
Chapter 163 Luffy: Come On, I Have Taken Off My Pants, Whip Me!

The capital of Goa Kingdom, Gaozhen.

Luffy rejected Queen Sally's invitation and returned to the Sabo mansion as promised to have dinner with Lida.

In Luffy's opinion, this is necessary.

Because Lida is different from Queen Sally.

Strictly speaking, Luffy and Lida lack an emotional foundation, have not spent enough time together, and lack mutual trust.

In the beginning, it was just a passer-by in the clouds, and the relationship was forgotten.

So keeping your promises is the first step to gaining trust.

Having dinner together can bring you closer to each other. As for things like feelings, they can only be cultivated slowly later.

The child was already born, how could Luffy let Lida escape from his grasp?

At the same time, Luffy also plans to have a showdown with Lida and tell him the identity of the pirate.

Of course, it is not to tell everything, but to inform Lever with reservations.

After all, sometimes, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

"I'm done."

"If you still don't understand anything, you can ask me questions now."

Luffy put down the knife and fork in his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

"The information is a bit big, I want to keep it straight."

"So, Luffy, you are a big pirate?"

Lida was shocked by what Luffy said. She had always thought that Luffy was an ordinary nobleman from the Kingdom of Goa.

Now Luffy tells her that Luffy himself is a big pirate and Marine's most wanted criminal.

Can this not surprise Lida?

Of course, we can't say that Lida's guess is wrong.

Because to a certain extent, Luffy inherited Sabo's title and could be considered a great noble of the Kingdom of Goa, not to mention that he was still the prince of the Kingdom of Goa.

"What? Do you regret it now?"

Luffy looked at Lida and said with a smile.

"No no!"

"It's just that I thought you were...that's all. Just be a pirate."

Lida became dejected. She also thought that if Luffy was a noble, she could go back to see her parents openly.

"Of course, I have another identity."

"For example, I am the prince of this country and a serious nobleman of this country." 027

"These will not be announced to the public, in order to avoid Marine's eyes and ears."

"Also, I plan to take you back to my hometown of Windmill Town to meet my adoptive mother Curly Dadan."

"Of course, you can also choose to continue living here. I will come back to see you when I have time."

Luffy then said to Lida.

"No, I choose to follow you. I will go wherever you go."

"May I?"

In the end, Da began to lose confidence.

Because most pirates are unwilling to take their wives and children out to sea.

"no problem!"

"After you pack up, call me on the phone and I will take you out of here.

"You and your child will love it there, and there are many brothers there to play with her."

Luffy said calmly that he had planned to take Lida away.

Otherwise, ordinary people like Lida will become Luffy's weakness once caught by the enemy.

CP9 of World Government often does this kind of thing.

Luffy didn't want to leave such an obvious flaw.

Finally, the mystery of the hidden beauty in the golden house was perfectly solved, and I kept my promise to have dinner with Lida.

It's time to go back to pick up Nezha and the others. Curly Dadan will definitely go crazy if he doesn't let him go. Then he will chase Luffy with a big wooden stick.


A long time ago, Luffy was in Makino's tavern.

I often hear customers say how their naughty children are doing, what they have done, and what caused the sky to break.

What I hear the most is that the naughty kid has an incredible ability to tear down a house.

Any sofa or mother's cosmetics will be damaged by these children.

For this, Luffy has been standing by, secretly laughing at them in his heart.

[Haha, it's not that your education is not good. ]

[If they were my children, they would definitely be well-educated and sensible beings. ]

Now Luffy can't wait to go back in time and let his original self swallow these words.

Because he is so embarrassed right now.

Luffy stood in a daze outside the mayor's door of Windmill Town.


There is no mistake, this is indeed the home of the mayor of Windmill Town.

Luffy also saw the figure of the old mayor. It seemed that Chopper's potion worked well and the mayor could now stand up and move around.

It's not that Luffy's knowledge has increased.

It's not like Luffy got the power of clairvoyance either.

But now it's the mayor's house.

There was only one door left, standing there alone.

Although Luffy already had a premonition that Monkey·D·Nezha and other troublemakers would "tear down the house".

But Luffy never expected that this house demolition would be a physical house demolition!

These naughty kids really demolished the mayor's house.

"Bang!! Boom!"

Luffy turned his head towards the direction of the sound and immediately saw that another room had also been demolished by physical means.

Several giggling babies floated out of the ruins, and the leader was Monkey·D·Nezha!

"This little brat!"


Luffy shouted through gritted teeth.

"Little brat" used to be Curly Dadan's term for scolding Luffy.

Things have turned around, and now it's Luffy's turn to scold his own children.


Monkey·D·Nezha looked happy when he heard Luffy's voice.

He floated back with his younger brothers and sisters.

Look at Nezha's little face turning as red as an apple because of excitement.

Judging from his expression, Monkey·D·Nezha was completely unaware that he had done anything wrong.

This is the scariest place after a baby gains strength.

Because they will use their powers beyond ordinary people as they wish.

Thereby causing irreparable losses.


Luffy was angry, and the consequences were serious.

Luffy grabbed Nezha who was flying over, took off his pants, and exposed his buttocks.

"Bah bang bang!"

He started slapping involuntarily.

"Why did you hit me! You are a bad person!"

"I want to find my mother!"

The stubborn Nezha held back his tears of grievance and shouted.

He obviously wanted to fly here to take credit, but he was beaten hard by Luffy.

Nezha was not afraid of these pains.

Nezha felt humiliated just because he was embarrassed in front of Sister Monkey D. Uni.

The seven babies sucking different colors also had objections to Luffy. They were babbling and had no idea what they were talking about. In short, they were not good words.

"I've only been out for a short while and you've become lawless.

"Wait a minute and you guys will clean it up together."

"We must educate you well.

Luffy acted like a father and scolded the babies.

"Luffy! Stop it!"

"Stop it!"

The mayor of Windmill Town finally arrived at the scene on crutches.

There's no way Luffy is so fast and those babies can fly again.

The mayor is just an ordinary old man.

"Mayor! Stop trying to persuade me. I must educate these little bastards today."

"If you don't teach, you will be the crown of your father!"

Luffy then spanked Nezha's little butt.

"Luffy! You misunderstood!"

"Listen to me and tell me slowly (dbaf)."

The mayor stepped forward and grabbed Luffy's wrist to stop Luffy's behavior.

After Luffy left that day, other villagers also left the mayor's house.

The mayor's health improved a lot because he took the medicine given by Luffy.

He immediately got up and prepared food for the babies. Knowing that Makino was going to have a baby, the mayor had already stocked up on a bunch of milk, cheese, etc.

By chance, Luffy brought these kids over.

Just in time to come in handy.

Originally, it was the mayor's time to enjoy his family.

But a group of uninvited guests were welcomed outside.

It turned out that some of the villagers who had just come to the mayor's house to discuss the problem.

Some villagers have been dissatisfied with the mayor for a long time.

He thinks that the mayor has been indulging Luffy and shielding Luffy.

This part of the villagers is the grandson of Marine hero Garp.

In their eyes, Luffy is a wild child without parents.

All kinds of annoying pranks from the beginning.

What happened later was even worse, causing trouble to all the little girls in Windmill Town.

Of course, all this would only make these street guys jealous.

Because this group of people have no assets to begin with, those girls will not fall in love with them.

But times will change, and so will ideas.

When will the transition occur?

This is the moment when Luffy specifies that other countries in the alliance must trade in specific ports.

The port of Windmill Town is also one of Luffy's designated ports.

As a result, many villagers began to have money, and this group of people also became rich.

Of course, if you have money, you will want a wife.

Only then did I realize that there were not many villages and towns around.

Those marriageable girls were all captured by Luffy early on.

As a result, there is a phenomenon that even if the villagers have money, they can't get a wife.

Having no money to find a wife and having money but not being able to find a wife are two different things.

So several villagers with status were organized and came to the mayor's house to ask for an explanation.

Why not go to Luffy directly?

Because of the existence of Curly Dadan!

They can't afford to offend Curly Dadan and her group of vicious men.

(Ignorant of course, they don't know that Luffy is actually scarier!)

I didn't get the explanation, but I saw the upstart side of Luffy after going overseas.

The old mayor's house, the large number of gold coins and the sky-high price of pharmaceuticals.

This further stimulated this group of street gangsters and hooligans.

In addition to the old mayor, there are several babies in the mayor's home.

It's still their annoying Luffy intention!

When the evil thoughts come together, they cannot stop.

This group of local ruffians relies on many of them, and they are young and strong.

He planned to come overnight to rob the mayor of his belongings.

As long as the mouth is silenced, then set fire to destroy all traces, and clean the hands and feet.

They can also put a shit basin on Luffy's head.

At that time, it will be said that Luffy's enemies after going to sea did it, and these gangsters are the "witnesses".

I just didn't expect that the combat capabilities of the babies left behind by Luffy were so exaggerated.

This group of local ruffians is their opponent.

Brother Nezha didn't take any action, and the two pacifier babies subdued all these gangsters.

Now this group of bully street gangsters were frightened.

Where is the baby!

Can babies fly? Can they shoot? Can they have super powers?

Clearly a monster!

What should you do if you encounter a monster?

Run for your life!

To create chaos and escape.

They used kerosene to set the mayor's house on fire!

Tried to burn the mayor and the other babies inside.

This completely pissed off Monkey·D·Nezha!

[So you like to burn things, right?


[Let you see who is the master of arson! ]

Monkey·D·Nezha controlled the flames and burned down the houses of these people!

That's what Luffy saw.

"You are a bad person!"

"I do not like you anymore!"

Monkey D. Nezha hid behind the mayor and shouted to Luffy with red eyes.

This time it was embarrassing. After learning the truth from the mayor, Luffy knew that Nezha was wrongly blamed.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault! I want you to apologize!"

Luffy was not like other adults who couldn't let go of their dignity and were stubborn to the end. Instead, Luffy immediately bowed his head and apologized to Nezha.

"I hate you!"

"I don't accept your apology!"

Monkey D. Nezha turned his head away and refused to accept Luffy's apology.

Because Nezha was embarrassed in front of his beautiful sister, he was very angry.

"Then how can you forgive me?"

Luffy asked Monkey D. Nezha with a grimace.

"Unless you take off your pants too and I beat you back!"

Monkey·D·Nezha said angrily, because he knew that adults would not do this.

"Nezha! You have gone too far, he is your father!"

The mayor of Windmill Town felt that Nezha's request was excessive.

It can be said to be unreasonable.

That's right!

It was Luffy who started to misunderstand Nezha.

But Luffy, as a parent, had already apologized, but Nezha refused to give in and even made such excessive demands.

"no problem!"

"Since I misunderstood you, I must also accept the punishment I deserve."

"bring it on!"

"I've taken off my pants and I'm going to give you a spanking.

"It's just a man, you have to keep your word!"

Luffy lay on the ground with his butt exposed and said to Nezha. .