
One Piece: Path To Immortality

Synopsis:  Tired of his hellish life and being used and betrayed, Don exploits his new life to achieve immorality and kill anyone who stands in the way of his quest for immortality and power. ---------------- If I stop posting chapters it's because I have no ideas. One Piece does not belong to me neither is the picture.

FictionGoat · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter: XII

The Adventure continues.

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After walking for a considerable amount of time, roughly an hour, Shiraga's exploration led him to a massive Marine base. Towering before him was a colossal gate adorned with the inscription "Navy,".

Beside the Marine gate, Shiraga noticed a box where two Marines sought refuge from the rain, enjoying a moment of rest as they drank and laughed. However, upon catching sight of Shiraga approaching, they hastily abandoned their shelter and rushed outside, gripping their weapons tightly.

Startled by the sudden change in atmosphere, Shiraga raised an eyebrow, assessing the situation. He held his ground, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the Marines' defensive reaction.

"Calm down," Shiraga said, his voice steady.

The two Marines exchanged glances, wariness still evident in their eyes. They carefully observed the man, unsure of his intentions.

"Hey! State your business here!" Marine A demanded. The soldiers were wary of any potential threats approaching the base.

Shiraga stood before them in silence for a brief moment, his eyes scanning the soldiers, assessing the situation. With a calm and composed demeanor, he finally spoke.

"I'm here to claim a bounty," Shiraga stated confidently, his voice carrying a hint of coldness. He then reached up and pulled off his hoodie, exposing his distinctive appearance to the Marines.

Both guards gasped in awe, their eyes widening at the recognition that washed over them.

"You're the kid bounty hunter, Killer Ice!" Both guards said at the same time.

Shiraga chuckled lightly, acknowledging the recognition bestowed upon him. "I suppose my reputation precedes me," he replied, a hint of pride in his voice.

The two Marines exchanged glances, their smiles indicating a level of a happy child. Marine B asked, "So, who did you capture this time?"

Shiraga tossed the bag towards them, prompting Marine A to open it. As he unveiled its contents, his initial expression of respect transformed into one of fear.

Marine A's thoughts raced as he processed the sight before him. ' To think that this young kid, at his age, is capable of killing a man without feeling any remorse, ' he pondered, his hands trembling slightly.

Clearing his throat, Marine A managed to speak, albeit with a touch of unease. "This... This is Ripple Jack, the infamous bandit," he said, his gaze fixed upon the severed head within the bag.

"Cough* Anyway, come with us inside to collect your bounty," Marine A managed to say, clearing his throat once again. He picked up the bag containing Ripple Jack's head, stealing occasional glances at Shiraga as they approached the gate.

With a nod of agreement, Shiraga followed behind the Marines as they made their way towards the entrance of the Marine base. His footsteps were deliberate, and his expression appeared thoughtful, as if his mind was occupied with deep contemplation.

As Shiraga made his way through the Marine base, he eventually arrived at a designated area with a front desk. There, he encountered a woman clad in a professional women's suit. Her attire exuded a sense of authority and professionalism, while the slight prominence of her chest caught Shiraga's attention momentarily.

The woman had long, flowing brunette hair that framed her face, which was adorned with a pair of vibrant green eyes behind stylish glasses.

The two marine soldiers caught the attention of the women, who looked up towards them with curiosity.

"What do you guys want? I swear, if you keep asking for my number..." the brunette-haired woman said, her tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

"Uh, it's not that," Marine B quickly clarified, pointing behind them. "We have someone to collect their bounty."

Intrigued, the women shifted their gaze past the marines and noticed a white-haired child with piercing icy blue eyes and distinctive swirly eyebrows.

The woman's excitement grew as she recognized the white-haired child. She couldn't believe that he was standing right in front of her.

"Is that...?" she began to say, her face lighting up with anticipation.

The two marines nodded simultaneously, confirming her suspicions. "Yep, it's him," Marine A replied, acknowledging the woman's excitement.

The woman's heart raced with a mix of nervousness and admiration. She had heard stories about this child, a prodigy fighter. He was renowned for his skills as a bounty hunter, tracking down the most notorious criminals and collecting their bounties.

Shiraga's intense gaze fixated on the unfolding events in front of him, his attention wholly absorbed by the enthusiastic woman.

"Oh my god, I'm a big fan!" the woman exclaimed, rising from her seat with an audible thud as her palms collided with the desk. Her flushed cheeks and starry-eyed expression revealed her genuine awe as she beheld Shiraga.

In a cold, detached tone, Shiraga replied, "Can I collect my bounty and leave..."

"Certainly, sir! May I kindly request proof of your bounty?" the woman swiftly shifted gears, her demeanor transitioning from fan-induced excitement to professional composure.

Placing the bag on the table, Marine A spoke with a lackluster voice, "Here it is."

With unwavering composure, the woman opened the bag, her face betraying no emotion as she examined its contents.

" Very well, the bounty for Ripple Jack, valued at an impressive 10 million berries," Rising from her desk, she disappeared into a side room for a few minutes before reemerging, clutching a large sack over her back.

With a composed demeanor, the woman extended the opened bag towards Shiraga, her professionalism overriding any traces of earlier excitement.

Shiraga's frigid gaze briefly flickered over the stack of beri's within the bag, his eyes betraying a momentary hint of satisfaction. Without uttering a word, he reached out, taking hold of the bounty he had rightfully earned.

Acknowledging the woman with a curt nod, Shiraga turned on his heel, his boots echoing against the cold, sterile floors of the marine base. The weight of the sack filled with his hard-earned reward was palpable in his hand as he made his way towards the exit.

The marines, who had been silently observing the transaction, exchanged glances before parting to clear a path for the renowned bounty hunter.

As Shiraga strode through the base, his presence commanded respect and caution from those he passed.

Whispers and sidelong glances followed in his wake, while some brave souls dared to steal a glimpse at his face, his white hair and piercing blue eyes leaving an indelible impression.

Shiraga's footsteps carried him away from the city, his figure blending seamlessly in the rain as he made his way towards the harbor.

As Shiraga walked towards the dock from the marine base, rain poured down relentlessly, saturating the surroundings with a misty ambiance. Each step he took echoed softly against the wet pavement, accompanied by the rhythmic drumming of raindrops.

Upon reaching the dock, Shiraga's attention was drawn to the sight of a snail ship slowly pulling up, its sleek design and advanced technology marking it as a vessel of the Germa Kingdom. The ship glided through the water, effortlessly navigating the choppy waves with the grace of a sea creature.

Shiraga approached the ship, his gaze locked on at the coming ship. As it finally docked, the gangway extended, providing a pathway for him to board.

Taking his first steps onto the snail ship, Shiraga was immediately greeted by two servants of the Germa Kingdom. They stood at attention, their attire adorned with the distinct black and silver colors of the kingdom's regalia.

"Welcome aboard, Master Shiraga," one of the servants addressed him respectfully, " We are honored to have you grace our presence."

Shiraga acknowledged their greeting with a nod, his stoic expression revealing nothing of the emotions that churned within him.

As Shiraga stepped inside the building resting atop the snail ship, he found himself in a spacious and lavishly furnished lounge area. The room exuded an air of elegance and sophistication, with soft lighting illuminating every corner. The gentle glow accentuated the sleek lines of the room's design, giving it a modern and luxurious feel.

In the center of the lounge area was a massive couch, its plush cushions invitingly arranged. It served as the focal point, beckoning Shiraga to take a moment of rest amidst his journey. Positioned directly in front of the couch was a sleek table, its polished surface reflecting the ambient light.

Resting atop the table was a transponder snail, its characteristic shell-shaped body housing a communication device. The snail's gaze was fixed towards a large screen mounted on the wall.

Shiraga as he approached the table, his gaze shifting between the transponder snail and the screen.

As the screen flickered, an image materialized, revealing the face of a familiar man. It was Judge, the founder and leader of the kingdom, Shiraga's father. His stern countenance and piercing gaze were unmistakable, exuding a sense of calculated intellect. Shiraga's eyes locked onto the screen, his expression remaining stoic.

Judge's voice resonated through the speakers, firm and commanding.


To Be Continued.

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