
Chapter 6 The New King Of Goa Kingdom

A series of accidents and blows drove Staley into madness.

Staley's crazy speech made the nobles present panic, and the royal family was even more desperate.

The civilians on Center Street under the castle had never seen such a scene before, and disorderly riots immediately began.

You know, in order to celebrate this wedding in the Kingdom of Goa, almost all the civilians living on Central Street came to participate in this grand ceremony. The dense crowd made people's scalp numb just by looking at it. If there was a commotion, it was entirely possible. Incidents of civilians trampling on each other occurred.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Goa dispatched a large number of guards to prevent various accidents and maintain order for this huge wedding. Several guard captains quickly commanded the guards in this situation to prevent further chaos among the civilians.

Of course, such a big accident as Luffy did, first kidnapping Staley, then taking out a phone bug to reveal the news, and then making a show of manipulation, this group of guards was unexpected, and it greatly exceeded the original security expectations. Design plan.

Staley was still on the viewing platform of the royal palace and castle, pointing at the nobles and royal family and blaming them, speaking those shocking words as if he was crazy.

The royal bodyguards could not stop Staley without the king's order. As for the king, he was paralyzed on the throne and his brain was already in a state of panic. There was no hope that he would make any correct orders.

After all, becoming the king of the Kingdom of Goa was not due to this person's ability, but to his good luck and being reincarnated into the royal family as the child of the previous king.

Luffy stood on the edge of the city wall of the Royal Palace's auditorium, with his hands in his pockets and expressionless as he watched Staley's sincere performance on the Royal Palace's auditorium.

With Staley's current crazy state, Staley probably thought he could make a comeback.

Luffy ignored Staley's futile struggle.

Staley, this idiot, still hasn't realized who is the director and screenwriter of this stage play.

Ever since Luffy learned about Staley's whimsical usurpation plan in Sabo's big house, after thinking about it carefully, he found that it was indeed feasible.

So Luffy secretly collected evidence that the idiot Staley tried to poison the ministers and the royal family, while assisting the idiot Staley in his whimsical usurpation plan. Even every time something went wrong in Staley's plan, and Staley's clumsy men exposed themselves due to their poor behavior, causing the usurpation plan to fail, Luffy secretly helped them clear up the trouble and allowed them to successfully complete the plan.

It can be said that when Staley was implementing the entire plan, Luffy had been secretly participating in the entire process.

Including Staley covering up the fact that he poisoned the royal family in order to never let others know about it. So when he set fire to his cronies, it was Luffy who stopped him and rescued his men so that they could testify against Staley today.

Do all this just for today.

As early as Staley's poisoning plan was discovered by Luffy, Luffy secretly increased the dose of the poison, so that the poisoned person would suffer less and be relieved sooner.

Based on the potency of the poison that Staley got from who knows where, he carefully calculated the dose to advance the onset of poisoning for these poisoned people.

Yes, Luffy is so kind and can't see the king and those fat pig ministers suffering.

What? Luffy didn't poison him, he just increased the dose. The long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain, thus reducing the king's pain.

It was obviously Staley, who was out of his mind and wanted to usurp the throne, so he poisoned the king, princes, and ministers!

It was Staley who drew up the plan and it was Staley who carried it out.

What does it have to do with me, Luffy.

That's right!

The poison that Staley prepared will take effect today!

Luffy took so long, first kidnapped Staley, slowly calculated the time, and then brought Staley to the front desk of the castle.

Expose Staley's plot and use the phone bug to play recordings of Staley and his men plotting.

He waited for the other accomplices to jump out on their own before playing another recording of the phone bug.

Including arranging Staley's men in the civilian center street, waiting to appear later to give Staley a critical blow.

The purpose is to delay time, delay it into the plan, and calculate the time for the poison to appear!

Staley thought he was a mantis stalking a cicada, but little did he know that Luffy was following behind.

Sure enough, the king, who was sitting slumped on the throne with his brain in panic, suddenly stared at Staley with his eyes as big as the eyes of an ox, tremblingly, and wanted to give an order for the royal guards to take action. As a result, he kept vomiting blood and failed. Way to make a sound.

The queen also began to tremble all over and covered her mouth, but the blood still couldn't stop flowing out.

"Queen mother! Father! Come on, palace doctors, what are you doing there! Save people quickly!" Princess Sally panicked and began to order the palace doctors.

It's a pity that the reliable palace doctors have long been excluded from the kingdom, and most of the remaining ones are those who participated in the poisoning and some doctors who are not good at medical skills.

The doctor who knows the inside story of course knows that the poison will not save the patient, and the incompetent doctor knows that he cannot save the patient even if he goes up to the hospital. I could only kneel down there, trembling and not daring to move.

The prince kept twitching on the castle platform.

The ministers who had colluded with Staley began to bleed from their nostrils and from the corners of their eyes, and fell on their backs.

The minister who had previously opposed Staley also began to foam at the mouth and fell to the ground helplessly.

Staley saw the situation of everyone, and with his limited IQ, he couldn't quite understand why the poison was released so early?

Destiny! God is helping him! He has been lucky since he was a child.

In order to change from a commoner to a noble, he successfully designed to force Sabo, the former noble, away.

Now, of course, you can also design a poison from an ordinary noble to kill the current king and become the new king!

God has been helping him, but this time he was in despair, and God made the poison attack earlier!

That's right! That must be it.

After Staley figured it all out, he laughed crazily: "Hahahaha! Idiots, it doesn't matter if you know my plan, why haven't you been poisoned to death by me!"

"When I marry the princess, I will still be the king! You are the traitors! And those stupid commoners, you all deserve to die."

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! I am the king of Goa!" Staley's crazy look with red eyes, and his intrusive speech threatening to kill the civilians at the scene shocked everyone.

"No, you don't have a chance, Staley!" Luffy shouted.

"Please! Your Majesty the King, return to your roots and pass the throne to the legitimate Princess Sally of the royal family, and become the Queen of Goa Kingdom!" Luffy took a deep breath and shouted loudly, his voice echoing on the viewing platform of the palace.

Luffy's voice echoed throughout the palace.

Luffy's voice reached the noble high town.

Luffy's voice reached the civilian center street.

Luffy's voice reached the corners of Goa Kingdom.

The king of Goa Kingdom stared at Princess Sally, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally nodded and died.

The other ministers and guards who had survived knelt down in front of Princess Sally.

"Please, Princess Sally Nandkanet, become the queen of Goa Kingdom!"

The nobles at the VIP table also knelt down to Princess Sally.

"Please, Princess Sally Nandkanet, become the Queen of Goa Kingdom!!"

The civilians under the castle also knelt down in front of Princess Sally.

"Please, Princess Sally Nandkanet, become the Queen of Goa Kingdom!!!"

Today, Princess Sally Nandkanet officially ascended the throne and became the queen of Goa Kingdom in the presence of everyone.