
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime und Comics
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196 Chs

Chapter 176: Shadows of Power

"Wow!!" When Enel saw the inside of Noah's Ark, he felt that the whole world had changed.

The magnitude, incomparable height and extreme luxury of what he saw left him speechless, unable to move his feet, staring open-mouthed at this resplendent world.

"Let's go." Stussy waited patiently for a moment before reminding him.

A giant nearly twenty meters tall, dressed in golden armor adorned with blood patterns and carrying a huge golden axe, stood motionless beside the silver stairs leading to the second floor.

"He…" Just as Enel was about to ask, he saw another golden giant climbing up to the second floor, with his back to them and holding a huge golden axe in both hands.

"They are the Giant God Warriors under Saint Nerona's command, tasked with protecting this five-level ship." Stussy explained as they walked.

Soon, they saw three even more imposing golden giants.

They finally reached the fifth level, passing through gardens, lakes, squares and buildings, until they reached the door of a majestic palace in the center.

"This is the Empty Hall, from now on you must enter alone." Stussy reminded him before disappearing in a blink.

A moment later, Enel pushed open the heavy door with difficulty and entered.

Inside, there seemed to be only two people: a burly blond man in golden robes standing below, and a white-robed figure sitting on the high throne.

Enel moved forward nervously. But he didn't know what to say.

"Enel, life has three fundamental questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? and Where am I going? I have already answered the first one: you are my emissary."

"Now I will tell you the other two."

"Where do you come from? I have ruled this world for 800 years. So everything in this world, including you, belongs to me."

"Where are you going? You have already arrived where you should be with me."

Enel was completely baffled.

"When your strength reaches the basic requirements of a divine emissary, I will bestow upon you the title of Oka Shichibukai, you will be my representative and the bearer of my mandates in the world, equal to the Five Elders, without needing to bow to the Celestial Dragons. You will be called the Lightning Dragon."

"Uh, Saint Nerona..."

As Enel was about to say something, a cold and impassive voice descended from the throne.

"As a future divine emissary, you must engrave my true name deep within your soul."




Sitting on the Empty Throne, Imu watched as the door slowly closed behind Enel and Tesoro.

Enel's arrogance, audacity, recklessness, his haughty attitude proclaiming himself as a god, and his persistence in pursuing his dreams, made him a character worthy of subduing.

On this journey to Birka, Imu considered Enel to be a great find.


The gigantic Noah's Ark covered the sky over Birka Island.

This caused the residents, immersed in grief over the loss of their loved ones, to momentarily forget their sadness and look up, gaping in shock.

Shortly afterward, two flying warships emerged from the ark and descended from the sky.

When the two warships landed on the island, a large number of knights disembarked, dispersing throughout Birka Island.


Meanwhile, young Enel followed Tesoro, who planned to take him to his residence inside the ark.

As future Oka Shichibukai, they were entitled to a residence within Noah's Ark, with a full staff.

Tesoro made an effort to strengthen the relationship with Enel.

"How old are you this year?"

"Just sixteen years old."

Tesoro looked at Enel in surprise, who was already 1.8 meters tall.

"Hahaha! I'm two years older, so you can call me big brother."

"Okay." Enel didn't mind, nodded, and then asked: "Brother Tesoro, are you also an Oka Shichibukai?"

"No." Tesoro shook his head.

"Lord Imu said that to be a divine messenger, we must meet certain basic requirements: master the Rokushiki, have mastery in the Devil Fruit ability and develop Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki."

"So, both you and I are just candidates for Oka Shichibukai. Although I think I'm close."

"Then what are your abilities, brother? And what is your title?" Enel asked.

Tesoro raised his right hand and with a smile began to show his skill.

"I am a paramecia-type Gold-Gold Fruit ability user. My ability is to control gold. As for the title~"

"Golden Emperor!"


Grand Line, Reverse Mountain.

Six massive warships are anchored in the sally port, their broadside gun arrays and triple turrets on deck trained on the rows of ships waiting to be inspected.

Meanwhile, a naval base as large as an island completely blocks the front of Reverse Mountain.

This is the newly established G-0 branch of the Navy Headquarters.

In the base commander's office, Borsalino is relaxed, leaning back in his chair, with his legs on the desk, answering the Den-Den Mushi that just rang.

"Hey~ Isn't this Fleet Admiral Sengoku? Do you have time to call me?"

But the other end of the microphone was silent, causing Borsalino to look at the Den-Den Mushi strangely.

After a while, Sengoku finally spoke.

"Borsalino, the latest order from the headquarters, you have been transferred to the Air Force Headquarters and promoted to Air Force General!"


Borsalino was surprised, but, being someone who is easily carried away, he did not worry too much and asked: "I just became a candidate for Admiral, and the military merit for promotion to General is still not enough, right?"

"Enough, the number of pirates you and your branch solved in the Upside Down Mountain is almost the sum of the other branches in the first half of the Grand Line."

"Who will replace me?"

Sengoku said expressionlessly: "Kuzan!"

"Oh~~" Borsalino understands. They are going to put Kuzan in Reverse Mountain to accumulate merits and prepare for his promotion to Admiral.

"But Mr. Sengoku, I'm not strong enough to be a general, right?"

When Sengoku heard this bastard stop calling him Fleet Admiral, his expression turned grim.

"This is an order from the headquarters. Furthermore, Sakazuki, who has abilities similar to yours, is also a General of the Army."

"You're right..." Borsalino muttered.

"Where is the Air Force headquarters? Do I need to wait for Kuzan to come before reporting?"

"It's on Sky Island. I'll send you the exact location later, but according to what they say, it's not fully built yet, so there's no need to rush."

"Also, you need to go to the Red Earth Continent right away. Headquarters wants you to take part in the upcoming conquest campaign on another world."

"Conquest campaign in another world? Sounds so scary~~" Borsalino pursed his lips, clearly not enthusiastic about the idea, and then asked curiously: "Are you going too?"

"Yes, both Garp and I have received orders. Besides us, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaido will also be participating."

"By the way, Kaido has been appointed General of the Air Force just like you, so be careful." Sengoku said expressionlessly.

Borsalino sighed, already anticipating how problematic this would be. "Okay, I got it~"

"By the way, let me ask you one last question. How are the salaries and benefits at the Air Force Headquarters? Are they higher than those at the Navy?"

Sengoku, on the other end of the line, exploded with anger. "Get lost!!"

Borsalino looked at the disconnected Den-Den Mushi in surprise and commented with a grimace: "Why is Lord Sengoku so angry? Did Lord Garp irritate him again?"

"I hope the Air Force will be more comfortable."


Red Earth Continent the dimensional gate base leading to the Demon Slayer World.

A man in a black army cloak, a top hat and a cigar in his mouth, came out of the front door. This man was Capone Bege.

After a fight with Doflamingo in which he lost, he was taken to this base, where he was told that he would soon meet Whitebeard. Since then, he had behaved himself and had been promoted to major in the army.

Capone Bege began to use his Devil Fruit ability, his body rapidly expanding into a small fortress.

"Come in, hurry up!"

At Bege's order, the soldiers quickly marched towards the castle gate, forming into formation.


Thanks to Capone Bege's tireless efforts, two hundred thousand elite troops of the army arrived a month in advance, all gathered at the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees through the Dimensional Gate.

At the Other Worlds Strategic Committee in Starfish World, everyone was tense.

"Has this day finally come?" Chairman Fernandez sighed.

"Chairman, we've done everything we need to do. Now it's your turn. We'll clean up the mess later." Coulson said with a smile.

"That's right."


Crocodile, who had arrived earlier in the Demon Slayer World, was waiting alongside Amatori Biba and a group of army officers for the arrival of the high-level forces of the World Government.

"Seeing that bastard Bullet again, what a pain~" Crocodile muttered.

Biba naturally did not dare to answer, he just nervously watched the main door of the base.

He had heard that the people coming this time included eight high-ranking generals and dozens of lieutenant generals like Crocodile.

Soon, heavy footsteps were heard from inside.

Two tall figures walked out side by side.

"General Sakazuki!"

However, Biba did not know the other man.

"He is the General of the Army, Byrnndi World, you better not provoke him, he is much stronger than that rabid dog." Crocodile reminded in a low voice.

Hearing this, Biba looked at Byrnndi World in shock. Sakazuki was already invincible in his heart, and there was actually someone stronger than him?

Behind them was Bullet. Next to him was a broad-jawed man, also nearly three meters tall, with a cigar in his mouth. His wicked laugh and his eyes that glowed a faint red made Biba feel a shiver run through her entire body.

"That's Shiryu, the mad dog's second in command. A lunatic who enjoys killing. Stay away from him and stay close to me." Crocodile warned with a spark of fear in his eyes.

Three more figures then appeared, all about three meters tall, wearing white cloaks of justice and matching white suits.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Admiral Garp, and Admiral Candidate Kuzan."

Behind them, four more figures appeared in blue cloaks of justice.

"Oh, what a grand ceremony. Are they here too? Can this world really withstand such devastation?" Crocodile raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the people coming.

"Lieutenant General, who are they?"

"They should be the newly established air force."

"Look at the epaulettes on the cloak. Borsalino has become an air force general, Kaido is also a general, and the two air force Lieutenant Generals behind him seem to be King of the former Beasts Pirates and Marco of the former Whitebeard Pirates."

When the last two figures, who were much taller and more imposing than the previous ones, stepped on the land of Demon Slayer World.

Crocodile's eyes widened and the cigar in his mouth was a little loose, as if it was about to fall to the ground.

'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate!

'Big Mom' Charlotte Linlin!


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
