
One Piece : Earning One Trillion Berries Before Retiring

Kahn travelled into the world of one piece even before Roger started his adventure. He who has had a long and adventurous life as a vice admiral on world of one piece and is now contemplating retirement. He finally activated his Golden Finger, a super money system that offers him the opportunity to restore his peak condition and potentially achieve eternal life. However, the cost of these benefits is quite high, and he realizes he needs to accumulate a significant amount of money to achieve his goals. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

KLNovel · Anime und Comics
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123 Chs

I'm all ready to retire! The system is here?

The sun hung lazily in the sky over the East BLUE Sea, its warm rays casting shimmering reflections on the gentle waves. A rare sight adorned the horizon—a medium-sized warship, a symbol of naval authority, cutting through the waters.

In these parts, where the average pirate bounty hardly exceeded three million Berries, a headquarters warship was an anomaly that couldn't go unnoticed.

On the warship's spacious deck, an elderly man with silver hair reclined on a sun lounger, seemingly lost in thought. The passage of time was etched on his features, yet his form retained a certain strength, even as his aura whispered of the twilight years.

"Report to Lieutenant General Kahn," a navy captain addressed him with a brisk salute.

"We've spotted a pirate group ahead—the Alvida Pirate Group, led by Captain Alvida herself. They're attacking a cruise ship. Orders, sir?"

Kahn: (raising an eyebrow) "Pirates, huh? Might as well give 'em a little fireworks show. Shell 'em."

Navy Captain: (taken aback) "Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn. Right away, sir."

The captain hurried off, leaving Kahn to his musings as the sounds of cannon fire and the distant cries of battle reached his ears. The salt-laden breeze seemed to carry with it memories of his journey spanning half a century.

Kahn: (sighing) "Fifty years... This world's spinning its tale for quite a while now. Seems like it's headed for a climax."

Transmigrating from a different world and once known as Earth, Kahn had taken on the mantle of a navy officer five decades ago.

He had harbored dreams of achieving greatness, altering the course of history. However, the currents of reality had swept him into a different tide.

Kahn: (reflecting) "Domineering power, Fame ,Riches, Beauty... I thought I will be enough to alter the world's course. But it's more complex than that."

He'd weathered the ebb and flow of this world, losing comrades, facing the bitter truth of his limitations.

"What have I achieved, really? Does it even matter?"

Yet, as the years piled up, his perspective shifted. Now, retirement held more allure—days spent in peace, untouched by the turmoil he'd grown accustomed to.

"Time to hang up the cape, let the world take its course."

Just as his plans for a peaceful retirement seemed to fall into place, an unexpected intrusion disturbed his tranquillity—the mechanical voice of the system.

DING "Congratulations on meeting the conditions for system activation . Would you like to load now?"

"You've got to be kidding me! Just when I thought I could retire."

In an instant, his aura surged, the intensity of his frustration reverberating through the air.

"Load it, then. Load your blastard system."

DING "Super money system loading, 1%, 2%, 5%..."

Around him, his crew exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by Kahn's sudden outburst.

"Great timing, as always."

As if that weren't enough, Kahn's attention was drawn to the ongoing pirate confrontation.

Navy Captain returned ans said, "Lieutenant General Kahn, the Al Lita Pirates have been dealt with. A straw hat-wearing youth and another individual engaged them. Your orders, sir?"

Kahn asked curiously "Straw hat, you say?Is he wearing a Red jacket?"

Navy Captain was surprised

"Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn. How did you know?"

Kahn: (recalling) "I've seen that look before. A troublemaker. Best to keep clear."

Yet, amid the chaos, Kahn's resolve flickered like a dying ember.

DING "Congratulations on surviving to the beginning of the plot and meeting the system activation conditions. Do you want to load it now?"

Kahn was angry once again by system "Of all the times! Just as I was ready to retire?"

Navy Captain said "Lieutenant General Kahn, is everything all right?"

Khan said "Load it, then! Load the damn thing!"

The crew exchanged nervous glances as the tension in the air mounted.

Kahn: (fuming) "Like I needed more chaos in my life."

In the midst of his exasperation, a pirate ship's attempt to flee caught his eye.

Kahn: (demanding) "Fetch my sword, Pochi."

Pochi: (bewildered) "Sir?"

Kahn: (resolute) "I'll handle this."

With a swift motion, Kahn unsheathed his saber named "Yaodao Hongying,"its dark red blade gleaming in the sunlight.

Kahn: (focused) "One strike is all it takes."

In a blaze of motion, Kahn delivered a powerful strike that bisected the pirate ship with an ear-splitting roar.

Kahn: (exhaling) "Retirement will have to wait a bit longer."

And so, the currents of fate continue to pull Kahn into the fray, his dreams of a peaceful retirement clashing with the ever-turning wheels of destiny.