
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 156

Now it's their turn, how can they not get excited?

  As the bullets hit the Neptune's body one by one, more than two dozen super Neptune "made out".

  "Remember, because you are too big, this extreme speed can only last for 10 minutes at most. Once the speed drops, tell me immediately, and I will fill you up with another bullet immediately."

  "Also, if anyone is injured, you should notify me immediately, and I will heal your injuries instantly."

  "Well, now we are going to clean up the big bad guys!"

  As Princess Neptune, Bai Xing was talking about mobilizing before standing. Although she looked very immature, the Neptunes listened very seriously!

  Cake Island, many pirate boats stop in front of the port.

  "Sir Candy, you're here to report to mom again~" The pirate in the port greeted a slender man with a long nose and tongue, wearing a top hat, and holding a candy cane enthusiastically.

  This person is the Candy Minister among the 34 ministers and Charlotte Lingling's eldest son, Charlotte Perros Pello!

  "Haha, I brought some delicious candies to my mom today. I don't know if Mom is there, you guys hurry up and transport the candies down, be careful, handle them gently, don't break it for me!"

  Charlotte Perros Pello added a long tongue and grinned.

  "Don't worry, Mr. Candy, don't worry about us doing things...ah--"

  The pirate carrying the box was just halfway talking, and suddenly the whole person was so scared that his hair stood up, pointing at the sea and yelling.

  I saw the sea popped open, and huge frogs appeared in front of everyone.

  The frog opened his mouth, and his long mouth instantly stuck to the pirate ship, and then retracted it instantly, swallowing the entire pirate ship~


  "Help! Why did the Neptune come here!"

  "Hurry up and notify the stars!"

  For a while, the pirates in the harbor fled everywhere in a panic.

  "Isn't it just a Neptune? Need to send stars? What use are these slow-moving guys?"

  Perros Pello glanced at the corner of his mouth, then pointed forward and shouted: "Candy waves!"

  As soon as his words fell, a large amount of marsh-like sugar liquid suddenly appeared around the Neptune Frog, surrounded by the Neptune Frog.

  However, before the marsh-like sugar liquid touched the Neptune Frog, the Neptune frog had already jumped, soaring into the sky from the sea, and instantly left the encirclement of the sugar liquid swamp.

  "What! This is a sea king class?"

  Seeing the reaction speed of this Aquaman frog, Perrospero's eyes widened suddenly, and he yelled in horror.

  But before he had time to be shocked for a second or two, I saw that the Sea King Frog had already fallen towards his land.

  Perros Pello discovered in disbelief that the speed of the sea king in front of him was many times faster than his speed.

  Obviously still in the sea far away, suddenly jumped to a high altitude and suddenly fell to the ground again!

  It didn't even last for a second!

  What a terrifying speed this is!

  At this time, Perros Pello had no time to think about it, and he had no way to escape in the face of such a behemoth falling from the sky.

  You know, this behemoth in front of you is close to a half the size of Cake Island!

  Even if Perros Pello broke out to the fastest speed, he could not escape the shadow of the sea king frog sitting down~

  "Candy Shield!"

  Perros Pello yelled, but he could only resist.


  Just in the blink of an eye, Aquaman Frog has already sat on the island!

  As if it caused a major earthquake, the entire Cake Island shook violently.

  Countless buildings collapsed, the ground cracked, and there were screams everywhere~

  This part of the area close to the port is the worst, all of them are snarled under the sea king frog's Pigu~

  This Pigu sits down, a small peninsula is gone~

Chapter 288 Sea King is angry, Cake Island is destroyed! (6/6)


  Aquaman Frog slowly lifted Pigu, everything underneath was completely squashed!

  Perros Pello held a candy shield, and his whole person was directly rammed into the ground and embedded in it.

  But this candy shield is really strong, and it hasn't been shattered by Yipinggu~

  Just a moment after Neptune Frog sat down, Perros Pello was driven directly into the ground like a nail~

  After a few violent coughs, Perros Pello threw away the candy shield in his hand, revealing his head.

  Although the candy shield is strong enough, when it was nailed into the ground just now, the candy shield was slapped directly on his face, and then pressed into his face~

  In this way, his big face was directly photographed with a black nose and swollen nose, and even his long nose was photographed in the shape of lightning~

  Perros Pello looked around, saw a ruin, and suddenly became angry!

  "Damn beast! I ruined my mother's island! I will never forgive you!"

  On top of the big face with blue nose and swollen face, with a distorted face, Perros Pello yelled, "Candy Tower Giant Cone!"

  As his voice fell, a huge tower-shaped awl appeared in front of him. It seemed that he was going to use this huge tower awl to attack the Sea King Frog.

  Of course, if you look at it from the perspective of a normal person, this huge tower is really a huge tower.

  But if you look at it from the point of view of the sea king, this giant tower awl is small and a little cute~

  Just as Perros Pello was about to do it, suddenly his brow furrowed, and he subconsciously stared at the body of the sea king above!

  "What is that? Why did you suddenly open a huge channel? What kind of ability is this?"

  In Perros Pello's eyes, he was surprised to see a very wide hole appeared from the body of the Neptune Frog, and at this time the hole was still expanding!

  In fact, if the Neptune Frog is reduced by countless times, Perros Pello will definitely find that this is actually the frog's chrysanthemum~

  But at this time, because the chrysanthemum was too big, it was like a dark abyss appeared in front of him. Who could think about it?

  The next moment, a violent shock wave burst out, directly impacting on the ground, and at the same time completely enveloped Perros Pello.

  How violent is this airflow?

  It is no exaggeration to say that it is a category 20 hurricane!

  When the air current hits Perros Pello's body, it is simply a storm assault in the wind magic. It directly hits Perros Pello's face frantically, like a red flag in the wind, messy~

  A cut-off wall, ruins and rubble on the ground were directly rushed to the surrounding area under this huge impact, and many of them fell into the sea.

  But Perros Pello was the only one who was nailed to the ground, so he was not blown away, and he was exported crazily at the center of the storm...

  What's more frightening is that this is not only a wind shock, but also a smell attack!

  This is the storm coming out of the Neptune Frog Juduo, what else can it be?

  The powerful smell directly caused Perros Pello to be dizzy, staring at Venus, and vomiting madly~

  By the end of the storm, Perros Pello seemed to have been salted~

  I vomited completely on the ground~

  In fact, it has only been a few seconds since the appearance of the Neptune Frog, and the entire Cake Island has been ruined by a half.

  Just when the pirates on Cake Island were thinking about how to attack the sea kings, the sea water on the other side suddenly exploded, and a sea king green snake rose into the sky, and then directly pressed down on the other side of the undamaged island.

  "What! There is also a sea king!!"

  "Where did we provoke the sea kings? Why did two sea kings suddenly appear to attack us?"

  The pirates on the island cried out in hysterical panic.

  The Sea King Green Snake pressed down with an S-shaped curve, and the island was in a mess again!

  Then this guy wiggled his body with joy, smoothing the ruins...

  Just when the surviving pirates thought they had escaped, the sea broke open again!

  A Sea King sea lion jumped out of the sea!

  A sea king walrus jumped out and returned to the sea!

  "Did our mother stabbed the nest of the Neptune class?"

  "It must be, otherwise it is impossible for the sea kings to retaliate against us so madly!"

  "It's over!"

  The surviving pirates were not spared either~

  Although the cake island is big, four sea kings are crowded on this island at the same time, which is even more crowded than the tram in the Japanese love action movie. Although there is no idiot, it is simply a tragedy of the century!

  The cake tower was razed to the ground, and the entire cake island was in ruins.

  The matter was not over yet, the sea broke open again, and a sea king electric eel rose into the air and fell towards the place where the four people were huddled together.

  The four sea kings sent out a wave of protesting heartbeat fluctuations at the same time and then jumped into the sea without hesitation.

  The sea king electric eel landed on the island alone. Since this one is long, its head is on the west side of the island and its tail is just on the east side of the island.

  One person runs through the entire cake list, and then this guy has a big clockwise rotation~

  The entire island is like a light bulb that is suddenly energized. A huge arc that runs through the island dashes through the sky, jumping back and forth on the ground and sky of Cake Island~

  A burst of green smoke rises from the island~

  Although Perros Pello is a capable person, he can't avoid the fate of death under the impact of the powerful current of the sea king.

  From the appearance of the first Neptune to the end of the Neptune electric eel, the time didn't even last for a minute!

  It's... The Sea King was angry and wiped out the island in minutes!

  And it was really wiped out, the buildings were clean, the people were clean, and the ground was cleaned up!

  But what puzzled Qin Tian is that she has never seen Charlotte Lingling, nor Jiang Xing~

  It is normal for other ministers not to see it, because in Totland, there are 34 ministers under the Aunt Pirate Group, and each minister has its own island, and they are usually on their own island.

  However, Kata Kuri, the head of the four dessert stars, does not have his own island, and usually stays by his mother's side.

  And when Charlotte Lingling is fine, she likes to stay in the cake castle and eat dessert.

  The Cake Island was destroyed, but the two of them have not yet appeared. That can only explain one thing, that is, Charlotte Lingling and Katakuri are not here!

  "~Princess Neptune, I see that many pirate boats have set off from various islands and are coming here~" The upper body of the sea king green snake stood upright on the sea, looking out.

  Qin Tian heard this, this is simply great!

  Setting the battlefield on this cake island can just avoid harming those innocent civilians~

  Since Charlotte Lingling is not here, take advantage of her absence to completely eradicate the roots of the wicked aunt pirate group!

Chapter 289 Why can sea kings be resurrected! (1/6)

"Quick! Cake Island was attacked by a sea king!"

  "The battleship moves immediately to kill the sea king class!"

  "It's just a bunch of sluggish bugs that have grown and grown. They dare to come here to find death. Don't let them go!"

  Countless battleships of the Auntie Pirate Ship departed from various islands towards Cake Island.

  "Princess Neptune, in my opinion, let's smash their warships one by one while the humans have not yet assembled!"

  "I think so too. There are many people with strange abilities among these human beings. Once they are brought together, we will be very troublesome~"

  The Neptune class made their own suggestions.

  "No, you are too big. If you don't pay attention, you will destroy those islands. Those islands are not all big bad guys."

  Just after hearing Qin Tian talk about it, Bai Xing knew that most of the islands except Cake Island were ordinary civilians.

  The white star appeared on the head of a sea king, and Qin Tian looked through her field of vision, and sure enough, there was no main ship of the Aunt Pirates-the Queen Mother. Anthem~

  It seems that Charlotte Lingling is really absent.

  Soon after, nearly a hundred warships surrounded Cake Island.