
Chapter 35

[3 days later]

A newspaper bird landed on our ship, and I bought one from him.

"Let's see if there is something interesting."

[The Azure Demon Pirates, took down one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile!]

[The Azure Demon Pirate's, huh. Azure is a kind of blue, so they must mean my eyes, but I don't understand where they got that Demon from. But I guess, everyone that isn't on the World Government's side is a demon.'

I read through the article.

'So they only talked about our fight with Crocodile, and they said that my motives were to increase my popularity. I'm sure that the king told what Crocodile was up to, but the World Government would never say that a pirate did something good.'

I took out a stack of bounties from the newspaper.

"Ey guys, gather around. We have new bounties."

"Really!" screamed Deuce

Everyone gathered around me.

"Alright, let's start with the first one."

[Flame Demon Ace: 180 million Dead or Alive]

"Tsk, only a 10 million increase, and what is with that name? Demon? Me? The one who came up with this name is stupid." said Ace

"Hahaha, calm down. At least they got the flame right." said Sabo

"I guess."

"Alright, next one."

[Noble Pirate Sabo: 130 million Alive]

Sabo didn't say anything.

"Ey, bro."


"If you want that noble title gone, I can make it happen."


I nodded.

"But for that to happen, we need to reach Sabaody Archipelago."

"Why there?"

"You'll see, just be patient."


"But look at the bright side; you've got a 20 million increase, which means that you're catching up to Ace."

His eyes immediately brightened up.

"Alright, next one."

[Masked Deuce: 100 million Dead or Alive]

"Let's go! I got an extra 33 million! I'm coming for you two!"

"Dream on!" screamed Ace

"I'll be the one who's going to come out on top!" screamed Sabo

They started butting heads.

"Shut up; I'm not done yet."

They quieted down but still kept glaring at each other.


[Demon Sheriff Laffitte: 69 million Dead or Alive]

Laffitte seemed happy.

"Hahaha, the poor World Government doesn't know how awesome you are, or your bounty would have definitely been higher."

He gave me a polite bow.

"Thank you, captain."

I nodded.


[Kage Demon Robert: 50 million Dead or Alive]

He looked disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed. This is a really high bounty. If you were better at fighting and made a bigger contribution to the last fight, your bounty could have been even higher. So make sure to train your ass off."

"Yes, captain."

"Good. Alright, next."

[Nico Robin: 101 million Dead or Alive]

"NOOOO!!!" screamed Deuce

"Hahaha, you're overtaken, so that means that you're at 5th place now." said Ace

"Hahaha, and he wanted to compete with us." said Sabo

Deuce didn't reply and went to a corner and started drawing circles on the floor.

"Hahaha, good job Robin."

"Thank you, Ken."

"Alright, next one."

[Miss Lemon: 45 million Dead or Alive]

"Hahahaha, lemon! Hahaha!" laughed Zala

"Shut up, you bitch! I'm sure you're name will be ten times worse!"

"Hahaha, what could be worse than that!"

"I'll kill you!"

They were about to fight.

"Mikita, Zala!"

They immediately stopped.

"Sit down and be quiet."

The immediately sat down, but they kept glaring at each other.

"Sigh. Alright, next."

[Miss Spiky: 45 million Dead or Alive]


"Shut up, you bitch! Lemon is in no way better!"

"Hahaha, Spiky! Spiky! Hahaha-"



I punched them on their heads.

"I told you, idiots, to shut up!'

"Sorry." x2

"Sigh, alright, and the last one."

[Azure Demon Ken: 400 million Dead or Alive]

"Wow, you're bounty increased as much as mine." said Robert

"Well, I am your captain, so everything that you guys do comes back to me."

"Our total bounty is berries!" said Robin

"No, our total bounty is 1.320.000.000 berries. I told you about our two other crewmates. They each have a 100 million berry bounty."

(An: Don't compare this to the Straw Hat Pirate's total bounty and say that it's too high. The Azure Demon Pirate's have more members, and the average strength and threat of the crew is higher. I hope you guys agree with the bounties I've chosen.)

"You're so awesome!" said Mikita

"Yeah, I know."

"He isn't as awesome as you think." said Ace

"Yeah, if we weren't there for him, he would never have made it." said Sabo

I smiled at them.

"Well, that's true. You guys were amazing punching bags."

Laffitte suddenly stepped forward.

"Hehehe. Captain, do you mind if I borrow them for a little bit?" asked Laffitte

He had a creepy smile.

Ace and Sabo turned Pale.

I smiled.

"Have fun."

"Thank you, Captain."

He suddenly grabbed the two of them and took them to the storage room.

I did a quick prayer for them.

(An: No, Laffitte can't beat them. This is just comedy. I may not be funny, but it's still comedy.)

[Next day]


I sensed something flying towards the back of my head. Before I could turn around, Robert appeared behind me and managed to redirect a cannonball that came flying towards my head into the sea.

"Thank you, Robert."

"No problem, captain."

I looked at where the cannonball came from, and I saw one marine ship, and there was a lot of fog behind it.

"Ken!" screamed Deuce

I looked up at Deuce, who is standing on top of the mast with a spyglass.

"What is it?"

"I can see a lot of ship shadows inside the mist! I think that there is an entire fleet coming after us."

'Great, just what we needed. I just wanted to have a relaxed day.'

"Laffitte, come here!"

He appeared beside me.

"How many ships do you see, Laffitte?"

"10 battleships." said Laffitte

"Are you sure!?"

"100 percent, captain."

"Tsk, this is bad news. Laffitte, get us out of here as fast as possible."

He nodded and started telling everyone what to do.

'Why are they sending ten battleships? When there is a Buster Call, they send ten battleships and 5 Vice-Admirals. I hope that there are no Vice-Admirals on that ship, or we're done for. But I doubt that they would pull a Buster Call on us.'

Our ship started speeding up, and all the marine vessels came out of the mist.

I jumped up the mast next to Deuce. I took his spyglass.

"Go and help the rest."

He nodded and jumped down.

I looked through the spyglass.

'One, two, three, four, and five! Five f*cking Vice-Admirals! They pulled a F*cking Buster Call on us! What should I do!?'

A lightbulb suddenly appeared above my head and turned on.

'I have a plan!'

I jumped down.

"Laffitte, are you done with the thing I told you to do?"

"Yes, everything is in Robert's storage."

"Robert came over and handed me a button."

I smirked.

I picked Robert up.

"What are you doing, Captain!?" asked Robert

"We're going to give the marines a little visit."


"Laffitte, make sure to get as far as possible."

"I understand, Captain."

"What are you two going to do!?" asked Mikita

"We're going to give you guys some fireworks."


I disappeared and started using Geppo and Soru, with Robert under my arm.

'Sengoku or whoever sent this Buster Call, I'll show you what happens when you mess with me. I may not be strong enough to even take down even one Vice-Admiral, but I won't be afraid of one either!'


[You guys might say that they would never send a Buster Call after Ken and that they only do it on islands, but just keep reading and you'll know why. Oh, and for the people that asked if Robin read the poneglyph. Yes, she did, but I will have a flashback in a future chapter about that.]

Random Facts: All the marines with the rank of Vice-Admiral have Haki.

Zoro was going to be a member of the Buggy Pirates.