
One Piece: Nyx

A young boy slowly opens his eyes and notices he is in broken shackles, taking a closer inspection of his situation he notices he's been reincarnated into the One Piece world. After a few mishaps, he gains the power of Vector Manipulation. What will he do? Toon In To Find out! ___________________________________________________ The synopsis sucks but the story is pretty good, if you don't read your definitely missing out, haha suckers. ___________________________________________________ While I have watched One Piece, I practically skipped the first 400 eps and it's been around a year, so cut me some slack if I make mistakes. I will try my best to put down the correct information but when I make mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism! Now enjoy the story guys! Peace, Sincerely, Luxuriant

Luxuriant · Anime und Comics
Zu wenig Bewertungen
18 Chs


Once upon a time, there was a man who had all the hardships in life.

His family was one of wealth, regardless of his financial situation, his father still died when he was a young boy and so did his mother, they were both robbed and murdered when going out.

The boy himself was at home watching anime.

Once he heard what happen, even though he was a young boy at the age of 9, he didn't shed a single tear.

It's not that he didn't care, he just remembered his father's words, "Listen to me Kol, a man shouldn't expose his weakness to those he does not trust. If you do, they will take advantage of it."

He simply asked one thing to the police.


"Why what?" The policeman questioned back.

"Why did my parents have to die?" He clenched his fists shakily as he tried to keep a cold expression.

"Simply put, the world is unfair, your parents did nothing wrong, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time." The police bluntly responded.

The boy never forgot the man's words, he started to understand the world wasn't as good as he thought, there seemed to be more gray areas than there are good or bad.

The boy didn't wallow in pity, he understood he had to be strong for himself, he had no one else, all other family members were vying for the wealth that was passed down to him and only had greed in their minds.

He continued to enjoy life to the fullest by traveling the world, he wouldn't waste a single minute of it.

Through all his experiences he understood that there were as many good people, as there were bad people. He didn't wanna be good or bad, he simply minded his business.

Over time, he would learn martial arts and become a master at multiple different types, he would also become very proficient in his gun skills.

Once he was 18, he believed he was ready to find the killer of his parents, even though he was traveling the world, he never forgot about the murder, and he made sure not to.

Zooming onto a certain mansion out in an open field with a large garden on fire in front of it.

Screams could be heard as flashes of bullets passed by the large windows in the mansion.

Inside the main hallway with one main stairwell, stand two men who were surrounded by dead bodies.

"Damn you! I am Vincent Calazon-!"


Before the pale-skinned man could finish speaking, the other man shot him in the knee with a pistol.

"Aghh-!" The man fell onto one knee as he stared at the masked individual who was standing in front of him.

"You talk too much." Kol muttered before aiming his gun toward the head of the man.

"Wait! Why are you even doing this!?" Vincent exclaimed as he grasped onto his shot knee.

"You still haven't figured it out?" Kol questioned.

Vincent looked at Kol questionably, he was garbed in complete black clothing with a mask and hat, so he couldn't recognize him.

"How stupid of me." Kol chuckled before taking off his mask and hat.

Vincent's squinted his eyes at Kol before his eye's widened.

"I-it c-cant be! I r-remember seeing your information from the targets papers from over 9 years ago. Y-you were one of my targets children…" Vincent slowly crawled back as he stared at Kol with fear.

"Bingo!" Kol playfully did a shooting motion with his opposite hand.

"Wait! If this is about your parents! Let me explain-"

"Don't worry I know." Kol cut off Vincent before he could finish.

"W-what?" Vincent continued to crawl back in fear until his back was against the wall.

"I know that my parents were planning to do a reformation which would have left many people jobless and made themselves richer which is one of the reasons why you guys killed them. I know that they were people who only looked out for themselves and could care less about those around them. I know that they weren't the best people." Kol spoke as he crouched down in front of Vincent with a smile.

"Then w-why?" Vincent questioned.

"It's all about perspective Vincent, think! To the poor people who would have been negatively affected by their reformations, my parents were bastards. But to me they were my heroes, they did their best for me for as long as they lived. While I don't agree with their methods, I love them regardless because they were my parents. You could say I'm a hypocrite but you'll already be dead by then." Kol continued to smile as he spoke.

"Fuck you and your parents! Bastar-" Vincent abruptly lunged at Kol with a knife he got from the ground behind him.




Vincent's body went limp as multiple bullets pierced his body.


His body dropped to the ground and lay there motionlessly.

"I told you would die." Kol stopped smiling and simply stared at Vincent's body, as he remembered old memories of his parents.

"Revenge definitely made me feel better." Kol slightly smiled as he suddenly dropped to his knees.

"Puak!-" He spits out a mouthful of blood.

Looking down at his body, he pulled off his bulletproof vest under his jacket which seemed to have multiple bullets that had gone through.

"It seems I've reached my time. I deserved as much, I got revenge for two cruel people by killing more people. The hypocrisy is crazy-" Kol bitterly smiled as his body dropped face first.


His eye's slowly closed.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys in hell."

Kol breathed out before his body completely stopped moving.


A young brown-skinned boy in broken shackles could be seen on a sandy shore unconscious on the ground.

Opening his golden eyes, he curiously peered around him as he slowly got up.

"Did I actually make it to heaven?" He questioned confusedly.

"Let's see." He tried pinching his arms.

"Nope, I'm still very alive. And why do I feel much lighter?" He muttered to himself as he walked toward the water shoreline and looked at the reflection of his features.

He had brown hair, golden eyes, and brown skin just like in his previous life, he was simply wearing raggedy pants with no shirt, standing at around 4 or 5 feet.

"Why am I a kid-?"


A sharp pain hit his brain, as memories started to flood his head, he grasped his head in pain for a few minutes until slowly letting go.

"Are you serious?" He raised his brow, as he started to understand his situation more and more.

'So my name is Nyx now? Judging by this 12-year-old's memories, I'm also in the One Piece world. Ok, let's breathe calmly for a few seconds Kol.' He then started to breathe in and breathe out a few times.

'So I reincarnated into the One Piece world as this boy named Nyx. He was an orphan slave who escaped his captors by jumping into the sea but ended up dying and his body seemed to have washed up shore here.' Kol frowned deeply because of all the memories that were rushing through his brain, a flurry of emotions were attacking him, and they were mainly negative.

Kol clenched his jaw with a blank face as the pain slowly faded.

"As always, there are people with shitty lives in every world." He bitterly smiled as he thought of his own past.

"Well this seems interesting anyways, I watched some anime before but I was never really interested. But One Piece was one of the animes which I'm relatively familiar with at least since it was a pretty popular anime." Kol stretched a few times while glancing toward the forest behind him.

"Hmm, I can either stay here and wait for someone to pass by to help me or I can just go into the unknown forest full of dangers." Kol sarcastically remarked.

"As if I'm gonna be lucky enough to find a nice person to help me, I choose option 2 and while I'm at it, I might as well accept this body as my new life from now on, so my new name is Nyx. Not too bad!" Nyx smirked before walking toward the forest.

Nyx left the sandy beach and entered the green forest, looking around curiously, he could see small animals which resembled some he knew from his old world but on a larger scale.

He mainly saw baboons though, he had a slight suspicion of his current location but waited for confirmation.

As he walked he saw a nest-like figure on top of a tree that seemed empty.

'This could very well be a trap but I haven't seen any fruits or vegetables as of yet and I doubt I'm strong enough to catch or kill any of the animals.' Nyx looked at the nest above which he believed to be full of eggs.

Until suddenly an idea struck him.

Picking up a branch from the ground, he throws it with all this 12-year-old strength to the top toward the nest.

Surprisingly it reached the nest and tipped it over, the nest came crashing down.

"As I thought, kids in One Piece are considerably stronger than normal kids. Plus this kid has been working out even though he's so young." Nyx looked at his toned body upper body, even though there wasn't much muscles, his body was still pretty fit.

As the nest was coming down, something lunged for it but it seemed to have missed.


"Shit." Nyx muttered when looking at the large green snake which was as long as 15 feet and seemed to be glaring at him.

'The snake has got to be the only animal I don't mess with, I would rather fight fucking lions!' Nyx exclaimed inwardly as he slowly backed up but he noticed something right under his vision.

'Hmm, is this the snake's eggs? W-wait a minute, is that a devil fruit!?' Nyx's eyes widened at the purple/white fruit in front of him on the ground with eggs around it.

'Don't tell me the snake mistaked it as her egg.' Quickly picking up the devil fruit, while ignoring the hissing of the snake who seemed apprehensive to approach, Nyx stared at the fruit with furrowed brows.

'Damn it! I don't recognize this devil fruit! It doesn't matter, the snake won't be apprehensive for long! Please don't be a shit devil fruit!' Nyx prayed inwardly as he immediately took a bite out of the devil fruit.

"Wow, it actually doesn't taste that bad-" While Nyx was speaking he noticed the snake trying to slither its way slowly toward him angrily.

"Don't mess with me!" Nyx immediately picked up an egg from the ground once he finished eating and put it in between his hands.

The snake slightly faltered but continued approaching him.

"I'll kill it! I'm not fucking bluffing!" He felt his physical strength increase once he ate the devil fruit, so he increased his grip on the egg which slowly started to crack.

The large snake immediately stopped and glared at Nyx with furious eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I know this is a dick move but I'll let them go, just give me a few seconds." Nyx slowly backed up while the snake watched him worriedly.

Once he was far enough from the snake with over 40 feet, he slowly placed down the egg and immediately turned around, leaving dust in his wake as he hurriedly ran.

"Haha! That was scary! Oh, and by the way, the devil fruit was not an egg! So don't be mad about it! " Nyx laughed heartily once he noticed the snake wasn't following him, the snake itself just narrowed her eyes at Nyx before nodding as if she understood, she also saw the contents inside of the devil fruit when he was eating it.

Soon Nyx was completely out of the snake's vision as he continued to run even after a few minutes.

"This devil fruit seems interesting-"


As Nyx was running/muttering to himself, he bumped into something and they both fell onto the ground as they groaned.

"Ugh.. I thought I saw something suspicious, it seems it was you." A serious child-like voice entered Nyx's hearing as he rubbed his head and looked at the chibi-looking kid across from him that was calmly sitting on his butt staring at him.

Stubby legs, with a black dress shirt and white shorts, iconic hawk-like eyes, slicked back black hair, and that recognizable tone of voice.

Nyx had a small smile once noticing his guess from earlier was correct.

'Young Mihawk?'


Please let me know yall thoughts!