
One Piece: Explosion(Discontinued, will reboot)

The story of One Piece, but with an added character who possesses the Nito Nito No Mi. He will journey with the Strawhats as one of their own, and achieve his dream of seeing the world.

XOmni · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Ch 11 Alex and Luffy vs Kuro

Luffy and Alex glare at Kuro, who is currently laying on the ground.

Pirates: " What was that!? That kid sent Cap'n Kuro sailing!! From all the way over there!?"

Pirates: " That tears it!! Now Cap'n Kuro's really mad!! What'll happen to us?"

???: " Now!!!"

Kaya: " What!?"

Usopp: " Oh!"

The three children jump out of the bushes and start whacking Kuro in the face with makeshift weapons.

Usopp: " You guys..... what??"

Kaya: " Hey, you kids shouldn't be here!!"

Usopp: " That's enough, crew!!! Stop!!!" He yells, the children stop.

Zoro: " What are those little devils thinking?"

Kuro stands up, he pushes his glasses up and the glass falls from the frames.

The children turn towards Kuro and yell in terror.

Usopp: " You idiots! Get out of here!!!"

Kuro walks by the children, and while walking by Usopp, he kicks Usopp in the gut, sending him flying back.

Piiman: " Captain!!!"

Kuro: " That smarted a bit... You displayed an unusual ability." He states, looking at Luffy.

Kuro: " You must have the power of the Devil Fruit!!"

Alex: " You're right, Luffy here ate the Gomu Gomu no mi."

Luffy: " And now I'm a rubber man!!"

Alex: " And I ate the Nito Nito no mi, now I can create explosions by igniting my nitroglycerin sweat." He states, creating a tiny explosion in the palm of his hand.

Pirates: " Ye gads!! The Devil Fruit!?"

Kuro: " Django!!!"

Django: " Eh?"

Kuro: " I'll the kill the rubber man and the nitro man! You just deal with Miss Kaya! Force her to write the will, as we planned, then kill her!!!"

Kuro: " And those three nipping pups, too. They're a nuisance." He states, looking back at the children.

Django: " Aye-aye, Cap'n."

Alex: " You fucking bastard!! What kind of monster hurts children!?"

Zoro: " Stop." He states, stepping in between Django and Kaya.

Zoro: " Beyond this point, you shall not pass."

Django: " Butchie!!!"

Butchie: " Meow!!!"

Butchie: " Cat-A-Pult..." He jumps up into the air.

Butchie: " Cat-Astrophe!!!!" He slams back down where Zoro was standing, but he manages to get out of the way in time, as the ground beneath Butchie is destroyed. The force of the impact even destroys part of the cliff.

Kuro: " Doesn't know his own strength....."

Luffy: " Wow!!! What is that guy?!"

Butchie lunges at Zoro, his claws slam into his sword, and Butchie pushes Zoro up against a wall.

Zoro: " You've already lost to me once."

Zoro: " So stop, pestering me!!!!" He kicks Butchie with enough force to throw him back.

Usopp: " Usopp's Pirates!!!"

Ninjin: " Aye, Cap'n!"

Usopp: " Protect Miss Kaya!!!"

Kaya: " Usopp....."

Usopp: " I'm entrusting you men with the most important job of all!!! Get Kaya away from her safely!!!"

Usopp: " Don't let me down, men!! That's an order from your captain!!!"

Piiman: " Aye-aye!!"

Ninjin: " Aye, captain!!!"

Ninjin, Piiman, and Tamenegi grab Kaya and run off towards the forest.

Django: " Fools. You can't escape me."

Luffy's fist slams into Django's back, sending him flying. Luffy then retracts his arm.

Usopp: " Ha! That's what you get!"

Django: " Little bilge-rat..... owie!!!"

Kuro: " Django!! Get up and follow them!!"

Django: " Argh.... Aye aye!!" He runs off after Kaya and the children.

Kuro: " It's useless, I, more than anyone, know how frail that girl's body is. They'll never escape Django!! Run for help, if you wish."

Kuro: " But..... You'll have to get up this slope first!!" Both Kuro and Butchie stand in their way.

Usopp: " Curses.... The tables have turned!!!"

Alex: " Usopp...."

Luffy: " Leave it to us."

Loud sounds ring out from the forest where the children and Kaya ran.

Usopp: " What's that sound?"

Kuro: " It's probably Django, finishing off your friends. Go see for yourself, though you may be to late."

Kuro: " You'd better hurry to their aid. If you can....."

Usopp: " Why, you..."

Alex: " Bastard!!!!"

Usopp: " You lived in the same home with her for three years! Don't you have any ounce of feeling for her?"

Kuro: " Not an ounce. As I said, Kaya was a pawn I needed to further my plan. When she dies, then I'll say my thanks."

Zoro: " You unredeemable scoundrel."

Luffy: " Who wants to redeem him!?"

Alex: " No one I can think of."

Usopp stands up and attempts to run up the hill past Butchie and Kuro.

Kuro: " You can move? Impressive. Butchie!!!"

Butchie: " I'll slice 'im to ribbons!!" He attempts to run at Usopp, but Zoro appears behind him with his sword in front of his neck, stopping him.

Zoro: " Outta my way. I'm in a hurry." He states, tripping Butchie, knocking him to the ground with his sword to his neck.

Zoro: " You've been a very bad kitty. Stay down and shut up, and I may let you live!"

A bullet hit Usopp in the leg, making him fall to the ground. Luffy knocks out the pirate who shot Usopp.

Luffy: " Usopp!!"

Usopp: " N-no!! I can't run!!"

Kuro: " Hahahahaha!!! You look ridiculous!!!!"

Kuro: " But you're much safer on the ground like that. If you caught up with Django, he'd only kill you."

Usopp: " Doesn't matter.... gotta protect 'em.... I gotta protect those kids!!!"

Kuro: " Hmm?"

Zoro: " Usopp...."

Butchie gains a burst of strength and grabs Zoro, throwing him into a wall.

Usopp: " I'm Captain Usopp.... And they're my crew!!! I'm a brave warrior of the sea!! I won't let you lay a finger on the villagers!!!"

The pirates start laughing at Usopp, but Luffy throws a large chunk of rock at them, knocking them all away.

Luffy: " Laugh at Usopp again, and I'll kill you."

Pirates: " ...!!!"

Butchie attempts to slash Zoro again, but only hits his swords.

Zoro: " Kitty cat.... I told you..... Never get in my way again. You were warned!!!"

Zoro: " Outta my way!!!!" He yells, breaking through Butchie's defenses and slashing him across the chest with all three swords, Butchie falls to the ground in a bloody heap.

Pirates: " Aaaaah!!!!! But Butchie was hypnotized to be super strong!!"

Zoro: " Luffy! I'll carry Usopp and go after the hypnotist!" He states, sheathing his swords.

Zoro: " Got a problem with that?" He picks up Usopp and throws him over his shoulder.

Luffy: " No problem! Hurry!!"

Usopp: " S-sorry."

Zoro: " I'd make better time on my own... But they're in the woods. I'll never catch them without you to guide me!!" He begins walking past Kuro.

Kuro: " So, boy.... Who gave you permission to climb this slope?"

Alex: " Luffy did!!!" He appears in front of Kuro and throws a haki covered punch at Kuro, who manages to dodge the attack. But it allows Zoro to run by into the forest with Usopp.

Luffy: " Run guys!!!"

Luffy: " Take this butt-ler!!!" He throws an elongated punch at Kuro, but Kuro easily moves back, avoiding it. He then disappears.

Luffy: " He disappeared!!"

Kuro reappears behind Luffy, he brings his claw down on Luffy, but Alex disappears from his spot and reappear between Kuro and Luffy, he blocks Kuro's attack with his forearm covered in haki.

Kuro: " So, you use haki? And you know Soru?"

Luffy: " Gum gum Pistol!!"

Luffy's arm comes flying at Kuro. Kuro disappears again and reapears a bit away from Alex and Luffy.

Luffy: " Oh well! Zoro got up the slope!"

Kuro: " Before we fight seriously, I have one question. Why are the two of you, outsiders, sticking your noses out for this village?"

Alex: " Isn't it obvious? Not everyone's a cold hearted bastard, like you. We're not just gonna sit around and let innocent people be massacred."

Kuro: " Ah, how simple. Is it enough.... to die for?"

Luffy: " It's good enough for us!! But we're not gonna get killed!!"

Kuro: " Die." He states, lunging towards Luffy, claws ready to rip into him.

Luffy: " Not today." He stretches both his arms forward, grabbing onto Kuro's arms. But, Kuro uses this opportunity to flip Luffy over and throw him back.

Luffy stops himself with his arm, he uses his remaining momentum to fling his leg forward at Kuro, but Kuro jumps over it. Luffy then launches his arm forward, his fist nearly reaching Kuro's face before Kuro disappears again, reappearing on top of Luffy's stretched out arm.

Kuro: " You bore me, boy...."

Alex: " Did you forget about me!?"

Alex charges at Kuro, and throws his hand forward in an attempt to grab Kuro, but he easily avoids, and disappears, reappearing behind Alex. Kuro slashes his claws at Alex, but Alex brings up his arm, coated in haki, blocking Kuro's claw. Kuro disappears and reappears a ways away from the two.

Alex launches himself forward with his explosions, he nears Kuro, but the pirate captain disappears and reappears behind Alex, he slashes Alex across the back. Blood spurts from the new injury, and his old one from the lion opens back up, and slashing his coat again.

Luffy launches his arm at Kuro, but he once again vanishes and reappears in front of Luffy, Kuro slams his foot into Luffy's face, knocking him away.

Pirates: " Murder 'im!! Hooray for captain Kuro!!!!"

Kuro: " Never call me by that name again!!!!"

Pirates: " Yipe!!!"

Kuro: " You still don't understand? My plan is to utterly do away with captain Kuro!!!"

Kuro: " It tired me..... crafting a thousand brilliant plans for slobbering fools with nothing but plunder on their minds!"

Kuro: " And what did my hard work win me? The entire navy on my heels! Hunted by marines and spies and bounty hunters. I grew sick of the relentless harassment."

Kuro: " So, on that fateful day three years ago.... I decided I had to die!!"

Kuro: " Can you understand brats? There's no room for error in my three year plan."

Kuro: " And my plans never go off course!!!" He yells, lunging at Luffy.

Luffy lifts up a large boulder, he uses it to block Kuro's claws.

Kuro: " So, stretching isn't your only talent?"

Luffy: " Nope! I've been training! To be a pirate!!" He yells, slamming the boulder into Kuro's claws, breaking them and leaving him with only one set of claws.

Pirates: " Yarr!! He broke the captain's claws!!!!"

Luffy: " You say you were tired? If you don't want a reputation!! You shouldn't be a pirate!!!" He yells, slamming the boulder into Kuro's head, knocking him to the ground and destroying the boulder.

Luffy: " And if you wanna compare plans, mine's much bigger!!"

Luffy: " Now you only have five sword claws!"

Pirates: " Blast him!!! Cap'n Kuro's cat claws!"

Pirates: " Cap'n Kuro! You still got claws on your other hand! Slice 'im up!"

Kuro: " Shut you gobs! I'll deal with you dogs later. And that goes for Django, too." He states, standing to his feet.

Pirates: " Why us too?!"

Pirates: " Wait, if Django makes that girl write her will, your plan will suceed!!"

Kuro: " Don't worry your heads about my plan. If none of you live to tell the tale, I can pin all the blame on you."

Kuro: " I never intended to let any of you leave here alive. I can't let anyone live who knows my true identity."

Pirates: " But that means you planned to kill us all along!!"

Kuro: " Of course. Even three years ago when I was still captain Kuro!!! It was all part of my plan!!!!"

Luffy: " Are you stupid? What dumb bunch of pirates."

Kuro: " Dumb? Of course! Pirates are wild dogs, society's cast offs. Without a leader, they're helpless. Their job was to shut up and follow my plan!!"

Kuro: " Pirates should be faithful pawns of their captain. They live or die by my command. They should have followed my plan no matter what sprang up to impede them. They should have died trying to fulfill my plan!!!"

Kuro: " That's the way of the pirate!!! Vagabond brats should keep their smart mouths shut!!!"

Alex: " I don't think Luffy knows how to shut up."

Luffy: " Even if you were a captain with a hundred obedient men..... you still couldn't beat Usopp!!"

Kuro: " What? Me? Lose to a pretend pirate?"

Luffy: " You will."

Kuro: " Ha ha ha! How amusing!"

Kuro: " But don't get cocky just because you broke my claws."

Kuro: " Tell me why I would lose to him!!!" He states, vanishing and reappearing behind Luffy.

Luffy: " It's your style!" He says, smiling widely.

Kuro: " What?!!"

Alex appears behind Kuro, and slams his fist into his chest, creating an explosion that sends Kuro flying.

Alex: " Y'know, for once I think Luffy's got a point. You're nothing compared to Usopp."

Kuro: " Now you've insulted me....."

Kuro: " If you want to talk about real pirates, let me show you just how terrifying a real pirate can be!!!"

Kuro: " I'll show you the ferocity of a pirate who's face a thousand deaths!!!" He looks towards the ground and holds his arms down.

Pirates: " That stance! It's....It's....!!"

Pirates: " Aye, he's going to use that attack."

Pirates: " Aren't we endanger here?! We'll be slaughtered too!"

Kuro: " Out of the bag!!!!" He vanishes.

Pirates suddenly start falling to the ground with bloody claw marks on their chests.

Pirates: " I-it's begun!!"

Luffy: " What's happening over there?"

Claw marks even appear on the cliff wall.

Luffy: " He's attacking the cliff wall?"

All the pirates cry out in agony as a lot of them fall down, dead. Slash marks appear on Alex's chest, slashing through his jabot and shirt. Slash marks appear across Luffy as well.

Luffy: " Show yourself, butler! Don't you care about your own crew?!!"

Alex: " Luffy....."