
One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery

The story of a guy who ended up in the world of One Piece. As a bonus, he received the Golden Lottery, in which he can win almost anything from the worlds of the omniverse. To buy lottery tickets, the MC will have to work hard, because the more he uses the lottery, the more expensive the next ticket will cost. Watch the life of a guy in this wonderful and dangerous world, while he has the advantages of different worlds, which at times are too unfair. ---------------------- This is my side story that I wrote to take a break from the main story, so don't expect too many updates. --------------------- Main story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/alexander-benjamin-tennyson_21838734606164605 My patr*eon: https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11 --------------------- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation, so there is no point in complaining about the grammar, but in the future I will try to find an editor like on the main story.

Zeckyll11 · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

05. First Opponents

There were no award flyers attached to the newspaper, but there was some information about people and events I knew.

A drought has already begun in Alabasta, the main culprit being believed to be King Nefertari Cobra, who allegedly used Dancing Powder.

'Looks like Crocodile has already begun his plan to conquer the country. By the way, he's also a good target, considering he owns a casino that has a statue of a golden crocodile on top of it.' - I thought involuntarily as I continued to read.

Another example, a week ago, after he came in to recover from his injuries, Chief Petty Officer Morgan was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.

According to the newspaper, two months ago, Morgan's crew attacked the infamous Black Cat Pirates and during a fierce battle, Morgan was the only survivor of the Marines, but he still managed to capture Kuro of a Hundred Plans, who was subsequently executed.

This is all nonsense, of course, as Kuro faked his own death thanks to his subordinate's hypnotic abilities and is now living happily ever after in Syrup Village, beginning his long-term plan to obtain an impressive inheritance from a wealthy family.

'I think Kuro would be a good opponent to test my skills in combat. Either way, his claws won't be able to do anything to my diamond form. I might even be able to learn his special movement technique similar a Rokushiki Soru.

Especially since it used to cost 17'000'000 belly. I'm sure I can convince the Marines that he is the real Kuro, and if not, telepathy will help me.' - I thought as I turned the page and didn't care at all that my actions were changing Luffy's story. So I already did that.

By the way, fortunately for me, the newspaper had a rate of gold to belly. At the moment, one kilogram of gold is worth almost seven and a half million belly.

'Damn, I knew I would have to work hard to earn money for lottery tickets, but at this rate, the tenth ticket that asks for half a ton of gold will cost me almost four billion belly. I hope my gold-mining adventures work or I won't see any prizes.' - I thought as I finished reading.

There was nothing else interesting in the newspaper, only an advertisement for some expensive clothing brand with a panda in the form of an emblem, mentioning that it was almost a year since the new Yonko, 'Red-Haired' Shanks, appeared, and also that some Green Grass Pirates were captured by the new Bounty Hunter. Most likely, Zoro was meant, apparently, he was offended by the name of the team.

- Almost nothing useful. At least the map was added. Eh, at least I made sure I could read local language. - I said with a sigh, putting the newspaper aside.

- [Captain, a ship is visible on the horizon.] – said the Oracle, distracting me from my thoughts.

- Finally. - I said with a smile, approaching the front of the jet.

- Really a ship. It looks like a caravel. And it looks like it belongs to the pirates. Get high, I don't want them to see us.- I ordered and pulled out Nightwing's binoculars to inspect my first target.

'Hm, a flag with a crescent and a skull. I don't remember such a crew, but it does not matter. I hope there's at least a bounty for the captain. I need to start earning a reputation as a pirate hunter that can trust.' - I thought as I put the binoculars back into inventory.

- Oracle, keeping your disguise, hover over the ship, at a height of a hundred meters, and then open the gangway. When I'm done, lower the quinjet to sea level. - I ordered, walking towards the exit with an excited smile.

- [Yes, sir.] - the Oracle replied, following my command. Due to the fact that jet engines are powered by clean energy, they make little noise and ordinary people are unlikely to hear the sound of a quinjet. Coupled with the camouflage system, I can be sure the pirates won't see me.

When the ladder opened, I stood on its edge and looked at a group of pirates who were minding their own business and did not even suspect that VENGEANCE was now hanging over their heads. Although, it's kind of about Batman, but it doesn't matter.

With my telepathic detection, I felt the minds of ten grown men. It looks like there are no women or children on board, only pirates. Well, that just simplifies things. Then I decided to do without telepathy, otherwise it's not so interesting. Time to stretch my fists and test my skills in action.

- Don't miss me, dear. - I shouted at the end and calmly jumped down.

After flying a few meters in free fall, I took out my claw and fired from it, hooked on the top of the mast of the ship. When I pulled the trigger of the modified grapple device once more, the cable began to reel in and I was pulled to the empty crow's nest.

After calmly landing on the edge, and sending the claw back to inventory, I looked at the pirates with a smile, who had not noticed me. To attract their attention, I said loudly: - Hello, my dear pirates!

- What the hell!!! Who are you? And how did you get here? - exclaimed in shock, apparently the captain of the crew, who looked like an ordinary middle-aged man with red hair and a crescent-shaped black mustache. The only thing that gave him away as a captain was his typical pirate outfit and hat.

- My name is Nemo. Nice to meet you. And I'm an aspiring bounty hunter. - I said with a huge smile, taking out my eskrima sticks unnoticed by the pirates.

- Bounty Hunter? Hahahaha, you heard his boys…Chachachacha… - The Captain laughed as his comrades caught on in laughter.

- You're just a kid in a stupid suit… Kakakaka… - a fat man in an orange bandana shouted, and began to burst out laughing even more.

- In vain you insulted my suit. For this, I will break your jaw. - already without a smile, I promised.

- Break jaw? Chacahacha... Well, you are just a clown. Do you even know who we are? - the captain asked, still laughing, not even thinking about how the 'kid' ended up on his ship, while completely dry.

- Enlighten me. - I said calmly, sitting down comfortably.

- We are the Gally Pirates. The Greatest, Worst, and Most Powerful crew in this sea. No one wants to get involved with us, everyone is afraid of us. - exclaimed the fat man solemnly.

- And I, the captain of this team, 'Crescent-Moon' Gally. - said Gally, raising his head high.

- Did you get that nickname because of your stupid moustaches? - I asked carelessly.

- Yes…. WHAT? HOW DARE YOU? AND GET DOWN HERE! I WILL SHOW YOU A STUPID MUSTACHES!!! - Gally shouted furiously, actively waving his hands in anger.

- Since you are so great and powerful, maybe there is a reward for you, mustaches? - I asked, with a little hope. They are clearly weaklings, but maybe at least a couple of million for this Gally, I can get.

- DON'T CALL ME MUSTACHES!!! You will regret contacting our team, because you know, Marines are asking for a whole 15 million belly on my head!!! - Gally shouted arrogantly.

- Is that how? Then it's good. Just don't give up too quickly, otherwise I want to warm up. - I said with a smirk, kneading my neck.

- Arrogant boy! Attack it guys! Let's show him the horror of the Gully Pirates! - Gally shouted angrily, pointing his saber at me.

- YAAAAAAAA!!! -exclaimed nine of his subordinates, also pointing their weapons at me. Finally, we finished chatting and it was time for a fight.

Leaping to the side to dodge several flintlock pistol shots, I kicked off the mast with my foot and jumped down. Putting my foot forward, I landed right on the fat man's face, thereby breaking his jaw, as promised earlier. He shouldn't have said bad things about my beautiful suit.

After doing a backflip to dodge the swords of the two pirates, I put my weapon forward and stopped their swords, after which they were immediately hit by an electric charge from my Escrima Sticks.

When the rest of the pirates saw how easily I dealt with their comrades, they hesitated and retreated a few steps from me, but the shout of their captain restored their confidence again.

- What did you stop? He is only one. Attack all at once and you will easily defeat him. - shouted Gally while hiding behind the backs of his subordinates.

- Wrong choice. - I said with a smirk, and then quickly jumped up to one of the pirates and hit him in the chest with such force that he flew back, taking a couple more pirates, who just shot at me a little earlier.

Ducking my head to dodge the swing of the axe, I hit its owner in the face and, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, covered himself with his body from being hit by another pirate's mace.

Throwing one of my sticks at this pirate to distract him for a second, I knocked out the pirate with an ax, and then hit his comrade on the head and raised my weapon.

Those two pirates who had pistols had already risen to their feet and reloaded their weapons. They fired at me again, but this time I fearlessly took the bullets to my chest, because I knew that my suit would protect me from such damage, after all, you can't compare the ancient flintlocks and modern pistols, which this suit was designed to protect against.

- What… what the hell?" - one of the three remaining pirates shouted in fear when he saw that I had not been hit at all by the bullet and was now approaching him intimidatingly.

- You're the monster! - shouted Gally, backing away in fear.

- This is where you went wrong. I'm far from the monster but you will be very sorry that you met me. - I said with a grin, and again rushed to the attack.


- Only two and a half million. Not enough, even for half a ticket. Hey, mustache, why are you so poor? Haven't you boasted that you are the greatest, worst and most powerful? - I asked, kicking Gally, who was the only one of the whole team who remained conscious, although he also received his portion of beatings.

- Woofuu…. It was a lie. We just wanted to scare you and lower your guard. We hoped that after learning that we are terrible pirates, you would give up without a fight. Please stop hitting me... ugh. - Crying bitter tears, admitted Gally, watching how I raked the property of his team.

- It was so clear. But I was hoping for something more. - I said with a sigh, looking at my trophies. In addition to 2'500'000 belly, I was also able to find gold jewelry, which, unfortunately also not enough for a ticket.

- Is there any reward for you? It is clear that for such a weakling as you, they would never have given 15 million, but maybe at least a million? - I asked, not really hoping for a positive answer.

- Not. We went to sea only two months ago and during this time, we robbed two merchant ships and one passenger ship. Apparently the Marines doesn't think that's enough to put a bounty on my head. - Gally said, ignoring my words about his strength. It's hard to argue with someone who just beat your whole team.

- Oh, and why the hell did I even contact you. — a little doomed, I said.

'Well, at least I checked the acquired skills in a real battle. And I must say, I did pretty well, considering that in a minute I coped with ten adult men, while not using superpowers. But even yesterday, I was an ordinary person who had never even fought in my life. And 2'500'000 is a good start. Besides, I finally found the map.' - I thought to myself as I looked at the map of nearby islands that I had found in Gally's cabin.

- What are you going to do with us? - Gally asked plaintively, pulling a knife from his boot, thinking that I didn't see it.

- During the robbery the ships, did you kill anyone? - I asked, looking at the rest of the pirates who didn't wake up.

Thinking I was distracted, Gally decided to take action and jumped at me, brandishing his knife, wanting to stab my heart. Expecting this, I quickly knocked the knife out of the mustache's hand and, grabbing it by the throat, lifted it into the air.

- Answer my question! - I said threateningly, squeezing Gally's throat harder.

- Kha…khha…. No... no, we didn't kill anyone. When they saw that we are pirates, they were so afraid of us that they themselves gave all their goods so that we would not touch them .... Haha…let me go. - trying to escape from my grip, said Gally.

- Ah, so this is your method. Use people's fear against them. I know this. - I said with a menacing grin, squeezing Gally's throat until he passed out from lack of air.

Throwing Gally's unconscious body aside, I put two fingers to my temple and began to work with the mind of the Gally Pirates.

Since they haven't killed anyone yet and there's no bounty on them, I guess I can give them a second chance. At the same time, they will be my guinea pigs, and I will check how the mind alteration works.

There didn't seem to be any problems, and thanks to Emma's experience, ten minutes later I was done with the mind of the Gully Pirates.

When they wake up pirates will decide to quit their criminal path and start life from scratch. Given that they have a ship and they have seafaring skills, they should be able to do trade shipping or something like that without any problems.

- Well, I did a good deed and did not remain at a loss. What a good start. - I said with a smile as I watched the Quinjet descend to pick me up.

- Well, good luck to you and I hope my efforts will not be in vain. - I turned to the unconscious pirates and, picking up a bag with loot, I boarded my jet.

- Oracle, scan this map and enter the data into your database. - I said, laying out the map on the Quinjet table. It had an interface through which it was possible to work with the on-board computer. Apparently, this was done for briefings before assignments.

- [Yes, Captain. The scan has been completed and a map of the nearest five islands has been added to the database. Where to take a course?] g asked the Oracle, having done his job.

- We are flying to Goat Island, it is the closest. I think there will be something to enjoy. - with a smirk, I said, remembering the one who should live on this island.

Changing course, the quinjet rose to a height of two kilometers and, gaining impressive speed, flew towards our next target.

The next chapter will most likely come out on Sunday. Write your ideas for the Golden Lottery prizes in the comments, I will be interested to read your ideas, but try to offer something unique and not too imbalanced. If I find something interesting, I will definitely add it to the story.

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