
One Piece : Kill Roger At the Beginning

The Battle of the Valley of the Gods ended, the Rocks Pirate disbanded and everyone thought it was over. Until, a man named Rocks·D·Will came out of Impel Down! He vowed to take revenge on every single person who led to his tragedy. Defeat Kaido and Kill Oden in Wanokuni. Kill Roger to declare the start of his journey in this world. He declared to the world that Rocks has returned and this era, is called Rocks. Watch how Will conquers the world of One Piece with the help of his On- Hook system. **PS- Roger won't literally be killed in the first chapter. The title only means that killing Roger will truly mark the beginning of his journey. ******************* Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime und Comics
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149 Chs

Sengoku: Are You Threatening Me?

"Who is he?"

Tokikake asked beside her. 

The other marines also looked over to find out the identity of the newcomer. 

Gion shook her head slightly: "I don't know!"

Everyone else: "..."

Everyone was speechless, but they didn't say anything. After all, from her reaction just now it really seemed like she was familiar with him. 


Doflamingo standing in the crowd chuckled, looking at the sudden appearance with interest.

"Interesting, really interesting, it seems that today's affairs will not end so easily!"

Mihawk in the crowd stared at Will with eagle-like eyes.

Most of his attention was on Enma and Ame no Habakiri on his waist. Intuition told him that the man above was very strong, a powerful swordsman!

The opponent's realm is likely to be a great swordsman!

And it wasn't just the two of them who had the same reaction, all the strong people present felt the unusual aura from Will.

Meanwhile Will, who is the person involved, looked at Roger standing opposite him. 

"Oh, it's you, brother!"

Roger smiled brightly. He recognized Will, even though he had only glimpsed briefly at him before, he still remembered him.


His smile froze!

He saw two knives on Will's waist, two knives that shouldn't be here.

Those two are the knives of his former crew member Kozuki Oden!

"How come they are in your hands?!"

But instead of answering him, Will looked around the audience, first looking at the Marine camp.

"Mr. Sengoku, it's been such a big mess anyway, you won't mind if I take up a little more time, right?"

"Bastard, come down quickly, now is not the time for you to mess around!"

Sengoku roared, he was almost going to explode in anger. Right now he only wants to say one thing to this stranger. 

He minds very much!

Take some time? Then where is the majesty of marine? 

Will shook his head helplessly: "Mr. Sengoku, why refuse. At least listen to what I have to say and maybe you will be grateful to me later on!"

Saying that, he looked back at Roger.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Rocks·D·Will, Rocks.D.Xebec's nephew and I just came out of Impel down not long ago!"


"It's him!"

"This bastard, he actually dares to appear here?"

"Hehehe, interesting, really interesting!"

Among those who have previously heard of Will's name, all had different reactions. 

This is the man who was able to successfully escape from the impel down prison.

It is said that Golden Lion was able to achieve the achievement of "A day trip to Impel down" because of this man too. 

"Asshole, you killed Hilde!"

Garp's furious voice overwhelmed with anger resounded loudly in the silenced scene.

Will turned his head to look and said sarcastically: "Oh, it's Mr. Garp!"

"Are you talking about Impel down's warden Hilde?" Will nodded calmly: "Yes, I killed him. "

"After all he tortured me in Impel down for fourteen years. So now that I paid him off with his life, that's fair, isn't it?"

"Ah!" Garp became even angrier when he heard the words, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

"Hilde has fought for justice all his life..."

"Mr. Garp!"

Will interrupted Garp's speech with a loud voice, and also stopped him who was on the verge of going berserk and about to strike.

"If you want to stand on the side of justice and judge me morally, then you don't have to!"

"Because you can't represent justice!"

"Because if you really stand for justice..."

His eyes became indifferent, and his tone was faint: "When I needed justice, why didn't you stand up for me?"

"So let me tear down this mask of hypocritical justice that you have donned in front of the masses. The reason why you are so angry is because Hilde happens to be your friend."

"Otherwise, why aren't you angry for all those jailers I killed along with him?"


Will pointedly said: "There are still some things about you that I will disclose later. I hope that by then, you can still maintain your great and righteous image!"

Will revealed a lot of information in just a few words, which hooked the attention of everyone and they hoped that the next development will not disappoint them.

"Damn it, shut up, it's not up to you to slander Marine's image!"

Sengoku naturally couldn't let Will continue speaking things that can tarnish Marine's just image and rebuked angrily. 

But for Sengoku's fury, Will simply expressed disdain:

"Mr. Sengoku, there is a famous saying that pure gold is not afraid of fire. "

"As long as you didn't do anything wrong, you can sit up straight confidently. Why are you afraid of what others will say?"

Sengoku was speechless, and then said coldly, "What are you trying to do?"

"Resolve some personal grievances!"

Will turned to look at Roger:

"If I miss the chance today, I won't have another chance in the future!"

Taking a deep breath, Will declared coldly. 

"Roger, the purpose of my coming here today is you. One is to witness the change of the old and new eras, and the other is to settle the grievances between the Roger Pirates and Rocks and me."

Roger's expression was gloomy, and a chill permeated his body.

From the moment he saw Enma and Ame no Habakiri, his heart had already sunk to the bottom of the valley.

"You killed Oden?"

Will nodded slightly: "That's right, after I came out of Impel down, I went straight to New World. There I met Spencer in Dominica and then Oden in Wano country."

"You also killed Spencer?"

Roger glared angrily, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, and his aura locked on Will, like the gaze of an evil spirit from hell.

Will didn't speak, instead he took off the packages he had been carrying and opened one of them.

It was Spencer's head!

Roger's body froze, and the terrifying aura also became disordered.

Will calmly opened the second package and it had Kozuki Oden's head.

This time, all eyes were on these two heads. And many people present recognized their identities.

But it was precisely because of this that they were even more horrified.

Although Spencer was not that impressive but Kozuki Oden was a real monster!

A monster not inferior to Rayleigh and Jabba!

Such a strong man actually died in the hands of Will!

It was also at this moment that several powerful auras locked on to his body.

Neither from Roger standing in front of him, and nor from the Marine.

It came from the crowd, a few people wearing cloaks whose faces could not be seen clearly.

But at this time, and in this case.

Anyone who can have this kind of reaction, except for the people of the Roger Pirates, there was no other possibility!

"Bastard, why did you kill them!"

Roger stared at Will with murderous eyes, and his tone was so cold that even the temperature around him plummeted.

Will looked at him without fear, as if nothing happened.

Even if the opponent is one of the strongest people in this sea, even if the opponent can kill himself!


Will murmured in a low voice. In fact, he sometimes thinks this too, does it make sense to do this by himself. Calculating it carefully, the loss clearly outweighs the gain.

But if something is not done about this matter, he will likely go crazy.

After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth slowly.

The people below were also waiting for the answer to this question. There were probably only a few high-level executives in Marine who didn't want Will to answer this question. 

"You shouldn't have forgotten the incident in the Valley of the Gods that year, right?"

"Will, shut up!" Sengoku snarled, his breath began to surge, and it looked like he might make a move in the next moment.

Will squinted at him sarcastically, "Mr. Sengoku, why did you stop me?"

"There must be an end to this matter. Believe me, if I'm unhappy in my heart, then when the time comes, it will be you Marines who will end up unhappy!"

"Are you threatening me?" Sengoku's face was extremely gloomy.

"Oh no no no, I don't dare, I'm just stating a fact!"

Will said word by word. 


Shoutout to my new Patreons

* Alejandro Delgado

* Ninedust

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