
One Piece: Forge

One Piece fan fiction cause why not!! A story where you don't even need to add other things from other animes because it already has enough content for a few decades and will still remain things to do! So i decided to do one too, even though i'm shit at writing but i try my best to do at least a readable one!! I don't know how much will take and i might drop it. The story isn't meant to be too serious, it's more created to improve my grammar respectively english. Enjoy reading. Notes: No harem No system

GalacticBlueGoose · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Grandpa's savior

(The little girl's pov)

All these people are very kind for some reason, they're giving me food hunted by them.

Someone from their group is coming towards me and tires to give me a wood plate with roasted meat.

"Eat these, lil girl!! You'll grow bigger if you eat!!" He smiles kindly and left the wood plate with food on the ground. I heard they're pirates but their personalities don't seem like that.

"Thank you very much!"

"If you need something, call us!" After gave me the food plate, he left and went to his comrades, i'm glad they're nice people...

I'm sorry everyone...but i really need to leave, grandpa calls me...

(Friedrich's Pov)

"Let's return to our crew, they must still party!! Rikka can join too" Friedrich gets up after staying on a boulder.

"For some reason they are keeping quiet, something might occurred in their party so it's the best thing to return now." Lever sits up too and stares towards the way they came.

"I accept your invitation, after all i got lost in these forest." Rikka seems pleased by having people to adventure with, her happy face says it all.

Immediately after Rikka gathered her bags and food, we start to move towards the crew. For some reason a yell that seemed of Ken's was perceived and because of that, we begun to hurry and see what's truly happening.

When we got out from the bushes, we witnessed a unusual situation. John and the others were trying to find something, it didn't matter where they searched, under a boulder, beside the campfire, in a tent that was created meanwhile we were fighting with Rikka, they searched sweating buckets but still didn't managed to find what they want.

Obviously, i'm not aware of what they're trying to do...play hide and seek or what?

Seems like the little girl is not around either so that means...

"They lost the little girl...?" I carelessly asked and the crew's feelings got damaged. Lever also looks somehow infuriated, even though the only thing i can see it's his eyes.

Once the Crew saw Lever, they got in a bowing position asking for forgiveness...so they really lost that child while we were not around...

"Don't waste time bowing, just go and find her." With a dull voice Lever commands. The Crew looks more determined than everything, now i wonder how they've lost that girl.

"Before that, this samurai girl will accompany us in our adventure on this island." Rikka goes in front of me and Lever, with her fists on her hips and introduces herself.

"Rahahahaha!! You have the honor to meet me!! My name is Rikka, better remember this name!!" She is full of confidence while maniacally laugh, on the other hand the crew members faces seem like they're witnessing a deity.

" The second girl in the crew?!?!? God, i am blessed?!"

She isn't invited in the crew and these guys are too happy just because a girl is around them, that unlucky are they?!

He said the "Second girl"...who's the first then? I'm sure that no girl was in the crew so who...

"I'm sorry for the late introduction...i am the girl from this crew..." suddenly a person appeared besides me, this girl and and captain gives me a similar mood...

Lever walks towards us and pats the girl.

"I haven't told you but she is my sister..."

So that's why...she is even dressed the same as him. What a mysterious family!

"My name is Fuyu...nice to meet you, i hope we will get along." She has a dull voice the same as Lever but more feminine, she isn't tall as Lever but i don't think it's needed, she's alright how she is right now, it's not like my opinion does matter anyway.

Before i could comprehend her outward entirely, she spoke

"Nice to meet you too!! I also have a big sister!!" I won't say anything about what she occupies with cause she might won't speak with me forward.

"Is that so? I hope all good for you and your sister!"

What a lovely girl!! She's even politely mannered, seems like Lever made his duty as the big brother!

It didn't last much until captain started to give his order to the crew which interrupted my thoughts about what a good brother he is, maybe has a power of reading thoughts and became shy. I can't imagine that though.

"Stop murmuring and take action, didn't you said you'll find that girl. If you want more girls in the crew than stop being lazy and find that girl, then i will reconsider if we would take more female comrades!!!" With great determination and confidence in his voice, he inspired the crew who was crying because of the new member that is a girl.

Obviously, they shouted an "Yeah!!!" and started the searching again.

"We should go after them too."

It is captain's orders so we need to follow them. Rikka is also inspired by his speech for somewhat reason.

"Yes sire!!"

(???'s Pov)

"Dad i brought some pills, you start getting better...?" The person is sitting right beside a bed where an old man resides on, the old man seems very sick and honestly he's nearly on his death's bed.

"Yeah....son...you're too young to worry about me...guha-.." His laugh is stopped by a rough coughing, he even spits blood because of that.

"Dad?!" The grandpa stops the panicked man moves by showing his old hand while sighing.

"Listen here, stupid son....death...is something that no one can stop...not even me...it will be a time where you'll be in my position....just sitting on a bed and counting the days.... until you die...so don't worry about my health state...it is normal...it is just the life's cycle." The old man's voice is getting fainter as he speaks more.

"I understand..." After the man listened to the grandpa's voice, one of his eyes left a petty tear.

"I need to go for now...pardon my leave" The man stood up from his chair and went to the door, he slightly opens it and goes outside the room.

So the geezer will die soon huh...


I hope i won't drop this fan fic cause i like the characters.

I try my best to continue even though perhaps it is not the best writed novel i write.

I hope you like it and have a good day!!


GalacticBlueGoosecreators' thoughts