
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Anime und Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 104

"When did you wake up!"

Nami, who was holding Lott, looked very excited.

"that…I just woke up, and if nothing happens, let me go…"

His head was wrapped in something extremely soft. Although it was really nice for a man, don't forget that he was still injured. It was still a bit uncomfortable to pull him like this, so he hoped that Nami would let her go. Speak nicely again

"Do you want to sleep for a while? According to what Dr. Gureva said, you have only slept for about 5 hours so far. I think you should go back to bed and lie down for a while?"

Nami actually obeyed and let go of Lot, but she turned around and took Lot's hand and walked into the room.

"No, no, I don't feel sleepy right now…"

Lot waved his hands quickly and looked at Nami's overly caring gesture. Several questions popped up in his head. Why did Nami treat him like a child when he woke up?…

Although he is indeed a little weak now, he is not as weak as a child.


Wapol, who was kicked and fell to the first floor, got up from the ground and looked at the two people upstairs who were having sex with each other. He felt angry. When had the king of his country ever been treated like this?!

No, after all, what happened in the past two days is that the Straw Hats have been causing trouble!

Yesterday he was treated like a ball and beaten away with a bat on the ship. Today he tried to take back his castle but was blocked by the Straw Hats. Now he was even kicked away, and he was kicked away as if he were trash. After that, she showed off her affection on the spot without even looking at him!

He has decided! After finding the arsenal, swallow all the weapons in your belly, then ravage these people, and then combine this couple into a disgusting monster!

After formulating what he thought was a vicious plan in his mind, Luffy broke in

"asshole! You guy actually sneaked away during the fight!"

As soon as he appeared, Luffy shouted angrily at Wapol, and then he glanced at Lot upstairs from the corner of his eyes. His expression suddenly changed, and he shouted to Lot with great joy:

"Very good! Lot! You finally woke up!"

"Yo, Luffy! You are there too – no! Isn't that my coat?!! How shabby!"

Lot was also very happy to see that his friends who were scattered by the avalanche were there, but when he noticed the familiar but tattered clothes that Luffy was wearing, he put his hands on the railing and looked towards them. he questioned

"Ah, sorry! It's all this guy's fault for blasting someone else's pirate flag with a cannon!"

Luffy immediately passed the responsibility to Wapol who was standing aside.

"How does the pirate flag he used to blast others with a cannon have anything to do with my clothes on you!"

"Well, well—forget it, when he took that dress away, I didn't expect to come back intact."

For some reason, Nami suddenly acted as peacemaker. Luffy was happy. She looked down at him and changed the subject:"Anyway, I spent 20,000 beli to buy the clothes you are wearing, so I will pay you three times the compensation. Another discount, you owe me 100,000 Baileys, right?"

"Ah! This is not even 100,000 Baileys!"

Luffy counted on his fingers and said quickly.

"Because 200 million Baileys is the price I spent a lot of effort to negotiate, and its original price was not this."

Nami narrowed her eyes and showed a money-loving smile.

"Why are you so calculating!"

Luffy was so shocked that his jaw dropped. How can anyone calculate compensation like this?

"Ha ha ha ha! it's time! You stinky brats!"

At this moment, Wapol's arrogant laughter interrupted the conversation of several people. He touched the door of a warehouse and said confidently:"This is the weapons depot! Only I have this door key! There are all kinds of weapons here! Now I want to eat them all and use the Tuntun Fruit to turn it into a part of my body! You will soon see the most terrifying [human weapon] in the world]!"

Wapol had already begun to imagine how he would defeat the group of people in front of him later, but when he reached for his waist, he realized that the key that had been hanging there was missing!

"Why is the key gone? It's over!"

Wapol was shocked.


Several other people on the field looked at him silently

"It's hard for me! Thirty-six strategies are the best ones!"Being stared at by several people, Wapol immediately chose to run away, and Luffy immediately followed him.

"ah…It turns out that this is the key to the weapons arsenal, just the key to the financial report arsenal…."

Nami took out a key from somewhere, shook it in front of her eyes, and said to herself with some pity.

"It's boring – but forget it, Lot, are you still feeling uncomfortable in any way? Hands and feet? Or the brain?"

Putting the key into a pocket, Nami looked at Lot with a concerned smile.

"Well, I don't feel uncomfortable in any of the places you mentioned, I'm just a little hungry – and, if it's the best thing, please help me find a jacket…."

Lot crossed his arms and looked around at the surrounding environment covered with ice and snow.

I couldn't help but wonder, didn't this look like the interior of a castle? Why is it covered with ice and snow like outside? It's so cold that he's wearing only a pair of underpants and bandages on his hands and feet, and not a single strand of hair anywhere else.

"right! Go back to your room first. I'll help you look for coats and food in other rooms!"

Nami pressed her hands on Lot's back and pushed her into the room.


On the other side, Luffy chased Wapol to a room on the roof, where there was a cannon with seven barrels that the latter called the"Royal Drum Crown Seven-Series Shot Iron Cannon". It looks very bluffing.

Wapol, who arrived first, had already put his hand on the cannon firing mechanism. Luffy, who was chasing after him, saw a super thick cannon pressed against his head as soon as he opened the door, which frightened him immediately. A jump.

But just after Wapol pulled the switch, not only did not a single cannonball shoot out from the seven barrels, but a few snowbirds even flew out from inside, as if the gears were running due to the sound of Wapol pulling the mechanism. Frightened, these snowbirds flew around the room for a while, and then a lump of warm stuff landed on Wapol's head.

"Dead bird! Stinky bird! I am the king of the drum kingdom!"

Wapol was furious, but he was helpless against the snowbirds flying in the sky.

"It's all over! I don't care what kind of king you are! I'm a pirate!!"

Luffy took the opportunity to rush in front of Wapol and grabbed his face with one hand.

"Are you saying that just because you are a pirate, you don't care about my status? Hahaha! How can it be! I am the king of the world government's affiliated kingdom! Straw Hat, do you know what it means when you hit me?!!"

Grabbing Luffy's arm with both hands, Wapol immediately wanted to break away, but found that no matter how hard he tried, the hand was still motionless. He immediately wanted to scare Luffy with the World Government behind him.

"Hitting me means you are going against the World Government—poof!!"

Before he could finish speaking, Luffy hit him on the chin with a fist from below, and when he flew towards the roof, he shouted disdainfully:"I don't care what world politics you do.���! No matter who it is that hurts my partner, I will never let him go!!"


The huge force caused Wapol to fly off the top of the tower, and then his fat body got stuck there, unable to move, and it was on the top of another tower not too far away from him. , holding the pirate flag that he had blasted with a cannon several times but still stayed there intact.

At this moment, the skull on the pirate flag seemed to be laughing at him.

Outside the castle, Chopper was originally pulling a He lowered his hat and covered his eyes with the brim of his hat. His tone was full of happiness that could not be concealed, and he whispered to Gureva,"Mother Dolly, he said I am…partner…"


Gulewa didn't say anything, but looked at Chopper with eyes full of relief and a smile on her lips.

She knew that her silly son was almost cured of his mental illness, but was killed by a group of pirates who had just arrived here not long ago.

Then, the movement from the roof attracted the attention of the two people, and they both raised their heads and looked up.

"The ignorant guy! Don't touch other people's skull and crossbones flags!"

Luffy also came to the top of the tower, fist bumped his hands, and looked at Wapol with a malicious smile on his face.


Wapol was extremely frightened, but he had no idea what to do. His strength was completely unable to push open the tower that trapped him. He could only watch helplessly as Luffy swung his arm back, stretching it to even length. Zoro and his party, who were taking the cable car to the top of the mountain, all saw it.

"Doctor Dori, Drum Kingdom…"

Raising his head and looking at the two figures on the top of the castle, Chopper whispered

"This country was defeated by skeletons! Hee hee hee!"

The figures of Luffy and Wapol were reflected in the sunglasses. Looking at the pirate flag fluttering in the wind that represented Siruluk's will, Gureva didn't know what she thought of and laughed happily.



Amid roars and screams, Luffy gave Wapol the final blow:"Bazooka!!"


The stretched out hands were quickly retracted and bombarded Wapol. The damage caused caused the stairs around him to be blown away together. Wrapped in the gravel, Wapol turned into a ball. The meteor flew to nowhere

"Hey, don't pull me!!"

The cable car just arrived at the top of the mountain. Zoro was the first to come out. He looked disgusted and wanted to push Usopp away who was grabbing his waist.

"Oh well! I'll cover it!"

Because he didn't know the specific situation on the top of the mountain, Usopp, who was afraid of the danger, was extremely cowed.

"If you kid is scared, just follow me!"

"who…Who is afraid! I am…"

Usopp still wanted to defend himself, but the next second he heard Luffy's shout. When he raised his head and looked up, he saw their captain swooping towards them from the sky with red eyes.

After a"boom", Usopp fell to the ground with a bloody head. Zoro, who had escaped the disaster, was furious and immediately scolded Luffy:"You're out of your mind!!""

"No, the clothes you were wearing looked familiar to me, and I thought you were from Wapol's group, hehe."

Luffy said with a playful smile while rubbing his head.

"Luffy! Are Namelott and Sanji okay?"

Weiwei, who came out of the cable car at the last step, was more concerned about the safety of her other partners.

"Ah, everything is fine"

"So what are you doing on top of the castle? Zoro asked angrily. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, Usopp wouldn't have been the only one to fall.

"Oh, this, I just beat the king named Wapol away!"

"Is the man who flew over just now Wapol?!"

When Dalton, who had just emerged, heard what Luffy said, he immediately exclaimed:"What about the remaining two people?"

"Got rid of it by the reindeer over there."Luffy pointed to Chopper who was hiding behind a tree not far away and said,"That's right!! Let me tell you, I found a new partner!"

Luffy turned to look at his three friends, eager to introduce Chopper.

"reindeer…Take Wapol and the others…"

At first, Dalton didn't realize what a reindeer was. But when he looked at the figure hiding behind the tree with most of his body exposed, memories of the past suddenly flooded into his mind, and he immediately knelt down towards Chopper. down

"Thanks! The Drum Kingdom will definitely be reborn!!"

Because it was too cold outside, the people who came up finally poured into the castle.

Sanji, who returned to the castle first, happened to meet Nami who was looking for food. After learning that Lot was very hungry, he also followed. He joined the searching team and soon found a pile of food in a cold storage.

Although Lot said he was hungry now, he thought that there was Luffy outside and several other friends who might also come here. , and having found a new partner, Luffy was definitely going to start a party loudly. In the end, Sanji and Nami walked into the kitchen with food for dozens of people.

When a group of people walked in When they arrived at the castle, the banquet started naturally.

During this period, Weiwei also talked to a few people who had been on the top of the mountain about what happened down the mountain.

How Sauron, who was originally guarding the ship, came here, and how Wapol was coming up. The village below had been attacked before. Although Dalton, who rushed back, initially had the upper hand in the battle, the despicable Jess used civilians as hostages to sneak attack Dalton and severely injured him. Then the big avalanche came.

Wapol used his Devil Fruit ability to escape, and then headed towards the top of the mountain.

At this time, Vivi, Usopp, and Zoro got lost due to the avalanche and walked back. In the village, they met Wapol's soldiers who were about to attack the villagers. Sauron rushed forward and cut down all the soldiers in less than a minute. The enemy clothes he was wearing were from one of them at that time. The soldiers had taken it off.

Then [Doctor 20], who had been controlled by Wapol, said that they were actually not used to seeing Wapol for a long time, and then took the initiative to perform surgery on the seriously injured Dalton.

In the end, including Dole Immediately, a bunch of villagers wanted to end things with Wapol, and then Zoro and the others happened to be looking for Luffy and the others, so they came up together.