
Chapter 169

[I have a track record of ruining people's days when the chapter has 69 in it. But it would ruin the wholesome idea I had, so you guys lucked out.]

The copy landed in front of Ken with a nervous but happy face.

"I-" Before the copy could get anything out, Ken got an annoyed look.

"Who the hell do you think you are!"


"I'm the BIG brother, so why are you almost as tall as me? It's unacceptable to surpass your big brother in height!"

"Hahaha! You had me worried there for a second. Only you could worry about something like that in this situation. I thought that I needed to introduce myself first and give you a lot of explanations, but it seems like that isn't needed."

"Of course not! I would recognize you even if you turned into a girl!"

"Oh really? Then why were you trying to save the one on the mountain?"

"Sigh, my emotions got the best of me, and I didn't have the time to worry about real or fake. But enough about that, why the hell do you have a white wing, and why only 1? Did you become an angel or something?"

"More like an angel apprentice. Angels are higher ranked. Once you become an angel apprentice, you are allowed to get one wish granted if it isn't too ridiculous. That's how you came to this world."

"Wow, I knew that my little brother was destined for greatness. But how did you become an angel, and how many are there?"

"When you enter heaven, you can choose to go to an angel school. If you pass, you become an angel apprentice. There are currently 25761 angel apprentices and only 4 angels. And above them, you have God, obviously. Oh, and 100 million people go to the school every year."

Ken moved his hand towards his little brother and patted his head.

"Good job, I am proud of you," said Ken in a soft voice.

His little brother tried his best to hold in his tears, but it was useless. Ken hugged his little brother as both of them had the biggest smiles on their faces and cried enough to put out all of the flames in hell. After the hugging and crying was done, they sat down and started talking about what happened after they passed away.

"What! How dare someone bully you! Tell me who that bastard is, and I'll kill him!"

"It okay. You wouldn't want to go to him anyway. He is a demon apprentice in the real hell. Hell has demon apprentices, demons, and the Devil. Unlike what the stories say, God and the Devil are actually really good friends. Hell and Heaven work together, and we are all friendly with each other. But the demons in hell don't care much about morals and things like that. So they can be mean sometimes."

"I see, that's truly surprising. But what did you mean by true hell?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, what you're in right now is a hallucination which you entered willingly."

"For real? Why the hell would I do something that stupid?"

"Don't you always do stupid stuff?"

"You think that I won't beat your ass just because you're an angel or something?"

"You wouldn't punch your little brother, right?" he asked with puppy eyes.

But not even a second later, he got hit on the head.

"I just hit you with a fist filled with love. You better appreciate it, brat."

"Sigh, you really changed after you got here."

"Tsk, not even getting angry. Angels are so boring."

"Why should I get angry at such a weak punch?"

"Tsk, you cheeky fuck."

"Big brother, if you don't stop hurting and killing people you will go to hell, and I won't be able to help you once you enter there."

"You dropped me in the wrong world if you were worried about that. And the people I killed were all trying to kill me first."

"I'm sorry. I couldn't choose where you were being sent to."

"It's fine. I couldn't imagine my life without my friends anyway. Speaking of friends, did you make any?"

"Yup! I made many nice friends!"

"Hahaha! That's good to hear. Say, what are you doing here? Are angels allowed to contact a beautiful mortal like me?"

"Nope, so you better be quiet about it. If someone finds out that I came to a mortal world without permission, I'll be screwed."

"Haha, it seems that even though you're an angel, you still take after me. But don't worry, if someone tries to hurt you, just come to me, I'll protect you."

"If God comes after you, you won't even survive being in his presence. He can easily destroy this universe with a snap of his fingers."

"Well, I can destroy an island if I wanted to. So that means that he is definitely way stronger. But It's not an impossible goal for me."

"Hahaha, you sure have big dreams. If you want to accomplish something like that, the only way is to become an Angel or Demon and train your way up. But to do that, you have to die first, so you should hold off on that goal."


The world around us suddenly started cracking.

"It seems like I have been here for too long, Big Brother."

"So you aren't strong enough to visit me for much longer yet. Come and see me again when you become an angel. You should have what it takes to see me then."

"But that will take at least a thousand years. I doubt any normal human can last that long."

"Then you'll just have to do it faster. You're my little brother, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Of course, I'll get it done in no time."

"Hahaha, that's what I like to hear. Oh yeah, do you have a name yet?"

"No, never thought about getting one."

"Then how about I give you one?"

"Really! I'll accept any name if you give it to me!"

"You really shouldn't trust me that much. But I'll be nice today. How about Haru?"

"Eternal treasure. Does that mean that I'm your eternal treasure?"

"As a pirate, we bury treasures to never be found again. So yeah, you're an eternal treasure to me. Hahaha!"

"You're so mean, Ken!"

"Haha, I know," said Ken with the biggest grin on his face.

The cracks in the world started becoming bigger and bigger.

"This is goodbye, huh," said Ken.

"No, this is a see you later."

"Then don't make me wait too long," said Ken as he hugged Haru.

"I'll be back soon, I promise."

They let each other go, and the next moment, the world exploded.


Ken opened his eyes in a basement, with no one around.

<Kenbunshoku Haki>

'Everyone is on the island, and luckily no one seems to be hurt. Let's say hi.'

<Haoshoku Haki>

The Azure Pirates and Strawhat Pirates suddenly felt an enormous pressure press down on them. The Strawhats couldn't move, and even the Azure Pirates had trouble standing. A couple of seconds later, the pressure disappeared and the Azure Pirates ran towards the basement.

When they arrived there, they found Ken standing there with a huge smile.

"Damn, you finally woke up after 2 months. I was starting to think that you didn't want to come back here," said Ace.

"Yeah, and what is with that smile? I thought that you were supposed to be stuck in a nightmare."

"Hahaha, well, it started in a nightmare, but it ended in a happy reunion. At least if that wasn't a hallucination. If it was, I'm going to kill Vlad."

"WHAT! But you said that you will forgive my previous actions!"

"Yeah, your 'previous' actions. This is something that happened afterward. But I'm pretty sure that that was real, so don't worry about it too much."

"So why did you decide to live in your nightmares?" asked Deuce.

"Well, last time I was put in there, I unlocked Haoshoku Haki. So I thought that I might be able to strengthen it if I go back. And it indeed became way stronger. So I can now easily solo all of you."

"It seems like you're asking for a beating," said Ace while cracking his knuckles.

"I'll back you up," said Sabo.

"Me too," said Deuce.

"Ey, I was just joking. No need to become so angry."

Seeing that the four of them wanted to fight, the rest left, not wanting to be caught up in their shenanigans.

"Flame Blast!"


[He won't be going to heaven or hell to fight some people or anything like that. He will stay in the OP world till the day he dies. And Haru won't come to live with him. He'll only show up when he is powerful enough and won't stay for long. I don't know yet if I'll have the Azure Pirates meet him.]


"The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies. It's not what they do in life but what they did before dying that proves their worth."

- Jiraiya (Naruto)

"If you only face forward, there is something you will miss seeing."

- Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

"Don't be so quick to throw away your life. No matter how disgraceful or embarrassing it may be, you need to keep struggling to find your way out until the very end."

- Clare (Claymore)