
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Bücher und Literatur
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 9

That is absolutely directly on the floor!

Not long after, Sanji poked his head out of the sea with the nauseous blue night, which was almost lethargic, and dragged it to the shore.

Lan Ye is a Devil Fruit Ability, and Sanji naturally thinks that he is also a drought duck.

Come to think of it, he is the only one in the Pirate World who is not afraid of the devil fruit ability of the sea.

"Hey, hello, are you okay?"

Sanji lightly patted Lan Ye's pale face, and saw that the other party's eyes gradually had focus, which made him relieved.

"If you don't like sashimi, I can make it steamed for you, to ensure the original flavor!"


The nausea that Lan Ye finally calmed down was stimulated by Sanji again.

This grandson's cliff is deliberate!

Hearing what Sanji was still talking in her ears, Lan Ye raised her hand without thinking about it as a repulsive force. The original intention was to push it a little away, so that Sanji quickly left the range where she could hear him.

Who would have thought that something went wrong this time.

Sanji was indeed pushed away, but it was used to fly!

Yes, it flew out!

Flying from the evil dragon paradise to the distance, it even flickered like a star.

At this distance, Lan Ye would never hear Sanji's voice again in a short time.

"This... this power..."

Lan Ye had forgotten his nausea in shock, and only after three or four seconds did he remember to check his own health, and found that he only had 6011 health points left.

In the previous action, it was only about 40 health points when it was full. In other words, the repulsion just now cost him at least 1,000 health points?

In other words, as long as he can increase the input value of his life value, then the output power will be proportionally expanded!

It seems that it is not difficult to increase the input health value.

As long as he wants to.

The problem is accuracy and time savings.

"It's just that this consumption is a bit big."

One shot of 1000 health points, he will get 8 shots even if he is dead, and fly 8 enemies. It's not as useful as the python.

"No! My repulsive attack range is 50 meters, so as long as it is a straight enemy within 50 meters, it is all within the range of action, and the area of ​​repulsive force I deployed just now to push Sanji away is close to the size of the Sanji people. If I reduce the size of the attack section, the consumption will definitely be reduced exponentially, and even... it can be used as a normal attack!"

"If it can condense the repulsive force into something like a pinhole, then it's okay to shoot it directly as a bullet."

For some reason, when he thought of the possibility of developing his abilities, Lan Ye subconsciously ignored the disgusting things he had before, instead he couldn't help but follow his train of thought to conceive.

As a result, he once again ignored the fact that this was a battlefield, immersed in his own world, and excitedly wanted to limit the repulsion to the size of the needle tip.

Unfortunately, after compressing it to the size of a finger, Lan Ye found that there was no way to compress it anymore.

It was like there was an inexplicable shackle that prevented him from moving on.

Although the size of the finger is large enough to penetrate the enemy, but simply using the repulsion force to make a bullet, then its attack range can only be limited to 50 meters, which is not what Lan Ye wants.

After several attempts to no avail, Lan Ye didn't get entangled and turned to another way of thinking.

This is one of his advantages, and he never wastes time by digging into the corner.

Since you can't directly use repulsion to make bullets, what about combining suction?

Naturally, the two cannot be directly combined, and they can only cancel each other out.

Lan Ye thought of using suction as the barrel, absorbing a large amount of material and compressing it, and then exploding repulsion as the driving force to fly the compressed material, forming a kind of external impact.

When thinking of compressed matter, it is easy to think of cheap and precious air!

The air cannon is so famous.

As an activist, Lan Ye immediately lowered his head to ponder the possibility of this idea.

A calf is not afraid of tigers, he directly started experiments on himself.

Around the base of the finger, to ten centimeters in front of the finger, Lan Ye used repulsion to create a hollow cylinder of gravitational force inward. A little bit of force means that the finger is a little sore. She immediately understands that if she continues to apply force, her finger will be affected. Compressed into photos together.

Modifications were made immediately so that the end of the gravitational barrel was put on one's fingertips, and a layer of repulsive force was formed on the fingertips to counteract the compression of gravitation, and then the output of gravitation was increased.

Immediately, Lan Ye felt that there was a sound of air current in front of him, and the whirring wind pressure blew the ends of his hair.

Although there is no way to see it, Lan Ye can vaguely feel that something is indeed forming in the gravity barrel of his fingertips, and it is quickly blocked in it. Nine seconds later, there is a kind of "plugging" in the gravity barrel. It feels like "full", but under the continuous action of gravity, there is a lot of air trying to penetrate, which makes the gravity barrel tend to collapse.

Immediately, Lan Ye removed the gravitational effect, and instead continued to use the fingertip holding layer to launch this ten-centimeter-long "air cylinder."

Lan Ye wanted to accumulate to the limit of fingertip repulsion before firing. Unexpectedly, it was only a second later. Because there was no gravitational restraint, the "air cylinder" in the gravity barrel escaped from the barrel and became unrestrained again. Air.

"So, you must control the gravitational barrel and the fingertip repulsion layer at the same time, and shoot directly after the accumulation is full."

"Also, ten centimeters of bullets are a waste. One centimeter of the gravity barrel is enough. This can also save a lot of time for compressed air."

Thinking about this, the gravitational barrel shrank to one centimeter long, and then compressed air and accumulated the fingertip holding layer at the same time. It only took one second to complete the accumulation process. Although the fingertip repulsion layer has not continued to be full of power, it is still Had to release the repulsive force to fly the air bullet.

At the same time, there seemed to be someone shouting in his ears, Lan Ye ignored it, and he had already forgotten that there were two big bosses fighting now.

Quietly, a finger-sized hole appeared out of thin air on the sea in front of Lan Ye, and it extended towards it, and was soon filled back by other seawater.

Lan Ye's eyes lit up immediately!

"There is no sound, just like a silencer... Uh... what's the matter with the red in the sea? Well, no, there is a red card!"

Obviously he was only experimenting with a new ability. Why would there be an inexplicable red liquid floating in the sea and a red card?

"Is it possible to reward yourself for developing new abilities?"

Just when Lan Ye didn't know why, he put his hands on his shoulders, and then he involuntarily lifted into the air, finally stopping his figure with Wukong, looking up, Luffy's hands were still rebounding On the way.

Was he dragged and thrown away just now?

Lan Ye was fascinated.

What the hell is going on?