
One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial

In the treacherous waters of the North Blue, where pirates rule with an iron fist and mercy is a rare commodity, a young man named Blake finds himself thrust into a perilous situation. Through some unfathomable twist of fate, his consciousness is transmigrated into the frail and sickly body of a cabin boy aboard a ruthless pirate ship. The crew, far from the romanticized image of swashbuckling adventurers, embodies the darkest aspects of piracy, showing no remorse in their cruelty, and Blake is an easy target. However, just as hope begins to fade, an unexpected glimmer of salvation appears before Blake in the form of a mysterious text box: [Synchronization complete. The Tutorial System shall commence operations] Here's all you need to know before you start reading: The story begins with a more serious tone, highlighting the harsh realities of piracy and the struggles faced by Blake in his weakened state. But as the events progress, the narrative takes on the whimsical, lighthearted tone that One Piece is most known for. Similarly, the MC will start off as stern and serious due to his circumstances, but he'll grow more lighthearted and carefree as he begins to overcome the challenges presented to him one after the other. The chapters will be a blend of Blake's first-person POV and third-person POV, making it easier to tell the story from different perspectives. As for the most frequently asked question of whether this is a harem story or not, the answer is, I don't know. I go with the flow in my writing and develop the story in the way that makes the most sense to me, so if it made sense for the MC to have a harem, then he'll have a harem. If not, then he won't have a harem. The same goes for romance.

Wicked132 · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

A New Begninning #12

Auhtor's note: donate power stones and leave a comment or you like touching kids...


Waking up to the shrill cry of a bird, I found myself dumbfounded by the scene before me. Perched atop Old Barn's body was a peculiar black-feathered bird, its black orbs gleaming with intelligence as it looked at the quartermaster's eyes like it was a rare, exotic treat. 

Realization struck, and I swiftly moved to shoo away the intruding bird. "Hey, scram! You pesky creature!" I exclaimed, waving my arms in a futile attempt to drive it off. With a disdainful look, the bird took flight, leaving me feeling relieved yet unsettled.

"Cocky little thing! Get!" I muttered, swiping at the air as the bird vanished into the distance. However, as I moved around, I couldn't ignore the newfound lightness in my body, a stark contrast to the heaviness I had grown accustomed to.

Glancing at Old Barn's lifeless form and moving my body with surprising ease, a rush of realization flooded over me, followed by a surge of relief and euphoria. 

"I've done it! I finally have a body that's worth a damn, and I'm even free of those shitty pirates!" I exclaimed, a surge of energy propelling me into a spontaneous series of boxing moves. 

Each motion felt effortless, a stark departure from the feebleness that had once plagued me.

"Ha! This is incredible!" I declared, reveling in the newfound strength and vitality coursing through my veins as I continued to move with newfound vigor.

I didn't stop until a full ten minutes had passed, during which I tested my newfound strength by executing some of the most demanding martial arts maneuvers I could recall. Though I lacked the sheer muscle power of my former self, I found myself not too far behind. 

What truly amazed me was the absence of the scars and muscle ailments that had plagued me in my previous life, granting me a sense of liberation and agility I hadn't experienced in ages.

Reflecting on my journey to this world, I couldn't help but acknowledge the unexpected blessings it had bestowed upon me, despite the less-than-ideal circumstances of my arrival. But dwelling on the past wouldn't serve me now; it was time to look ahead to the boundless possibilities that lay before me.

"There's so many things I want to do and see in this world..." I murmured, observing my rejuvenated hands with a mix of wonder and joy. "But first things first... might as well put this old bastard to proper rest..." I said, my gaze shifted to Old Barn's lifeless form.


Standing before the freshly dug resting place of Old Barn, Blake settled into a cross-legged position. His eyes drifted to the simple wooden cross, crafted from two thick branches bound together with bark, bearing the inscription "Old Barn" carved into its surface.

"I never knew much about you, except that you were a cunning old man..." Blake murmured, his gaze fixed on the makeshift gravestone. "I might have acted like I had all the answers, but truth be told, I'm still not sure if you truly intended to have me killed alongside the pirates..." His words carried a weight of uncertainty as he exhaled heavily.

"But looking back now, maybe it was because I didn't know that I spoke and acted with such certainty..." he continued, a note of regret creeping into his voice. "If I had known the truth, would I have been able to raise the dagger you once gave me against you?" His hands clenched involuntarily at the memory.

"In the end, only your death would have allowed me to move forward... not that it matters since you went and died on your own...." Blake acknowledged, his fists tightening momentarily. "For what it's worth, your existence and the lessons you imparted upon me will linger in my memory for as long as I draw breath..."

With a solemn nod, he rose to his feet, casting one final glance at the makeshift grave. "Farewell, Old Barn," he whispered, before turning away and striding off into the distance, leaving behind the echoes of his words in the quiet solitude of a solitary grave.

Barnabas Flint, known simply as Old Barn by those who knew him had once gained fame as a ruthless pirate with more brain and brawn than most claimed to have. In his youth, Barnabas Flint had been a force to be reckoned with, loved and respected the precious few friends he had, but he was also feared and despised by all else.

Only the closest of his friends, a man who has long since left this world knew that Barnabas once had a son, who passed long before his time, plagued by illness and cursed with a weak body,. 

Whether the memory of his son had anything to do with a certain sickly young man Barnabas encountered by accident akin to fate, or if it affected their relationship in any way, shape, or form, no one knows, maybe not even the old pirate himself.

After all, he was a scheming and cold-hearted man, a true pirate. 


Settling back after finishing my bland fish soup, I stretched out on the ground, my gaze drifting upward to the vast expanse of sky above. While the meal wasn't exactly a culinary delight, it beat the monotony of stale bread, though it fell short compared to the even the bland military rations or even my teacher's pragmatic cooking, where flavor took a backseat to nutrition.

As I reclined, I reflected on the week that had passed since I washed ashore on this island. Amidst the tasks of hunting for food and crafting rudimentary shelter from the elements, I gleaned some insights about this place, albeit solely from the system's prompts. 

It was called "Tutorial Island," apparently serving as a beginner's guide of sorts. How and why it existed, and the manner of my arrival here, remained shrouded in mystery, but I opted not to dwell on such matters for the sake of my own sanity and peace of my mind.

Was I put on a predetermined path that would lead me to this island since I first opened my eyes to this world? Was I teleported to this place, or did the island materialize in a place where I would wash ashore? Questions of what, how, who, where, and when swirled in my mind, but I quickly shook them off, knowing that no good would come from dwelling on such things. 

Instead, I focused on the practicalities of survival, recognizing that indulging in speculation would likely lead me nowhere.

In addition to discovering the island's name, I gleaned details about its tropical climate, a stark contrast to the chilly North Blue. Despite its northern location, the island basked in warm weather, a fact I found rather strange. 

Moreover, I learned that the interior of the island teemed with creatures of increasing ferocity and strength the deeper one went, presenting a formidable challenge to anyone venturing into its heart. Thankfully, the shoreline and the immediate tree line offered respite from these menacing beasts, serving as a safe area of sorts.

My next tutorial mission, following the elimination of the Cutthroat pirates, tasked me with proving my strength by reaching the island's center. Then, I would earn the right to confront and hopefully defeat the sea king that prowled the shores, a feat necessary for ships to safely navigate these waters and whisk me back into civilization. 

Of course, such a perilous quest promised a reward: a random martial arts manual. While I questioned its utility, considering the comprehensive training I received from my teacher, my primary focus remained on escaping this island and embarking on my journey to explore the vast and treacherous world that awaited me.

As I reflected on the rewards from my completed quests, my mind drifted the Starborn Body Strengthening Manual, a gift I had received alongside the elixir that revitalized my body. The manual, living up to its grandiose title, held remarkable potential. 

Its breathing techniques, to be performed post-exhaustion, promised to double muscle growth, hasten healing, and alleviate fatigue, and increase muscle control. Such benefits were nothing short of miraculous. Yet, as impressive as all that sounded, I learned that this was merely the first stage of the manual. The next stage awaited me, but only once I accrued enough inspiration—whatever that entailed.

However, delving into the intricacies of inspiration and its acquisition was a task I had little interest in. Instead, I focused on the tangible benefits the manual offered and the challenges that lay ahead. With determination, I resolved to train diligently and press forward into the heart of the island.

"Well, no time like the present," I remarked with a smile, rising to my feet and setting my sights on the dense tree line ahead. "Might as well get started now," I declared, my grin widening as I strode purposefully toward the unknown.


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