
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime und Comics
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213 Chs


Luffy knelt down in front of the cage Nami was being held captive in. He smirked at her.

"I thought you specialize in stealing from pirates." He teased. Nami gritted her teeth and looked away.

"Alright alright, let's get you out of here." Luffy grabbed the bars of the cage and easily pulled them apart. Nami watched, feeling in awe at his strength.

Luffy picked her up and carried her bridal style. Nami started blushing and stuttering.

"Oi idiot! Wh-what do you think you're doing!" Nami shouted at him. Luffy grinned at her.

"In order to not let you get captured again. I will be keeping watch over you. C'mon Zoro, let's go." Luffy told her. Zoro nodded and they jumped off the pirate ship.

Buggy watched with a look of disbelief etched onto his face. "Did they just do a hit and run on my ship?! I'm gonna kill you, Mugiwara!!!!! "



" What's with this dog?" Zoro asked while he and Luffy were sitting in front of a dog. It was a small white dog with thin ears, beady black eyes, and a short, brush-like tail.

"It seems like it's guarding this shop here. Who's a good doggy. You are!" Luffy grinned as he patted the dog. The dog remained stoic.

Luffy looked at the shop the dog was guarding. It was a pet food shop since Luffy saw bags of kibble and dog bowls lining up behind the window of the shop.

"So you have your own treasure too huh, doggy?" Luffy grinned at the dog who simply stared back at him.

"It's name is Chouchou."

Everyone looked at the newcomer who introduced Chouchou. He was an elderly, bespectacled man, with curling gray hair distinctly bunched atop his head and down both sides of his neck.

He donned a clumsy set of brown leather armor (consisting of chestplate, gauntlets, and greaves) on the outside. Inside the armor, he typically wears simple, lightweight shirts and shorts with sandals. This man is Boodle and he is the mayor of Orange Town.

Zoro looked at Boodle while Luffy kept petting Chouchou. "Who are you, mister?" He asked him.

"I'm the village's leader, or in other words, the chief. You can just call me Boodle. " Boodle introduced himself. Luffy looked at him and grinned.

" How ya doing, chief? Can you tell me why Chouchou is guarding this pet food shop? " Luffy asked. Boodle sighed and nodded.

He poured some kibble into a dog bowl. Chouchou went to it and started eating the kibble.

Boodle started explaining the reason Chouchou was taking up a lifetime vigil outside their shop.

The pet shop's late owner whose name was Hocker, opened the shop and had a pet which was Chouchou.

Eventually, Hocker suffered from an unknown illness and went to see a doctor, leaving Chouchou to take care of his pet shop. This would be their final interaction, as Hocker soon succumbed to the illness and died.

Regardless, Chouchou kept to his assignment, spending day and night beside the shop and surviving mostly on feedings from the town mayor Boodle, who came to believe that Chouchou understood his master's fate, and treasured the shop purely as a memento.

"Damn....." Zoro whispered and patted Chouchou's head. Luffy frowned while looking at Chouchou.

"Hey, chief. Where are the rest of the villagers?" He asked.

"They're all at The Refuge. It's a place outside Orange Town the citizens had fled to after the Buggy Pirates took over. " Boodle answered. Luffy looked at him with a serious expression.

" Go back and tell them that they'll get their village back in an hour or even sooner. We're gonna get the Buggy Pirates out of here once and for all. " Luffy pointed at himself, Zoro and Nami. Boodle widened his eyes.

"You heard him, chief. An old guy like you shouldn't be in a potential battlefield." Zoro added while looking at him seriously too. Boodle gulped and nodded repeatedly.

"A-alright then." Boodle started running away towards where the rest of the villagers were. Luffy looked at Zoro and they nodded at each other.

Nami looked at Luffy, then she looked at Zoro. 'Wait. Isn't that Roronoa Zoro? Don't tell me she's his vice captain. ' Nami shivered. If Luffy was able to get the infamous Bounty Hunter to join his crew, she didn't want to know what else he can do besides fighting.

"Nami, you go and sneak off to steal Buggy's treasure while me and Zoro fend him off. " Luffy ordered her. Nami smirked and gave him a thumbs up before walking away.

Zoro looked at Luffy. "Hey, can you teach me that thing that made you disappear?" She asked him. Luffy grinned at her.

"You mean Soru? I plan to teach you that anyway." Luffy replied and started explaining what Soru was and does.

Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power.

The principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. Zoro nodded, understanding what he said.

"So I just have to kick the ground ten times?" He asked.

"In the blink of an eye, yes. You would have to get faster to do that. Don't worry Zoro, we're gonna train in that soon. " Luffy assured her. Zoro hummed.

'I wonder how? That boat we're sailing in isn't big enough to train in. ' he thought. But his thoughts were disrupted when Luffy patted his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He answered his call. Luffy pointed at something in the distance. It was Buggy and he had the remainder of his crew walking behind him.

"You deal with his crew. Once you're done you can either join me in kicking Buggy's ass or watch as I pummel him." Luffy grinned at her. Zoro nodded at his request and unsheathed two of his katanas, assuming the Two Sword Style stance.

Two Sword Style is another related sword/blade-style that Zoro developed over the course of his journey as a Bounty Hunter, when in situations where his techniques have had to adapt for one reason or another.

Zoro rushed towards Buggy's crew, katanas in hand while Luffy rushed towards Buggy himself.

They started clashing with each other. Zoro was easily dealing with the cannon fodder with her Two Sword Style.

Meanwhile with Luffy, he was conversion with Buggy. "Just because you and Roronoa over there defeated my subordinates, does not mean you've won here. I'm gonna win in a different way!!" Buggy declared while smiling crazily.

"MEN!!! PREPARE TO FIRE ALL OF THE BUGGY BALLS!!! I'M GONNA DESTROY THE WHOLE VILLAGE!!! I'M GONNA TURN IT ALL TO DUST!!!" Buggy shouted while grinning at Luffy who was looking back at him with a serious expression.

Back at the Big Top, there were men loading up special looking cannonballs into multiple cannon.

These red cannonballs, called Buggy Balls, are engraved with Buggy's Jolly Roger and can create devastating explosions when fired from a cannon.

"You think that scared me, didn't you, Buggy?" Luffy asked him.

" Hah?! " Buggy hummed loudly. Luffy unsheathed his cutlass, making Buggy widened his eyes.

'Wait!! That cutlass!!! Isn't that Captain Roger's cutlass?! Why does Mugiwara have them?!' Buggy thought and pointed at him.

"Oi, brat! Where the hell did you get that hat?!" Buggy asked loudly. Luffy pointed at his straw hat.

"Oh this? Shanks gave it to me. You know him right, with you being on the same ship as him once? " Luffy asked him. Buggy stepped back, panicking even more now.

'This kid knows that too?! Shit!! I better get rid off him quickly or he'll reveal that to the world!!' Buggy clenched his fists.

" WHEN I SAY 'FIRE'!!! YOU FIRE ONE BUGGY BALL!!! FIRE!!!!!" Buggy declared.


Luffy immediately used Soru to appear in front of the trajectory of the Buggy Ball. He sheathed back his cutlass and grabbed the ball with one hand.

"Haa!!!" Luffy growled and threw it back towards the Big Top.


The cannonball exploded, obliterating the ship. Buggy watched while having the shocked Enel face on him.

Zoro who defeated the last of the horde, smirked as he saw the orange colored explosion engulfing the ship.

Luffy looked back at Buggy who looked back at him with an enraged expression. "You bastard!!!! Why did you do that!!!??? Now everything I've worked hard for is gone!!! GONE!!!" Buggy shouted. Luffy snorted.

"You were about to do the same thing to this village, hypocrite. And I'm not a bastard. I'm Monkey D Luffy, and I'm going to be the King Of The Pirates!!!!"

To be continued.....