
One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial

In the treacherous waters of the North Blue, where pirates rule with an iron fist and mercy is a rare commodity, a young man named Blake finds himself thrust into a perilous situation. Through some unfathomable twist of fate, his consciousness is transmigrated into the frail and sickly body of a cabin boy aboard a ruthless pirate ship. The crew, far from the romanticized image of swashbuckling adventurers, embodies the darkest aspects of piracy, showing no remorse in their cruelty, and Blake is an easy target. However, just as hope begins to fade, an unexpected glimmer of salvation appears before Blake in the form of a mysterious text box: [Synchronization complete. The Tutorial System shall commence operations] Here's all you need to know before you start reading: The story begins with a more serious tone, highlighting the harsh realities of piracy and the struggles faced by Blake in his weakened state. But as the events progress, the narrative takes on the whimsical, lighthearted tone that One Piece is most known for. Similarly, the MC will start off as stern and serious due to his circumstances, but he'll grow more lighthearted and carefree as he begins to overcome the challenges presented to him one after the other. The chapters will be a blend of Blake's first-person POV and third-person POV, making it easier to tell the story from different perspectives. As for the most frequently asked question of whether this is a harem story or not, the answer is, I don't know. I go with the flow in my writing and develop the story in the way that makes the most sense to me, so if it made sense for the MC to have a harem, then he'll have a harem. If not, then he won't have a harem. The same goes for romance.

Wicked132 · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Asher #38

Blake's irritation boiled over as he watched the boy's stubborn silence. Without a second thought, he lunged forward and delivered a swift knock to the boy's head, his casual demeanor belying the force of his blow. 

"That's what you get, brat," he remarked, nonchalantly blowing on his fist as the boy recoiled, clutching his head in pain. "Now, spit it out. What do you plan to do with all this money?" he demanded, his smirk oozing with confidence.

The boy ceased his writhing and shot Blake a defiant glare, refusing to speak. Blake arched an eyebrow at the boy's silence. "It must be something shady if you're keeping mum," he mused aloud, fixing the boy with a pointed stare. 

"In that case, it's only responsible for me to confiscate these ill-gotten gains. Who knows what trouble you'd get into with all this? Maybe you'll spend it all on alcohol and drugs?!" he added, reaching towards the stash with a self-satisfied grin.

The boy's alarm was palpable, his eyes widening in shock at the prospect of losing his hoard. "You... You lying bastard! You said you weren't here to rob me!" he accused, pointing a trembling finger at Blake.

Blake merely shrugged, feigning innocence as he scratched his ear. "Did I say that? I must be getting forgetful in my old age since you know, I'm an old man," he quipped, adopting a teasing tone. "Come to think of it, who are you again?" he added with a playful smirk, eyeing the boy with mock confusion.

The boy's outburst earned a wry grin from Blake, though he quickly amended his insult. "You shameless old-- I mean, adult!" he corrected himself, his tone shifting to one of pleading. "Please, I won't call you old anymore. I'll even apologize if you just leave my money alone!" he implored, bowing his head in a show of contrition.

Blake nodded in approval, satisfied with the boy's sudden display of manners. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? A little respect goes a long way," he remarked. "Now, spill it. What's your plan with this loot?" he demanded, his tone brooking no argument.

The boy sighed heavily, his frustration evident as he clenched his teeth. "Fine! I plan to buy a ship and get out of this dump! I want to become a pirate!" he declared, bracing himself for mockery that never came. 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Laugh at me already! I know the idea of a helpless orphan like me making something of himself and leaving this shithole is ridiculous to you!" he challenged, his scowl aimed squarely at Blake.

To his surprise, Blake's response wasn't laughter, but a smile of genuine warmth. 

Shaking his head, Blake slowly rose to his feet. "What's there to laugh at, kid? When I was your age, I was nothing more than a slave aboard a pirate vessel, not much different from where you are now," he revealed with a chuckle. "But look at me now: a captain with a sturdy ship and a good crew," he added with a nonchalant shrug.

As Blake made his way to the room's exit, the boy's resentful expression gradually softened. "Then... then do you think I can do it too?" he asked tentatively, his voice tinged with a hint of hope.

Blake shrugged nonchalantly, his hands shoved into his pockets. "Who knows, kid? I'm no fortune teller," he replied with a dismissive wave. "In the end, it'll be up to you and you alone whether you succeed or fail," he added, already turning towards the door.

Just as Blake was about to leave, the boy's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Wait! What's your name?" he called out, his curiosity piqued.

Blake turned back with a smile, meeting the boy's gaze. "It's Blake Thorne." he answered, resuming his steps

The boy took a deep breath, summoning his courage before announcing proudly, "My name is Asher D. Blackwell! You better remember it, because someday you'll hear it again!"

Blake couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's enthusiasm. "Asher D. Blackwell, huh? That name's almost too cool for a brat like you," he teased, his tone light.

"In any case, I'll remember and look forward to hearing it again in my travels..." he said, offering a wave of farewell as he exited the room, leaving the boy to ponder the unexpected encounter.


Returning to the docks, Blake couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight of several people sprawled unconscious on the ground. He chuckled at the spectacle, then turned his attention to his ship. A man flew over the railing and splashed into the water, prompting another amused grin from Blake. 

Using Geppo, he propelled himself into the air and landed gracefully on the deck.

There, he found Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin working together to remove several unconscious men from the ship, tossing them overboard with practiced ease. Sif and Law observed their work with mild interest.

"Who are our new friends?" Blake inquired as he approached Law.

"Mr. Double Six's associates. They didn't take too kindly to us taking care of their friend," Law explained with a casual shrug. "What about you? Did you track down the gang connected to that boy?" he asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

Blake shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Turns out, there's no gang. The kid's his own man if you can believe it," he replied with a chuckle. "He's saving up to buy a ship and become a pirate, of all things."

Law's surprise was evident, but it quickly faded into disinterest. "Did you manage to retrieve the money he stole, at least?" he inquired, glancing at Blake out of the corner of his eye.

Blake shook his head, his demeanor relaxed. "Nope. Figured it's better off with him, and we can always earn more in this place," he remarked casually. "Speaking of which, did you uncover anything useful? Do we have a target in mind?" His tone shifted, becoming more focused.

Law nodded in affirmation. "Indeed. The island is divided among various gangs, all under the control of this Mr. Double Six," he explained.

Blake nodded thoughtfully. "So that fellow asking for the docking fee wasn't just bluffing, huh?" he remarked with a hint of amusement. "It turned out his boss was actually impressive, well by the standards of this dump, anyway," he added, chuckling softly.

"More or less," Law agreed with a shrug. "But apart from money and some weapons, he doesn't possess anyhting else of value," he added, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

Blake scratched his head, considering their options. "It's always good to have more money, but I was hoping for a proper map of the Grand Line, maybe even a few Eternal Poses to navigate the Grand Line freely without relying on the magnetic fields," he reflected with a sigh.

Law's genuine surprise caught Blake off guard. "I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable about the Grand Line..." Law's expression resembled someone witnessing an unexpected display of intelligence from a zoo animal.

Blake shot Law a glare. "That look you just gave me really gets under my skin. I'm tempted to wring your neck," he grumbled, his fingers twitching as he entertained acting on the thought.

Law shrugged nonchalantly. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," he replied, feigning innocence. "But if you're after a Grand Line map and a set of Eternal Poses, it's not entirely out of reach," he continued, redirecting the conversation.

Blake regarded him with curiosity. "What do you mean?" he inquired.

"It's unlikely that the local gang bosses have access to such resources, but there's an underworld broker here," Law explained calmly. "They may not have what we need, but they can point us in the right direction. Of course, their assistance won't come cheap," he added matter-of-factly.

Blake's grin widened at the prospect. "Well, isn't that convenient? We've got a whole island of gangs to relieve of their riches, and somewhere to spend it," he remarked, his grin growing broader. "Maybe this place isn't so bad after all."


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