
One Piece: Lost in Time

In the heat of the war, a young man suddenly appears and interrupts a very important moment for the world. He then traverse as he tries to adapt to the new environment different from where he came from. As he learns more about this new place, he decides to find out the hidden connection about this new world and his old home.

BlankPage0201 · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


Everyone was fighting. People are getting wounded, injured, and even killed. The whole place is bathed in pitch-red blood. Bodies dropping everywhere. Wives losing their husbands. Mothers losing their children. Children losing their parents. That very scenario is happening right now.

"The name of this era… Is Whitebeard!" The two hotheads charge at each other intending to kill the other.

Given Akainu's fruit superiority and overall better strength, Ace was blown away. Just as Akainu was about to punch Luffy, a shadow appears above Akainu, Ace, and Luffy. Everyone watching them was also able to see it and looked in its direction.

There, everyone was able to see a silhouette of a man and a staff that he is holding. Because of confusion, they weren't able to do anything other than watch the man fall to the ground.


A thick cloud of dust was produced which annoyed Akainu and stops him. He looks at the dust before returning his attention to the two criminals.

"NO!" Ace acted immediately. Akainu then pulls his arm and transforms it into a magma fist again.

"Arghhh! WTF just happened? That tickles!" The dust settles and reveals a seven and a half feet tall man in a half-buttoned red shirt with a red flaming skull design on the back. He is also wearing black pants and loafers. Overall, it complements his amber hair that shines gold as the rays of the sun hits it.

What's weird about him, is his eyes. It is red colored with circular pattern in the middle of its iris. If people can describe it, they would say that it was similar to "Hawkeye's".

Accompanying him is a black staff the same height as him. As Akainu pulls his arms to punch attempting to punch Luffy again with his magma fist, a hand touches his shoulder. This stopped him from hitting Ace who decided to sacrifice himself for his brother.

'What?' Confused that he was again interrupted by someone, he angrily swerves his fist in the man's direction. He decided that the best move was to kill the man for interfering with his action.

However, he was again surprised to see the man just squat down as if he was picking something on the ground… and he was. After picking up a pebble under his loafers, he stood back up and offers a handshake to Akainu and proceeds to ask him.

"Hello! My name is Alexander… Just Alex if you're lazy. Anyway, do you know what's happening right now? Is this a war? If so, can you please tell me the direction to the nearest city?" Julius then flashes a wide grin on his face that annoys Akainu.

This made everyone's jaw drop as they cannot believe the man's actions. Suddenly, a monkey floating on a coat holding a fedora descends near 'Alexander' who catches it. It has a small pocket akin to a kangaroo in the middle of its clean, shaved stomach.

"Oh, you're here Amber, good thing the sky didn't blow you away." Alex talks to the monkey as if the animal can understand him.

"Hoo! Haa! Hoo! Hoo!" The monkey speaks in its language as it does some hand signs even sometimes pointing at the staff Alex is holding.

"It's okay. We lost the bet so Giddy does have a point. Also, it's been a long time since I've done that." As if lost in his world, Alex continued to talk to his monkey and… even the staff. The onlookers were confused by the sudden shift of mood on the battlefield as Akainu just stare at him.

Alex then notices the silence before talking to Akainu again.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry sir. I'd just ask other people. You seem to be busy. Goodbye!" He waves goodbye before walking to other people and asking them the same questions. Before even anyone can answer his question, he would leave and ask another immediately. Seeing this jolts Akainu back to realization as he turns around only to see Luffy and Ace being carried by Jinbei who's running.

Then, he was greeted by Vista's twin sword and Marco's phoenix claws which surprisingly made him bleed a little as he was late to react and put an armament to defend.

"Haki users." Akainu grunts as he looks at the two. 'My observation haki was late. What just happened?'

He then transforms into magma to catch up to Jinbei before his observation haki alerts him again of danger before covering his body with advanced armament haki.

It didn't even register to him as he see his environment being warped around in his very eyes. He was hit by Whitebeard's tremor punch and was pinned on the ground. He stood up quickly before counter-attacking and taking a quarter of Whitebeard's face.

The old man just took it before sending another sideway tremor punch to Sakazuki's side who was then sent flying away to the walls of Marineford.

Akainu was able to clear his thought only after a second as he start recalling what happened. Just after he met the young man 'Alex', he was fine albeit interrupted. But then, something weird happened which messed with his observation haki.

'My observation haki was disturbed. I was even late to react to that scum and his children. It's more damage than it should've been.' All this happened after Sakazuki was interrupted. He even knows that if the kid didn't appear, Straw Hat and his brother may have been dead by now.

Before he stand back up again, he swore to his breath that he would kill that Alexander if he ever sees him again. What he didn't know is that this small interaction change the course of their world's timeline.

In fact, no one knows of the change that is going to happen in the future as it begins to shift more and more different from what it should've been.

The culprit of this was currently walking around the Marineford asking for directions without even waiting for the others' response. He was holding a staff in his right hand as a small monkey sits on his shoulder.

The young man continues his journey without care about his surroundings even if many lives were being taken every second around him.

I hope I can update this at least once every while.

Note: My dumb ass wrote epilogue for the title instead of prologue...

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