
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime und Comics
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196 Chs

Chapter 171: The Conscription Order

[Bang! Bang! Bang!]

The violent bangs shook the entire Little Garden.

Fists and axes clashed incessantly, wreaking havoc on the terrain. The ground was filled with craters and fissures, while Saul's earth-manipulating techniques constantly harassed Brogy.

"It's like watching two ancient beasts fighting to the death." Imu watched in amazement from above. Near him, Stussy and Tesoro also witnessed the epic battle.

However, this battle would not last long. Saul, with the advantage of the Mythic Zoan, was too much for Brogy to face alone.

With a powerful palm strike, Saul deflected Brogy's axe and then transformed his palm into a fist, shattering Brogy's horned helmet. Brogy fell to the ground, dizzy.

"Brogy!" Dorry could no longer contain himself. He ran to his friend, worried about his condition.

"Ugh! I'm... fine." Brogy, although in pain, tried to reassure him while removing his broken helmet.

"Don't worry, I didn't use my full strength, after all, we'll be colleagues in the future." Saul walked over and said in a deep voice: "How about it, do you want to fight too, Dorry the Blue Ogre?"

Dorry supported Brogy in silence. He knew that his strength was almost the same as Brogy's, but he still decided to fight him.

Because the warriors of Elbaf will not be afraid of fighting or avoid fighting just because they can't win!

"Forget it, Dorry. Let's not waste any more time. However, even if you have defeated me, we still won't be joining the Giant God Warriors because we still have our own duel to fight. I just hope that you can treat Kashii and Oimo well." Brogy said as he stood up, still a little dizzy.

Saul frowned upon hearing this, but before he could persuade them, a cold voice echoed from the sky.

"Who of you is stronger and who is weaker, I have my own way of determining."

Almost at the same time, the five giants on the island raised their heads and saw a white figure descending from the sky. The figure floated about fifty meters above the ground.

Especially Dorry and Brogy, when their eyes met that person's, their minds were shocked.

Imu's appearance caused Kashii and Oimo to quickly fall in behind Saul to fulfill their duties as Giant God Warriors.

"Dorry, Brogy, you two will first join forces to launch your strongest attack against me. Then, I will receive the strongest individual attack from each of you. Then we can determine who is stronger." Imu said in an indifferent tone.

"You guys go back first." Imu ordered Saul and the other two.

"Understood!" Saul replied, bowing. He then used Geppo to fly to Noah's Ark, followed closely by Kashii and Oimo.

"Let's go to the coast. I like this island and I don't want to destroy it." Imu said before turning into silver lightning and disappearing.

Dorry looked into the sky and sighed. "Is this the Celestial Dragon that Kashii and the others talked about?"

"Very strong, so strong that I dare not look him in the eye." Brogy sighed with some shame. "Are there such strong people among the Celestial Dragons?"

"It's not surprising, after all, they have ruled this world for eight hundred years!"

Despite their conversation, the two continued to run nimbly through the primeval jungle. Prehistoric beasts and wild dinosaurs fled at the sight of them.

When Dorry and Brogy reached the shore, they saw a white figure standing in the void, hands clasped behind his back, calmly looking in their direction.

"Another Devil Fruit user?" Brogy muttered, rubbing his sore forehead.

"It doesn't matter. Even if he can fly, it's no big deal. After all, he said he was going to take our strongest attack." Dorry said as he caressed the hilt of his sword.

"Come in, allow me to witness the power of Hakoku." Imu's eyes showed a look of expectation, but Dorry and Brogy were greatly surprised after hearing this.

"How do you know about Hakoku?" Dorry asked.

"The past, present and future of this world hold no secrets for me." Imu replied lightly.

"Do you possess the ability to understand the past and foresee the future?" Dorry and Brogy thus interpreted Imu's special abilities, which involved Kenbunshoku Haki.


"Well, let's not waste any more time. Next, the two of us will join forces to attack you with Hakoku. Although you took the initiative to propose it, we don't want to take advantage of you." Dorry spoke on behalf of both giants, held his head high and stated their decision. "On the way here, we already discussed it. If you can really fulfill what you have said, we are willing to protect you for fifty years. Even if we must give our lives in battle, we will have no regrets."

From their perspective, Imu was risking her own life, so it was only fair that they put their lives on the line as well.

Imu nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. "It's fine."

Imu appreciated Dorry and Brogy's sincere and easy-to-control nature. He didn't have to worry about their loyalty.

"Then be prepared!"

Dorry and Brogy stood together on the shore. Their muscles bulged, as they each emitted a powerful aura in blue and red.

"Try the strongest spear of the giants in the legend of Elbaf!"

They both screamed, as the sword and axe swung forcefully forward.

In an instant, blue and red shockwaves swept across the surface of the sea, creating long, turbulent waves on both sides. Finally, when they merged halfway, their power reached its peak.


However, this powerful attack was met with an invisible and intangible barrier about twenty meters away from Imu.

However, despite the ferocity of this explosive shockwave, there was no way to break through the invisible barrier.

This scene stunned Dorry and Brogy and also terrified the occupants of Noah's Ark.

It wasn't until all the energy from the shockwave dissipated, leaving a huge hole in the surface of the sea, that they finally woke up.

"Excellent. The Hakoku move is at the level of an Admiral, although it seems that these two can't perform a second attack." Imu commented as she saw Dorry and Brogy panting in the distance.

Imu then flew towards them and from a high position, coldly ordered: "If you still have the strength to wield your weapons, then you must attack me one after another. We will see who is stronger among you."

Ten minutes later, Imu gave orders as soon as he flew back to the deck of Noah's Ark.

"Kashii, Oimo, bring Dorry and Brogy. They will also be members of the Giant God Warriors in the future. Saul, you will be responsible for teaching them the Rokushiki."

"Stussy, bring the armor and weapons we have prepared for them."

Finally, Imu turned to the ship's administrator: "Notify the World Government to send personnel to manage this island. Prohibit any unauthorized access or hunting on it."

Imu decided to turn Little Garden into Jurassic Park in the future.

"Yes, Saint Nerona." The administrator replied respectfully. Then he asked: "Your Excellency, what will be our next destination?"

"Let's go to Jaya Island first." Imu ordered.

"So be it, Saint Nerona."

An hour later, with everything ready, Noah's Ark began to move.


A small island with lush vegetation appears in front of the official ship of the World Government.

This is Sphinx Island in the New World. Recently, it has a new name in the records of the World Government.

Whitebeard Kingdom!

However, the Whitebeard Kingdom has only been established for a short time.

Newgate and his children are busy building the infrastructure on the island these days.

Of course, the World Government also fulfilled its previous promise and sent a construction team from the Construction Division to help.

After the construction of two suitable docks on the shore, ship after ship of materials and equipment began to arrive at the island.

When the official World Government ship arrived at the dock, they had to ask people to clear space for the ship to dock.

After disembarking, the World Government officials headed towards the distant waterfall, and along the way they saw something interesting in a nearby construction area. There stood a burly man about three and a half meters tall. Surrounding him were piles of steel rods and gray cement. In front of him was an excavation previously prepared by the workers.

The man raised his hairy, sturdy arm.

Suddenly, a large amount of cement powder floated into the air. Then, at a speed visible to the human eye, it transformed into a hot mud mixture that flowed into the excavation.

The steel rods then floated in the air and quickly stuck into the cement slurry. These rods could automatically bend when needed and even fuse together.

Once the rods were securely fastened, the cement began to harden rapidly.

Thus, the rebar and cement were gradually reduced, but the construction site was filled with houses and cement streets.

Finally, the man clapped his hands loudly in front of him. Then, he spread his hands out to the sides, and a semi-transparent, reddish substance appeared in front of him.

Then, small pieces were separated from it and automatically formed various shapes in the air, such as squares, circles, and triangles.

Suddenly, shards of glass began to fly toward the newly built homes.

The man was Marshall D. Teach!

When Teach finished his work he went to lunch with his colleagues with a smile on his face. But only he knew how depressed and helpless he felt inside.

The officers then passed through the tunnel behind the waterfall.

Coming out of the tunnel, they found themselves in a green meadow surrounded by white mountains. There were many exquisite wooden houses dotted on the meadow.

The 'path' consisted of areas between wooden fences, which were not completely closed, allowing black-skinned, white-maned sphinxes, up to five or six meters tall, to move freely.

Shortly after, they reached the base of the deepest white mountain.

Here some familiar figures were seen, some were cutting long pieces of wood, some were building wooden houses, occasionally laughing and scolding each other, the atmosphere was very happy and lively.

"Excuse me, I am an official of the World Government. Could you please tell me where King Edward Newgate is?"

Whitebeard's crew looked at each other, until Marco stepped forward and smiled. "Dad is fishing by the lake at the foot of the Mountain. I'll take you there."

"Thank you very much. I appreciate your help."

Minutes later, World Government officials finally spotted Edward Newgate.

"Are you from the World Government? What business brings you here?" Newgate asked, calmly looking at the surface of the lake.

"Your Majesty Edward, I have brought the official appointment letters of Marco, Jozu, Vista and others, as well as the conscription order from the command headquarters!"

Hearing the officer's words, Newgate dropped the fishing rod in his hand and slowly stood up, taking the dozen documents.

He found that the first document was the so-called conscription order.

"Lead the army to suppress the Demon Slayer World!"

After reading the contents of the above order, Newgate was immediately shocked. He did not expect to be involved in the war to conquer other worlds so soon.


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
