
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 16 Don Krieg

Two days later, from out of the blue, a pirate ship bigger than Baratie anchors by the ocean-going restaurant, waving the flag of Don Krieg's pirates. The strawhat crew was inside the restaurant, sitting around a table.

Customer 1: " Don Krieg's Pirate ship!!"

Customer 2: " The hour glasses beside the skull mean that time's run out for their enemies..."

Customer 3: " There's no mistake!!! It's Krieg's pirates!!"

Customer 4: " What do they want?!"

Chef 1: " See patty!!? They're here! You deal with them!"

Patty: " It c-c-can't be! The Don of the pirate armada and his 5,000 men?! Here!? Would they come just to avenge one flunky!!?"

Alex: " Ummm.... I'm pretty sure that Gin is the Battle Commander of the Pirate Armada....."

Patty turns towards Alex, who was sitting nearby. A horrified expression on his face.

Patty: " W-w-what?!"

Alex: " Oh.... you didn't know? Well..... sucks to be you."

Patty: " Not just me! We're all dead!!"

Luffy: " That ship is huge!! Maybe Gin's come back to say thanks."

Sanji: " I doubt it..... But something seems odd."

Vince: " What happened to their ship.... It's been wrecked!!"

Sanji: " A great galleon ravaged to that degree.... that wasn't the work of men."

Sanji: " They must have sailed through a typhoon!!"

The doors open and standing in the doorway is Don Krieg himself, but he's barely able to stand, being supported by Gin as they slowly make their way inside.

Krieg: " Please.... may I have..... some food and water? I've got money..... lots of money...."

Vince: " What?"

Patty: " Who is that? Pretty shabby for a king."

Luffy: " He looks hungry."

Sanji: " What's going on?"

Don Krieg stumbles and falls to the ground, Gin rushes to his side.

Gin: " Don Krieg!!!"

Krieg: " Food! Water! Please!"

Gin: " The Don's on the verge of death!! If you don't help him, he's doomed!!"

Patty: " Ha ha ha ha!! How rich!!! Whatta laugh!!! Dis bum is the dread Don Krieg?!"

Gin: " This time I've got money!! We're customers!!!"

Patty: " Alert the Navy!!!"

Alex: " A lotta good they'll do..." He states a scowl present on his face.

Patty: " They won't wanna miss an opportunity to catch this fiend!! Don't feed 'em a crumb!! Just grab 'em!!"

Customer 1: " If he regains his strength, there's no telling what he'll do to us!! He's a pirate and a killer! Starving's too good for him!!"

Customer 2: " He deserves to die, so let him!!"

Krieg: " I won't harm anyone..... feed me and I'll leave quietly!!!"

Krieg: " I beg you.... help me!!!" He states, groveling.

Gin: " Don Krieg, don't!! Don't grovel!!! This isn't you!!! It's beneath you!!!"

Krieg: " Please.... I beg you!!! Leftover rice.... anything!!!"

Gin: " Don Krieg!!!"

Patty: " Hmph. Trying for sympathy?!"

Sanji: " Out of the way, Patty!" He yells, slamming his foot into Patty's head, sending him crashing to the ground. Sanji walks up to the two, a plate of food in his hand.

Sanji: " Here, Gin. He can eat this."

Gin: " Sanji!!"

Krieg: " Thank you!!" He devours the rice.

Chef 1: " Sanji!!! Take that food away from him!!! Don't you know who he is?!"

Chef 2: " He's 'foul-play Krieg,' tyrant of the Eastern seas!!! He started out in prison! Then he lied his way onto a Navy ship!!"

Chef 2: " He killed the officers and took over! That's he got his start as a pirate!!"

Chef 2: " Flying a Navy flag, he sails into ports and attacks both town and ships. Sometimes he flies a white flag, then opens fire!!"

Chef 2: " He'll stoop to anything to win. His duplicity is legendary!!"

Chef 2: " At full strength he'll be unstoppable!!! He says he'll go if we feed him, but we can't trust him!!"

Chef: " That two faced scoundrel should starve!!! The world would be a better place!!"

Vince: " Sanji!! Watch out!!" He yells, his danger sense going off as Krieg gets up and slams Sanji into the ground hard enough that he slides back a distance.

Gin: " Sanji!! You said you wouldn't, Krieg! You swore you wouldn't hurt nobody if I led you here! That man saved our lives!"

Krieg grabs Gin by the shoulder, hard enough to make him yell in pain.

Krieg: " The food was good. My strength is returning."

Vince: " Gin!!!"

Sanji: " So that's how it is....."

Krieg: " Nice restaurant. I'll take it."

Chef 2: " Outrageous!!! Krieg wants the ocean-going restaurant!!!"

All of the customers, except the strawhat crew, run out of the restaurant. They all sail away on the cruise ship they came in on.

Patty: " Ung..... Huh? What's all da ruckus?" He asks, waking back up.

Gin: " Don Krieg..... you swore....." He grasps his shoulder in pain.

Luffy: " Gin!! Are you ok?!"

Krieg: " My ship's a wreck. I need a new one. When I'm finished with you, I'll dumb you."

Krieg: " I have about a hundred men on my ship who still draw breath. They're dying form wounds, hunger and thirst."

Krieg: " They need a hundred rations of food and water. You will prepare them. Some have already starved to death, there's no time to waste."

Chef 2: " You expect us to feed a hundred pirates?! So they'll have the strength to take over our ship?! We refuse!!!"

Krieg: " Refuse? You don't understand. It's not a request."

Krieg: " It's an order! Do not defy me!!!"

Gin: " Sorry, Sanji... I... I never meant....."

Patty: " You!! You got us into this mess!!! Where are you going, Sanji?!" He yells as Sanji turns to walk into the kitchen.

Sanji: " The kitchen, of course. We've got a hundred meals to prepare." He states, taking a puff of his cigarette.

Chefs: " What?!!!"

Gin: " Sanji?!!"

Krieg: " That's right."

Luffy: " Sanji."

All of the chefs pull out guns and point them at Sanji.

Vince: " What do you guys think you're doing?!"

Chef 3: " Are you Krieg's dog, Sanji?"

Chef 4: " We can't let you into the kitchen. We're not going along with this. It's an outrage!!"

Vince flips over the chefs surrounding Sanji, landing in front of him.

Vince: " You guys know Sanji!! You know he's not some traitor!!"

Sanji steps in front of Vince, his arms out.

Sanji: " If you want to stop me..... fire."

Sanji: " I know they're unredeemable villains. But my job is to feed people, not to judge them. It gets complicated."

Sanji: " If a man is hungry, I feed him!!! That's a cook's job. What's the problem?"

Patty goes to attack Sanji, but Vince jumps in the way, taking the attack to the face. Vince stumbles back, a smirk on his face.

Vince: " You gotta hit harder than that, or you'll never take me down."

Patty: " Hmph..... Sanji, I know you feed the people I chase off. Maybe you're right to do that sometimes."

Patty: " But this time, you're wrong!!! Now you and Vince keep still. I'm gonna defend this restaurant!!!"

Patty: " He may be Don Krieg, but he's just one man. He can't beat all of us!!"

Patty: " This is Baratie! We deal with rowdy pirates everyday. And we know what kind of customer service to Give'em!!" He exclaims, picking up a large weapon. He aims it at Don Krieg.

Patty: " You've eaten! Here's your dessert!!! The meat ball of doom!!!!!" He yells, firing the weapon at Don Krieg.

Krieg: " Impudence." The cannon ball slams into him, causing an explosion and sending him out the door.

Patty: " Blast, I busted the doors."

Chef 2: " It's nothing. A small price to pay for saving Baratie."

Sanji: " What about the men on Krieg's ship?"

Patty: " Hmm..... I say we smear butter on the ship and set it on fire."

Vince: " Guys..... my danger sense is going haywire. I don't think he's down."