
One Piece: Dark Justice Spandam

Spandam, the de facto enemy boss during the Water 7 arc. He harbors an insatiable thirst for power and madness, gaining enough strength to easily destroy the world, yet still yearning for a peaceful happiness that will never return. Caring only for himself, he disregards all others. If they don't oppose him, they can do as they please; if they become his enemies, he shows no mercy. It is the tale of a monster living in such madness-drenched darkness. *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Cat tail

KangTL · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

The Chief Commander's job is demanding.

Of course, as the CP9 Director, my workload is substantial. When I arrive in the morning, the first thing that greets me is a tower of papers on my desk.

After all, Enies Lobby alone has over 10,000 personnel, and being the top authority, I receive numerous reports and documents daily. Considering the various other tasks and responsibilities, it's no wonder the paper tower keeps piling up.

Recently, especially after the attack on Mary Geoise, the revolutionary forces have been active in various regions, leading to a natural increase in the work for CP members affiliated with the World Government.

However, I wonder about the revolutionary army... Even if they were to overthrow the World Government as planned, what do they intend to do afterward? The world would descend into chaos on a global scale, and I wonder if the revolutionary army has the necessary resources and capabilities to manage that.

In the world of One Piece, the influence of the World Government and the Marines is vast and immense. If they were to disappear, it would likely lead to a post-apocalyptic scenario.

While such a revolution might work on a national scale, I doubt it would be feasible on a global level. But well, it's not something I should concern myself with.

That said, I still receive plenty of orders to clean up after other CP members. I have to allocate tasks, ensuring they don't overlap with each agent's leave schedule. When infiltration missions go longer than expected, adjustments are needed.

All the expenses and requests from CP9 members eventually end up on my desk for approval. The workload of the Chief Commander is quite substantial. Spandam from the original story and my predecessor managed it quite well.

I used to think they were incompetent, but perhaps they were actually quite efficient in handling administrative tasks.

"Cha-pa-pa-pa! Chief, there's a huge pile of papers today!"

"Oh, a towering white fortress... imposing! I can sense the intimidation!"

"Perfect timing. Fukurou, Kumadori, here's the allocation for the next mission and the schedule. Review it."


As Fukurou and Kumadori entered the Chief's room, I realized that they were currently not on any missions. It seems that when CP9 members have nothing to do or are on standby, they gather in the Chief's room.

Well, it's convenient for us as we can easily communicate, so I just let them be. But I hope they don't mistake it for a lounge.

"By the way, Chief, do you think you'll be okay with this many papers?"

"Today's actually a bit less than usual. I should be done in two hours."


"Ahh, as expected of the Chief!"

We chatted for a while and started processing the papers. We checked reports and wrote responses where necessary, organizing them separately.

I also had to handle various requests and supply applications from CP9 members. I reviewed them and stamped my approval. Mission-related matters were either assigned to agents or, if it was more efficient for other CP units to handle it regionally, forwarded to them.

As we continued processing the paperwork, I picked up the Den Den Mushi receiver as it rang.

"It's Spandam."

"Baskerville here. About the recent incident..."

"I've already issued the orders as instructed. Reassess and select proper jurors for the death row convicts. If you need assistance with personnel, submit the required documents for review."


Even when I read the original story, I couldn't believe it—expecting a fair jury for death row convicts and criminals is just laughable. It's utterly futile.

Besides, the very act of allowing death row convicts to wear masks and swing iron balls is the mistake from the start.

"It's Spandam."

"I'm sorry, Spandam-san. There's something I wanted to ask.."

"For those cases, CP3 has jurisdiction in the area. Make prior contact with them and cooperate on the matter... Oh, and don't forget, you're the CP5 chief now, not me."

"Oh no, there's no way I can handle the same workload as you, Spandam-san..."

"Sigh... For now, forward anything you can't handle to me following standard procedures. That's all."

My successor as CP5 chief still seems uncertain and often contacts me for advice. While I don't mind offering some guidance, I hope they become more confident in making decisions on their own.

Now, the next set of papers... Oh, looks like there's no assigned member for this. It's in the first half of the three islands in the sea, and all of them involve assassinations... Well, I guess I'll take care of this task myself in the afternoon.

Next up is cleaning up after another CP... CP7 again? They've had quite a few consecutive failures recently, haven't they?

"Pochi, inform the CP7 chief that we need to talk about their recent mission failures. Ask them to make time this evening."

"Understood. I'll send the completed documents to the respective departments."

"Thanks. Also, when I return, I should be done, so please prepare some coffee."


Surprisingly, there were fewer complicated documents than I expected, and I might finish earlier than planned.

"Cha-pa... No matter how many times I see it, it's amazing, Chief."

"Oh yes! The speed is overwhelming, I can't even see the details!"

We continued chatting while processing the papers.


Once the paperwork is done, I sip the coffee Pochi brewed for me and read the newspaper. Information is a valuable resource. As the head of an intelligence agency, I have access to a wealth of information. However, some information is easily obtainable, while others are more challenging to come by. That's why newspapers are also essential.

For example, news about the death of Fisher Tiger or the arrest of Arlong, which isn't widely publicized, can be quickly acquired. On the other hand, information like the death of the actress Victoria Sindry during a stage performance is better collected from newspapers or similar sources.

"Chief, what article are you reading?"

"The obituary of Victoria Sindry."

"I see. You're into obituaries, huh?"

"Is that how you perceive me, someone who gets excited reading obituaries? Quite the nerve. I'll make the next training session even tougher."

"... That's harassment, Chief."

"... Well, whatever. What else do you want to talk about?"

Califa in the Chief's room makes exasperating comments, but pointing out harassment is almost like a habit for her, so I casually respond and prompt her to continue.

"Can I include cosmetics in the expenses?"

"Write it down as equipment for undercover operations in your application, and you can include clothing as well. However, keep in mind that there are limits to the quantity and cost."

"Understood... Oh, Chelsea, could you get me some coffee too?"

"Sure thing."

Do they seriously think this is the break room? They visit so frequently that I even replaced the sofa in the Chief's room with a larger one.

As I ponder that, I notice Kaku sitting across from Kalifa with a troubled expression.

"Kaku, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm thinking of getting a new sword, but it's been hard finding a good one."

"My old man has a sword that turns into an elephant?"

"... No, I don't need that."

"Alright, then I'll introduce you to some contacts. Check them out. Also, while it won't cover the entire cost, you can apply for a subsidy to partially cover the purchase expenses. Once you buy it, go to the accounting department and ask about it."

"I see. That's helpful. Thanks."

As the head of Enies Lobby, it's only natural to have plenty of contacts with weapons dealers and receive sales pitches often.

But do they really need those strange gauntlet swords from the Cipher Pol? Flat-out rejecting them might lead to a decline in motivation, and it's not like they need excessive funds for it... but I suppose those combat methods could be achieved with other means, like grappling hooks.


After having lunch, I completed three assassination orders that had no opponents, using it as post-meal exercise, and sent the completion documents to higher-ups.

Now, the remaining tasks are to inspect the repair sites and give a warning to CP7's chief... It takes about 25 minutes to reach CP7 headquarters, so I have quite a bit of spare time.

Should I train a bit?

"...So, why are you guys here? CP0."

"Oh, well, after the last incident, we felt our lack of strength..."

"We thought we could receive guidance from Spandam-dono..."

"Alright, I guess that's fine. If you have missions the next day, let me know in advance."

Since the encounter with the Five Elders, CP0 has been coming quite frequently. In fact, even those who weren't there at that time are visiting now.

Well, it's convenient to have powerful people skilled in Haki as training partners, so I don't mind at all...

"By the way, Chief Spandam. Don't you teach Haki to your subordinates?"

"I could, but providing Haki training requires a considerable amount of time, and I can't afford such long-term and continuous training. Many CP9 members are still in the process of developing their abilities, so I'm putting that on hold for now. Speaking of which, when do CP0 members learn Haki?"

"When we move up from CP9 to CP0, we undergo specialized training in a dedicated facility to learn Haki. Those who successfully learn it become official members of CP0."

"I see..."

Haki training is quite challenging. The lack of a one-size-fits-all method due to individual differences is one of the reasons.

Pochi, who trusted my words completely, was able to learn Haki quickly, but it still took some time.

To teach Haki to CP9 members would require even more time... but I don't have that much free time. Besides, there are many other things I need to teach them.

They will eventually receive training from specialized instructors in the dedicated facility. The early parts of the Grand Line rarely require the use of Haki, and in the event they need to face a natural enemy, Pochi and I can handle it. There aren't many natural enemies to deal with anyway.

So, there's no need to rush.

"Anyway, I mostly learned Haki on my own. I'm not the best at giving instructions, I think."

"Really? On the contrary, your instructions are easy to understand, and we learn a lot from them..."

"...I see, then let me give you one piece of advice. Mah, you should try to be able to dodge bullets unconsciously."

"That's quite a high bar all of a sudden..."

It might decrease the chance of getting killed in a clash with Izou in Wano.

"...By the way, Chief Spandam, aren't you coming to CP0? You could even take the Director position now, I think."

"I won't go, and they probably won't appoint me to CP0 either. The Five Elders probably understand my nature pretty well."

"What do you mean?"

"They probably think I'm highly likely to kill a Celestial Dragon. We're a terrible match, you see."

"I see..."

There's no doubt that the compatibility between me and the Celestial Dragons is terrible. We share a mutual loathing and a sense of self-importance that revolves only around ourselves... If I saw them impulsively killing innocent civilians, I might end up killing them, remembering my past life.

The Five Elders probably also realize the terrible match we are, so they won't promote me to CP0. Besides, my current position is already too high, and I have no intention of going any higher.

"...Anyway, are Mah and Gernica the only ones today?"

"Yes, the others are on missions. They wanted to come, though."

"Then, should I call Pochi too...? But even with three against one, it won't be much of a match."

"I don't feel like we'd be much of a match even with three against one..."

With a slight wry smile at that comment, I mentally map out the inspection route for the repair sites after the training. It's best to check from a distance, but the residential area to the west will be crowded with people returning home in the evening, so I'll head there first...

CP9 Chief's job is truly demanding. Perhaps those in lower positions have more spare time, so can I become a Four Blues Branch Chief or something like that?


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