
One piece: Journey of a lifetime

Amy_221 · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Here I was, standing in front of the one man that I never thought that I would meet. He had dark skin and wore a white suit. He had a small grey beard and freckles adorning his face. This was Morgan Freeman, or at least someone that looked an awful lot like him.

We sat opposite eachother in what could only be described as a white space with only a desk, two chairs and a filing cabinet to the side. I had only one explanation for all this, but....

"You can stop monologuing to yourself now." Said the man with an amused smile on his face, almost as if he knew something that I didnt.

"Ah, sorry about that..." I said with a sheepish smile. He just waved me off.

"No worries. Since you deduced quite a bit from your earlier thoughts, can I assume that you figured out why youre here?"

"Ah, yeah. I guess most dont survive being shot in the face."

"No, no they dont."

"So, what happens now? Is there some heaven and hell that Im being judged for, or are we just existing in this space now?" I asked a bit worried.

"Ah, a good question. You see, In the entirety of existence, there are certain rules that must be followed. One of them is the law of death that dictates that there can be no true immortality. Even I must die one day."

"So what law did I break without my knowledge?" I asked with my head slumping forward and releasing a sigh.

"I think you misunderstood me. You havent broken any of the laws set in place, rather there is a law that dictates the consept of rebirth and so on. Every living being has to go through two lives, and when they both are lived fully, only then can you enter elysium." I perked up at that. A second chance at life? Yes please.

"So where am I going in time?"

"Again, a bit of an misunderstanding. You see, recently we started to implement the possibility of people enetering their favorite movies or even cartoons and so on. Since this is a new consept, we often give out a couple of favors, or wishes if you want."

"So kind of like those fanfictions and all that?"

"Precisely." He said with a knowing smile while looking in a certain direction.

"So how does this work? I guess that I cant exactly do whatever I want, so whats the catch?"

"Smart one. You are right, there is a catch. I will state a few rules. First, you cant choose the world. Its chosen by compiling a list of your favorite fictional worlds and then randomized."

"Got it, so I cant say I want to enter Naruto, but there is a chance that its on the list but Harry Potter gets chosen instead. Whats next?"

"Next is appearence and gender. You might be a man now, but its random wether you become male or female, as well as what appearence you might have. But as a little favor from me for being a good sport about it all, I will make sure that you at least have the looks of someone you know of."

"Got it. And thanks. Im a bit scared about the chance of loosing my little brother though." I laughed warily.

"Yeah, even I had to do a double take when the others suggested that one. But on to the final rule for now. You have a maximum of five wishes according to karma and all that jazz. You got four. Lets get them over with after figuring out what world you got."

"Got it. Spin the wheel I guess."

He did just that. Behind him appeared one of the wheels that you normally wouldve seen on wheel of fortune. I noticed multiple names on there. Naruto, Harry Potter, Hunger games. I shuddered at the last one. Its a good world to read about, but just thinking of living that kind of life.... Morgan as I have begun referring him as, started the wheel which spun for nearly a minute before it started to slow down. I could see it moving slower and slower, passing multiple worlds that I actually wouldnt mind. Divergent, Maze runner, Avatar, and finally it stopped. One Piece.

"Well shit...." I couldnt help but curse a bit under my breath.

"You tell me. I guess I can only wish you luck and hope that you choose some wishes that can help you survive."

"Yeah... thanks." I replied. I had some choices to make regarding my wishes. What would I need, and what do I want? I had a sudden bout of inspiration.

"Yeah, I got it."

"Speak up so I can get this done. Youre not the only one I have to see today."

"Sorry sorry. First off I want to have Shusui. I always loved that sword."

"Easy one. I`ll make sure you find it as a kid."

"Next up, I want a logia never seen before."

"Again, easy. You will get it with the blade."

"I guess for the last two I want skills. You know, knowledge about how to swing a blade and the skill to use haki. Of course I will train them, but just the knowledge would be nice to have since I probably would be mostly self-taught."

"Hmm, you have a point. Fine, I will give you the know-how on haki and will grant you the sword style from another of those anime, the hiten mitsurugi-ryu."

"Isnt that the one used by Kenshin!?" I asked in shock.

"Indeed. Now, we dont have any more time. Know that you will be born about the same time as the protagonist."

"Yeah, thanks."

"No worries, have a nice life." He said with a smile on his face and waved at me. I could feel myself slowly fall into a deep slumber while noticing some particles rising from my body. It all went dark after that.

" *Sigh* I sincerely hope I wont see him for quite a while. Or should I say.... her?" He started to laugh hard about the thought, thinking how the newest inhabitant of the one piece world react to his missing brother.

"That never gets old." He commented before going back to his paperwork.