
One Piece: Kenpachi Zaraki

(Cover image is not mine, alongside Bleach and One Piece, and all rights belong to their original owners) Strong, what does it mean to be strong, is it overwhelming power, or mastery over the abilities one possesses? Is a combination of both or none at all, perhaps it's something else a deep primal instinct within one's soul. Bah who cares, a fight a fight is something meant to be enjoyed as a clash of the strong to see who is stronger. That's all there is to it, not a battle of wits or fists but something between two individuals thirsting for more power, to use their power. So even in another world, I'll fight again, for that is my nature, the nature of the person people call an animal, a beast. So bring it on world, show me everything you've got, and let me feel the thrill of a good fight. (Hope I captured the spirit of Kenpachi, sorry if it's not fully accurate to the character I'll try my best while still flushing out my own story)

Dr_Insane001 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Kenpachi Zaraki Vs. The Kraken

Jumping back a bit, I lifted my sword getting ready for a downward side swing before the other tentacles could crush me. Slashing down quickly, I jumped upward as the remaining tentacles came crashing together colliding all at once. Landing on top of the pile, I held on to one getting closer to the thing's main body. However, that didn't stop the thing from readjusting its tentacles aiming right for my back. 

I bent down dodging the first one, and then I repositioned myself and slashed upward taking the tentacle tip off. It kept going though and once it was completely over my head I already knew what it was going to do. It quickly swung down trying to squish me underneath its tentacle. Unfortunately for them, I wasn't as stupid as they thought so I went to the side and stuck my sword in. 

I was surprised that this thing wasn't crying out in pain anymore, after all when I first struck at it, it screamed in pain and came to the surface. Now however it was calmer, ignoring all the pain and its injuries. Focusing entirely on me, trying to squash instead of retreating and that was just my type of fight. Neither side running, neither side trying to just two beings clashing against one another regardless of the pain. 

Ripping my sword out, I began to run across its side towards the head of the thing with a big smile on my face. Although it wouldn't allow this without a fight and it began sending the rest after me, trying to squish me. Nearly got me a couple of times too, each time it would strike I would either slash at it taking off more parts of an already injured tentacle, or slashing at the uninjured tentacles. 

Getting closer to the thing's head, it started going faster trying its best to squish me letting me get a tiny bit more serious. As I ran across the tentacle, I decided to slice a huge section of it off, lifting my sword I swung down putting my back into it. Having to stop for a moment to fully slice into cutting a massive chunk off the tentacle. This time I got a reaction out of the beast, as it screamed out in pain temporarily stopping its attack.

I then use this chance to launch myself forward, using the stump of a tentacle as a platform alongside my lower body strength. Sailing across the sky, I saw that the beast recovered and saw me heading straight for its face. In response, they charge forward probably wanting to headbutt me. 

So I decided to do the same and lowered my sword to the side readying myself to clash heads with the thing. As we collided together, I felt a surging pain spread across my body which was a good indication that doing that wasn't a good idea. Before I fell into the sea and probably get caught by its tentacles, I stabbed my sword into it holding on tightly. It then began failing around wildly probably trying to buck me off. So to get a better hold on its head, I used my free head to grab onto its skin. 

As it thrashed around, I could see one of its tentacles coming right toward me so I let my free hand go and tore my sword out of its head. Then before I slid off, I lept off towards the charging tentacle going a bit over it, and landed atop it, as it was moving towards its face. Once it noticed that I wasn't on it, it tried its best to stop the tentacle, but it was a bit too late, and soon enough they clashed with one another. 

Both were pushed back, and using this chance I lept back towards their head going more towards one of its eyes. Stabbing my blade into it, I began to climb up it, taking a stab at it each time I moved up getting closer to its right eye. Soon enough it regained its footing and began looking around not knowing I was underneath its eye. By the time it figured out where I was, it was too late and I stabbed down into its right eye taking it out. 

So just like that it was back to screaming in my pain, as I began to further chop into it going deeper in. It didn't take long to form a small but sizeable wound in its face right below its now gone right eye. Then I started to expand it, eventually creating a sizeable place for me to stand in. Now most organisms would've passed from blood loss or even be dead by now but I could tell that this thing could still keep swinging. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see teh tentacles getting closer to me, probably to try and grab me, crushing me in the process. 

So I kept on chopping away going deeper in than before but more towards where I think its brain is. Putting more strength into my swings, I began to chop away faster making a more sizeable hole in it. I then reached a bone-like structure, that I was sure was probably called something else but I would refer to it as a bone for right now. Putting my arm back, I launched it forward making it act like a spear instead of a sword, and piercing the bone. 

Breaking through it, I saw its brain and proceeded to slash only once, cutting it in two. It then shook, stopping all of a sudden probably dead at this point and before it could crash into the water I jumped down the hole I made running out of it towards the outside. Seeing that I was quickly approaching teh water, I jumped out of it jumping from tentacle to tentacle towards the still-moving red bandana ship. Reaching the last tentacle, I saw that I was still a bit away from the ship itself. 

So I crouched down putting a lot of my remaining strength into my lower body and jumped towards the ship. Crashing into the side of the ship, I shook it quite a bit scaring the very much terrified either from the thing I just killed or just from seeing me and it fight, either one worked. Then sitting down in the former captain's chair, I looked at the body of the falling beast and remembered something.

"Ah, man I forgot to grab some of the meat"

please leave some powerstones and a review to show your support, and I don't own One Piece or Bleach and they belong to their respective owners

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