
Chapter 5 Staley’S Madness

When Staley saw them, his face turned from white to blue, cold sweat broke out from his forehead and he couldn't stop it, and even his quibbling words would get stuck in his mouth for a while.

"Impossible! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! This is all fake, fake!" Staley shouted when he saw these people, from panic at the beginning to completely losing control of their emotions. "That fire, that fire has obviously burned you all to death. Why are you still here!"

"Impossible! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! You are already dead! You have obviously been burned to death by the fire!" Staley held his head in his hands and tried to convince himself!

"Of course you expect us to be dead, Staley!" The ugly and frightening man who had half his face burned by the fire said in a sinister tone.

"The reason why Shinigami didn't accept us is for today's revenge!" The bald man with all the scars on his head said very calmly.

"Staley, you villain, we will expose all your scandals to the sun today." The man who was missing an arm had a resentful tone that filled his speech.

"Do you think you untouchables can just make false accusations against a noble? Will any of the other nobles here believe it?"

"Do you think you can falsely accuse a noble by telling those so-called truths? Will your new master reward you with a bone?"

"Save the lives of you low-class poor people!"

"Today is supposed to be my wedding day, the day I ascend the throne as king! Why are you all coming to stop me with ghosts all over your body!" Staley screamed.

"Staley, you despicable, shameless person. Do you still want to daydream about ascending to the throne? Delusion! You are doomed today!" Among the four people present, the only one who survived the fire was intact. Witness Buon, former Staley's most loyal subordinate.

"Telling the truth will certainly not absolve the five of us of our sins, poisoning the royal family, poisoning the ministers and other nobles." Buon stood up, his eyes red.

"But we can drag you, a despicable person, to hell!"

"For those scandalous things you did before, the four of us were your confidants. Do you think we didn't have any backup plans?"

"Hahaha, how many things have we done for you over the years? You may have forgotten it, but we have not!"

"Evidence? We will have as much evidence as you want! The four of us want to see, Staley, how can you deny it in front of this evidence!"

"Today, under the sun, let your dirty and shameless deeds, Staley, be exposed in front of the common people and nobles of Goa Kingdom!"

Buon unbuttoned his black cloak and threw a pile of documents from his arms into the air.

The other four people also untied their black cloaks and threw a pile of documents from their arms into the air.

Papers fluttered in the air like butterflies.

Civilians began to bend down to pick it up and examine its contents. Some civilians shouted "Oh my God! How is that possible!"

The nobles also noticed that these papers were floating in front of them. They stretched out their hands to catch them. After just one glance, they were shocked and their expressions changed drastically.

"Your Majesty, I don't think I need to present any new evidence. The facts prove that Staley has committed a crime, poisoned the royal family and ministers, and tried to seize the throne of the Kingdom of Goa." Luffy waved his hands, making an innocent expression, and Staley threw him in front of His Highness the Prince.

Because now he no longer needs to tie up Staley.

After announcing this scandal in the presence of civilians and nobles across the country, Staley, even as a noble, had no way of escaping the consequences of the incident, and the royal family had no way to cover up the scandal, not to mention that the royal family itself was Staley's victim.

"Sabo, I avenged you. I wanted to take back everything that Staley snatched from you. I did it." Luffy affirmed himself with a fist and said to himself in his heart. At the same time, he smiled at Princess Sally, showing Luffy's sunny smile.

In the eyes of Princess Sally, this action completely turned into: her lover Luffy, in order to prevent her from marrying the bastard Staley. She quietly collected evidence and sabotaged the wedding in full view of her and Staley on their wedding day. When your plan succeeds, make a fist to encourage yourself.

At this moment, Princess Sally's happy eyes turned into the shape of love peaches. It didn't work anymore. It seemed that Princess Sally had lost her mind and turned into a love brain.

"Where's the antidote! Where's the antidote to the poison! Hand over the antidote quickly." Prince Goa asked, squeezing Staley's neck.

"Antidote? Hahahahaha! You actually think I would use poison with an antidote?" Staley didn't know where he got the strength to break free from the prince's hand and push the prince to the other side.

"There is no antidote! There is no antidote!"

"Hahaha, it's a pity, it's a pity, the original plan has been successful. Today is the only step left. As long as I, Staley, marry the princess today, I will be the new king of the Kingdom of Goa."

"It's just one step away. I didn't expect that it would be destroyed by a low-class poor like you who lives in the garbage mountain, and a bug like Sabo who eats in the garbage mountain!"

"So what! So what! I didn't lose! I won't lose either!"

"I am a noble! You are not qualified to judge me! I am still standing at the top of this country! I will become the king of Goa Kingdom!"

After making a crazy speech, Staley pointed his finger at the ministers, the king, the queen, and the prince with a ferocious face, and spun in a circle.

"I might as well tell you that without an antidote, you will all die! Hahahahaha! You will all die!"

"To tell you the truth, not only the king, but also you ministers, you were all poisoned by me!"

"Hahahaha. What else do you want to do as regent? Labor and management, how can I give you the power after working so hard to get the throne!"

"You are all going to die, but I am the only one who has the last laugh!"