

Jonathan a fearless and decisive space pirate, leads a life filled with danger and adventure in the depths of space. However, during a daring escape, he finds himself in a completely unknown world: the universe of One Piece. Amidst the enveloping shadows and the inescapable oppression of the new world, Jonathan becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and chaos, defying his destiny. Someone has emerged to challenge fate. "I would rather let the world down than be let down by the world!" "Destiny, you're quite funny. Sending your beloved envoys to kill me? You make me laugh. So come on, make my quest for freedom even more difficult. In the end, I'll be the one laughing." This is the story of a former galactic pirate on a quest for freedom. Since the heavens cursed him as an invader, he will be that invader. (accepting devil fruit ideas for jonathan to eat) Author's note: English is not my native language, so I apologize for any grammatical or linguistic errors. I write this purely for fun. You can read more of my stories if you'd like. I don't promise to update this every day or every week. As I said, I write purely for fun.

Dramaturgia · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs



The naval base eagerly awaited the arrival of the new recruits. It was a bustling morning where veteran sailors were organizing themselves to welcome the new members who would soon join the ranks of the Marines.

Rengoku, with confident strides, navigated the busy corridors. His eyes swept the environment, capturing the bustle and enthusiasm permeating the base's atmosphere. He headed towards Garp's office, aware of the imminent arrival of the new sailors.

Entering the office, Rengoku found Garp engrossed in a stack of reports, sunlight flooding the room. A warm smile lit up Garp's face upon seeing Rengoku.

"Excited about the new recruits, huh?" greeted Garp, raising his gaze from the papers.

"Yes, I can't wait to meet these new faces and talents," replied Rengoku, sitting down, ready to discuss the recruits further.

Garp leaned back in his chair, contemplating whether to talk about the extraordinary find he had made.

"I found a talented boy in East Blue. It's something extraordinary. This rookie seems to have an immense will to protect everyone at any cost. I've seen a bit of what he's capable of, and the lad possesses impressive brute strength and strategic vision."

Rengoku's eyes gleamed with interest. He was eager to learn more about this unique recruit.

"That's promising. We need more individuals like that, willing to fight for justice and safety," commented Rengoku, who received a sarcastic smile from Garp, which Rengoku didn't notice.

The conversation unfolded, delving into the details that made this new recruit so exceptional. Garp shared stories and moments he had witnessed.

Both agreed on the importance of recruiting people with such a mindset to strengthen the Navy, protect citizens, and maintain security on the seas and surrounding lands.

"I'm looking forward to witnessing the bright future of the young ones this year," expressed Rengoku, with visible anticipation.

Garp smiled, but a subtly astute expression formed on his face.

"Oh, Rengoku, you'll be surprised when you find out who this recruit is," teased Garp, sparking Rengoku's curiosity.

Before Rengoku could inquire further, a messenger entered the room, abruptly interrupting the conversation with urgency, drawing Rengoku's attention to an unforeseen issue that demanded his immediate intervention.

"It seems we'll have to leave this conversation for another time, Garp. When I return, I want to hear everything you have to say about this young man," apologized briefly before focusing on the call.

Rengoku left the room with curiosity aroused.

Later that day:

The sun rose over the imposing gates of Marineford, where a new batch of recruits eagerly gathered to begin their journey as Navy recruits. Among them was Adam, a young man with radiant eyes filled with curiosity and a mischievous smile ever-present. Discovered by Garp in East Blue, Adam had a childlike and playful demeanor that captivated his peers.

As they awaited instructions, Adam approached the group of recruits discussing their expectations and plans.

"Hey, guys! Where do you think the Navy will send us first?" asked Adam, excitement glinting in his eyes.

"Some say we start with calmer missions, you know, to get used to everything," replied one of the recruits, with a hopeful smile.

"That would be great, less chaos right off the bat," agreed a girl, imagining the possibilities. "But, Adam, what brought you here? Tell us!"

Adam laughed and winked, relishing the mystery. "Ah, I was discovered by the incredible Vice-Admiral Garp in East Blue. I think he saw potential in this captivating smile," he joked, pointing to his own face with a mischievous smile.

Some passing recruits around opened their mouths in surprise, while others laughed as if what Adam was saying was a lie.

Soon Adam was bombarded with questions about the vice admiral and what made him so special to be noticed by him.

As they exchanged ideas and expectations, an officer approached, interrupting the lively conversation of the new recruits.

"Recruits, it's time to start the initial training. This way, please," said the officer, leading them towards the training facilities.

In the following weeks, Adam and the other newcomers plunged headfirst into the intense Navy training. Despite the difficulties, Adam's playful spirit never faded.

Between drills and conversations, Adam always brought a touch of fun to the group, making funny imitations of the instructors or inventing silly challenges to keep the spirits high.

In one of the breaks after training, the recruits gathered in the common area, sharing stories and jokes.

"Where do you want to go when we graduate, Adam?" asked one of the recruits.

"Oh, me! I want to sail to Candy Island, where the sweets are as big as a ship! It would be anyone's dream, don't you think?" said Adam, laughing and making exaggerated gestures.

As the laughter echoed in the area, Adam knew that behind his jokes, there was a genuine desire to become a great sailor. His mysterious system remained hidden from others, but he knew he was part of something bigger.


At the end of the day, the recruits gathered under a large tree in the training headquarters' courtyard. Laughter echoed among them, a welcome break from the rigidity of the exercises.

Adam, between one joke and another, looked at the night sky, and a shadow crossed his playful face. For a moment, he got lost in thoughts, recalling a time he preferred to leave behind.

"Have you ever had those kind of... eccentric relatives?" he asked, changing the tone of the conversation.

The other recruits looked curiously at Adam as he continued, a more serious air on his face. "I had a cousin, Jonathan. He was... different. In a way you wouldn't imagine."

Adam sighed, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders by sharing that. "He was a psychopath, you know? A bit unhinged, always causing trouble and leaving a trail of problems wherever he went."

The recruits listened in silence, surprised by this unexpected revelation about Adam's past.

"But now, here, in the Navy, it's as if I've finally freed myself from all that," Adam continued, a glimmer of relief in his eyes. "It's as if I can finally be who I really am, without carrying that burden."

He smiled at his friends, trying to dissipate the heavier atmosphere. "Hey, but enough of sad stories! Let's talk about more fun things, like how the shooting instructor looks like a duck when he tries to hit the targets?"

Laughter returned, and the mood became lighter again. Adam, with his contagious energy, managed to redirect the conversation to something more cheerful, leaving behind some of the weight of his past and focusing on the present, the friendship he was building, and the exciting path ahead of him in the Navy.

Unfortunately for Adam, he would soon encounter Jonathan once again.
