
One Piece: Dark Justice Spandam

Spandam, the de facto enemy boss during the Water 7 arc. He harbors an insatiable thirst for power and madness, gaining enough strength to easily destroy the world, yet still yearning for a peaceful happiness that will never return. Caring only for himself, he disregards all others. If they don't oppose him, they can do as they please; if they become his enemies, he shows no mercy. It is the tale of a monster living in such madness-drenched darkness. *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Cat tail

KangTL · Anime und Comics
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85 Chs

Once involved, there's no reason to let it go

Due to Enies Lobby being located in the first half of the Grand Line, I don't have many opportunities to go to the New World. Well, being the Fleet Admiral, most of my work is naturally here in Enies Lobby, but considering the amount of work I handle, it feels like I'm often out in the field.

Anyway, I'm currently on one of the islands in the New World, Punk Hazard.

"Panda, are you ready?"

"Yeah, start whenever you like."

I nodded in response to Lilith's words transmitted through the communication device. The reason I'm here in Punk Hazard is to assist Lilith with her experiments. Well, she has been helping me with various things lately, so I thought I'd return the favor by helping her with the experiments.

This time, the pretext is to test a newly developed weapon... Lilith explained the outline in advance, saying it was a weapon inspired by Admiral Kizaru's abilities.

In other words, it's a laser that will eventually be installed on the Pacifistas.

"Alright, let's do this. It's an improved version with considerable power..."


With Lilith's voice, the laser came flying towards me, and I used my hand to deflect it.

"...You're kidding, right? It's a laser, you know... Oh, Pechin, stop that. I didn't think it would reach you and you'd wave it away like a pesky bug. Show a bit more defense, make me feel defeated. Is that alright? I'll cry, I'll cry like a baby, you know? It's really annoying, you know?"

"...What kind of threat is that? Be more specific about what you want."

"In that case, try to avoid it instead of defending..."

As she said that, the wall in front of me slid open, revealing numerous laser weapons that fired one after another. I dodged them for a while until I heard Lilith's voice again.

"...I'm close to tears, but well, how was it as feedback?"

"The power is reasonable, but since it's light, the trajectory is straight. If you know the timing of the shots, anyone, not just me, can easily avoid it. It won't work on someone who can use Observation Haki."

"I see... As I thought. Can I shoot at full power for the last test?"

"Do whatever you want."

In response to my reply, the angles of the numerous laser weapons changed, focusing the light into an extremely thick laser beam. Since I'm participating in the experiment, I decided it would be better to take the hit rather than dodge, so I put my hand out in a palm strike.

"...It's got quite a heat, but there's no physical pressure since it lacks mass. Anyone who can withstand high temperatures can easily take it."

"Hey, you've focused that much light into a laser... How many degrees do you think that is? You're like a personification of the irrational...!"

Though I could hear an exasperated voice, I decided that I had done my part in the experiment and left the lab, heading to Lilith.

After organizing the data, I glanced at Lilith and sipped the coffee she prepared for me while looking out the window. It was a lush island with various trees visible, quite different from the Punk Hazard in the original story.

"...That should do it. Now it's time to hand over the data to Lapis Pythagoras."

"We're not fully dividing the work, are we?"

"Well, to some extent, we each do our own thing. But for collaborative projects, it's a different story... By the way, my main job is to secure research funding."

"I see... So, did you find it helpful?"

"Yes, it was a great help. My brain is about to be fried, but I got some good data."

Lilith made herself a cup of coffee, sat across from me, and after taking a sip, she grinned and spoke.

"By the way, Panda... Since you came all this way, would you mind helping with some other experiments? Just a little...?"

"Sigh... Well, I guess it's fine. I have time today."

"Really!? You came, Panda's dere period—is here!? Hey, stop that, that compressed-air attack that blows away. How can such a light motion have such a force to knock someone over...?"

While sighing at Lilith, who says foolish things despite being intelligent, I drank my coffee. Despite pressing her forehead, Lilith started picking up experiments she wanted me to help with. At that moment, I felt a slight tremor.

"What's this... Hey, that tremor just now? Haa!? What is it! That idiot, that's why I told her not to get involved with him in her research..."

Ignoring Lilith as she yelled into the communication device, I expanded my Observation Haki. On an island like Punk Hazard, I can cover everything.

...There was a trace of an explosion in the central area, spreading smoke, and people running away... Oh, I see, it must be an accident with Caesar Clown's poison gas weapon... Well, what perfect timing.

Nothing I can do. If Lilith suffers any harm, it would be a significant loss.

"Lilith, report the situation."

"That idiot caused an explosion with the poison gas weapon at the central lab. It's a considerable amount of gas, but the speed of the spread isn't that fast."

"...Get the staff to take temporary shelter indoors. I'll disperse the gas."

"Got it!"

Hearing my instructions, Lilith immediately issued orders through the communication device and followed me outside.

The research facility I was in was located near the outer perimeter of the island, so there was a considerable distance to the central area, but well... that's not a big problem.

"Panda, indoor evacuation is complete."

"Understood... I'll disperse it with the wind."

"Yeah, because of the nature of the poison gas, a certain amount is necessary for the effect to be effective. Dispersing it widely with the wind is effective, but... isn't that too much for the entire island?"

"No problem."

After a quick confirmation from Lilith, I released a palm strike towards the central direction of the island. Of course, I controlled the force to avoid causing buildings to collapse, but the displaced air turned into a gust, pushing away the poison gas.

Using Observation Haki to confirm the scale of the poison gas, I released several palm strikes, successfully pushing away most of the poison gas.

"I've scattered it to some extent."

"...You really like to pick fights with science... Well, never mind."

Though Lilith said it in exasperation, she immediately jumped onto my back.

"I want to see the whole island. Please, Panda."

"Hold on tight."

Understanding what Lilith wanted, I carried her piggyback style and performed Moonwalk to rise to a position where we could see the entire island.

Lilith took out something resembling binoculars from her pocket and directed her gaze towards the central area of the island.

"...The central research facility is beyond repair. The second research facility is partially destroyed, but most of it is due to the heat from the explosion; there is no residual poison gas inside. The origin of the poison gas weapon is still generating poison gas from the remains of the central research facility... It's a shame to lose research data, but we can't turn the whole island into a world of death... Right, Shaka! Are there any people within a 1 km radius from the remains of the central research facility? Everyone has been evacuated... including the prisoners, right?"

Certainly, I had blown away a large part of the gas, but there was still a considerable amount left inside the central research facility. The poison gas weapon looks like a Smiley in shape when seen with Observation Haki... At this point, H2S seemed to be just a poisonous gas bomb, but either way, it doesn't change what I have to do.

Lilith, who had immediately organized her thoughts, reported to me after confirming through communication.

"Panda! Please, somehow deal with the area within a 1 km radius from the central research facility. The facility can be discarded, and there are no people left. Also, I want to see Twelve True Strikes!!"

"...You have an interesting personality, you know that?"

I couldn't help but be amused by Lilith, who added her own request even in this situation. I let her down near a nearby building and then moved above the central research facility using Shave.

"Strom Leg: Rin!"

From above, I cut the ground with a circular Arashikyaku, then landed. The area was still filled with poison gas, and the surroundings were hot due to the impact of the explosion, but I was not affected at all. I inserted my hand into the cut and armed my weapon with Armament Haki to temporarily protect the area, including the central research facility, from being crushed by my power. Then I lifted the entire land within a 1 km radius from the central research facility and threw it into the diagonal sky.

Timing it for when the thrown land was well away from Punk Hazard, I swung my fist filled with Haki.

"Twelve True Strikes!"

The two impacts collided in mid-air, turning into a massive black sphere of force that erased the land where the poison gas weapon Smiley and the central research facility were located.

Some gas remained, and some environmental investigation would be necessary... but for now, Punk Hazard seemed to be safe from becoming a wasteland.

After confirming that, I returned to Lilith. She was drooling, her mouth agape, as she looked up at the sky in awe.

"Hey, Lilith. It's over, you know?"

"...You're... amazing, Panda... That kind of power shouldn't be wielded by a human alone. Haaah... my brain is really melting away..."

"Before your brain melts, make sure to do a post-event check or something. I'll head back to your lab."

"Ah... Thank you. I'm glad you were here, Panda."

I waved my hand lightly to Lilith and walked towards her lab while pondering. I didn't intend to get involved in the Punk Hazard arc, but I guess you could say it was just bad timing... Well, it's better this way, as it could have been a big problem if something happened to Lilith. As long as we were able to resolve it without any issues, that's fine.


The Punk Hazard poison gas weapon explosion accident caused by the scientist Caesar Clown, a member of World Government's Specialized Chemical Division No. 2, was minimized due to the intervention of Cipher Pol 9's Chief Spandam, who happened to be present at the scene.

Even the prisoners used for human experiments were unharmed, thanks to the swift handling of the poison gas. Some prisoners attempted to escape amidst the chaos, but all were apprehended by Spandam.

Nevertheless, two out of three large research facilities were almost completely destroyed, resulting in a massive loss of research achievements, leading to the temporary closure of Punk Hazard's research facilities.

During this time, some parts of Vegapunk's cat satellite experienced temporary confusion, making it unable to function properly. However, it recovered after about a month.

It is said that during this incident, one of the satellites named Evil Lilith muttered, "I told you not to look since your brain will get fried..."

In the course of handling this incident, Spandam was expected to receive a reward from the World Government for his achievements, but he refused, saying, "If there's money, give it to the Chemical Division that suffered the damages." The reward money was subsequently used to rebuild the Specialized Chemical Division, and Spandam was hailed as a hero in the division.

Amidst these events, the mastermind behind the incident, Caesar, was captured by the Marines and being transported when he desperately escaped and fled to a small island.

"Shurororo... There's no way I'll die here... I can kill more people than Vegapunk. I am the world's greatest scientist! Watch me, one day the world will need me. Until then, I'll gather my strength..."

Dreaming of becoming great by creating a weapon that can kill more people than anyone else and ruling the world as the King of Death, the mad scientist Caesar smiled with ambition for his resurgence.

However, as dreams are written as transient, his dream was shattered here.

"...You had bad luck."

"W-Who are you...?"

In a deserted beach where nobody should be, I turned my gaze to the direction where the voice suddenly came from, and there stood a figure wearing a clown-like mask, a hat adorned with dragon motifs, and a black robe that concealed his body... an existence that resembled the Grim Reaper.

"At first, I had no particular intention for what to do with you, but the timing was bad. As a result, I got involved and changed a part of it... So, wouldn't it be better to finish it all the way?"

"N-No... A-Are you... let's join forces! If you and I team up, we can even control the world..."

Trembling and desperately trying to speak, Caesar received only one word in response from the masked man.

"- I shall enforce justice in the darkness."

As he uttered those words, an intense pressure emanated from the masked man. It was more than enough for Caesar to understand his fate.

"Wait... W-Wait! That's right! Let's work together! If you and I... the world will..."

The trembling Caesar desperately continued to speak, but the masked man replied with just one word.

"――Executing the justice of darkness."


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