
One piece : path to power

https://discord.gg/AWcVqerM His family, his home, his future; it was all robbed by those with power and authority. The Law was against him, the World was against him. So he decided to take matters into his own hands. Now reborn in the One Piece World before the Age or Pirates, a World teeming with corruption and injustice. Damien must find a reason, a reason to continue. A reason to live. Will his past repeat itself? Will he finally give up once and for all? Or will he grit his teeth and reach for the impossible? Join him as he goes against all odds in the world of pirates, marines, and revolutionaries, sailing on the Path to Power!

DaoOfEternity · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Training Routine & First Fight

[1941 Words]

[Bonus Chapter of the day]


With all the things about the system settled, I recall what my mom told me about the Island conditions.

----- Flashback to 8 Months Ago -----

'Mom, why do all the tribesmen call me a demon?' I ask my mother in a curious tone.

'*Sigh*, well honey, our tribe is called the Silver-Haired Tribe. We pride ourselves in our silver hair; showing our loyalty to the Tribe God: Shirogumo-sama.' She explains.

'Our tribe is one of the 2 present on this Island. The other is the Black-Haired Tribe. This tribe is known for its brutality and vulgarity, going against the teachings of Shirogumo-sama. Anyone with black hair is considered a demon because of something that happened 200 years ago.'

'At the time, all habitants of this island were under the Silver-Hair Tribe. The Tribe Chief, Leonidas ruled with the help of his brother and his advisor, Leonidafu.'

'The Tribe Chief was kind and forgiving, traits that the Tribe Advisor looked down upon. Leonidafu grew angry over his brother's demeanor and challenged the Chief for his position. Winner takes all.'

Mom sighed and went on, 'Leonidafu lost and was exiled to the forest. Later, on the day the Chief's wife was pregnant, while the Chief was busy, Leonidafu came back and attacked.'

'The people saw him, a man originally with lustrous silver hair, tainted, now with creeping black. Leonidafu went on a rampage as black mist supposedly swam around his body, devouring everything in its wake. He seemed to have gotten a power that absorbed all attacks but somehow he felt far more pain than he should have.'

'He fought the Chief and killed him, alongside the Chief's wife.'

'The people came together, 2000 tribesmen died until finally, Leonidafu, too, fell. Ending the 'Day of the Black Dawn'.'

'And after another century came the pirates, they killed, pillaged and raped our people. They too coincidentally had black hair. They destroyed our homes and took the forbidden fruit with them. The fruit that appeared after the death of Leonidafu. The fruit we swore to protect.'

'The previous chief, Leroya, eventually found a portion of the forest where dark energy was abundant. It seems to be where Leonidafu practiced his devil rituals. A few exiled tribesmen live there, but their hair has turned black due to the evil energy present. That side of the forest is now called the 'Dark Side.' These people living there are our greatest enemies and our greatest source of shame and regret.'


'With all this, anyone with black hair is considered a blasphemer and demon, one destined to garner endless hate from the Silver-Haired Tribe and Shirogumo-sama.' She concludes as she shakes her head.

'Sounds like the Yami-Yami no Mi... seems like it's no longer here though.' I surmise.

'So how come my hair is black? Could father have been a foreigner?' I ask.

She smiles, 'You are so smart my child. And yes he was a foreigner. I found him on the edge of the island, he was wounded. At first, I was afraid but then I noticed he was only a human, not a demon.'

'I saved him, then he saved me from wild beasts a month later. He was so gallant and strong. We fell in love. After 2 months his comrades came to pick him up. He said he would return one day... but he has yet to do so. Then I had you, my beautiful child.' She says with a sad but loving smile.

'What was his name mom?' I ask with some anger.

'Einar D. Ares.' She said.

----- Back to Present -----

'Einar D. Ares... I don't care if he's my father, his recklessness and ignorance left mom to fend for herself within such a terrible tribe. If I ever meet him... well I'll make sure to beat the crap out of him, that is if I let him live in the first place.' I promise myself as I grit my teeth.

'Sibyl, what year is it?' I ask.

[Inputting factors - Planetary Rotation... Alignment of the Moon... Location of the North Star. Calculating and comparing to current date...]

[It should be the year 1475.] She deduced.


'From what I recall, Roger was executed near the end of the year 1500, which then started the 'Great Age of the Pirates.'' I conclude while remembering the manga.

'Well, I guess that doesn't matter. Right now I better focus on training myself.' I resolve myself.

'Sibyl, do you have any training guides available to buy?' I ask.

[I have done that for you, I suggest you buy (Saitama's Workout) for 50 SP, (Might Guy's Youthful Workout) for 70 SP and most importantly (True Breathing Guide) for 80 SP.]

Recognizing the workouts I can't help but ask, 'I understand the workouts but is the breathing guide that important?'

[How do you expect to fight if you don't know how to breathe?] She dropped a one-liner.

[The Breathing Styles make use of specific and concentrated breath patterns, which increase the user's lung capacity and amount of oxygen in the blood. This increase of oxygen allows the user to enhance their physical abilities and mental concentration. This is inspired by the Breathing Art from a different World.]

[By achieving (Total Concentration: Constant) Stage, you can easily increase your strength output, stamina reserves, and willpower significantly. Though this Guide may destroy a normal person's lungs, as a Super Human, your body can reach this height with adequate and proper training.]

[Though it is meant to be used with sword forms, the System has altered it to fit your physique and body type to ensure the best results.]

'Hmm, I see.'

'Oxygen is the basic fuel for our muscles so having more in a lesser amount of time will definitely improve all my body functions. Especially if I reach it to a passive state,' I nod as I understand the basics.

'Alright Sibyl, go ahead with the purchase,' I order.

[Acknowledged...Processing purchase]

[Items: (Saitama's Workout), (Might Guy's Youthful Workout) and (True Breathing Guide) have been purchased --- 200 SP Deducted]

[Remaining Balance: 1400 SP]

I then felt a rush of knowledge on the respective guide and workouts within my mind.

Nodding over my newfound understanding, I go to an open field and stretch my body.

With [Nature Talk (III)] I can easily ask the trees to keep an eye out for beasts or tribesmen nearby, thus making it quite safe.

After my body was ready I began my training.

[Daily Workout]

- 30 mins meditation of the flow of breath

- Run: 10 km

- Handwalk 500 Meters

- 500 Push-ups

- 200 Fingertip Push-ups

- 500 Sit-ups

- One Leg Forward Hops (100 Meters Each Side)

- Wall Sit - 5 Sets for MAX Time

- Double Lateral Hops - 100 Each Side

- 500 Punches to Striking Post

- 500 Kicks to Striking Post



'Well, that's quite the quota to fill... better get started.' I mutter in my head as I begin this chaotic workout.

--- 10 Days Later --------------------------

'It had been a while since I started the workout. Sibyl was keeping track of every rep so there was no skipping or sneaky double counts... quite painful at first but I got used to it.'

'The rips and tears on my muscles healed overnight thanks to my [Superhuman Vitality], so there was no need for a 'rest day'. Also due to the perfect regeneration of said rips and tears, my youthful body also got defined quite fast so I guess that's a plus; a 6 pack at 7 years of age, nice.'

'Food-wise I easily found enough due to the plants providing me their bodies... if that makes sense. They practically delivered themselves, asking to be eaten.'

A few voices rolled up, proving my point.

'Damien! Eat my apples! Eat my apples!' Said an apple tree nearby.

'Your voice is disturbing, Bob. Damien-boy, come eat these bananas, they are ripe with nutrients and electrolytes.' A nearby banana tree offered.

'Ara~Ara~ Damien-kun, eat this Onee-san's oranges instead~' came a rather provocative call from a large, thick orange tree with viscous juices dripping down its' many oranges.

'So yeah, the only thing needed would be protein... Well technically I could go vegetarian, it's not hard to find protein-based plants, but I pride myself as a carnivore. PERIOD.'

'You want to know my opinion on veggies and greens?'

'As far as I see it, plants are not food. They are what food eats.'

'My canines are hungry and it's time to get some REAL food.'

[A/N: No offense for my vegetarian/vegan readers...]

'Guys, find me nearby animals will you?' I ask my new friends.

Bob - conscience of all apple trees.

Bill - conscience of all banana trees.

Josh - conscience of all strawberry trees.

Alice - conscience of all horny orange trees.

Yoda - conscience of all blades of grass.


Josh was the first to respond, 'Yo bro, we got a few 'shadow-hares' due west.'

Bob followed up, 'I found some black-toothed owls 200m NW.'

'This Onee-san found a tyrannoboar half a kilometer east~,' Alice added.

'Some red-velvet wolves 300 meters: 9 o'clock.' Bill chimed in.


'Hmm... Let's go for the red-velvet wolves for now,' I said as I jumped from my seated position and began running to their location.

I was constantly working on my breathing, though it was only if I did it consciously: still far from the constant state.

----- 3 Minutes later -----

'There they are Damien! Go get 'em!' Bob said.

6 red-velvet wolves growled as I jumped in front of them. Each was at least 6 feet in length, 5 feet from the ground up.

I squinted my eyes as I got into a ready position.

Though I had trained my body quite well and my strength had improved, my actual experience in battle was non-existent.


A wolf leaped up with both front legs descending upon me; claws ready.

I rolled to the side and dodged the attack.

I picked up a wooden spear I carved a few days ago and stabbed the wolf in the side of its stomach.


It howled in pain as I dashed forward, clenched my fist and smacked it on the throat, rendering it unconscious while bleeding out.


The other 4 growled as the Alpha signaled them to attack.

They came at varying speed, with wide leaps and fast claw attacks.

Dodging and side-stepping while sneaking a few jabs at their weak points led them to eventually fall, defeated.

'That's 5.'

The Alpha backed up a bit and rushed forward with blinding speed.

'fast.' I utter as the claw scratched my face before I dodged.

'Come, mutt.' I mocked it.


It slashed its claws vertically as I rained down heavy punches at every opening I could see, causing it to spit out blood.

The Alpha wolf was now a mess of glowing red fur with pain visible in its eyes.


It charged at a slower speed right at me.

Seeing its speed I make a quick decision and gather all my power into my feet and leap up over it as it nears me.

I land directly behind the mammal and grab it by the neck.

Applying all my strength I squeeze my thick, callous hands as the wolf writhed in agony, gasping for breath.

I then hear a rather satisfying sound.


It fell dead with a broken neck.


'Nice work bro!' Josh yelled.

'Reckless, you are. Concentration, you lack.' Yoda finally spoke.

'Hush now Jiji! Come Damien-kun, eat my oranges~, they shall invigorate your very soul!' Alice proclaimed with great vigour.

I wiped the blood off my face and quickly put down all the unconscious wolves and begin a barbeque.


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:


Some more info on his skills and new side characters to add some needed dialogue.

I haven't really done any low-level intelligence vs MC battles... they don't have the usual named moves and flashy skills so I have to work with growls and roars while describing their primitive moves.... hopefully it wasn't too bad.


Random Trivia:

Would rather never be able to use deodorant or always have wet socks?

Thanks for Reading!