
One Piece: It Bites!

[Not mine, I'm translating it] Cover not mine Original Author: Xomniac Sea Kings, seasickness, sunburn, 95% genocidal Marines and a million other ways to die. It's official: Being in an anime sucks... Noooo, I think it could be worse. I mean, where else could I sail with the future pirate king?

Joyboy2023 · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 8.1

I stopped abruptly at the entrance to the room where the party was taking place, looking in amazement at the chaos that had engulfed it.

To begin with, one of the walls of the room simply disappeared, allowing me to see a fairly large crowd of armed assassins trying - I emphasize trying - to restrain a rather bloated Luffy. The task was overwhelming due to Luffy flailing his arms and roaring furiously, throwing the bounty hunters in different directions. Luckily, I saw Miss Monday lying in the middle of the street with a rather painful looking dent in her skull. Unfortunately, not only could I not see Sanji and Zoro, but I could also hear the telltale sounds of them fighting in the distance. I had a very bad feeling that I knew what caused it.

As for Usopp and Nami, they both did quite well against the dozen or so agents trying to capture them, with Nami using her staff quite effectively and Usopp using a variety of ammunition on the bounty hunters thus captured.

I contemplated the ensuing battle, wondering where to start...


I was pulled out of my thoughts by Usopp's warning hitting my ears, forcing me to act first and think later - I fell to my knees. As a result, the lead ball with which he shot at me whistled high above my head and crashed into the chest of a man who was obviously creeping up on me.

"Soundbite, keep your eyes open, okay?" I grumbled under my breath.

"Yes... DODGE!" Soundbite suddenly barked.

Acting on instinct, I rolled forward, barely dodging the blade that had stuck into the wooden door frame where I had been squatting moments before. I struggled to my feet... right in front of another bounty hunter.

I didn't think twice about it. There was no time to think, no time to come up with something similar to a plan either, just straight, pure action. And with that, I slammed my free fist—thumb outward, clenched tightly, but not too tightly—right into the guy's nose. When he backed away, I followed him, kicking him in the knee. The joint crumpled from the blow, and the man began to fall, and ended up hitting him on the back of the head with a club. Judging by the way he plopped down, he was definitely out of action.


Acting on Soundbite's warning, I swung my club, barely stopping the sword from coming down on me and splitting my skull open like a rotten melon, while holding the metal pole with both hands. I tensed under the pressure for a moment before quickly raising my leg and kicking the guy twice in the shin. His loss of balance gave me enough time to break through his defenses and elbow him in the face, then quickly slam him right across the forehead.

I looked around in search of where to go next...


Unfortunately, Soundbite was a moment too late as a thin, feminine arm wrapped around my neck and pressed something to my temple.

- Hey, you two, give up on good terms, or your friend will...


"Grgh..." muttered the woman, abruptly pulling away from me. Looking down, I saw a large bump rapidly blooming on her forehead.

I sighed in relief as I took a step back, standing back to back with Nami. "Thanks for saving me, I had to- GRGH!" I pushed the guy who got too close away with a furious kick. - be faster!

- No need - rah! "Reproach yourself!" Nami managed to answer. -We all make mistakes. Honestly, two people is pretty impressive, especially without anything heavier than your stupid club.

"H - HEY!" I screamed, noticing a good moment to bump my shoulder. "I want you to know that tactical batons are both strong, comfortable, and have been used in many cases of police brutality!" I lowered the weapon to the elbow of my grabbed hand, and the resulting crack sounded very reassuring.

"Whatever." Nami's voice gave the impression of rolling her eyes in good-natured irritation. -Anyway, you're doing great in your first fight. I thought you said you'd never fought before?

- This is true! But I have a demon younger brother in my homeland," I explained, frowning at the thought of the little shit. -He had a penchant for hair pulling and other forms of dirty play. I just thought it would be better to start emulating him in this aspect. Honestly, it works...! - I swung my baton and slammed the guy - the second one I knocked out, to be honest - in the throat before grabbing him by the hair and kneeing him in the face. - better than I hoped!

"Yes, and I think I know why," Nami grumbled. -These guys are supposedly real professionals! They are used to people with real skills, not amateurs who attack them like mad dogs!

"Mad dog, huh?" I snorted as a slightly evil grin spread across my face. -I think I can come to terms with this...


I cut myself off with a squeal and dived to the floor, followed by Nami and Usopp.


A moment later, a long, elastic limb flew into the air above our heads, knocking over the remaining agents in one decisive blow.

I lay prone for a second before I dared to look up and was shocked to see a multitude of unconscious bodies. -Okay... I guess that's possible.

"Not when we're in the line of fire..." Nami growled darkly.

"Oh..." Luffy sighed heartily, walking up to us and patting his flat stomach. -Nothing helps digestion like a good fight. That was great!


Luffy blinked in confusion. -But everything is fine with you, isn't it?

"ONLY BECAUSE WE KNOW YOU TOO WELL, DONKEY!" Nami and Usopp said furiously.

"That was a little reckless, Luffy," I agreed.

- Has it broken off the thread?!

Luffy blinked for a moment before giggling and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. -Hmm... yes, you're right. Sorry guys.

- At least you're willing to admit it... - I sighed tiredly before looking at Nami. -Should I ask where Zoro and Sanji are?

As I had feared, she jerked her thumb toward the distant sounds of combat. -Zoro knocked out this large woman, Miss Monday, when she tried to crush Usopp's head with her fist. Unfortunately, this provoked Sanji to attack him. They went there and still haven't returned.

"Cool..." I said sadly. I thought for a moment before speaking. -Okay, considering the element of surprise has just been lost, do you mind if I give my opinion on what the hell we should do next?

Luffy shrugged with a wide smile. -Certainly!

Nami repeated after the captain. -Why not.

Usopp looked around warily and nodded nervously. -Ll... okay. You were right about this town, so...

"Thank you," I sighed with relief. -Okay, here's what I think: Usopp, find a convenient roof and act as support, knock out anyone who shows their head. Do you think you can handle it?

Usopp thought about my request for a moment, then gave me a thumbs up and nodded decisively. -Y-yes! Of course I can?! Who do you take me for, huh? I'm great...

"Great Captain Usopp, yes, yes, yes, we know, we know." I rolled my eyes impatiently. -Then get on with it, okay?

"Right, right!" Usopp yelled and ran to look for the nearest ladder or stepladder.

- Nami... - I turned my attention to the red-haired girl. "You and I will engage in one of the few types of pirate activities that I think you like."

"Really?" Nami raised an eyebrow doubtfully. -And what?

I grinned and clapped my hands hard. - Robbery of everything that is not nailed down, and even what is nailed down!

I could practically see the bellies flashing in Nami's eyes. -You caught my attention.

"Nice!" Soundbite grinned.

Ignoring the snail, I continued, "I think Luffy managed to knock out most of these guys, and the rest are probably either heading to the mountains or caught in the crossfire of Zoro and Sanji." Consequently, this leaves an entire crime town abandoned and ripe for plunder. I, like you, hear opportunity knocking on the door, right?

Nami allowed herself to laugh girlishly as she nodded eagerly.

Luffy blinked in confusion and pressed his hands to his ears. -I hear nothing...

"A figure of speech, Luffy," Nami and I answered in unison.

"Anyway," I continued. -You will go in the direction of Sanji and Zoro and, if you can, subdue them and send them back so that they tie up these guys and they don't break out. I'll go in the opposite direction and see what I can get. And keep your eyes peeled, okay? There might be some vagabonds hiding here and there, so there's a good chance they'll try to attack us. Understood?

"It will be done, brother!" Nami chirped before galloping away - galloping away! - away.

I blinked in a daze, trying to comprehend what I had just seen. -Oh...okay...that was alarming...

"I feel uneasy..." Soundbite shuddered violently.

"I haven't been this scared since the last time Grandpa came to visit me..." Luffy swallowed loudly.

I shuddered, remembering the presence of my captain. To be precise, I suddenly realized what I was saying in his presence.

"Um, captain, listen..." I began awkwardly. -S... Listen, about all these "plans"... I... I understand that this is really your team. Eh... if I went out of line or something...

- Cross.

I shut my mouth, not because Luffy was angry... but because he was smiling.

- I can not cook.

I blinked in confusion, not hearing the continuation. -Mm...?

"I can't predict the weather," Luffy continued, still smiling serenely. "I don't know how to swing a sword and I don't know how to lie." His grin became even wider, revealing his teeth. -And I'm not that smart.

I tried in vain to piece everything together. -I... Luffy, I don't think I understand.

"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned and scratched under his nose. -Oh yeah, that's not what you're here for, is it? OK. We'll talk about this on Merry.

"Okay... okay?" Contrary to what Luffy thought, I guessed what he was talking about, but I didn't understand why. How does this apply in this context?

"Anyway... weren't you going to tell me what your plan was?"

I flinched at this reminder. -Ah!.. R-right, right... Luffy-!..



"Ggh!" Laffey grunted as he was suddenly jerked forward by several elongated lumps that flew out of his chest. The lumps remained for another second before Luffy growled and twisted violently, the lumps curling back up and shot flying out of his back. Luffy let out a furious roar.

"HEY, CAREFUL BASTARDS, THAT WAS DANGEROUS!" my captain roared, turning around and rushing in the direction of the voice and the bullets.

I blinked in surprise as my mind snapped back to what had just happened. "Hit them..." I expressed myself intelligently.

Soundbite chuckled as he watched Luffy roar away. -Crush God little Hulk!

"It will be later..." I muttered under my breath. -So far, only pathetic Advanced Agents.

"STOP TALKING!" Soundbite barked, jerking his head forward. -FORWARD! INTO THE FIGHT!

"That's what I was going to do..." I obeyed and went forward. -But I'll go slowly. Right now, we need to talk.

The transponder snail blinked in confusion. -YES?

"Yes." I fixed him with a look. "We have something to talk about." I pointed my thumb over my shoulder. -I've been ambushed twice, Soundbite. Not once, but twice.

"I'M INNOCENT!" Soundbite protested.

"No, I'm guilty!" I firmly accused. -Soundbite, you have phenomenal hearing. You should have heard that guy outside the bathroom door, you should have warned me about him. Why didn't you do this?

The snail hesitated for a moment before timidly turning away. -I didn't listen...

"And because of this we were almost killed."

Soundbite wanted to say something, but he bit his lip and turned away embarrassed.

I continued walking for a while before stopping and sighing. -Soundbite... listen, forgive me for my rudeness. I understand that you are young and not used to this, but... - I spread my arms and pointed at the city around us. -We're on the Grand Line. We can't afford to be carefree anymore, none of us. I'm going to train under Zoro, and honestly? You must train too. Or at least practice. Your powers will grow with you, at least as long as your body grows. Until then, all you can do is improve how you use your powers. No more and no less. Understand?

Soundbite was silent for a long moment as his eyes rolled back and forth on his eyestalks before he looked at me with pure determination, nodding his head firmly. -Understood.

I smiled and patted his shell encouragingly. -I'm glad to hear that. And I know where you can start. Remember those tramps I mentioned? They could still be out there somewhere.

Soundbite nodded, although he looked confused.

- I want you to hear them. Find them by their heartbeat, find them by their breathing, find them by talking, find them somehow. Find everyone who is left in this city who is not part of our team, and tell me or Nami or anyone else if these people are approaching them. Do you think you can do this for me?

Soundbite frowned, looking left and right thoughtfully, and slightly gritting his teeth. -It's difficult. You need to concentrate... FOCUS VERY HARD... FITTING OUT THE SOUNDS...

I shrugged helplessly. -Sorry, Soundbite, but as I said before we headed to Reverse Mountain. Nothing worthwhile is given for nothing. I'm not asking if it's easy or hard, I'm asking if you can do it or not.

"I'll... try..." Soundbite ground his teeth before glaring at me. - If you dare to quote Yoda, you will die.

I grinned and raised my hands in surrender.

- Not a word.

- Agreed. And now... quiet.

I fell silent and began to walk from house to house, opening doors and checking the insides. Be that as it may, this enterprise turned out to be very profitable. Every dwelling I inspected was quite spartan in nature, and they had a considerable stash of money hidden somewhere inside, sometimes in closets, other times under mattresses, and so on and so forth. Luckily, I managed to find a nice big burlap bag to put the bills in, and about two hours and a dozen houses later, I was lugging around what must have been half of Luffy's reward in cash.

I must admit that it was quite a clever system; If the residents of Whiskey Peak pooled their bounties into a single vault, there was always the chance that someone would get greedy and commit a robbery. Reckless, considering the Unlucky and other such threats, but still a chance. But by spreading wealth throughout the city, no one person will have too much money. It's likely that Igarama and Vivi's teams had a larger stake due to them being agents, but their power and position made any thought of stealing from them suicidal at best.

As I walked around the house, Soundbite was uncharacteristically silent, his eyes darting back and forth under clenched lids. It was not difficult to guess that the snail was trying his best to concentrate, trying not to lose sight of those bounty hunters remaining in this city.

Ultimately, this concentration paid off when Soundbite suddenly opened his eyes just as I was about to leave my fifteenth house. "Wait," he hissed. -Head hunter.

I immediately froze, my hands were a few centimeters from the door handle of the slightly open door. "Where?" I whispered.

- Down the street. He has a pistol with him.