
Chapter 121

[3 months later]

I'm standing on my ship that's slowly leaving the island as the citizen, and part of my crew is waving us off. Today is the day that we're officially continuing our journey. The Kingdom is up on its feet and doing amazing, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

I left the giants, the ex Level 6 prisoners, and all my footsoldiers on the island. After all, that place now represents my power, so letting someone do as they please on it, will reflect really poorly on me. And none of them were really that interested in adventuring. They were more interested in fighting and drinking.

"Where are we headed to, Captain?" asked Tani

(Blind guy with protagonist determination. Oh, and he has blue hair.)

"Wherever the sea takes us."

"That doesn't sound like something you would say. I thought that you'd already have a million plans in your head."

"We're going on an adventure, so what's the fun in knowing where you're going."

"I couldn't care less about where we're going. I just want to beat someone up already." said Nyorai

(Red hair, oldest of the triplets.)

"Yeah, ever since we joined, there was no one to beat up." said Nusaki

(Orange hair, second oldest.)

"Ey, there is a ship coming our way." said Numera

(Yellow air, youngest.)

We looked at where he was pointing and saw a ship with a dragon along the side.

"Look at this, the most wanted man is coming our way." said Laffitte while licking his lips

"For real!? He is perfect for testing out my new powers!" said Nyorai

"Sit your ass down. He isn't here to fight."

"Aww, I was looking forward to it."

Ace and Sabo came and stood next to me.

"I sense some powerful people from that ship. It seems like him being the most wanted man in the world isn't just because he is the revolutionary army's Supreme Commander." said Ace

"So this is the guy you told us about that other time. I think we should cancel our revenge plan." said Sabo

"Haha, you're such a pussy. But I wouldn't let you fight him even if you begged me. But let's first see what he has to say."

Our ships stopped next to each other, and I met eyes with Dragon. The air turned tense in a second, and everyone held their breaths.

"Sup lizard."

Everyone put their hands up in shock like they were the ones who said it. Even those on his own ship got scared.

"I was planning on meeting you at your island, but it seems like we were a little too late."

"It's okay, we can talk here. The marines shouldn't arrive any time soon. So what do you want."

"I wanted to thank you for your help 2 years ago. You helped us increase our army exponentially."

"Well, it doesn't really matter since the marines also became way stronger."

"But they'll have their hands full with you, so it doesn't bother us."

"Using me as a meat shield, huh. What a nice way to thank us."

"It's only to be expected after what you did to my men and me!" screamed Ivankov

"Hm? What did I ever do to you?"

"You blew up Impel Down while we were still inside."

"Ohhh. Well, I would have done it even if I knew you were inside."

He looked like he was about to attack me. Deuce stood in front of me to protect me if Ivankov made a move.

"Ivankov, stay back." said Dragon


"We came here to thank him. And he is a pirate; they don't care about other people. So you shouldn't expect him to care about whether you live or die."

"Tsk, this guy is pissing me off. Acting like he knows Captain so well." said Paulie

"Yeah, and to think that this is coming from the guy that abandoned his son." said Ace

Sabo and I facepalmed while the rest looked shocked.

"Wait, you have a son?" asked Ivankov

"We're done here. Let's go."

"What, you're walking away again? If Sabo and Ken weren't holding me back I would have killed you already!"

Sabo slapped Ace on his head.

"You talk way too damn much. As Ken said the other day, he doesn't care that he grew up without a father. So there's no need to make a big deal out of it." said Sabo

"I know, but it still pisses me off."

I looked at Dragon.

"I know that you came here for something else, but as you can see, that isn't going to work. So let's just stay neutral."

"That works for me."

I looked at him one more time before I told Jinbe to get out of here. A couple of minutes later, they were too far to see.

"We should have attacked him. Such a wasted moment." said Ace

"If you do something like that again, I'll be the one hitting you instead of Sabo"

"But, Ken. Didn't you want to also hit him?"

"Unless I know the real reason, I won't do anything. It could just be because him having a son would mean that his enemies would target him. And if there is a spy on his ship, that would mean that you just brought his son in danger."

"Oh no, what have I done!"

"Sigh, there is nothing we can do about it now. If it comes to it, we just have to go out there and save his ass."

"And what if we're late?"

"Then it's all your fault." said Sabo

He froze.

"Don't worry Ace, I didn't feel any I'll intention from his ship when you mentioned he has a son. So it should be alright." said Tani

"Oh yeah, you're really good at sensing emotions. So you must be right."

'His brain didn't develop one bit in these 2 years.'

[5 days later]

We're going through a massive snow storm, so we're sitting inside with winter jackets. Robert walked in, and a chilling breeze followed him in.

"Shut the door quickly! Why don't you just use your portal!?" screamed Deuce

"I don't want to rely on it too much. Laffitte and Jinbe said that we're really close."

"Do they know what island it is?" I asked

"It's called the White Islands. It's a small island with a small tribe. The entire island is covered in snow. There are barely any threes or anything like that. Just imagine a dessert, covered in snow."

"That sounds disgusting. Snow and sand ain't a good combo." said Paulie

"I guess that's because sand is just irritating." said Ace

"Don't let a certain someone hear that." said Brook

"He isn't here, so there is nothing that he can do about it."

"Then you wouldn't mind me telling him?" asked Paulie

"Wait, wait! I beg you, please don't tell him! I don't want to go through that shit again!" screamed Ace


Everyone started laughing.

I looked at their shenanigans with a smile.

'I'll make sure that we'll be able to laugh like this every day. I won't let anyone take this away from us.'


Pokemon Quotes:

"Even If we don't understand each other, that's not a reason to reject each other. There are two sides to any argument. Is there one point of view that has all the answers? Give it some thought."

– Alder (Pokemon)

"Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with all their favorites."

– Karen (Pokemon)

(Magikarp, I choose you!)

"Touch the bidoof."

(Pokémon rangers shadows of almia)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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