
One piece: I have Sukuna abilities

In the world of One Piece, Toshiro Arai, an emotionless boy, finds himself on a small island after death. He eats a devil fruit labeled 'Hito Hito No mi model: Ryomen Sukuna - the king of curses', gaining incredible powers. Stoic yet observant, he navigates the chaotic world of pirates and marines. how is Toshiro going to act in this world ? Toshiro, hands casually tucked into his pockets, shot a glance at Akainu and said with a smirk, 'Shall we start cooking?' ps: This is my first time writing anything, btw. Please inform me if I made any mistakes. Also I don't own One piece, obviously, nor do i own anything else mentioned or referenced except for my OC's.

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34 Chs


"Do you think if you ask me the same question on a different day it will make me change my answer?" Toshiro looked at Nami mockingly.

"My answer is the same, I refuse," Toshiro said with a smile.

Nami sighed, a mix of disappointment and resignation washing over her. "Ah... What did I even expect," she muttered to herself.

"Why did you save me then?" Nami asked, looking up at Toshiro.

"Normally I wouldn't care. Even if you are my crew, if you want to die, go ahead. I won't stop you," Toshiro said, pausing briefly. "But you stole my money. You need to pay your debt first before you die."

"How did you know—" Nami began to ask but stopped herself.

Nami stared at him, absorbing his words. She knew Toshiro's straightforward nature all too well.

"So what? I'm going to kill myself over and over again, and you won't be there every time to save me," Nami said to Toshiro, her smile belying the seriousness of her words. She sensed his urgency to reclaim his debt.

Toshiro chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "What the Sigma, Nami? I didn't think you were this clever," he said with a smirk, tilting his head slightly to the right. His tone carried a mocking undertone, as if amused by Nami's attempt to manipulate him into action.

Nami's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing at Toshiro's mocking tone. She clenched her fists, frustration and anger bubbling up within her.

You think this is a joke?" Nami shot back, her voice tinged with bitterness. "This isn't about being smart. It's about survival. Please help me, Toshiro. Otherwise, everything I've worked for will be for nothing."

Toshiro leaned back, crossing his arms as he regarded Nami with a cool detachment. "And why should I care about your village or your problems?" he countered, his voice calm but firm.

Nami looked at Toshiro with complete disdain, tears streaming down her face.

"You know, Nami, I can help you, but I cannot do anything for free. You should know that," Toshiro said, his tone unyielding.

"I know, but I have nothing to offer you," Nami replied, her voice laced with self-deprecation.

Toshiro's thoughts wandered as he observed Nami. Ever since he ate his Devil Fruit, he felt an increasing lust for battles and, disturbingly, for women. He could control himself for now, but he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to in the future. Despite his supposed emotionlessness, he found Nami annoying and unlikable when he watched the show. He only took her along because of her navigation skills and because she was easy on the eyes.

Toshiro leaned in closer to Nami, lifting her chin gently but firmly. His eyes bore into hers, a mix of calculation and something darker. "Give me your body, Nami," he said, his voice low and commanding.

Nami's breath hitched, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief. She knew Toshiro was ruthless, but this was beyond what she had anticipated. "You... you can't be serious," she stammered, her voice trembling.

"I don't need your heart, I'm only lustful right now," Toshiro said, looking Nami straight in the eyes. His gaze was intense, unyielding.

Nami's heart pounded in her chest. She felt a wave of revulsion and helplessness wash over her, but she couldn't deny the reality of her situation.

"It's your only option now to save your village. Think about it," Toshiro continued, his voice cold and pragmatic.

"Why?" Nami whispered, her voice cracking. "Why are you doing this?"

Toshiro tilted his head slightly, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Because I can. Because it's the only thing you have left to offer." His words were a brutal reminder of her desperation.

Nami's tears flowed freely now, her heart heavy with doubt and fear. "What if you're lying too?" she asked, her voice trembling. "What if you're just going to use me and throw me away later?" Her trust issues were laid bare, a stark contrast to the defiance she had shown moments before.

Toshiro's smirk faded, replaced by a cold, calculating look. "You have no reason to trust me, Nami. But consider your options. If I betray you, you'll still be in the same situation you're in now. But if I keep my word, your village will be free from Arlong's grip."

Nami clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. The logic in Toshiro's words was undeniable, yet the thought of trusting him made her stomach churn. "And if I refuse?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Toshiro shrugged nonchalantly. "Then you'll find another way to pay your debt, or you'll continue to live under Arlong's rule. The choice is yours."

Nami bit her lip, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resignation. She nodded slowly, the weight of her decision pressing heavily upon her.

Taking her nod as a sign of acceptance, Toshiro stepped closer, his expression unwavering. He lifted her chin with a firm but gentle hand, looking deeply into her eyes before leaning in to kiss her. The kiss was devoid of tenderness, driven by his own desires and the knowledge of her desperation.

Without breaking the kiss, Toshiro led her towards his cabin. Nami's heart pounded in her chest, a tumult of emotions swirling within her—fear, despair, and a glimmer of hope for her village's salvation.




The next morning, Toshiro woke up with Nami in his arms, both of them naked under the thin blanket. The early morning light filtered through the cabin's small window, casting a soft glow over the room. Toshiro looked down at Nami, her face peaceful in sleep, yet traces of last night's tears were still visible on her cheeks.

Toshiro looked up at the cabin roof, then down at Nami. "Wake up, Nami," he said, his voice cutting through the silence. "You want to watch Arlong's downfall with your own eyes, right?"

Nami stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she registered his words. She looked up at him, confusion and determination warring in her gaze. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice hoarse from crying.

Toshiro sat up, pulling on his clothes. "I made a promise, didn't I? Arlong's reign ends today. Get dressed. We're going to Arlong Park."

Nami stared at him, processing his words. Slowly, she sat up, clutching the blanket around her. "You're really going to help me?" she whispered, disbelief evident in her voice.

Toshiro smirked. "If you don't want me to, I won't," he said jokingly, his tone light but his eyes serious.

Nami managed a weak smile, a mix of relief and uncertainty in her expression. "Can you give me a knife real quick?"

Toshiro looked confused at first but quickly understood what she intended to do and handed her a knife without a word.

As Nami finished carving into her skin, blood dripping from the wound, Toshiro silently reached out. His hand glowed with a white aura as he activated his Reverse Curse Technique. He gently placed his hand over her wound, the soft light enveloping the injury and slowly healing it.

Nami watched in awe as the cut began to close, the pain subsiding as her skin knitted back together. Her eyes met Toshiro's, a mixture of gratitude and surprise in her gaze.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Toshiro nodded, his expression unreadable. "You needed to get rid of that mark, and now it's done. Let's finish what we started."

Nami took a deep breath, feeling a newfound sense of strength and determination. She nodded back, ready to face the final battle against Arlong.

Together, they left the cabin, with Nami's resolve burning stronger than ever.


As Nami and Toshiro walked out of the cabin, they were interrupted by Kuro.

"Morning, Toshiro-sama," Kuro greeted, his eyes flicking to the cabin. "Any orders for today?"

Toshiro nodded, his expression hardening. "Prepare to move. We're heading to Arlong Park. It's time to deal with Arlong."

Kuro raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Understood."

Nami stood beside Toshiro, her resolve firm. She knew this moment would determine the fate of her village. As they made their way towards Arlong Park, a sense of determination and apprehension hung in the air. The stakes were high, and the path ahead uncertain, but Nami was ready to face whatever awaited them.

Toshiro led the way with purpose, his mind focused on the impending confrontation. The journey was silent, tension building with each step closer to their destination. Finally, they reached the outskirts of Arlong Park, where the imposing structure loomed ahead, a symbol of tyranny and oppression.

Nami took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. She glanced at Toshiro, finding an unexpected sense of solidarity in their shared mission. With a silent nod between them, they moved forward, ready to confront Arlong and reclaim what was rightfully theirs.


Toshiro extended two fingers, channeling his ability with precision. Six ethereal blades materialized, each one shaped like a waffle iron. With a deft flick of his hand, he directed them towards Arlong Park's door. The blades sliced through the air in a perfectly synchronized pattern, dismantling the sturdy door into precise cubes, each falling with a resounding clatter.

As they reached the imposing gates of Arlong Park, Toshiro's eyes scanned the surroundings with a mixture of disdain and amusement. The Arlong Pirates, caught off guard by their sudden intrusion, turned to face them with bewildered expressions.

Toshiro stepped forward boldly, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he taunted, his tone dripping with mockery. "A bunch of fish-faced fools thinking they own this place?"

"Bunch of blue monkeys," Toshiro remarked with a smirk, his disdain evident in his tone.

Note: ("If you're enjoying my fanfiction, I'd appreciate your support with Power Stones to keep me inspired and motivated!")