
One Piece: Forge

One Piece fan fiction cause why not!! A story where you don't even need to add other things from other animes because it already has enough content for a few decades and will still remain things to do! So i decided to do one too, even though i'm shit at writing but i try my best to do at least a readable one!! I don't know how much will take and i might drop it. The story isn't meant to be too serious, it's more created to improve my grammar respectively english. Enjoy reading. Notes: No harem No system

GalacticBlueGoose · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

A Sick Person's Remedy

Once the discussion has ended, everyone went outside the room and tried to combat the horrible weather.

The hail is strong enough to tear the ship's wood so i'm using my devil fruits power to protect myself, my crewmates are dodging the hail as they can.

This was my first time seeing a storm strong enough to make bruises and provoke damage to an entire ship, if this is how the North Blue weather is then what about Grand Line...?

What monsters are hiding there?!

The storm was active for around 10 minutes, meanwhile, we all tried to not die being hit by a falling icicle, i was alright due to my powers

Lever is the only one who seems unaffected by the ice storm, no wait. His palm is blooding, he's a human like all of us so it should be obvious, he's feeling what we all feel but he remains calm even in the most critical moments.

Is this what a captain means?

He went on the tip of the figurehead which was a typical pirate mermaid, it's simple but good, that's what matters!

I'll always remember that stupid guy's figurehead though....what the hell was wrong with that bossy guy...

His robe blows backward in the strong wind. Looking through the mist with the binoculars, he was able to perceive what was behind it and give us new orders to pursue.

"Raise the sails! We are entering in a calming weather, the rain just stopped."

Immediately after we executed what captain told us, we went behind the figurehead where the captain reside.

The mist which was covering the landscape dissipated and we already could see what adventure awaits us. A whole new place, a completely new island!

Lever's face didn't change too much but i have felt, how much he does likes the smell of adventure, our eyes were amazed just by the thought of debarking there after all.

The things on the island are weirdly shaped, especially the trees, they all have the form of mushrooms, even the mountains are mushroom-shaped. How mathematicians can explain this?!

With the bright red color of the mushroom trees that are slightly moving due to the wind, the view is a picturesque one hard to imagine.

Probably just staying on that island is enough to calm yourself in hard times.

The wind is leading the sail, making the ship move with a decent speed provoking water waves heading towards the island's outskirts.

Weird animals were staying on the littoral, when the ship finally stopped and we jumped on the beach, the animals got scared and went somewhere in the mushroom trees forest.

"It's nice to feel something else than the ship board.." My crewmates were feeling the same, they just nodded and walked forward getting in the forest.

I was left behind with the captain who was assuring the damaged ship because of the previous storm.

"I.... I can help with something..?" insecure i've asked.

"hm? You didn't go forward with everyone..?"

"Yeah, i thought maybe you need some help."

"It's not really needed" The captain stays on the ship's board, exchanged looks with me, took a bag right away and jumped the ship, his jump raised up the dust

"Now we can go."

"Yes capta-"



We had the same expression hearing that sound, it was a girl's voice and was coming from the way our crew went.

"I.....I hope they didn't have done that wasn't needed... Right?!"

"Let's go after them!"

Lever runs ahead of me

"Yes, sire!!"

And i track him right away

(???'s Pov, 10 minutes ago)

I'm finally here...!! Huf huf

It took a day and a half but i reached this point..! Grandpa, please wait a bit longer...

She sees a point where the forest is denser and walks through it, having a hard breath from walking a lot, her vision it's blurry. Her eyes are closing bit by bit and the walking pace lowers

She takes a look forward and the girl widens her eyes, blinks, and rubs them.

She takes a second look and her jaw drops.

"This is!! I found it!! The curse curing mushrooms!!!"

The eyes of this girl were in pure joy with blushing cheeks.

"No time to waste!! Grandpa will be saved!!"

The next thing she does is to take some gloves from her backpack and crouches down.

The little girl stretches her hands and takes something that looks like a mushroom with a crimson red color, she tries to not hold it too tight cause it might crumble.

Her eyes start tearing while looking at the weird crimson mushroom.


With a shivering voice, continues to gather more mushrooms of the same color as the first one, throwing them in the bag.

She hears a "mur mur" from rightward, because it is a forest she thought that maybe it's some wild animal walking around, even though she's scared by animals, she continued to gather the mushrooms.

A sudden rustling noise was perceived, one strong enough to make her heart tremble.

"It is an animal for sure..."

The sound becomes stronger.


"An animal, right....?!"

A flock of men appeared from shrubs with drools in the corner of their mouths.


"Oh a little girl?! Can you give us some food?!" The one who said that is John.

"I will be eaten?!" The girl's face turns pale and lets out a scream.


( Friedrich Pov, present)

What in the name of adult comics had happened?! Also, i'm hungry...my powers take too much stamina..

Captain runs quite fast too.

We soon reached a point where we could see some more sunlight and Lever jumps getting out from the shrubs, i go after him and i'm flashed by a blinding light.

Seems like we are on a ground full of mushrooms, more forward i see my crewmates muttering while surrounding something on the ground.

"She ain't dead...right?"

"Man, what if she is...captain will kill us..."

"Keep your mouth close."

Confused i went at them, making my way through the crowd.

On the ground was lying a girl with a bag full of mushrooms.

She is alright, i promise!

Also don't eat too much mushrooms cause too much is bad, trust me!

I hope this fan fic is good if you're reading!! Leave a comment or review so i can become better in writing!

I hope you have a great time!


GalacticBlueGoosecreators' thoughts