
One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery

The story of a guy who ended up in the world of One Piece. As a bonus, he received the Golden Lottery, in which he can win almost anything from the worlds of the omniverse. To buy lottery tickets, the MC will have to work hard, because the more he uses the lottery, the more expensive the next ticket will cost. Watch the life of a guy in this wonderful and dangerous world, while he has the advantages of different worlds, which at times are too unfair. ---------------------- This is my side story that I wrote to take a break from the main story, so don't expect too many updates. --------------------- Main story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/alexander-benjamin-tennyson_21838734606164605 My patr*eon: https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11 --------------------- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation, so there is no point in complaining about the grammar, but in the future I will try to find an editor like on the main story.

Zeckyll11 · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

10. Bluejam Pirates

When we went outside, we saw that a crowd of local residents had gathered at the pier, who looked with concern at the three large frigates approaching from the sea, sailing under a single pirate flag.

- Something reminds me of this flag, but I can't remember where I saw it. - I said, seeing the Jolly Roger in the form of a red skull, with missing teeth and dreadlocks.

- These are the Bluejam Pirates. Their captain is worth 18 million belly. - said Gin, who was standing next to me and looking at the sea.

- Bluejam? Something familiar… Ah, I remembered. Didn't he burn out in a fire he himself started in the Gray Terminal of the Goa Kingdom a few years ago? - I asked, remembering that this was the same pirate that Luffy, Ace, and Sabo had dealt with as children.

- Yes, there were such rumors. But it seems that by some miracle he survived, while losing his entire crew and ship. For several years he was in hiding, apparently healing his wounds, and then a few months ago he showed up again with a new team. This time he went completely wild, ravaged several islands and even stole two Marine ships, for which his reward was increased from 14 million. - showing his informativeness, said Old Man Gin.

- Is that how? Tenacious bastard. I wonder how he got to Cozia? - I asked again, mentioning the complex sea surrounding the island.

- Look at the helm of the ship, what goes ahead. - said the old man.

- Is it local man? - I asked, seeing a beaten man who was tied to the helm and apparently under duress steered the ship.

- Yes, one of our best helmsmen. Looks like Bluejam had the brains to find someone who could get him to the island. In fact, eight years ago, he already tried to attack Cozia, but then he did not succeed. Apparently, he decided to make a second attempt. - Gin said unhappily.

- Is there anyone on the island who can resist the pirates? - I asked for the sake of formality, although it's understandable, I will definitely fight them. Still, 18 million is a good sum.

- The mayor of the city, he is a former marine. He is strong enough to deal with this garbage without any problems, but he is not on the island now. He had to sail away to get the cargo, which sank during the storm. So, you'll have to do it all alone, kid, zuzuzuzu… - Gin said with a smirk before laughing.

- So what about you? You're a fu**ing monster, one little finger is enough for you to deal with these weaklings. - I said, looking at the arrogant old man.

- Maybe it was once so, but now I'm not the age for such tricks. Don't forget that I'm already 91 years old. Any load shortens my remaining years, and by the way, I want to live at least another twenty years. I'm not going to waste the rest of my time in this world on some Bluejam, zuzuzuzuzuzu…. - said the Old Man, bursting into laughter again.

- Yes? Something I did not feel that you were on the verge of death when I went into your store... - I said displeasedly, involuntarily shrugging my shoulders when I remembered that terrible feeling of pressure...

- Zuzuzuzuzu, well, you compared. One show my fortitude, which I have more than enough, and its another to shake my bones, which are already falling apart from old age. And sciatica is just killing me. So go and show your prowess young Bounty Hunter, zuzuzuzuzu…. - Gin said mockingly, continuing to laugh with his special laugh. Can I get one like this too?

- Thanks for the support. - I said with audible sarcasm in my voice, thinking to myself that Gin was most likely talking about Haki.

It seems that this is the first time I have encountered the action of Haoshoku Haki, although it was apparently only passive pressure that I could feel due to my keen instincts and psionic skills.

- I'm not forcing you to fight them just like that. Since you are protecting my island, then so be it, I will pay you for defeating Bluejam with his reward. You don't have to take him to the Marines, we'll do it ourselves. It's easier for you, zuzuzuzu…. - Gin said, making a very attractive offer.

- Thanks, although it's not necessary, I would deal with them anyway. - I said honestly, noticing that Bluejam's ships reached the pier and the captain came out to karma, who began his villainous speech, frightening the common people.

- I know, but at least I'll thank you for your help. And do something to not feel worthless. You yourself understand how it would have ended for Cozia if no one could stop Bluejam. - The old man said seriously, looking into my eyes.

- Yes, nothing good would happen. Don't worry old man, I'll do everything in its purest form. - I said with a smirk, noticing that Bluejam still scares people and is not going to harm anyone yet.

- I didn't count on anything else, zuzuzuzu… If you quickly deal with both Bluejam's subordinates and himself, and do not allow unnecessary damage, so be it, I'll add 3 million to you. Already on my own, zuzuzu... - the old man said, seducing me with money even more.

- Again, it's a pleasure to do business with you. Then prepare 300 gold coins. - I said with a smile.

- Do you have some kind of obsession with gold? - Gin asked with a grin.

- You can say that. Oops, my way out. - I said and noticed that Bluejam was about to fire a pistol at some innocent person.

Having taken one Wingding from the secret compartment of the bracer, I opened it with the usual movement for Dick and threw it at Bluejam. My shuriken hit the pirate right in the head, and as he was standing on the edge of the deck, he was unable to keep his balance due to the impact and fell into the water.

- Accurately. You have good toys. Are you a shinobi? - Gin commented on my excellent throw and my arsenal.

- I've never been to Wano, so no. Okay, don't be bored, I'm fast. - I said and went to the pirates, who, to put it mildly, were shocked by what happened to their captain.


(3rd POV)

- ...Therefore, I advise you not to resist and just give us all your valuables. We will leave in peace and your island will not be harmed. Otherwise, you will experience the horror of the Bluejam Pirates. Really guys? - Addressing the crowd of civilians, a tall man with almost missing front teeth and dreadlocks on his head said with a menacing grin, finishing his villainous monologue.

At the same time, almost 70% of his body was covered with terrible burns that he received after that story in the Gray Terminal. This was Bluejam, the captain of the Bluejam Pirates, a man who believes that only the strong and cowardly survive on the battlefield, which perfectly describes the whole essence of this pirate.

- YEAAAAAAAAAH!!! - shouted a hundred of his subordinates, who gathered on three ships and with bloodthirsty smiles looked at the people cowering in fear.

- F***k you, not our values! We are not afraid of you! & a random guy from the crowd bravely exclaimed.

- Yes, we won't give up without a fight! If you want to take away the good you have earned by honest labor, then you will have to go through me. - another guy exclaimed and stepped forward in front of the crowd, holding a sword in his hands.

- Bravely. But stupid. I think you will serve as a great example that you should not go against us. Die. - Bluejam said calmly, pulling out his flintlock and pointing it at the brave swordsman.

But before Bluejam could pull the trigger, as if out of nowhere, a strange looking boomerang appeared and struck the unsuspecting pirate in the back of the head. Not expecting such a vile attack, Bluejam lost his balance and fell off the edge of the deck into the water.

- Captain! - the nearby pirates exclaimed in shock when they saw that the leader had fallen into the sea.

- What the hell? : the guy with the sword asked quietly, who had already said goodbye to life.

- Sorry, gentlemen pirates. But today, you will not be able to profit on this island. He is under my protection. - a guy dressed in a strange suit, over which there was a Hawaiian shirt, said loudly, leaving the crowd and catching a boomerang that returned to him.

- Who else are you? - asked one of the pirates, who acted as the new vice-captain of the team, instead of the previous one, which burned down in the Goa Kingdom.

- I'm a Bounty Hunter. And you made a big mistake in deciding to attack this island. - the white-haired hunter said with a smirk.

- Kha-ha-ha, aren't you taking on too much? We are one hundred people. What can you do alone against such a crowd? - bursting with laughter the vice-captain said, and the rest of the pirates, who had already forgotten about their captain, joined in his laughter.

- Now let's see what I can do. - the hunter said with a bloodthirsty smile, taking out two metal sticks from nowhere.

- Attack him boys! First, let's kill this fool, and then we can plunder the city. Since they did not want to in a good way, let them know the cruelty of the Bluejam Pirates!!! Rob, rape, kill!!! - the vice-captain gave the order, and frightening him onto the pier, he ran to the hunter, wanting to finish him off in one attack.

- YEAAAAAAAAAH!!! - the pirates exclaimed happily, finally waiting for what they had come to the island for. It is clear that they never intended to fulfill the promise to leave in peace.

- What you energetic guys, however. True, nothing will come of this and you will end today in chains. - the hunter said with a grin, not at all worried that the vice-captain was rushing at him with a sword at the ready.

- Your arrogance will kill you!!! - grinning bloodthirstyly, the vice-captain shouted as he brandished his saber, confident that it would kill the hunter in front of him.

- AAAH!!! - the civilians shouted in horror when they saw that the man who volunteered to protect them did not even move and the sword hit him right on the head.

- Kha-ha-ha, you fool. Such a weakling that he couldn't even keep up with my speed, kha-ha-ha. Well, where is your vaunted defender now, huh? - the vice-captain yelled mockingly, looking at the civilians who were horrified by what had happened.

- At least you kept an eye on what was happening during the attack. – unexpectedly for everyone there was a calm voice of the hunter.

Everyone quickly looked at him and saw that he was standing calmly in the same place, and there were no wounds on him. But what was a real shock for everyone was that now it seemed to consist of a diamond and shone a little in the sun.

- How? - the vice-captain asked in horror, seeing that only the hilt was left of his sword, and the blade itself had simply broken on the hunter's diamond body.

- I don't have much time, so let's get this over with. - the hunter said calmly and rushed at the pirate.

He moved so fast that neither the pirates nor the common people had time to notice anything. The only one who saw all the movements of the hunter was a little old man who was sitting on a barrel near his shop, and watched the whole performance with merriment.

Instantly being near the vice-captain, who did not even have time to understand anything, the hunter hit the enemy with his weapon on the jaw, knocking out all his teeth. This single blow was enough to almost send the pirate to the forefathers, and he fell limp to the ground, no longer able to fight.

- Now you. - the diamond hunter said a little threateningly, turning to the rest of the pirates, who were watching the collision in shock.

- D…don't…don't come near us!!! Or I will shoot at the inhabitants! - one of the pirates cowardly exclaimed and pointed his rifle at a random woman from the crowd.

The rest of the pirates, who had firearms with them, also raised them and pointed them at the common people, who were now cursing themselves for not leaving the pier as soon as the fight began.

- Surrender without a fight, or everyone here will die! Maybe you will save a couple of people, but we will shoot the rest! - the pirate exclaimed more boldly, noticing that the hunter stopped moving towards them.

- OK OK. Don't shoot, I surrender. - the hunter said calmly, removing his diamond veil.

- Put your sticks on the ground. And no sudden movements! g shouted the pirate, who apparently had the third rank in the crew.

- Okey. - said the hunter and slowly began to crouch to lay down his weapon.

The pirates were already beginning to rejoice that they had dealt with this dangerous hunter so easily, but what they did not notice was that the guy touched his bracer and took out several round capsules from a secret compartment.

- You know, I'm surprised none of you jumped into the water to save your captain. - the hunter said with a smile.

- Exactly! He never surfaced! Captain!!! - with wide eyes, shouted the pirates, who simply forgot about their captain.

- And the team is called .... - shaking his head, the hunter said to himself, and then threw the capsules on the ground.

- What is it? - Only one of the pirates noticed this gesture, but it was too late.

The pods opened, and a thick smoke poured out of them, which quickly covered almost the entire pier, making it impossible for the pirates to see what was happening beyond their bows.

This also applied to the civilians of Cozia, but they managed to quickly run out of the smoke and were now out of danger, which was what the hunter had originally sought.

Soon, painful cries of men were heard from the smoke, and electric sparks began to be seen. The residents looked at the smoke with concern and cheered for their protector, who, despite not being obliged to do so, still saved them when they set up such a stupid mistake.

- Can help him? - the same sword-wielding man asked softly as the screams became less frequent.

- No need. He can handle himself. - said a short old man, who appeared nearby no one knows when.

- Old Man Gin! Did you bring that guy? - asked the same woman who had almost been shot with a rifle.

- Zuzuzuzu, yes. Even though I didn't expect him to have the power of a Devil Fruit. - the old man said with a laugh, who, unlike the others, knew perfectly well what was happening in the smoke.

- I hope he's doing well. - another civilian said worriedly, looking at the smoke.

- Don't worry, he's just finishing up, zuzuzuzuzu... - Gin said confidently.

Following the words of the old man, the smoke began to slowly disappear, and the first traces of what had happened inside began to appear. First, the bodies of the pirates began to be seen, each of which had severe injuries, and was no longer able to fight.

- He defeated them all. Incredible! - the inhabitants exclaimed when they saw the startled pirates.

Then, the hunter himself appeared, who stood with a smile on the bow of one of the ships, surrounded by unconscious pirates.

- Order completed, old man. - the hunter said confidently, looking into old Gin's eyes.

- WOOOOOOOO!!! - the people of the city exclaimed joyfully, who were glad that the pirate invasion was over.

Many of them were already ready to give up their lives to protect their home and their loved ones. Now, they could breathe a sigh of relief and sincerely wanted to thank the noble bounty hunter who rescued their native island from the clutches of cruel pirates.

- Well done, kid, zuzuzuzu… - old Gin exclaimed loudly, giving a thumbs up to the guy who just happened to be in his store..

The hunter, whose name would be remembered for a long time in Cozia, showed the old man the same gesture with a smile.

This moment was captured on camera by a reporter from the World Economic News Paper, who happened to be on the island and witnessed everything that happened.

This shot will become legendary, as it witnessed the beginning of the path of the great Diamond Hunter, who in the future will make a lot of noise around the world.