
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 18 Dracule Mihawk

Sweat drips from Alex's brow as his face turns to one of worry and distress.

Alex: ' Mihawk! An actual Warlord of the Sea! If he come here.... then Krieg will be the least of our problems.'

Gin: " How could our entire fleet be sunk by a single man!?"

Zeff: " That had to be.... the work of the hawk-eyed man, without a doubt...."

Patty: " H-hawk-eyed man?!"

Zeff: " You saying that you witnessed a man, whose glare was as sharp as that of a hawk doesn't necessarily prove it was him, but the fact that he sunk your entire fleet, is more than enough proof that it really was him....!"

Usopp: " H-hawk-eyed...!? Whose that?"

Luffy: " Beats me."

Zoro: " He's the man I'm searching for..."

Alex: " Why are you searching for Mihawk?"

Zoro: " Mihawk? That his name? Whatever, in order to become the greatest swordsman, I have to beat the greatest swordsman. And that's him."

Alex: " I'm only saying this because you're my friend. Don't fight him, you'll only die."

Zoro: " That's not gonna stop me, I can't die until I've become the greatest swordsman in the world."

Sanji: " Did he bear some ill grudge against you guys, for him to destroy you entire fleet like that?"

Gin: " I don't remember anything like that! He just attacked us all of a sudden!"

Zeff: " Perhaps you disturbed his afternoon nap...."

Gin: " That's bullshit! You mean to tell me he destroyed our entire fleet for that?!"

Zeff: " No need to get so irritated, it was just an example, that's just the kind of place the Grand Line is."

Zoro: " A place where even the abnormal is normal, huh."

Luffy: " Hee hee! That sounds like such a thrill! We definitely gotta go there!"

Vince: " Heh... sounds like there's gonna be a bunch of good fights there."

Alex: " It's certainly a dangerous place, but it's nothing we can't handle."

Usopp: " Could you at least try to think of the danger?!"

Zoro: " But with this it looks like my own goal, is inextricably tied with the Grand Line, considering that that Mihawk guy is there!"

Sanji: " ..... Bunch of idiots, you lot are the type to rush to their deaths."

Vince: " Y'know me Sanji, always ready for a good fight. But I'm anything but an idiot."

Zoro: " True, but I'd rather have you leave out the " idiot" part..."

Zoro: " Ever since I've decided to become the world's greatest swordsman, I threw away my attachment to life. The only one who has the right to call me an idiot is me alone."

Luffy: " Ooh! Me too!"

Usopp: " As a real man, the same goes for me too."

Zoro: " Liar." He states, tapping Usopp in the head with the hilt of his sword.

Sanji: " Psh.... what a load of crap."

Patty: " Hey, retards! Haven't you realized the situation we're in right now?!"

Patty: " The gigantic galleon that's parked right in front of our restaurant, belongs to the pirate fleet admiral Don Krieg!"

Patty: " The ship of the strongest pirate in all of East Blue! You got that!? So you can continue your little conversation after we've gotten ourselves out of this mess!"


A few minutes later, loud screams come from Krieg's ship.

Chef 1: " I can hear them coming!"

Chef 2: " Brace yourself! This is our restaurant!"

Pirates: " Move it you damn cooks!" They yell as a few climb off the ship.

Suddenly the large galleon is cut in half, the force of the ships half's causing large waves that rock Baratie. Everyone's faces turn to either one of shock and surprise or terror.

Alex: " Oh no.... he's here...."

Chefs: " Wha..."

Luffy: " What!?"

Krieg: " What was that just now?!"

Pirates: " Don Krieg! Our ship....! Our ship's been cut!"

Krieg: " Cut!? The hell do you mean cut?! How can a huge galleon like this be cut?! That's impossible....!"

Zoro: " Crap! Our ship was outside too, with Nami, Yosaku, and Johnny still inside!"

Usopp: " It might be too late already!"

The strawhat crew runs outside.

Zeff: " Raise the anchor! Or the ship's gonna get dragged under!"

Johnny: " Bro!!"

Yosaku: " Brother Zoro!!!"

Zoro: " Yosaku! Johnny! You alright? The ship! Where's our ship?! What happened to Nami?!"

Johnny: " About that... we're sorry, bro....! She's not here anymore!"

Johnny: " Sister Nami....!"

Yosaku: " Took the treasure and sailed away!"

Zoro: " Wha!?"

Usopp & Luffy: " Whaaaat?!"

Alex: " What the fuck?!!!"

Vince: " We don't even have a ship anymore!!!"

Zeff: " Th...that man is...!" He exclaims, spotting Dracule Mihawk, sailing up on his coffin shaped ship.

Johnny: " We're sorry, bro!!" Johnny and Yosaku climb up onto the deck, and explain what happened, that Nami stole the treasure and ship.

Johnny: " After that, she ran away!!"

Zoro: " Damn that woman! Just because she was acting all nice recently, I let my guard down for one moment and then this happens!"

Usopp: " How dare she pull a fast one over us, especially during this crisis!"

Alex: " There's got to be a reason why she would do this?"

Luffy: " Wait! I can still see our ship!"

Zoro: " What?!"

Alex: " It's the Going Merry!" They all look out and see their ship in the distance, sailing away.

Vince: " That's our ship, not bad..... we just gotta get it back."

Luffy: " Yosaku! Johnny! Where's your ship!?"

Yosaku: " Well, we still have ours."

Luffy: " Zoro, Usopp, Alex!"

Alex: " Got it Luffy."

Zoro: " Just let her go. No good will come of chasing after that thief."

Usopp: " B-but she took our ship! That ship's important!"

Luffy: " I want her to our navigator, no matter what!"

Zoro: " Fine..... why'd I have to follow such a troublesome captain... Hey, Usopp, Alex! We're going!"

Usopp: "R-right!"

Alex: " Let's go bring Nami back."

Yosaku: " Brother Zoro! We're ready to set sail!" They call out, having gotten their boat ready to sail.

Alex: " What about you Luffy, Vince?" He asks as him, Usopp, and Zoro climb into the boat.

Luffy: " Sorry but I can't. I still haven't beaten that guy."

Vince: " And I can't leave without saving Baratie, I owe Zeff to much to leave now."

Zoro: " Be careful. The situation here is getting a little crazy."

Luffy: " Yeah, don't worry."

Pirates: " It's him!!!!"

Pirates: " Don Krieg, It's him! The one who destroyed our fleet! He followed us all the way out here! He's come to kill us all!"

Krieg: " That bastard...."

Chefs: " I-it can't be..... is that.... the Hawk-eyed man...!?"

Pirate 1: " Damn it! What did we ever do to you! Why the hell do you have to follow us all the way out here!"

Mihawk: " Just to kill some time."

Pirate 1: " That's bullshit!" He yells, taking out his guns and firing at Mihawk.

Mihawk unsheathes his sword and simply deflects the bullets, almost looking like they just missed.

Pirate 2: " W-wha!? I-it missed!?"

Zoro: " He deflected it. It'll be the same no matter how many times you shoot. He changes the bullet's trajectory with the tip of his sword." He states, walking up behind the pirates.

Pirate 1: " And who're you, you bastard!?"

Zoro: " I've never seen such graceful movements."

Mihawk: " A sword without grace is no strong sword."

Zoro: " Did you cut this ship as well with that sword?"

Mihawk: " Yes, indeed."

Zoro: " No wonder.... you really are the strongest."

Pirate 1: " T-three swords....!? Hey... could this guy be....?!"

Zoro: " I set sail to meet you!"

Mihawk: " ..... What do you aim for?"

Zoro: " To be the strongest. You said you're free right? Then let's have a duel."

Pirate 1: " It's him! Zoro! Roronoa Zoro of the three sword style....!"

Pirate 2: " What!?"

Krieg: " The pirate hunter...?"

Sanji: " Him....!?"

Usopp: " Hey! We're gonna lose sight of the ship!"

Yosaku: " Bro..."

Mihawk: " Pitiful, weakling."

Mihawk: " If you're a competent swordsman by any means, then I can demonstrate the clear difference between you and I, without needing to cross blades at all."

Mihawk: " But still, you dare to challenge me. Does your bravery come from your conviction...? Or from ignoracne...?"

Zoro: " It comes from my ambition, and a promise to a friend."