
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 105

Upon hearing this, the golden lion laughed again and said: "Unlucky? Jiehahahaha, I admit that I am very unlucky! But the Warring States period, my unlucky has ended, but your unlucky has just begun!"

  "` ‖ Oh? What do you mean?" Warring States smiled, and slowly squatted down, his eyes were on a parallel line with the golden lion's eyes, and asked faintly.

  The Golden Lion stared into the eyes of the Warring States, and looked at it, "How many days will the navy headquarters raise 2.5 billion Baileys? Jiehahahaha, the Warring States period don't think I don't know what you think! But seeing you do this, I really want to laugh!"

  The golden lion's laughing posterior molars were all seen, and then he said to the Warring States word by word: "Warring States! You have caused a big trouble!"

  Hearing these words, the Warring States period showed displeasure and ordered: "Take him down!"

  Afterwards, the Warring States period looked at Karp again: "Old guy, I will trouble you tomorrow and personally send the Golden Lion to Impel Hell, into the sixth infinite hell!"

  "Don't worry, this matter will be left to me!" Kapu laughed, not knowing where he touched a piece of senbei, and gave a piece to the Warring States Period.

  A few days later, what happened in the navy headquarters spread!

  Many news agencies obtained first-hand information through informants in the Navy Headquarters, and immediately reported the incident on a large scale!

  "The mysterious little girl broke into (Wang Zhao's) alone and entered the headquarters of the navy and captured the great pirate Golden Lion Shiji who escaped from prison more than ten years ago in exchange for the bounty!"

  "Heavy! Golden Lion, the first fugitive in history to escape from Impel's hell, was sent to the headquarters of the Navy by a mysterious girl! A bounty of 2.5 billion Baileys!"

  "Surprise! Admiral Akinu tried his best to make the little girl's skin red only a little bit~"

  At any time, as long as the news of someone breaking into the navy headquarters, it will become explosive news!

  All of a sudden, the news spread across the Great Channel and into the new world in an instant!

  And Qin Tian's shocking point is also crazy and crazy these days!

  Nami had accumulated more than 170,000 shock points in her days when she was the bounty queen in the East China Sea, but now because of the spread of this incident, she broke through 300,000 points in an instant!

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the fourth student passed!"

Chapter 195 How terrifying is the Ultimate Navy Sixth Form? (1/8)

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the teacher's exclusive reward-the ultimate navy six styles!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a student-exclusive reward-Feng Dun o Ninjutsu Book!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host! The progress of reshaping the flesh is completed 4/10!"

  "Fucking~ Is this my reward on the bar with Pirate World? First came a domineering three-piece suit, and now comes a navy six style. But what is the ultimate version?"

  For the Navy's Six Types of Physical Exercises, Qin Tian was a bit distracted.

  But the things that want to be rewarded by the system shouldn't be too bad, at least it's the ultimate version. Is there any mystery?

  "Host, the ultimate version of the Navy Sixth Form is the ultimate body art that develops the Navy Sixth Form beyond the extreme." The system sensed Qin Tian's thoughts and explained.

  "Ultimate Body Art? Can it be compared with Bamen Dunjia?" Qin Tian asked.

  "Yes!" The system returned very simply.

  "System, are you serious? Can it be comparable to Bamen Dunjia?" Qin Tian didn't believe it when 983 heard this.

  You know, the power of Bamen Dunjia after the Bamen Dunjia opened the Bamen is the existence of a kick and hurt Liu Daoban!

  The system replied: "Yes, the host, the ultimate version of the Navy's Sixth Form has already surpassed the original physical skills, and it is no less than the level of Bamen Dunjia. And it is different from Bamen Dunjia's heavy offensive, lighter, and defensive version. The Navy's Sixth Form is balanced between offense and defense, like moving clouds and flowing water!"

  Hearing this, Qin Tian's heart moved slightly.

  Although the system is sometimes unreliable, it has never been bragging in this explanation~

  Thinking of this, Qin Tian was a little excited, and asked, "For example? Where is this ultimate version of the Eight-door Dunjia? Can the finger gun become a finger gun?"

  "Yes, host, you are so smart. The ultimate finger gun evolved into a finger gun!" the system replied.

  Depend on! I just talk about it casually, can this be missed?

  A finger is a shot, it seems to be awkward~

  When I reshape my body, I point to Maria Joa for a day, isn't it over?

  "Furthermore, the ordinary finger gun is a single shot, the ultimate version of the finger gun can be fired in a row, up to 30 shots in a row, every 10 seconds to add a finger gun." The system continued to explain.

  (ajdh) "..."

  Qin Tian was stunned when he heard that, what kind of physical skill is this? This is simply a super science fiction weapon!

  "Listen to you, that's awesome!" Qin Tian felt that it was really good, and immediately became interested, so he asked about the difference between the other five types.

  The ultimate shave has evolved into a rocket shave. You don't need to step on the ground more than a dozen times with your foot. It only needs to step on once to achieve teleportation, and you can start the rocket shave whether you step on the ground, on the water or on the air.

  The ultimate version of the moon step is turned into a space step. You don't need to pedal red in the air like a normal moon step to keep it from landing. You can walk freely in the air by just raising your foot on the spacewalk, just like walking in the void~

  The ultimate version of Lan's foot has evolved into a broken foot. The chopping wave proposed by it is dozens of times stronger than the chopping wave of Lanjiao!

  The ultimate paper painting evolved into a repulsive flow. The flow of repulsion can generate repulsion between the user and the enemy. No matter how fierce the opponent's attack is, the user will bounce off when the opponent's attack reaches the predecessor's repulsion.

  The ultimate version of the iron block has evolved into a diamond body! Needless to say, its defensive power is a hundred times that of iron!

  After listening to the introduction of the system, Qin Tian was completely convinced.

  From this point of view, this ultimate version of the Navy's Sixth Form is really the same level of physical skill as Bamen Dunjia. It even surpasses Bamen Dunjia in terms of comprehensiveness!

  As for the student-exclusive reward-Bing Dun o Ninjutsu Book, Qin Tian didn't have much surprise.

  But Feng Dun is a very good reward for Nami.

  Among other things, if Nami can master the S-level ninjutsu, such as the wind escape spiral shuriken, it will be a very powerful ultimate move.

  "Ding! Host, since your fourth student is already qualified, the system will now randomly select the fifth student who will be possessed for you."

  "The first option is to go directly to the fifth possession option. The system will automatically throw the things you want to leave to the students in front of the students."

  "The second option is that you can show up briefly, and you will personally donate things to the students. Then you can start the fifth possession option."

  For this kind of questioning, Qin Tian didn't feel much upset, and he calmly chose the second one.

  Of course, this does not mean that Qin Tian has no feelings for Nami.

  In fact, Qin Tian still has feelings for Nami, especially when Nami is so lively, Qin Tian likes it very much.

  It's just that Qin Tian now knows that it's useless to be sad, so it's the right way to adjust your mood early and coax students early.

  "Ding! The host has made a choice! Please note that before the fifth possession, you will have two months to accompany your students, please cherish it~"

  "Two months?" Qin Tian was slightly surprised when he heard this, and immediately asked the system: "This time Nami's shock point pass score is 300,000 points. Shouldn't it be 3 months?"

  In response, the system immediately explained: "Host, the upper limit of your short appearance time is two months."

  "Wipe! In other words, no matter whether the number of apprentices' shock points is 300,000, 400,000, or 500,000, my short appearance time will be 2 months?" Qin Tian asked.

  "Yes, host." The system replied.

  It seems that the time to accompany Nami has officially entered a two-month countdown!

  Thinking of this, Qin Tian felt the entanglement in his heart~

  So far, I haven't mentioned his other students to Nami. I don't know how the students of Nami's character will react~

  Thinking of this, Qin Tian decided to reward Nami to her first.

  At this time, some distance from the navy headquarters, Nami flew above the clouds.

  Qin Tian looked around and found that although the place was vast, no one could see the scene above the clouds.

  In other words, there are only Qin Tian and Nami above the clouds.

  Ever since, Qin Tian tried it.

  Sure enough, he really came out of Nami's body.

  Qin Tian remembered that when Hancock was flying, Qin Tian came out of Hancock's body and fell directly into the sea because he could not fly.

  But now this time, Qin Tian, ​​who owns the Ultimate Navy Type Six, has no such worries at all. He is stepping on a spacewalk, as if walking on the ground.

  Seeing Nami flying out of the back, Qin Tian started a rocket shave, and his figure instantly caught up with Nami. He stretched out his hands and directly hugged Nami in flight, and said gently: "Little money fan, look. Who am I~"

Chapter 196 People will hurt~ (2/8)

  Nami was still talking to Qin Tian one second before, and the next second she was suddenly hugged by the quilt from behind, wrapped her legs, and came directly into a "princess hug", she was shocked!

  It was not that she was not alert enough, but because Qin Tian appeared too suddenly, and Gang Nami had already sensed that there was nothing else here.

  In addition, the speed of Rocket's shave is super fast, which caused Nami to be frightened by Qin Tian if she didn't pay attention.


  Suddenly picked up by someone, Nami subconsciously mobilized the wind element to prepare for an attack, but the "bad guy" in her mouth was only halfway out and suddenly stopped!

  Even the wind element that had become vigorously active instantly became quiet-stopped.

  The moment she saw Qin Tian's face, Nami's petite body trembled suddenly!

  At this moment, she reacted. The voice just now, "Little money fan, see who I am?" Isn't it the teacher's voice?

  Because of the sudden "attack" by Qin Tian before, Nami didn't have time to distinguish the voice at all, and everything seemed to freeze at this moment!

  The slender eyelashes couldn't help but trembled, and her slick eyes became ruddy in an instant. Nami's eyes were fixed on Qin Tian's face, she couldn't believe it all!

  "What's bad? My little money fan~" Qin Tian asked with a smile, seeing Nami about to cry.

  "Bad teacher..."

  Her little white hand was clenched into a fist, and Qin Tian was lightly beaten, Nami choked and said, "Teacher, how can you come out?"

  "Oh? Don't my little money fan want me to come out? Then I can get in again~" As he said, Qin Tian made a move to drill into Nami's body~


  Knowing that Qin Tian was deliberately teasing her, she pushed her little white hand on Qin Tian's face, and Nami pouted her little mouth in dissatisfaction.

  "People don't want the teacher to go in. The teacher is best outside, so they can see the teacher every day!" Nami took advantage of the trend and put her arm around Qin Tian's neck, her cheek pressed against Qin Tian's chest, and said happily .

  Qin Tiangang wanted to say something about separation in two months, but seeing Xiao Nami relying on him so much, he suddenly didn't know how to say it.

  Nami's cheek was under Qin Tian's chin at this time. She stared at Qin Tian's chin and saw some short beards~

  "Teacher, why do men have a beard?"

  The white jade onion touched some of the short beards that Qin Tian had just born on his chin curiously, and then asked with a smile.

  Qin Tian didn't mind when Nami's little fingers fiddled with her beard, and said with a smile, "Because this is the difference between a man and a woman~"

  Upon hearing this, Nami's eyes immediately glowed with curiosity, and she then asked, "Teacher, what is the difference between a man and a woman?"

  This is a simple question!

  The answer is also very simple. The outstanding advantages of men can just make up for the shortcomings of women.

  But this can't be said to Xiao Nami, otherwise, wouldn't it be a bad girl?

  Suddenly, this simple question baffled Qin Tian. He thought about it for a while, but still didn't know how to say it.

  But at this moment, Nami suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, excitedly said: "Haha, teacher, I found out, you have a place that stands out, but I don't!"

  Hearing this, Qin Tian's heart burst!

  What the hell?

  How did your little girl discover this kind of thing?

  "Wh...Where?" Qin Tian asked with a guilty face.

  "I'll show it to you!" Nami said with a smile.

  "Hey! Wait!"

  When Nami was about to use her finger to come out, Qin Tian subconsciously moved her leg closer to the middle, really afraid that Nami, the naughty little girl, would really reach out and poke~

  But in the next moment, Qin Tian only felt a soft touch from the Adam's apple, and at the same time heard Namijiao smile: "Look! This is it! Teacher is prominent here! And I don't have it~"

  With that said, Nami pointed at her white jade neck with another finger, as if to prove to Qin Tian that what she said was correct.

  Qin Tian's face blushed, and he immediately understood that he wanted to be crooked~

  "Huh? Teacher, it's so hard!" At this moment, Nami suddenly cried out in surprise.

  Qin Tian's head was stunned, could it be that my control is so bad now?

  I just wanted to bend it a while ago, so it's hard?

  But in the next moment, Qin Tian understood again that he wanted to crooked again...

  I saw Nami's little hand touched her beard, and she curiously said: "Teacher, it turns out to be so hard, the people who poked it hurt~"

  "..." Qin Tian was speechless~