
Chapter 162 No Need To Worry About Romantic Debts, And No Need To Worry About Lice (Revised)

Lida's aggrieved words.

Luffy's remaining conscience was troubled.

Because Luffy he really forgot!

And Luffy can't blame Sally for not telling him. He can't make Sally jealous.

After all, this is Luffy's romantic debt.

"How are you?"

Luffy scratched his hair and asked calmly.

The arrogance that originally wanted to raise an army to punish him completely subsided when he saw Lida.

"not good!"

"And are you going to talk to me outside the door like this?"

Lida looked at Luffy with some resentment and said.

Then Lida began to tell how she appeared in this place and how she lived in Sabo's house.

I think she was also a flower in her hometown back then.

On Lida's birthday, her wealthy parents specially sponsored Lida to travel.

Boarded that damn luxury yacht and met Luffy.

It was originally a wonderful birthday trip, but I encountered the Alvida Pirates and almost lost my life.

When Lida was in danger and had closed her eyes waiting to die.

It's Luffy!

Like the knight in the novel, he descended from the sky and rescued her.

This kind of plot that appeared in the knight's story satisfied all of Lida's young fantasies.

At that time, Lida fell in love with that sunny smile.

When Luffy asked: "Would you like to give him a child?"

He clearly knew that it was impossible for a man like Luffy to be tied up by a woman.

But at that time, Lida had the mentality of not pursuing eternal life, even if he had it once.

Agree to Luffy's ridiculous proposal.

It's just one time, nothing will happen, just treat it as a birthday gift.

It's just that fate plays tricks on people, just once.

Lida is really pregnant.

She knew she couldn't go back to see her parents with a big belly.

Lida couldn't explain clearly.

What people say is scary!

This will make her parents never be able to hold their heads high among relatives.

Lida remembered that before Luffy left, he told her that she could find him somewhere in the capital of Goa Kingdom.

So Lida secretly came to the capital of Goa Kingdom alone.

Relying on only a few words from Luffy, Lida found the mansion in Sabo.

Only there wasn't the Luffy she'd been pining for.

The cold iron door was also tightly locked.

Deny strangers entry.

The cruel reality made Lida feel chilled.

She realized she had been lied to.


Such a luxurious residence is located in the aristocratic area of ​​Goa Kingdom.

It must be owned by a noble noble with status.

As for Luffy's clothes on the yacht, he doesn't look like a nobleman.

How is it possible to live in a place like this?

But I foolishly believed it.

Lida squatted on the ground and cried helplessly.

Fate likes to play tricks on people.

Queen Sally came to this room by chance that day.

He saw Lida squatting on the ground crying.

Out of sympathy, Sally hid her identity, and Jane asked about Li Tian's past.

Through a simple conversation with Queen Sally, she immediately realized that this was the romantic debt incurred by Prince Luffy.

And Lida is indeed pregnant with Luffy's child.

What else can be done?

Lida can only be allowed to live in Sabo's house.

After all, it was Luffy himself who told Livo to come here to find him.

Luffy, who understood the ins and outs, smiled bitterly.

"I'm sorry, Lida."

"But I didn't lie to you, this is indeed where I live."

"I didn't think well. I forgot that after I went out to take risks, this place became an empty house."

"Anyway, it's all my fault. I made you suffer."

"Don't worry, when I come back this time, I will definitely compensate you double.

Luffy bent down and apologized sincerely to Lida.

Lida wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

In fact, when Luffy appeared at the gate, Lida forgave Luffy. Even though Luffy was lying before, he came to see her now.

What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Maybe Luffy really lives in this place and is a nobleman with a hidden identity, otherwise he wouldn't appear here.

"Luffy, don't you come in and see our child~~?"

After Lida wiped away her tears, she said to Luffy with red eyes.

"Have you forgiven me?"

Luffy smiled brightly like a child.

"Come in, just come back. I'm not asking for much."

Lida pulled Luffy away and walked into Sabo's luxurious mansion.

She is a beautiful girl with big eyes.

He clenched his little fists and looked at Luffy curiously.

"Can I hold her? And has she got a name?"

Luffy happily asked Lida about Liang's baby, which made Luffy feel close to her.

"Of course, she is your daughter."

"I've married my nickname, but I don't have my nickname yet."

When Lida saw Luffy, she really liked the baby girl.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and dropped the stone in his heart.

Whether it is a wealthy businessman family like hers or a noble family.

There is a general expectation that there will be more baby boys.

Because you can inherit the family property and inherit the title.

At the same time, you can show your face and develop your family.

"Well, she will be called Monkey D Caroline from now on."

Luffy hugged Monkey D. Caroline and said happily.

[Didi didi!]

[Identity: Thirty-one Son]

[Name: Monkey·D·Caroline]

[Gender: Female]

[Talent: A Super Power]

[You are born to be able to control flames, but you cannot create flames out of thin air. ]

[Talent: A Super Power]

[Born to be able to fly, but you can only fly by yourself and cannot carry others with you. ]

[Qualification: A+]

It was an unexpected surprise that it turned out to be an A+ qualification.

And the two talents are also good, both are super power entries.

Luffy was even happier now.

Lida gave him a good baby.

"Luffy, will you stay for dinner?"

Lida kept rubbing the corners of her clothes with her hands and asked Luffy timidly, her eyes full of expectation.

"Yes, I'll stay for dinner tonight."

Luffy hugged Monkey D. Caroline and said gently to Lida.

"Then I'll go outside to buy some food now. Luffy will wait for me."

Lida laughed happily after receiving Luffy's response.


Luffy threw a small bag to Lida, which contained many Baileys.

In fact, Luffy noticed it when he entered the door.

Lida's delicate hands were now very rough.

She is obviously a young girl, but there are some traces of weathering on her face.

Yes, I live alone in the capital of Goa Kingdom.

Still in the aristocratic area.

The pressure of life is not small.

In fact, Luffy has some currency stored in this house.

It's just that Lida mistakenly believed that this place did not belong to Luffy's residence, so he did not use the property inside.

With no source of income, Lida, a spoiled young lady from a wealthy businessman's family, had to go out to work to earn money.

Lida didn't refuse the money bag that Luffy threw to her, but accepted it directly.

Spend your man's money with peace of mind.

Lida took the money given by Luffy and went shopping in a happy mood.

Watching Lida leave, Luffy felt even more guilty.

But Luffy suddenly remembered that he had other things to deal with.

Because Luffy never thought that he would meet Lida in Sabo's mansion.

So I left a note on the table.

The note read:

[Lida, I'll go out for a while if I have something to do. I'll be back in a while. ]

[Don't worry, I won't run away, and the house is here. ]

[In addition, I also want to tell you about me. ]

[I also want to hear about you. ]

Thinking about it, Luffy still felt something was wrong.

He was afraid that Lida would misunderstand or be irritated.

He left another special phone bug and added on the note:

[If you have an emergency, you can contact me directly by using this phone number. You can contact me with the first button above. ]

"This should be no problem."

"Come on, let's go with dad to meet our brothers."

Luffy hugged Monkey D. Caroline and walked towards the Yawang Palace.


Goa Kingdom Royal Palace, inside the palace.

"Have you met that woman?"

Sally asked Luffy in a playful tone.

"Aren't you asking questions knowingly?"

"This is my daughter Monkey D. Caroline. Is she pretty?"

Luffy smiled and introduced the baby he was holding to Sally.

"I've seen this baby before, I don't need your introduction."

"Aren't you going to see your five sons?"

Queen Sally rolled her eyes at Luffy and asked in amusement.

"Don't worry, I will take Monkey D. Caroline to meet her brothers later."

"Why did you use the phone bug to contact me in such a hurry?"

Luffy teased Monkey D. Caroline and said to Queen Sally.

"Hey! It's not because of you!!!"

"The East Blue military and economic alliance you formed before is now getting bigger and bigger.

"More and more countries want to join."

Queen Sally pinched her temples and said with a grimace.

"I always feel like the name of this alliance keeps changing?"

"And isn't this a good thing?"

Luffy asked rhetorically.

As the vision is raised, the strength becomes stronger and the power expands.

Luffy has begun to control this kind of layout. Besides, he has been hiding behind the scenes. No one knows who the real person is.

"My Prince Luffy! You speak so lightly."

"Because after joining this alliance, many countries became rich."

"As a result, other neighboring countries also want to join this organization."

"Do you know how many franchise applications I have in hand now?"

"Nearly, half the country in East Blue!!!"

Queen Sally banged the wooden table angrily and shouted loudly.

"Just let them join, so there's nothing to worry about."

"The original plan was for this alliance to slowly encroach on the entire East Blue country.

"The current situation is completely in line with our wishes."

Luffy said disapprovingly.

"々・Oh! This is what Prince Luffy said himself.

"I am not forcing you."

"Queen Morty, Queen Noxiangao.

"Did you hear that Luffy personally spoke and asked these applicant countries to join the alliance?"

The alliance, led by the Kingdom of Rurikra, the Kingdom of Goa, and the Kingdom of Oiket, as well as the Kingdom of Kogi, the Kingdom of Siris, and others, agreed to their joining.

Queen Lisa is affirmed by Luffy

After answering, he directly took the phone and said to the heads of the other two host countries of this military and economic offensive and defensive alliance.

"Since Luffy agrees, I have no objection."

Queen Nuoqigao was silent for a while and said coldly.

"I don't have any objections. Let's handle it according to the previously agreed upon membership regulations.

Queen Morty said with a smile, looking like a spectator.

From the tone of conversation between the three queens.

Luffy felt something was wrong. If there was no problem, Morty wouldn't laugh like this.

I always feel that these three women deliberately set up a trap for him.

And Luffy is so silly that he feels like he's jumping around.

"Wait! Sally!"

"Can I ask, what are the conditions for joining this alliance?"

Luffy did not disapprove as before, but asked Queen Sally with a serious expression.


"you forgot?"

"The regulations for joining the alliance were originally negotiated by the four of us and were finalized after repeated revisions.

"And the initial franchise countries, such as the Corgi Kingdom, all joined in this way.

Queen Lisa looked at Luffy playfully and said.

"Don't be pretentious and tell me quickly."

Luffy became a little anxious. He had so many things to do, how could he record any alliance regulations?

"It's not a big deal. There's a lot written in the regulations."

"I and my two sisters can handle most of them."

"There's just one thing that the three of us can't do for us, so we hesitate to let other countries join.

"The regulations are: the head of each participating country must be the queen, and must have a physical relationship with Prince Luffy."

"This alliance has no intention of forcing other countries to join. Only after repeated applications to join will we announce this (successful) regulation."

"At the same time, once a country knows about this regulation, it must join the alliance, otherwise it will be attacked militaryly by the alliance!"

"So next, I have to work hard for you to teach me."

"My Prince Luffy!"


Queen Sally covered her face with a folding fan and said with an exaggerated smile.

"Is it still too late to cancel their application now?"

Luffy begged with a grimace.

"It's late, my Prince Luffy."

"You just agreed to it yourself."

"Don't forget how this alliance was originally established?"

"Or do you plan to dissolve this alliance?"

Sally suddenly changed her face and asked Luffy seriously.

Some things cannot be stopped once they are started.

If we stop, people will die. A large number of people will die.

"But Sally, I'll be a human and do it."

Luffy yelled in horror.

"This is what you promised yourself, Prince Luffy."

"Queen Nochigao has always used this excuse to refuse."

"Besides, doesn't this suit you?"

"This is the princess waiting to be married in the boudoir of most East Blues.

"What a happy trouble."

Queen Sally covered her face with a folding fan, as if it was none of my business.

It's clear that he wants to watch the excitement and not mind the big deal.

[Hmph! If you don't do this, I'll let you experience the wonderful pain. ]

[How can you take care of your own lower body?]

Luffy hugged Monkey D. Caroline and took her to meet Monkey D. Seiya and other five brothers to become familiar with her.

Decline an invitation to dinner with Queen Sally.

He walked back to Sabo's mansion dejectedly.


That's the queens and princesses of nearly half of the East Blue countries!

At that time, Luffy will become a "scumbag" in the true sense.

This is not possible.

But it will definitely become a "slag".

The "dregs" that have been squeezed dry. .