
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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124 Chs

Chapter 47

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At the same time, a rumble echoed through the air as Bai Ye's Reiatsu release seemed to go on without end. The Grand Line, the bottom islands of Sabaody, and even the Naval Headquarters at Marineford began to feel the effects.

"Is it the Whitebeard Pirates?!" someone speculated, catching a glimpse of the churning sea beyond the Naval Headquarters. The tension in Marineford spiked.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku... what's that?!" Aokiji, who was guarding the execution platform, shot up to his feet and fixed his gaze on the distant sea beyond the Naval Headquarters. Instinctively, he turned to look at Sengoku.

Next to Sengoku, Vice Admiral Crane had opened his eyes with a serious expression and asked, "Sengoku, do you feel the presence coming from over there?"

Sengoku said nothing, but his stern face was telling. He gazed at the seemingly empty sea beyond Marineford, sensing that something had begun. "Looks like another war has started," Sengoku announced gravely.

Without the desire to explain further to anyone, Sengoku grabbed the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi and shouted commands to keep all Marines on high alert. Nothing outside mattered—stopping the Whitebeard Pirates from attacking was the only priority.

Meanwhile, deep below the Naval Headquarters harbor, a large pirate ship shaped like a whale approached swiftly. All the pirates aboard halted abruptly. Marco, facing Whitebeard, impulsively asked a question like Crane's to Sengoku, "Dad, did you feel it? Was that...?"

Even without a thorough explanation, it was clear to the captain of the Four Emperors Pirates' first team that the source of the breath was immensely powerful.

On the deck of the Moby Dick, Whitebeard looked in the direction opposite to Marineford for a long time before slowly nodding and remarking with surprise, "The breath alone is so powerful. It really makes one eager to see what kind of man he is."

The shocked crewmen stared at Whitebeard and wondered aloud if the owner of that aura could outmatch their captain, renowned as the strongest man in the world. "Is that the Marine's secret weapon?!" they asked.

Whitebeard, seeing the concern on his sons' faces, reassured them with a shake of his head, "Don't worry, that breath has nothing to do with the Marine."

He realized the breath had come from somewhere far away. Whitebeard half-joked to put them at ease, saying, "If the person you felt was on the Marine's side, we'd probably already have lost this war."

The crew visibly relaxed at his words but were unable to shake the impact of the second part of his statement. The sheer strength of that aura's owner was frightening enough to earn Whitebeard's recognition.

"Now it's our turn to cause an incident for the Marine," declared Whitebeard, storing the presence in his memory as he looked toward Naval Headquarters. Moved by the thought, Marco asked, "Now? Dad?!"

The change in the execution time had caused an issue. Most of their allies, rushing at full speed, wouldn't arrive for another hour.

"No, this is an opportunity," Whitebeard countered. "Despite Sengoku accelerating the execution, the Marine's power is greatly diminished. The time to act is now."

"Let Marine know the cost of daring to attack this old man's son!" roared a definitive, authoritative voice. It signaled a moment of retribution as Whitebeard directed his gaze and focus on the Naval Headquarters that loomed above. Upon hearing the message, the pirates and captains serving under Whitebeard sprang into action, weapons drawn and ready as they executed Whitebeard's command to ascend immediately. 

Splash after splash erupted within the inner port, encircled by the layers of the Marineford Naval Headquarters, disrupting the calm waters. This unexpected development seized the moment and sent a wave of anxiety through the hearts of countless Marines spread throughout Marineford. Admiral Sengoku, taken aback by the scenario, grimaced as the realization dawned on him. The numerous artillery guns, poised around the perimeter, rendered futile as they could not target the intrusion within.

Sengoku's disbelief was palpable as he uttered, "Whitebeard... that guy?! Did he approach from beneath the sea?!" Thoughts raced through his mind, but there was no time to dwell. 


Suddenly, a great whale-like pirate ship enveloped in a film burst into view, captivating the attention of the masses fixated on the Summit War. A collective gasp spread through the ranks as the presiding Marine shouted, "It's Whitebeard! He's come, he's really come!"

At that very moment, this twist also sent shockwaves to observers around the world. Emerging tall and imposing, the figure of Whitebeard stood deck-side on the Moby Dick, knife in hand, his beard arching like a crescent moon. The air around him crackled with the unmistakable power of a man whose very existence defined an era.

For a brief instance, the Marineford Naval Headquarters assumed a tense silence. The world too felt the intensity of the moment. Then, breaking the stillness, Whitebeard addressed Sengoku, his words not only rendering the world speechless but also sending it into a frenzy.

"Gu la la la, Sengoku. This reception seems to honor my arrival, but I see no sign of the other two Marine Admirals. Where might they be?" inquired Whitebeard, feigning confusion. 

Those words took everyone by surprise, inciting curiosity and anxiety alike. Marines and citizens alike pondered why Whitebeard would raise such a question. Was the fate of his son not the priority?

However, Sengoku, keenly aware of Whitebeard's strategy, felt his expression darken. This was not a good sign. Did Whitebeard intend to use confidential information to undermine Marine morale from the outset? How did he come by such intelligence?

Before Sengoku could act, cutting the communication to contain the situation, it was too late. Whitebeard's next statement would send shockwaves across the globe.

"Gu la la la, could it be that the Marine Admirals were casualties in an attempt to extinguish that man's existence?" mused Whitebeard, his voice steady and unassuming.

The implications were staggering. An execution intended to display Marine government dominance had become a platform where, through Whitebeard, the world learned of an earth-shattering revelation:

A Marine Admiral perished in an operation to eliminate a particular figure.

The news contradicted official Marine declarations, suggesting not just a failed operation, but a significant defeat. And the identity of "that man" referenced by Whitebeard sparked a wave of realization across the globe.

Simultaneously, in a different battle altogether, Bai Ye could never have expected to be part of the "Summit War" in such an unprecedented way. The event coincided with the celebration of the seven-day National Day holiday, promising readers a joyous time filled with special offerings—a season of book-reading delight backed by tempting deals: Recharge 100 and receive 500 VIP coupons during the promotional event from October 1st to October 7th.