is wearing a white yin and yang eye mask, a white suit and a white suit hat, and a long black scarf with a blue disc pattern around his neck, especially a red medal in front of his Hungarian!

  It's him...

  Zefa's heart moved~

  As a former general, Zefa has never seen the true face of these CP0s, but the masks of each CP0 are different. He is particularly impressed with this CP0 with a white yin and yang eye mask!

  The strength of this person is above him, unfathomable! The code name is Yin Yang Eye!

  "Former General of the Navy, is it too rude for you to stare at us like this?" CP0, codenamed Yin Yang Eye, turned his head to look at Zefa and asked indifferently.

  A look of discomfort appeared on his face, Zefa turned his head to look at the Warring States Period, and said, "Why do people from CP0 appear here?"

  In fact, the navy and CP0, as two parts, are both subject to the orders of the world government, but they are (cebj) two different parts.

  The two parts are naturally unhappy with each other~

  However, due to the existence of the world government, these two departments can only check and balance each other, but they cannot really contradict each other.

  Otherwise, whoever provokes the incident first, the world government will take the knife!

  "Zefa, you sit down now."

  Warring States nodded slightly to him, and then explained: "The world government attaches great importance to this Neptune's life, and the previous information about Pluto may also fall on the fisherman island. Now the five old stars send CP0 Three capable workers will help us in the future, let us be sure to eliminate the Sea King!"

  "wipe out!?"

  Hearing this word, Zefa's face suddenly changed, and his eyebrows were erected!

  His expression fell in the eyes of the Warring States, which made the Warring States feel very incomprehensible~

  And CP0, codenamed Yin Yang Eye, said in a disdainful tone: "Former Admiral, what is your expression? Are you afraid?"

  Zefa ignored him, but looked at the Warring States Period and said seriously: "Marshal! This thing must not be done!

  "Huh~ Please make it clear before you speak. This matter is an order from the top official of the world government, Wu Lao Xing, personally. You said you can't do it...?"

  There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and Yin Yang eyes sneered.

  "Zefa, what's the matter with you? Did you see anything on the fisherman island?"

  The Warring States and Zefa were comrades-in-arms at the same time, and he knew that if Zefa tried his best to prevent something, there would never be no reason!

  "Zefa, what exactly do you know?" Lieutenant General Crane also cast a puzzled look.

  Zefa lowered his head slightly, he was thoughtful.