
One piece : King Luffy

Luffy encountered a large vortex when he went to sea and drowned in a wooden barrel. A Blue Star Soul, took this luck by chance. Occupying Luffy's body, and becoming the new Luffy. As the Background king of the sea, Luffy originally thought this was the beginning of His plot armour maxed, but he never expected the big adventure system to come! On this day, the sun god awakened in the East Blue! “Savage monkeys from the Kingdom of Goa are rampant in the East Blue!” “The vicious straw hat pirates have entered the great route!” “The despicable straw hats have destroyed the island of justice!” “Admiral of the Straw Hat Fleet, Monkey D. Luffy is approaching the Chambord Islands!” “Your Majesty the Supreme Sun God, arrived at your faithful Marie Gioia today!” When Luffy completed the dominance of the great route, he faced the news interview. “You are the king of the world now, what do you want to say to the world?” “I would like to thank the crew members who accompanied me along the way. They supported me silently under my body.” The reporter looked behind Luffy, and the girls of Ying and Yan snickering at Luffy. He couldn't help imagining what it meant and scolding secretly in his heart. For support you can visit my ko-fi page https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato # think of this as a parallel world where Luffy's soul is replaced by someone with greater plot luck leading to such a tragedy thus occupying his body and becoming one. # Casual read #author -dolly and dot

Red_tomatoes · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 108 Heading To The Next Island, The Knights Of God Are Dispatched

Facing the choice given by Luffy, the four government agents were all silent.

As spies raised by the government since childhood, their loyalty to the World government is unquestionable.

"Don't rush to answer, I will kindly give you a few days to think."

Luffy said lightly.

He didn't care about the combat power of these people, but the identity of government agents might come in handy.


"Yes, Luffy Sama. Your faithful little brother has been waiting for your gift!"

Bartolomeo came over quickly.

"Prison these few people, and you will take care of them.


After simply dealing with these people, Luffy looked at Franky.

"Are you the one responsible for the transformation of our ship?"

"Such a big ship, how can one person change it into this within a month, the people from the Galley-LA...the two of the people just caught helped." Franky shook his head replied.

Rob Lucci and Kaku, the superficial identities of these two people in the capital of seven waters, are the foremen of the shipyard of Galley-LA Company.

"So they are government spies?" Franky frowned vaguely.

Being targeted by government spies...Of course he knows what the target is.

"The target is the blueprint for the Ancient Weapon Pluton hidden on you."

Luffy said it in one breath, which immediately surprised everyone.

"Huh? The blueprint for Pluton? The Ancient Weapon?" Usopp opened his mouth wide.

Franky's complexion changed, pretending to be puzzled:

"What are you talking about? Blueprints?"

"More than 800 years ago, the worst warship in the history of shipbuilding, the super battleship built by the capital of seven waters, is now known as Pluton, one of the three ancient weapons.

Luffy smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in the blueprint in your hand."

The Pluton that has been built by " as the original" is sleeping in Wanokuni, what does he want the blueprint for?

Even if he want to make it, he don't know how much manpower, material resources, and time it will cost.

The only force in the world that can satisfy these forces is the World Government.

Franky's face darkened.

He didn't understand why the straw hat Luffy would know these... Only he himself knows the secret of the blueprints!

Luffy suddenly yelled.

The next moment, Robin came over and twisted her waist and stuck to Luffy, with a charming expression all over her face.

"Captain Luffy~Slave... Robin is here~"

Luffy has a chill, dead ladyboy, fuck!

The next moment, he heard the authentic Robin's voice from behind.

"Six rounds of blossoms, slap combos!"

He saw six hands suddenly grew from "Robin"'s body, and they slapped herself in the face.

"Aww, aw! What are you doing, Robin! You are going to burn my face~!"

Mr. 2 was slapped into a pig's head, but he didn't dare to resist, and was finally beaten out of his disguise.

"Don't use my appearance to do such embarrassing things." Robin said solemnly: "As a woman, I feel very ashamed.

Mr.5 laughed loudly: "you deserve it, hahaha. Captain, Miss Robin, let me help you teach him a lesson."

Too lazy to talk to Mr. 5, Luffy turned to Robin and said:

"I'll take you to the iceberg and take care of the rest. Nami, is the record pointer ready?"

"The magnetic force here has been preserved for a week, but the pointer is a bit strange, and it is slightly biased downward."

Nami raised her left hand and showed Luffy the record pointer.

The needle pointing to the next island moved slightly downwards.

"The next island it points to is the paradise under the sea, The fish men island."

Luffy explained: "But before that, we have to cross the 'Devil's Triangle Sea Area' first, everyone, get ready, it's time to set sail!"

As he spoke, he wrapped one arm around Robin's waist, and with the other hand grabbed Franky who was trying to escape.

"I'll go to the Carrera Company and settle the 'remuneration' with the mayor!"

The next moment, amidst Franky's yell, he flew towards the central area of ​​the capital of seven waters.

Iceberg suffered some injuries in last night's attack.

At this time, the mayor's mansion.

He was leaning on the bed alone, with a bandage on his forehead, and looked out the window with a serious face.

He recalled the admonition Straw Hat Luffy had whispered in his ear a month ago.

[Your secretary is a government spy]

This sentence came true last night.

The government kept an eye on Pluton's blueprints, even placing spies at his side years ago.

"what to do?"

Iceberg was thinking, without any clue.

With his strength, how should he protect the capital of seven waters and that blueprint.

Last night, it was already clear, and the government must have gradually lost patience.

At this time, a figure rushed in from the window and rolled the curtains.

"Your Excellency Luffy?" Iceberg looked at Franky in Luffy's hand in astonishment, and his expression changed immediately.

"The blueprint is on him."

Luffy said straight to the point: "His craftsmanship is very good, I am going to take him away as a reward for you to rebuild the ship for me, and I will bear the pursuit for the Pluton on behalf of you.

"What?" Iceberg was shocked: "What do you mean?"

Robin showed a sudden look, "I see."

After a pause, she smiled and said, "Mayor Iceberg, our captain means that the blueprint will be handed over to you for safekeeping, and Franky, we will take him away. The government will focus on us, you, and your capital of seven waters will remain safe."

It's really Luffy's way, she thought.

Iceberg said in disbelief:

"Luffy Sama, how do you know this? Franky told you?"

"How could I say such a thing!" Franky resolutely denied: "Iceberg, it wasn't you who told him right?"

Both brothers looked at Luffy together.

Luffy said: "It's not important. I don't need to lie to you, this Nico Robin beside me, you have met before, she is interested in blueprints, I won't talk nonsense with you here."

There are blueprints, if Robin who can read ancient literature...it is indeed possible to resurrect Pluton!

Iceberg understood what he meant, and stood up from the bed at once:

"Why are you going to this extent for us?"

"I already told you, this is your reward for transforming the ship for me."

Huh, Franky finally came to his senses and pointed to himself: "That is to say, I have to get on your boat?"

"Just report to the government, Straw Hat Crew "robbed the excellent boatman Franky in the capital of seven waters." Luffy said with a half-smile: "How? is it feasible?"


Iceberg immediately knelt down and bowed his head in a big salute: "I will never forget this kindness, Luffy Sama!"

Franky was full of reluctance, and finally, under Iceberg's persuasion, he returned the drawings hidden in his body to Iceberg.

"So farewell, Mayor Iceberg."

After finishing the last thing, Luffy grabbed Franky, picked up Robin, and flew away from the window in the blink of an eye.

On the way back, Franky reluctantly accepted the reality.

He also understood that Iceberg and blueprints would be safe only if he got on the thief ship.

But he still decided to ask: "Since you have the power to resurrect Pluton, why don't you do it? Straw Hat Luffy!"

Luffy didn't answer.

Robin smiled and said: "Because my captain knows exactly where the real Pluton is.


Sure enough, a pirate is a pirate!

"Hahaha, let's go, leave the capital of seven waters early, if we don't leave, trouble will come to our door."

Luffy laughed, and led the two back to the docking point of the ship.

All three ships are ready to sail.

"Wait, at least let me say goodbye to my little brothers..."

"There's no need, you'll be back here before long."

Leaving Franky on the Merry, Luffy took Robin to the Sonny.

"Set sail!"

Under an order from the captain, the ship slowly left the capital of seven waters where it had been staying for a month.

Holy Land, Mariejois.


Five Elders slapped the table angrily.

They looked at today's "World Economic News" with extremely ugly faces.

"Morgans, the damn bastard, dares to write anything up!"

An elder, who was on crutches, said through gritted teeth.

The content on the news is too explosive.

The headline of the news read "Shock! Master of the Void Throne? Amazing Discovery of the Revolutionary Dragon!".

News content adopts a question-and-answer manuscript.

In Dragon's answer, a person named "Imu" was clearly named, and he claimed that this person is the master behind the World government and the master of Five Elders.

Below this sentence, Morgans also kindly explained to the readers what is the Void Throne, what is the Creator, and what is the Five Elders...

in short.

In the headquarters of the world government, in the depths of the City, there is a void throne that symbolizes "equality", which means that no one can rule over the country.

All kings are equal.

Celestial Dragons are gods and creators of the world, but they are also equal inside.

This is the concept promoted by the World government, and it is also the jurisprudence for this huge organization to rule the world.

Now this foundation has been shaken.

Five Elders didn't know what the kings of the major alliance countries would think after seeing this news, they just wanted to kill Morgans immediately.

"Notify the CPO immediately to stop the dissemination of this interview paper!"

Five Elders decisively issued an order: "Take Morgan under control! Quickly! If necessary, kill this person!"


The subordinates were ordered to go, and as soon as he left, Sengoku asked for an audience long after.

Five Elders, who were having a headache about this matter, also had to find time to meet Marshal Marine.

"What does this mean? Sengoku!"

Saint Saturn frowned at Sengoku's resignation letter.

"All responsibility for the Summit War rests with me. I am no longer qualified to be the Marshal. I request to step down."

Sengoku spoke with a calm face.

"What are you kidding, made a mess and now you want to slap your ass and leave it alone?"

"I nominate Admiral Aokiji as the next marshal."

Sengoku added.

Five Elders are furious, is this for the bastard Garp?

To take all the responsibility alone is to shield Garp.

An Elder holding sword, narrowed his eyes:

"Rejected. You can resign if you want to, first wipe your ass clean! And, regarding the next marshal, it is more appropriate to be Discussed properly.

"Akainu is too murderous." Sengoku insisted.

The old man with a goatee, his face turning black: "Pay attention to your tone, Sengoku, this is not something that should be decided by you!"

Hearing this, Sengoku didn't mention the next marshal.

"I will finish the follow-up. Now I will report three things to you."

"First, the original Seven Warlords of the Sea Straw Hat Luffy, and the original Seven Warlords of the Sea Gekko Moria, and Shichibukai Jinbei...These three Shichibukai have left, and now there are three vacancies.

"Second, in this war, Naval Headquarters suffered heavy losses. In order to restore order as soon as possible, I propose to expand the conscription and recruit naval soldiers from all over the world."

"Third, the reconstruction of Naval Headquarters."

Hearing this, Five Elders was silent for a moment.

It is indeed a little trouble to lose three Shichibukai at once.

Pacifist's plans aren't really finished yet, at least for now a new Shichibukai is needed.

As for the second and third things, it's not a big deal, it's just asking for money.

Conscription costs money, of course, and it still costs a lot.

"The money will be given to you, but what about the prisoners in Impel down? Hasn't the list been counted yet?"

"Already counting, fortunately Warden Magellan is alive, just missing a leg.

"That bastard, with such a serious prison escape, don't think that he can still be the Warden!"

The Five Elders were furious.

Nonstop trouble!

It's all trash!

Sengoku was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking:

"About Straw Hat Luffy.."

"I know" The blond Five Elders, Saint Peter interrupted him immediately: "Don't ask more about things you shouldn't know. You go, and someone will send you the money later."

Sengoku frowned slightly.

He wondered why the Five Elders valued Straw Hat Luffy so much.

Yesterday, after Whitebeard's death, Vice Admiral Tsuru was given orders to chase down the Straw Hats regardless of the escaped Ace and the escaped prisoner.

However, although he didn't get an answer from Five Elders, he also realized the problem.

Maybe Garp knows something, Sengoku decided to ask him directly.

"Then, I will take my leave."

Sengoku turned and left.

After he left, there was a sudden silence in the office for a long time.

"Don't let Straw Hat Luffy live!"

"The Straw Hat Crew should be in the capital of seven waters. No, that guy is not an idiot. He dared to turn his back and save people in the Summit War. This was obviously premeditated, which shows that this kid is very scheming!

"Let Akainu go?"

It was proposed, but rejected.

The Elder took out a phone bug and quickly dialed a number.

Not long after, an old man with a sword at his waist walked in.

He has a strange crescent haircut.

"I have something important for you."

Hearing this, the old man narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What important matter requires our God's Knights to dispatch?"

"You didn't even read yesterday's news, did you? Figarland Garling."

The Elder said in a deep voice: "During the Summit War, an unbearable traitor appeared. You don't have to ask any questions, just kill this person!"

As he spoke, he handed over a reward order to the other party.

Figarland Garling accepted the reward order, looked at the person in the photo, and fell into deep thought.

"Monkey D. Luffy....3.5 billion?"

"The actual combat power is comparable to Four Emperors! Don't be careless!"

"I know."

Discarding the arrest warrant casually, Figarland Garling turned and left.

The moment he turned around, the reward order floating in the air was cut into seven sections.

Five Elders was slightly taken aback.

This guy's sword skills have improved again?

As expected of the "King" who used to be active in the Valley of the Gods!

Supreme Commander of the Knights of God!

The real power of Celestial Dragons!