
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs

The Mighty Dragon

(3rd Person View)

"Oi, rookie." Kuzan said to the Dragon Knight, "Don't get too cocky."

He launched himself up and above him.

"Ice Block: Partisan!"

Kuzan formed several spears of ice and fired them at The Dragon Knight.

The Dragon Knight merely swung his sword, sending several air slices which destroyed the spears with ease.

Kuzan then landed behind him and crossed his arms as he faced his back.

"Ice Ball!"

He fired a stream of ice at The Dragon Knight, which hit him and immediately encased him in a sphere of Ice.

Starrk watched as this happened. He was a bit shocked at how quickly Kuzan did this.

"Bastard could've done that to me..." He said

Kuzan saw the massive sphere of ice he had formed and merely adjusted his glasses.

"Damn upstart." He said, "Thought he could do something."

"Are you dumb or something?" Starrk told Kuzan

"Huh?" Kuzan said

Before Starrk answered, Kuzan saw a ballista bolt suddenly hit the sphere and caused a crack. He also watched as a fuse was lit and slowly burned toward what seemed like an explosive. It then exploded, causing the ice sphere to shatter.

The Dragon Knight stood there unfazed as Starrk watched this.

"Kuzan." The Dragon Knight said, "I have no use for you here."

Kuzan raised his eyebrow, "Oh?"

The Dragon Knight turned around and swung his blade, "Begone."

His sword was coated with an immense amount of armament haki. This surprised Kuzan who tried to avoid the attack but he was a bit too slow.

Having no choice, Kuzan shattered his body into ice and allowed the Dragon Knight to land the attack. This would mitigate the damage done to him, but it would hurt him a bit since The Dragon Knight not only used Armament coating but also an advanced technique.

Starrk noticed this, "Advanced armament?" He muttered, "This guy is strong."

Kuzan reformed himself and started panting a pit, a little blood dripping from his mouth.

He was a bit shocked by this, "Ara ara." He said, "I was not prepared for this."

The Dragon Knight then lunged at him once again and swung his blade at him again.

Kuzan then jumped back and thrust his palm forwards.

"Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!"

He sent a massive wave of Ice in the form of a pheasant toward the Dragon Knight.

"Foolish!" The Dragon Knight said as he swung his blade down with mighty force

The swing cut the ice pheasant in half, shattering the ice. Kuzan merely narrowed his eyes at this.

"Tch." He said, "You'll be a troublesome opponent."

"Not likely." The Dragon Knight replied

Before Kuzan could react, he was hit with a bombardment of cannon fire. The explosions that resulted from this were so massive that they towered over The Dragon Knight. This was meant to force Kuzan into his ice form and to keep him away from the fight as long as they can. He did not expect it to last much anyway.

"Well." The Dragon Knight said turning to Starrk, "Alas, we meet."

"Yea good to see you," Starrk said as he lunged at him without warning

Starrk reached him as he had reared his blade back into a thrusting position, coating it in armament haki.

"Ice: Giant Hunt!!!"

Starrk crouched as he took a step forward The Dragon Knight, charging up more armament haki on his blade. He then thrust his blade upwards at the Dragon Knight's chest, hitting with great force. This sent the Dragon Knight flying up, causing a massive shockwave.

Starrk watched as he landed on the ground, his sword landing next to him on the ice.

"Fucking asshole," Starrk muttered as he waited for him to get back up

The Dragon Knight then got up and clutched his chest plate.

"Hehehehe..." He chuckled

Starrk noticed the bombardment on Kuzan behind him was still going. He merely narrowed his eyes at the opponent in front of him. He found it quite unsettling that he was laughing.

"Quite the attack...If it weren't for my armament haki, I would've probably gotten pierced." The Dragon Knight said, "Giant Hunt, was it? Heh, just like Elden Ring."

Starrk widened his eyes, "What?" He said in shock, "What did you say?"

Instead of answering, The Dragon Knight grabbed his sword and in an instant, lunged at Starrk.

Starrk blocked his sword with Ice as the clash caused a massive shockwave that cracked the ice below them.

"Holy fuck!" Starrk exclaimed, "This power!"

"You're not so bad yourself, Starrk." The Dragon Knight said, "The Man Who Knows The Future. What a cruel fucking joke she played on you."

Starrk widened his eyes again, "What the" he exclaimed before he was kicked in the stomach

The kick sent Starrk flying back as he landed several meters away.

The Dragon Knight pointed his massive greatsword at Starrk, "I've been looking forward to meeting you, Starrk." He said, "All of this planning, to lure the marines and Big Mom's kids to one place and cause a little bit of chaos. It was all to get a jab at you. To see how you'll react!"

Starrk narrowed his eyes, "What?"

The Dragon Knight planted his sword on the ice and extended his arms outwards, "Look around you, Starrk!" He said, "This...This is Power!!!"

Starrk looked around him. He saw a Navy Warship sending volleys of cannon fire at The Dragon Knight's ship only for it to be met with a volley of their own. Starrk immediately knew that it wasn't possible for any ordinary pirate ship. Their stuff is advanced.

He also noticed how the bombardment on Kuzan hasn't let up at all and he sense Kuzan was still caught up on it.

"What the..." He said

"I bet you're wondering how I'm doing that..." The Dragon Knight said, "I'll gladly tell you. But not now. Right now, I wanna see your power, Starrk. What are you made of? Did you seriously bend your knee to an emperor? You see, I am more than capable of challenging them."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Starrk told him

"Ah, Starrk." He told him, "This is the way of the New World. Either you bend your knee to the Yonko or you amass power to challenge them. And that is what I have, Starrk. POWER."

He then grabbed his sword and swung it at Starrk, sending a massive haki-infused air slice.

Starrk blocked the attack with his blade, struggling a bit to keep it at bay.

"From personal might to my ship's might." The Dragon Knight continued, "I have the means to keep an Admiral in place. Even if he's a logia user!"

Starrk then deflected the attack away, sending it flying. He gave The Dragon Knight a serious glare.

"Oi, you're done talking?" He said, "I admit, it's quite crazy you can keep a logia user like Kuzan in place. But even I know that it won't last forever and he won't die from it. He's not that weak. Question is, do you have the means to beat him?"

"Oh but I do." The Dragon Knight replied, "But right now, I wish to fight you. And establish my dominance."

Starrk shrugged, "Yea whatever." He said, "But you made one oversight, buddy."

"And what's that?" The Dragon Knight asked

"You're not the only one with fancy artillery." Starrk replied before pulling out his snail, "Oi, bastards..."

"Starrk! We're close to breaking free!!" Starrk's men could be heard from the snail

"Nice." Starrk said, "But before you guys do that, give The Dragon ship that little present I mentioned earlier."

"Oh I was waiting for that order!!" the guy said before hanging up

The Dragon Knight started chuckling a bit, "What could you possibly have in store?" He said, "Whitebeard would never invest in the type of weaponry I have!"

"Yea, but I would." Starrk said as he put the snail away, "And a word of advice, Dragon Knight.....Don't fuck with The Whitebeard Pirates."

Before The Dragon Knight could say anything, he noticed a loud bang coming from Starrk's ship. He saw a large figure shoot at his ship, hitting the side and causing a massive explosion that dwarfed half of the galleon. Flames and debris exploding everywhere, Starrk watched with a slight smirk. The explosion had sent an intense shockwave that cracked the ice severely.

"What??" The Dragon Knight exclaimed, "What the hell was that?!"

The explosion caused the bombardment on Kuzan to cease, leaving a massive ball of smoke and flames on the ice. Starrk sensed that Kuzan was still there, he assumed he was catching his breath in there and would emerge shortly.

As this happened, Garp saw this on his ship.

"Well shit!" he said, "Starrk actually had that up his sleeve!? Well, I'll be damned!"

"Sir, Borsalino and Momonga are arriving." Bogard said

"Good." Garp said, "Break the ice and advance on the Dragon Knight's ship. And someone go get Kuzan! That fool got himself in a pillar of flames, that moron!"

Back on the ice, The Dragon Knight watched as his ship had taken massive damage. He was taken aback at this, he never expected Starrk to have some sort of weapon that'll match his weaponry.

Starrk was about to continue the fight when he noticed the skies turn dark and heard thunder rumbling.

"What the?" He said as he stopped

He then felt a massive pressure and froze in place.

Everyone felt this pressure. From the marines to Starrk's men on his ship.

"Ohhhhh, shiiiiiit...." one of starrk's men said as they started to tremble

The Dragon Knight also felt it but was too preoccupied with his ship being in flames.

Starrk looked up above him and he widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Oh for fuck's sake...." He muttered under his breath, "What is he doing here?!"

They all saw a massive figure in the clouds emerging, a flash of azure scales.

On Garp's ship, he and Bogard looked up at his and a bead of sweat was on their faces.

"Yea, this is a bit unexpected..." Garp admitted, "Someone tell Sengoku we ain't catching the Dragon Knight today."

Bogard then looked to the side and to far distance.

"Sir!" He pointed at a large vessel approaching the scene

"Yea..." Garp said, "They're here. But why?"

Starrk looked as a massive dragon emerged from the clouds as lightning crackled and thunder rumbled loudly.

"WORORORORORO!!!!!" The dragon bellowed

Starrk gritted his teeth, "Fuck." He said,
